Signs You Should Decline The Job Offer

Signs You Should Decline The Job Offer

A Life After Layoff

3 года назад

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@ALifeAfterLayoff - 24.05.2021 23:21

*Please be diligent - there are spam accounts impersonating me. I will never ask you to sign up for a Whatsapp or solicit you to buy bitcoin, etc. Do not fall for this scam. Sucks that I even have to make these disclaimers. *

@strsocerplaya9 - 26.01.2024 22:38

The fact that people are judged by the esg scores of the company they worked for shouldnt happen. Just like not hiring women just for being women shouldn't happen. If you have good performance history and can do a job, that's what should matter.

@harrasingh998 - 26.01.2024 20:25

I wish I watched this before going for a role I had bad feelings about and wasn't giving me enough clarity about my long term goals

@elosogonzalez8739 - 26.01.2024 06:53

I'm in this situation right now. Thanks!

@mathman274 - 10.01.2024 06:48

I applied for a position at a fortune 500 company (fortune 100?), anyway, 4 interviews for a technical demanding long term experience needed position. Interview #1 was normal, enthusiastic. Interview #2 I was asked a strategical question. I answered I would involve the person that developed it. answer: That person recently quit. Interview #3 A technical, developer question. answer: 'that one recently quit". Interview #4 I'd include the researcher and program manager to determine what the goals are/were. answer: the program manager recently quit. My next question is, "so recently 3 key people quit, why?" There was no 5th interview.

@jamesmorgan2064 - 29.12.2023 18:11

This is great information.

@brahmabkitty03 - 15.12.2023 15:47

I had 2 offers of the table. 1 wfh the other in office. I took the in office 1 bc the wfh 1 low balled me and wouldn’t pay me for my experience.

@Geno2733 - 04.12.2023 07:11

I'm currently in my final weeks at my job. It's a union job, but the management group is tired of the constant grievances filed by the union. Now they're making EVERYONE'S life harder by installing tons of security cameras that pick up video and sound. This is creating a hostile work environment. I'm only hanging on until the 22nd, so i get my Christmas bonus before leaving.

@SANKETJOHN - 20.11.2023 17:21

Thank you so much. I asked strong questions in one of my last interviews. I felt bad for rejecting the company but now your perspective helped me calm my mind.

@thoth80 - 16.11.2023 20:36

Advertising benefits that are not available! I went to an interview where I was given an offer. When I asked about the advertised benefits they said perhaps a year from now! I responded with a higher salary requirement to cover for those falsely advertised benefits and never heard back.

@juki3451 - 12.11.2023 17:39

In today's economy, there's no employee/employer loyalty anymore unless you're being taken advantage of and/or underpaid.
One needs different revenue streams. As an employee, you are never in the driver's seat. Even if one negotiates a good salary, there's no guarantee of being let go soon after. There's nothing worse than looking for a job during an economic downturn or if you were caught off guard with "over-your-head" debts & know you're not in a position to be picky on the choices of offers. This can ruin your income/career trajectory.

@stabgod - 10.11.2023 02:02

I was a computer science major in junior college. With that AA degree secure I tested the employment waters looking for work in programming.

Had no trouble finding work, but the pay was completely subpar or the conditions were horrible.

One job payed below minimum wage, expected 60+ hours a week of labor but capped your timecard at 26 hours so you were technically part time and had no benefits. This of course was completely different from what we were promised. I gave them two weeks. They never payed me.

Another job at a fancy firm had a boss that was such a control freak that you were not allowed to walk in the main halls or office space during work hours, had to ask to go to the bathroom, had to use public bathroom in the other parts of the building, were not allowed to look the boss in the eye, etc. Gave them two weeks too, at least they payed me.

Eventually went back to school to finish my bachelor’s degree but changed my major to engineer. Best decision I ever made.

@emiliog.4432 - 04.11.2023 21:52

Employers want to squeeze the life out of people for crumbs. They think that paying $20/hr is a bonanza. Woo hoo.

@carmenboneck5631 - 03.11.2023 18:59

Hey Brian. I really like the tips you gave in this video. I was especially impressed with what you said about company reviews. I recently applied for two positions in the same remote company: ELA Teacher and ESL Teacher. I felt the urge to Google reviews for this company. I found 8 reviews with this company on Glassdoors, and most of them were bad. Not only that, but the two good ones I saw were much older than the bad ones I was seeing. The bad ones it seemed, came from people complaining about receiving a lower wage than the job description advertised or from people claiming to have not gotten support from the company when they asked for it. Of course, I don't completely trust reviews to be a reliable source of information, but you're right; seeing more bad reviews than good ones for a company is a huge red flag. Especially if the bad ones are far more recent than any good ones you're seeing, as was the case with this particular job I applied to. I have withdrawn my interest from that company and won't be applying to any future opportunities with them. Once again, thanks so much for this video.

@lagoldie9783 - 31.10.2023 03:06

Should you take a job if they want you to sign an arbitration waiver

@CrisGarcia6 - 27.10.2023 11:18

Don't forget that another reason to decline job offer is when the employer misclassifies employees as Independent Contractor 1099 instead of W2.

@amandlathree - 23.10.2023 14:20

What if you apply to a job and interview for it, and it’s all consistent, but then when offered and you accept the job, on day one you discover you will be doing something you did not sign up for, at least not to start on day one? This was a bait and switch tactic and I felt I was stuck after having signed the employment agreement. After the ten months of implementing this new application, I was laid off along with 29 others.

@LindaDooWop - 20.10.2023 06:23

I've been watching tons of these job videos. Yours are the best!

@jayeckson - 18.10.2023 17:48

We are seen as Schroedinger's workforce. We're supposedly all so desperate for work they feel justified lowballing like crazy because there's plenty of fish in the sea, but simultaneously we're all so lazy none of us want to work at all and they can't find employees.

@yellowberrypie - 17.10.2023 13:33

Lol that was my mistake. I joined a prestigious best 51 fortune companies to work for to get my foot in the door thinking I could take a job I am not too excited about to transfer. Company is great, job sucks. Still in my field of work just a diff focus, so now I want to leave.

@graciaschlafly7183 - 16.10.2023 05:06

A big red flag: A family owned and run organization. Generally, you will always be passed over for a promotion in favor of a family member.

@darylcheshire1618 - 12.10.2023 00:43

most employers want volunteers, in Australia, if you are receiving welfare payments you have to work in a voluntary capacity. Usually for charities, ie second hand shops.

@darylcheshire1618 - 12.10.2023 00:22

don’t go for the “dynamic” work envirnment.

@darylcheshire1618 - 12.10.2023 00:18

my friend is a nautropath but many job offers she gets in pharmacies are for sales assistants. That is advertises for natropaths but hints that it’s just a sales position.

@niastaton1941 - 11.10.2023 23:13

1. Job duties that are NOT in the job description !
2. Doesn't align with your LONG-term CAREER goals !
3. Job does NOT have a good reputation
4. Job is REPEATEDLY posted (A BAD job !)
5. Too many ADDED, UNREALISTIC job duties
6. *Pay isn't worth that position !
7. Toxic work environment !
8. Job that KEEPS asking u to work EXTRA hours
9. Too many past employees have quit

@mandybaker3584 - 26.09.2023 16:07

I was offered a job, they had refused to discuss salary at interview, but the salary offered was below what I was already getting, and a lot less than I had put as my expected salary on the application I submitted to them. I declined the job offer - instead of them offering me a higher hourly rate they offered to increase the hours instead at same poor hourly rate. Needless to say I declined again.

@RockeiraForEver14 - 10.09.2023 16:56

I got a call from a recruiter for a junior analyst role that promises great career development and training - its a small company. I had an interview this Friday that lasted 30 minutes since a fire alarm went off. He said he would be back. I waited 40 minutes before they called me saying they had enough information and to go on Monday for an in-person interview. And they expect me to know and talk about a programming language and about webscrapping - which I specifically said I had no experience in either and never worked with either - which today I guess I will need to look up to understand a bit and not embarass myself. They are rushing the process. And they told me as such, since they are starting their busiest time of the year. And I read reviews on Glassdoor and the company is a major red-flag with tons saying the training they promise is non-existent and that the culture is toxic, misogyny is expected, management is awful and pay is underpaid with expected overtime (some staying till 2am, and one even described physical altercations happening)... Lots of bad reviews over the years. Seems like a mad show. Only good ones come from Managers and only pros I found was "free water". I have no idea what to expect. But after reading the tons of negative reviews on the company culture I am thinking they will give me the job since they need the people even if the interview goes bad and i don't know if I should even go for it cause I've been unemployed over a year (due to mental health issues and grief) but also don't want to jump into the first thing if it's gonna be even worse... Okay i wrote too much. Anyone has advice? Like what would you do? I do have an interview schedule for a different company so I think I will continue to have new opportunities, I plan to ask many questions and see what the vibe of the office and the manager is like.

@ThatsNotVeryFunnyLol - 06.09.2023 20:56

Im finding myself trapped in a subpar job that definitely isn’t near the level Im looking for. Its leading me to underperforming, having a far commute, and much more, just because I was in a pinch and desperate for a job. Now its somewhat tough to look for new jobs in the same industry because Ive only been here less than 6 months and I just cant make it work here anymore. Very annoying!

@ThatsNotVeryFunnyLol - 06.09.2023 20:45

The thing is… for the average person (including me of course) its so hard finding an actual good job. Especially one that will check all the boxes. Environment, description, PAY, commute, management, etc. Alot of games are being played, alot of lies are being told, these jobs and recruiters and hiring managers always put on their best face when trying to get you in the door. It always seems enticing. The issue is, most of us are seeking a new job because our old one was terrible in some way and we obviously need to pay our bills and survive. So alot of people get stuck in the cycle, and people have bad job history because they are just simply searching for the proper fit. Yet, jobs dont get demerits for being an improper fit and having a higher turnover rate themselves. Its funny how that works. We can trash employees for not wanting to work, quitting easy, being lazy etc, but most of the time, some of their actions are more-so justified in some capacity.

@GetShwiftyInHere - 03.09.2023 20:38

I hate when the pay on indeed doesn't tell the full story. My brother found a job for me as a field service tech installing satellites and smart home systems. The posting said $50-60k a year, paid training at $20/hr. I applied and when compensation was brought up they explained that the position after training goes from hourly rate to Piece Pay, getting paid per job and you could get 3-5 jobs a day. It's "75/hr for 2 hours but if you complete the work in 30 minutes you get the full $75." Meaning that it isn't hourly based at all and that it's just $75 per job and once you get done or done early you have to call in to get another job otherwise after 2 hours you could be placed with another job. Job availability would be like that of grubhub or Uber eats where you have to hope there is another job. I declined the offer a day later after careful consideration. I need a payment that is certain, not based on the amount of jobs I've done. It was W2 based and not 1099 which was a plus.

@interlocution6619 - 31.08.2023 00:42

Why don't many employers understand that when they are interviewing a candidate for a position that the candidate is also interviewing the company? Any qualified candidate should be interviewing the employer to determine if it is a good fit for them in addition to trying to get the job. We don't just get hired for a job. We also hire our employers.

@The12thSeahorse - 23.08.2023 16:35

Isn’t most interviews…….smoke and mirrors…….you don’t know what’s going on inside the company until you get to the heart of it. Most employers would brag how their company is a five star ⭐️ company when in fact it’s probably only three stars 🌟.

@robertmazurowski5974 - 19.08.2023 13:27

I think this is not an environment right now for declining a job offer. Great advice though, thanks.

@demonatemu - 17.08.2023 21:34

i had a job posting said like "interior designer" but when i went for the interview it was straight up retail sales at a furniture store I was so mad when I left I felt tricked by the job posting

@bensassy8137 - 06.08.2023 02:38

I left my job of 12 years for a senior role at a rival and feel that my new employer has did the bait and switch on me! 3 weeks into my job,the hiring manager who hired me has resigned, 2x team leaders have quit, no training, long hours, staff cry daily and my 10x day USA vacation I mentioned during the interview stage and was given the okay, is now in jeopardy as management have advised the hiring manager did not seek approval from them. Im like WTTTTFFFFF

@jamieg1802 - 05.08.2023 17:07

great info, i am facing bait and switch jobs

@jacsherman - 03.08.2023 07:03

Is Glassdoor a good reference for learning a job's market value?

@MichaelaH2059 - 31.07.2023 03:13

I had a nice job interview with a local school. It would have been a perfect fit for me. However, it would have been a 30% pay cut. That's just too much. If they had posted the salary range along with the ad, I wouldn't have bothered to apply. The 'other' promising interview I had I eventually took my name off the list because the recruiter was an idiot. He screwed up my date/time for the first interview and repeated something negative he was told when he reached out to set up a 2nd interview. Gave me very bad vibes. Still looking.

@mahalaa5328 - 28.07.2023 19:04

I just turned down a job for the following reasons:

1. The recruiter was 4 months into the job. She didn’t seem too happy to be working for this company.
2. My direct supervisor was 2 months into the job and was new to the industry.
3. I was told the job was vacant for 6 months.
4. There was no training program implemented. It was a sink or swim situation.
5. There was the perk of a sign on bonus BUT there was a 2 year commitment attached.

The opportunity looked good on paper, and that was the only reason I was considering accepting the job. After realizing all of the red flags, I decided to pass.

@batsy941 - 27.07.2023 00:20

interview rescheduled by recruiter 5 times in 1 week. Major red flag during hiring process

@jameskarrie298 - 21.07.2023 09:47

This happened 3x: pay offered was significantly lower than what online job posting said

@jeiddoromal4804 - 19.07.2023 00:30


@TurnLemons2Lemonade_ - 16.07.2023 19:25

It would be helpful to know what questions to ask. For example, to assess workplace turnover, how would you phrase that?

@TurnLemons2Lemonade_ - 16.07.2023 18:55

I watch these even though I’m a Public school teacher. What are “career goals?” Lol. We’re on a set salary schedule based on years of experience.

@paulamaguire2382 - 15.07.2023 19:10

100% accurate. I interviewed for a job with a well respected company. When i started i realised very quickly that it was a completely different job from the one i interviewed for. Polar opposite job specs. I raised this issue quickly with the recruiter. The response 'oh they do that all the time'. I left within 6 weeks.

@antoniomontana9430 - 13.07.2023 21:00

A major red flag for me is an employer, specifically for an I.T. position, which lists every skill required under the sun, wants the candidate to hold numerous certifications and have 10+ years of experience, and expects to pay a salary on par with entry level candidates. Run from these places, as it's clear that whoever wrote the job description doesn't have a clue and are looking to hire desperate candidates who are willing to get lowballed in exchange for an "excellent opportunity with growth potential".

@eviljoshy3402 - 13.07.2023 14:51

The worst job I ever had was working night shift in a refrigerated warehouse. Red flags I learned from that job. During the interview they told me "hours are X thru X or until the work is done". What they neglected to mention is the work will never get done and it's really hours are until they feel like letting you go. When I took the job I was told 7pm-3am. I never left at 3am. I was lucky to leave at 5am. Every night it was 7pm-5am, to 7am, to 10am, to noon. I was only at home to go to sleep. That job was terrible and I put up with it for 2 months. It showed no signs of getting better and I just quit. I found a better job, day shift hours and a union within a week. People say you should never quit a job but that doesn't count if your working shit jobs to begin with.

@michellebowler265 - 13.07.2023 13:27

I had an interview Friday last week told me they'll be in touch Friday this week got a phone call yesterday and been offered the job role but don't start for 3 months i feel like I need to ask why it's going to take 3 months for me to start work, bare in mind it's in a prison so could be cause I've got to go through all the training 🤷

@gdubwin - 11.07.2023 18:16

I dread working in a toxic environment. It’s always a weary feeling when you don’t know what awaits you when you actually start the job

@Vicky-lg7oy - 07.07.2023 15:09

These are my signs:
Sign 1. Hirevue video interview first
Sign 2. Initial assessment takes more than 2 hours to complete
Sign 3. Hourly wage is less than $18

Why would I apply to your job post if I can find a job with an easier interview process that pays the same or better elsewhere. These minimum wage jobs have some nerve. 15hr and they want you to jump through hoops. NO.
