No Rest for the Wicked - How to Make the Game EASY - Best Build Guide & Tips - Gear Secrets & More!

No Rest for the Wicked - How to Make the Game EASY - Best Build Guide & Tips - Gear Secrets & More!


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@davegagne2005 - 20.04.2024 21:09

i pretty sure 7 videos in 48h about the same subject is against TsO.
you won my unsubscribe

im done 😂

@dj4aces - 20.04.2024 21:38

I think calling it an "ARPG" is a mistake, and really, it's why I bought the game. It was sold as an ARPG. It still seems promising, and I won't judge the game we will have based on the genre it has been described as. I'm not dissatisfied with it, but I do hope the game becomes more ARPG-like, and maybe even a little more forgiving

@Silent_Onis - 21.04.2024 02:07

You mentioned couple of times, that u don’t parry, so the stats are useless. I’m just wondering, why u don’t parry? It’s really easy in this game, and really powerful because it’s an instant stagger. So can I ask u, why u don’t parry? Is there a drawback that I’m not aware of?

@voxploxx - 21.04.2024 06:31

Anyone know if theres craftable or purchasable storage chests for the house?

@caleob9725 - 21.04.2024 06:37

I dunno man Fillmore isn’t there for me. It’s that kid. I even saved him and met him again at the checkpoint before the boss. It’s still right after that fight and I haven’t done anything else so maybe that’s just it but I hope I don’t have to restart again

@wfm125m - 21.04.2024 13:26

I swapped from one handed knife to Polearm and that changed the game for me, keeping distance and heavy charge attack (I crated one then upgraded to lvl II and then enchanted).

@twister0ne - 21.04.2024 15:50

XP lost, not so bad how it sounds -> Looking in the top right corner and seeing him with 0/679 XP 😂

@AkrabSouls - 21.04.2024 16:57

No more DD2 content? :(

@janovmi2 - 21.04.2024 17:29

grey weapons are the best for endgame, you get 4 relevant enchants via gems, 3 relevant abilities (+1 default one that cannot be changed) on relevant weapon of your choosing (animations are very important)

unique (gold) are ok-ish, they usualy only have 2 stats and 4 unchangable abilities so you get alot without spending materials but at the end they are kind abad depending on the abilities and stats

blue are OK for beginnings and purple can be good depending on the curse BUT you are limited to 2 abilities only with 1 being the default unchangeable one so in long term mostly useless

@somsiadtomasz - 21.04.2024 19:07

We desperately need a list for gems what they do. And elemental dmg. The bomb or flask with plague is the most expensive but I don't see any effect like on our character. Is it just for dmg against foes weak to them? Also some items have different stats being the same type of item (same name) - different stamina cost, focus gain, weight, armor rating..

@scottcunni - 21.04.2024 21:10

do you lose gold while running around or something ? I had about 80 gold and was just running around and when I went to sell stuff I only had 51 ?

@austingill2107 - 21.04.2024 22:49

I love the game but I found the bosses far too easy and I actually found the normal enemies harder in some situations

@slash32399 - 22.04.2024 01:20

it’s the best souls like game of these years, it adds mechanics of role play to a souls and i think it’s fantastic. i think that the only problem was communication with the players, but i mean… from the gameplay trailers everyone saw what was the game going to be so i don’t understand these many bad scores. I hope that more games like this will come

@Jaylou88 - 22.04.2024 06:30

Imagine saying that “parrying is useless” when parrying was the only reason I got 2 legendary blades at lvl 7. Parrying is OP

@oldman9138 - 23.04.2024 03:57

you say how to make the game easy but it is really hard just to get where you are starting at. lol

@evilgummybear1 - 24.04.2024 18:07

this games too hard, i suck at parry and dogde the fuck you read all those movements, its BS

@leonardoboni813 - 25.04.2024 03:13

Name of the gem at minute 4.27???

@magnusdanielsson2749 - 28.04.2024 10:58

”Very easy fight”
I must be very bad the war room boss just wreck me instantly. 😂

@shiroyukee8147 - 28.04.2024 23:44

The great sword you get from killing the first boss is supper op. I use it even in crucible

@phaserush9434 - 29.04.2024 02:36

How i get that permanent lightning visual effect on my weapon ?

@bs5am - 29.04.2024 22:38

I am very fcking bad, but I get completely fcked by even the enenmys at the beach, especially when they’re two or throwing hella accurate bombs at me. Why is there no difficulty setting?

@adamvu5513 - 10.05.2024 03:34

The game is fun but too easy compared to other souls like games. Also some of the builds that break the game need to be nerfed asap, like Wind of Death, Twirl Dash, Falling Sky and any other Throw build. Once you set yourself up with these builds and get infinite focus, Crucible Knight is just a cake walk.

@GorillaBlack4F - 26.05.2024 06:28

Thanks for tht info my guy! Im jus on level 6 and im glad i was putting in level ups on the same thing. Great video

@bohdaicitta - 19.06.2024 02:47

best vid to get started, thx. wouldn't mind if you'd do a tour of all the player housing available. i've seen only 1 vid to show the inside of 3 houses, but i see there's a fourth in Sacrament (at 8s it's pretty clear it's a hovel), but maybe even more that i don't know about.
