How I Make Diablo 4 Build Guides

How I Make Diablo 4 Build Guides


1 год назад

82,467 Просмотров

#Diablo4 #buildguides #Maxroll #Blizzard
Diablo 4 Guides:
Necromancer Leveling Guide -
Sorcerer Leveling Guide -
Rogue Leveling Guide -
Barbarian Leveling Guide -
Barbarian -
Arsenal System -
Sorcerer -
Enchantment Slots -
Rogue -
Specialization -
Trading -
Dungeons -
Renown -
Strongholds -
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@Not____Applicable - 10.07.2023 15:02

People need to stop being weird acting like they know more than people in a video game because they played both betas and early play test. People in comments need to stop obsessing over info from specific people as if this person knows more than that person. Arpg communities are WEIRD.

@kemalicecek - 01.07.2023 02:39

You gained a sub as soon as I saw the math you did!

@joshsmith7033 - 18.06.2023 01:22

Tf is a generator

@johnrobinson380 - 14.06.2023 12:30

This seems helpful but I didn’t understand a word of it lol. I’ve always had the problem of just grabbing what sounds best and I always struggle tryna figure out how to actually do builds. Plan them, know whats best for them, hell even know what goes together to make a build. Idk if it’s my ADHD not letting me put the pieces together or I’m just stupid.

@-4rchibald - 13.06.2023 12:55

Literally just the flurry leveling guide as an endgame guide, I’m having way more fun playing that than twisting blades.

@PliptaEredar - 07.06.2023 17:47

Very well explained and great video as always!

@Venned - 28.05.2023 19:24

Impressive and prefectly well explained. thanks for that

@paran0ia000 - 27.05.2023 16:55

I appreciate this - as someone that likes to have their own build, giving me the keys of your approach is very nice to use to see if I arrive to the same answer/build as you or other guide makers.

@streetsurgery - 25.05.2023 23:07

Doesn't stacking different conditions lead to better scaling through multiplicative bonuses vs additive limited bonuses?

@Nornagest84 - 25.05.2023 13:35

Really nice and interesting - looking forward to the game and some great (ranged) Rogue builds. 😁👍
Thanks Raxx!

@cm8neyy63 - 25.05.2023 09:53

Love how you explain how you think ..I’m a new player and a lot of new players and a beginners guide would be awesome … I need a a guide that really babies the gane

@zurcarak - 25.05.2023 05:13

this was so cool, wondering if this works for ww with the 30% dmg instead of bleed

@Timeylicious - 24.05.2023 18:01

Any way there is a link to that Googledoc somewhere? :)

@RLHGAMING - 24.05.2023 15:28

I have love/hate with min-maxing. It's both my favorite aspect of ARPGs and also the aspect that gives me the most anxiety. I appreciate you taking the bullet with the math. you have my personal thanks.

@BlackLotusStygian - 24.05.2023 08:35

Thxx for all the work Raxx. Your a legendary.

@SteinerSE - 24.05.2023 02:16

I appreciate the effort and admire the deep understanding, and it greatly benefits people like me who will be more casual players but still want to kick monster ass and feel powerful. Also, the way you break things down and reason while presenting your builds is very educational. The only part I'm missing for all the builds I see are suggestions "When leveling pick up this kind of gears, lock for these stats, favor this weapon combination" etc. Probably way to basic for most, but would be very helpful to start learning to evaluate the gear you use.

@Ricmaniac - 23.05.2023 01:59

Theory crafting is sooo much part of the fun. while i totally suck at it and end up using a build made like you guys XD

@djnorth2020 - 22.05.2023 23:42

I've settled for melee rogue as first character. This stuff... seems rather overwhelming. I usually pick a guide that your masters have built and adjust it as needed to my needs and play style. I just hope this game doesn't become as build dependent as PoE for example.

@aljoker7808 - 22.05.2023 23:29

I bet d4 devs are watching Raxx and scratching their heads of what he is saying...

@sinyolotzzz - 22.05.2023 18:46

Hi, for the barb paragon board, on the 3R M2 Starting board, you put +1% Physical Damage, but when I check the board at the planner website, it supposed to be +5% Physical Damage.. Am I missing something here?

@JonoLovesYou - 22.05.2023 09:44

All I'm saying is thank F#$% we have Rax and co onboard with D4 so the rest of us simpletons can get the most out of the game.

@neilthompson93 - 21.05.2023 22:35

Thanks, Rax, This makes life so much easier for someone like me, I have 1 hour of game time a day. This helps me enjoy the content of the game and still build something I can achieve what I want without putting in the time. People that complain are probably other people that put in the same time than you but does not like the added competition of us casuals 😋

@The1RandomFool - 21.05.2023 22:06

I appreciate the amount of effort going into the build guides. I'll look at them for suggestions.

I used to really care about being good with the META in games when I was younger. But as the decades are passing, I've moved towards just playing to have fun. In the end, I'll play my own build that maximizes that, and discover it as I go. But I'll still take things that may make me more effective into consideration.

@thederpster8110 - 21.05.2023 20:31

You had me up until the whole paragon math board equation thing, regardless whilst I am going to just be doing what I feel is best and more fun for me, I still liked watching you break it all down even if I didn't exactly understand how it all worked

@resteej - 21.05.2023 20:07

is that paragon spreadsheet publicly available?

@SaranjivacSRB - 21.05.2023 19:37

You do realize that the rare nodes requirements grow higher as you take that board later tho?

That's why you had almost 700dex requirement on one of the rare nodes in your last board.
So in essence you have to leave those stranglers to have strength requirement instead.

@ThatShrimpGuy - 21.05.2023 18:46

Hey Raxx! Is that spreadsheet available to the public or do you guys intend to keep that one private?

@yeetcannon1693 - 21.05.2023 11:16

This was awesome. After I play through using the skills i think look cool and are super fun to play, I appreciate the experts like Raxx guiding towards the end game.

@copinghagen8508 - 21.05.2023 08:38

Great video. Liked and subscribed. Going to be theory crafting naturally come launch day.

@chrimbuloscron - 21.05.2023 04:51

Thanks heaps Raxx, that was super interesting.

@josephip5874 - 21.05.2023 03:20

Raxx, thanks for the video and the analysis. I really enjoy your analysis and doing the hard work while we can make the game more enjoyable and efficient. :)

@ruibarian5187 - 21.05.2023 02:57

It's kind of funny to see you guys doing this. When making video games, this is how game devs go about balancing builds - it's all spreadsheets, and when something is imbalanced it's because a number was off or some combination just wasn't accounted for.

@susulemons - 21.05.2023 01:42

Another thing is stat requirements go up for rare nodes for each board.. so you're glyph order might not be the sole factor to decide which board you attach on first (have to attach the rare node's board you want sooner + might sure that board's glyph radius has the states u need for the glyph you want

@susulemons - 21.05.2023 01:33

I actually think Glyphs are not always that powerful, wouldn't be surprised if the optimized results is people take 4-5 Glyphs max on 5-6 totals boards only

@susulemons - 21.05.2023 01:25

100% guaranteed you can only specialize in like ~3 things, and a soft 4 -- Paragon Boards forces you into this anyway

@Diarmadhim101 - 20.05.2023 22:37

Loved this, thanks!

@McEnroe911 - 20.05.2023 19:01

Great video. well done.

@BFlynn5577 - 20.05.2023 18:03

man this is some crazy min maxing! i love it

@sandreid87 - 20.05.2023 17:32

Are you going to go as far indepth with all the classes paragon trees? Or just Barb?

@KidAnarky11631 - 20.05.2023 17:05

Need to write that D4 build AI program

@joshuacosby2459 - 20.05.2023 15:03

That's me tho...when you said "this looks good, go try this" 😂😂

@fari8034 - 20.05.2023 12:56

Great Work! Will you give us those spreadsheets eventually?

@Abremoch - 20.05.2023 12:34

Outstanding content! Your channel is gonna explode when D4 is out!

@Oblivionm24 - 20.05.2023 12:08

Raxx, I don't comment often (and haven't even finished this video), but every single one of your videos is top-notch quality. You're really the only person I see myself getting Diablo 4 information from when this game goes live. Please keep doing what you do, we appreciate you!

@Zerothnz - 20.05.2023 11:40

I appreciate it, Raxx. I won't use it, at first, I'll play for fun and take my time but when seasons start I'll definitely come and look at Maxxroll to find out how to maximize my toons

@wesweeblez2190 - 20.05.2023 11:30

Is anyone doing rogue build this in depth?

@thirsten55 - 20.05.2023 08:41

Fucking LOVE everything about this.
