My Thoughts on FFX-3....

My Thoughts on FFX-3....


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@thaisennj9781 - 14.08.2021 18:45

I want it to come out, but scrap the idea of him being a zombie, and sin coming back.

@DJ_Treu - 14.08.2021 19:25

I honestly hope that with the current setup; that Seymore is the new SIN. Came back from the farplane after talking to yu yevon and learning how he made sin and did it himself.

@dizzybabe707 - 14.08.2021 21:25

Didn't think you would make the video so soon! Lol I personally want a FFX-3 cause I would love to visit the world of Spira imagine flying in the aircraft going anywhere you wanted just to walk through all the towns and cities and to see the old crew again in HD! As for the story I don't mind people coming back from the dead but i don't want Sin being the reasoning behind and the two new characters are ok but I don't want the girl to be Auron's daughter! they definitely need to work on it do some rewrites

@razgrize11 - 15.08.2021 03:46

Thanks for making a full blown video after the comments ^-^ I do agree on you on most points and if they do pull this game off well I would love to play and I definitely agree with the minor distaste for the new wills protagonist they don't realy seem that appealing but a proper backstory might fix that ^-^

@XenoStark - 16.08.2021 02:49

Enjoyed the video! I too hope they represent the characters and lore of Spira well if they make an X-3. I think I’m one of the few people who don’t seem to mind Chuami and Kurgum, they could make things interesting if executed well. I’m so down for FFX-3 to use traditional turn-based combat in PS5/6 graphics! I hope they let us play as a bigger cast of characters than just 3 though. I miss summoning and using Lulu! It would be so fun to explore Spira and see how it developed after almost another 2 years after X-2. Open-world dream zanarkand please!!

@dialupinternet6993 - 16.08.2021 07:31

Chuami and Kurgum were not done right. But Yuna’s character regression was spot on especially if you played the extra part of x-2. She basically put her feelings as a summoner on hold to find Tidus. After which they had a falling out or whatever and she just goes back to being a part of new yevon. It falls into her character because that’s what she’s always known and beyond being a summoner she doesn’t have a personality or purpose.

@cgallen86 - 18.08.2021 19:39

I would rather see a sequel over a prequel. I'm intrigued with the X-3 set up they did with the video drama thing they did with he X remasters... Dispite a few issues I have with it. I just feel like a prequel would be way to limiting in scope. Since we pretty well know what happened in the past. Braska's journey was already explored in enough detail... That I don't think it needs a game to explore it more deeply. Also we know enough about the ancient Zanarkand that I don't think a prequel there would really make sense either. We know all the details in the 2 games we have. If they really revisit X and it's world. A sequel would be the best place to go.

@knox7945 - 21.08.2021 10:35

Remember the time when Tidus kicked a bomb thinking it was a blitzball and blowing up his head? Yeah...the writing has gone so they're trying to kill FFX story.

@Kymewc - 22.08.2021 08:04

I think if they make x3 should be a prequel story of jehct auron braska otherwise I'll pass

@jiyefuuu - 22.08.2021 20:19

The only way to bring sin back is making ffx-0 with auron braska and jecht.. but there's no cute female characters..? FF always have hot girls as sub or main character

@tetrastreamxvii - 28.08.2021 10:27

The problem with the world of ffx is that death is kinda cheap. Therefore a lack of impact of consequences.

Denizens of Zanarkand dream up their lost city and brought the people back as a dream or memory summoned by Yu Yevon.

Normally if people die, especially when they are slaughtered by Sin, they need a sending before they become fiends or unsent.

But you get exceptions like Jyscal who died, sent, but came back somewhat to give one last warning.

Auron also brute forces his will to live until Sin is finally defeated.

Prolonged undead leads to your will being withered away until you are a mindless being like Yu Yevon.

Shuyin, while not exactly unsent since he does not take a physical form, his despair and hatred remains and affects the world.

Then you get the Tidus’ revival which may or may not be a permanent.

Finally Seymour and Sin is probably coming back.

So nothing stays dead in the world until they actually want to go away.

As beautiful and fascinating the world is, death being cheap gets a bit old.

@honeybadger8247 - 30.08.2021 18:29

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
I imagine yuna casts a spell to to bring back tidus.
But indoing so she brings back sin

@gilliganallmighty3 - 09.09.2021 02:02

Wasn't the audio drama a fanfic that an editor from Square-Enix accidentally published in print?
I honestly think they should remove it from canon, and have a new story.

@evalationx2649 - 01.10.2021 02:14

The problem that can arise with Romances is they, when done poorly, tend to overtake the main story. A story about the priests trying to revive Sin in an effort to give their institutions purpose and legitimacy again sounds like a cool story, the garbage about Tidus and Yuna having a spat and a love triangle just leaves me asking why.

If you're writing a story here are a few rules, if you want a romance in it. Either let them be together, kill one or both of them off, and if you kill one or both of them off you aren't allowed to bring them back. Tell me your story, not your love fantasy.

You want an example of how to do a bad romance, look to the series called Arrow. That show ended the moment the main character got with his love interest and every episode after that was about them trying to make it work which became boring and viewership of the show dropped off.

@azrik6084 - 28.02.2022 04:44

The audio left us with a lot of questions. As far as the odd behavior of Tidus and Yuna I think there could be something behind that. I think them acting so strange was intentional for what reasons though I have no idea.

@Not.Giuseppe - 09.11.2022 21:35

FFX is my favourite game, of the franchise and gaming in general. They ruined how it felt with X-2, I say leave the game alone.

@ffviifakeremake9997 - 02.12.2022 18:11

I'll pass on this one, FFX3 would kiss goodbye to turn based combat for sure... A big no no for me.

@trufreedom - 26.04.2023 09:27

Can't believe you are actually encouraging SE to make this a multi part game... they can make this into one game and I prefer not to pay multiple times..

@ImAtomic3804 - 29.07.2023 22:20

Playing as Hecht would be great

@nabeelahmedzia5330 - 13.08.2023 00:13

FFX-3 should revolved around braska,auron and jecht and how jecht came to spira and ended up becoming sin

@MTTT19 - 05.03.2024 23:18

I’m on the fence about whether Final Fantasy X-3 will ever come to light. However, if Square-Enix do announce it, I will welcome it with open arms.

@jamikcorley3189 - 22.07.2024 07:19

Continue with the audio drama will I’m so excited sun is back I wanna fight monsters with yuna Aons and meet waka and lulu child play blitz ball fight new monsters and evil summoners and hard bosses you guys might think the games to hard but I love a tough change I was 15 up all night playing this game it took me years to beat the game I love it the audio drama is perfect picked up where we left of a lost girl trying to find her dad I hope yuna and tidus stay together i can’t wait I don’t no journey with braska and jet but I do hope to see them in the game

@jamikcorley3189 - 22.07.2024 07:24

I hope they take they. Time with it like they did x I hope the story line is thrilling like x I hope symore come out the far plane and we have to fight him and the return of lady yunaleska
