10 Key Signs You Are Fat Adapted (No Equipment Needed)

10 Key Signs You Are Fat Adapted (No Equipment Needed)

Dr. Sten Ekberg

4 года назад

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Varza - 15.09.2023 14:55

I had no idea about the ketone strips ... I was getting paranoid I was messing something up in my diet after months of cutting carbs. This has been reassuring!

Brett - 10.09.2023 19:25

This is 100% in line with my own experience as ketovore. ❤

Patty - 06.09.2023 23:16

Thank you, dear Dr Ekberg!! God bless you!!!

Dubliner - 05.09.2023 19:52

I truly know I’m fat. That’s about it.

Thanatos - 04.09.2023 23:49

I unintentionally started alternate-daily fasting because my hunger has gotten so mild on a keto diet (I was doing OMAD before). I was busy all day, didn’t eat a bite, and felt like a million bucks through the next day, and that was enough to shift the habit for me. The mornings after my fasted days especially I have more energy and focus than I’ve ever experienced, and I’m probably not even fully adapted since I’m still spilling a ton of ketones for the strips to pick up. 20lbs down, 85 to go.

N Will
N Will - 02.09.2023 02:12

Done Keto many times. Currently 2 months in. Have ZERO physical cravings. All cravings are mental. I fantasize about pizza, pancakes, chocolate chip cookies and burgers with buns. Not gonna break though

Marc - 25.08.2023 00:11

I have been intermittent fasting off and on for 8 years. I'm 6" 180 pounds and have maintained this all my life. Fasting is great. But exercise is very relevant in the health equation. Never like to hear of people sitting around and just fasting. The body needs movement. In my experience in regards to fat adaptation/ fat burning. Fasting 16-24 hours a day is very beneficial but exercising Moderately in a fasted state will increase the likelihood of fat adaptation. The good doctor is correct that 2-3 weeks should get the job done.

Upton Parker
Upton Parker - 24.08.2023 22:47

This just flashed up on my feed... so much amazing information. I've been fat adapted for about a week and a half and I'm amazed at how being like this puts me in charge of food for the first time in my life 👌❤️❤️❤️

Qwerdas Fuhgeo
Qwerdas Fuhgeo - 22.08.2023 15:15

Cool maybe getting to a low carb and quiting sugar diet made me a lot calmer throughout the day

Florida Living
Florida Living - 20.08.2023 18:36

You are a true God-send! Thank you for clarifying what I wish I had known many years ago.

Pygmy gerbil
Pygmy gerbil - 16.08.2023 20:14

I was digusted by eating gourds but now that i am on fat diet i love eating it.!

Pygmy gerbil
Pygmy gerbil - 16.08.2023 20:07

The way i knew that i am carb adapted i was exercising hard everyday and was not losing weight then i watched dr ekberg's clips on carb dangers quit carbs(except fruits and daites) and then i immediately lost weight 5 kilos in two months.
Thank you from an iranian friend🌹🏵💮💐🌻

Bondii B
Bondii B - 15.08.2023 00:26

This is so true, I'm not doing this perfectly, but with small changes I went from 98kg to 86kg in one year (female 33 years 167cm). Every Friday after work I used to go to the store and buy a lot of snacks for my weekend. I don't do that anymore BUT I'm still addicted to sugar. Right now I'm trying to eat more eggs/veggies. I hate cooking and prefer instant meals like instant noodles. But the inflamation in my bones, my terrible dental state, hives (auto immuun) endometriosis (my sisters have this too, cysts), brain fog, mood swings, gut issues... I have it all. Just eating less sugar and still surviving on sugar isn't enough. I'm always hungry, tired, thinking about doing a blog about my attempts to get healthy. I understand what I need to do but I always give up after few days.

She’s Sincere
She’s Sincere - 14.08.2023 02:07

So much of what you say is true. So informative and easy to understand.

Mas Fugo
Mas Fugo - 05.08.2023 01:32

I'm not really doing keto, just reducing the amount of rice I ate every meal and compensate with much more veggies or meat on the side
I also currently on 3rd week of intermittent fasting. I no longer feel that much hungry (just some occasional stomach discomfort on a certain time)
I also feel more energized throughout the day, I can function without thinking too much about food. In fact I feel more hungrier after I have meal

am I fat adapted?

ADY_SR - 04.08.2023 09:57

can we get fat adapted in OMAD also ?

Kyriakos Pan
Kyriakos Pan - 04.08.2023 09:41

How about the smell? I can smell food and smells in generall more intensive since I am low carb...

Brian The Lifter!!!
Brian The Lifter!!! - 04.08.2023 02:29

Sten Ekberg! You.....are a Godsend!

Wink Finkerstien
Wink Finkerstien - 01.08.2023 03:49

Thank you! 😎👍🏻

Heather C. ButterflySage
Heather C. ButterflySage - 31.07.2023 22:10

I’ve been plugging away for the past few months in earnest, and I have noticed changes in my cravings and appetite. Still experiencing low energy (improved but not great) and mood swings. Getting there. Looking forward to report back with some weight loss. And I just ordered my keto strips, so I’ll start measuring ketosis, as well as blood sugar with my glucose monitor. I’ve been getting 7000+ steps in pretty consistently. Daily 14/10 - 16/8 fasting window. Focus has been on quality proteins and fats, electrolytes and greens. Mostly great sleep. Now looking to throw in some 17-24 hr fasts. Still having plenty of cream in my coffee each morning to stave off breaking the fast.

StrahaoftheRace - 18.07.2023 16:50

You know you are fat adapted if you can stuff your fat in your trousers and walk out the house.....lol (maybe another term is called for)

Ana C
Ana C - 18.07.2023 03:48

Thank you so much for this video! I think I know now why I feel my flesh is squishier and I don't look slimmer. I must be losing stored sugar and water and the fat is still there and all I have to do is stick with the low carb diet and the fasting and wait some more weeks to start seeing some results. 🙂

Steven - 17.07.2023 02:48

Hello.. 8 days into eating low carbs, around 100-130g fruit and vegetables. I have had really bad stomach ache and all the keto flu like symptoms mentioned. Im 5"11 ..13 stone. Hope this goes away soon. I just want to stay away from bad carbs after reading a lot of things..

Shifty Bat
Shifty Bat - 17.07.2023 02:43

Any advice for someone who is practically never hungry? Like I can drink any amount but even standard issue meal sizes and especially American restaurant sizes make me balk. I literally can't consume the recommended amount of anything. And yes, I have tried weed to no avail.

Herbinator_88 - 15.07.2023 01:00

Thanks for this video because I'm happy to say, I meet some of the key critirea. 1.) Mental clarity 2.) Consistent Energy Level 3.) I don't crave any food or "fuel" at all first thing in the morning. I can wait until dinner to eat a solid meal. Keep in mind, the biggest factor is exercise. I've been a morning runner for 11 years and this entire time, I've been running fasted. I think this played an even bigger factor than my dietary habits (not Keto, or low fat, but relatively low carb).

Fasting50plus - 14.07.2023 14:37

Fantastic video. I will recommend this to everyone!

Jimi McKenna
Jimi McKenna - 11.07.2023 20:21

When I enter ketosis I get really thirsty and water does not quench it. How can I quench a thirst on a keto Leto diet?

Patty - 11.07.2023 00:00

Dr., thank you for another amazing and extremely informative video!! God bless you!

mohammed hadi
mohammed hadi - 10.07.2023 20:54

Thanks from iraq....you saved my life really.❤

Nathan Hoffner
Nathan Hoffner - 10.07.2023 16:27

if you're really stressed out or diseased and dying you're "fat adapted". Bears gorge on PUFA and are 'fat adapted' before they hybernate, then they gorge on berries and honey in the spring to raise their metabolism and get lean and healthy again. Wake up.

Ham O
Ham O - 10.07.2023 03:10

I'm 50 years old and followed all your recommendations on your channel, and it has taken me 5 weeks to become fat adapted and I feel great. Thanks Dr Sten Ekberg

Hot Johnny
Hot Johnny - 08.07.2023 11:18

I didn’t even like milk chocolate when I was carb burning adapted !!

Bleebopp - 05.07.2023 22:55


Jo say what?!?
Jo say what?!? - 05.07.2023 04:51

I would say a 21 day fast would DEFINITELY help being truly fat adapted 🙂 I'm on Day 16 currently 👍👍

Lux - 04.07.2023 01:39

you are THE Man!!

M Far
M Far - 03.07.2023 21:14

I’ve had a sweet tooth for years! I’m about 3 weeks into this IF/low carb lifestyle after getting a frightening set of results on routine bloodwork. My cravings have subsided, but I do have an occasional piece of fruit when I need something! Last night I had a slice of fresh watermelon & it tasted sickeningly sweet! I even asked someone, does this taste ok, or is it exceptionally sweet? My goal is to get off all prescription medications.

M Far
M Far - 03.07.2023 21:09

I’m about 3 weeks in & finding I have about 6 of these signs. And while I’m about 10 pounds down, my goal is to get off all prescription meds. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong.

fiona mcormac
fiona mcormac - 29.06.2023 09:15

Thank you for sharing.

Lucy Maze
Lucy Maze - 29.06.2023 04:25

Besides low carb, what is good to eat to become fat adapted? Fat??

Patrik Floding
Patrik Floding - 28.06.2023 12:46

1500g is stored glycogen sounds like a lot? I guess it’s distributed around the body then? (I think I heard much lower figures for the liver storage.)

Tuomo Saari
Tuomo Saari - 27.06.2023 23:57

Today i ate my meals thinking i dont want to eat. Then i still ate them thinking i have to get into ketosis and reach anough fat consumption for the day. I should have listened to my body when it told me not to eat. But atleast now i learned all this is a good thing in regards of reaching ketosis... I already lost weight quite a lot in these past days, so after quite a long time trying to reach ketosis, i think i finally have.

Saeed Khodayary
Saeed Khodayary - 27.06.2023 00:51

Great job 👏

Susan S
Susan S - 25.06.2023 21:35

No sugar cravings! Actually things sweet now really are awful, like the Electrolytes with stevia sweetener! Yuck. Yes to the last bonus of taste buds changing.

Cesare Petrosillo
Cesare Petrosillo - 24.06.2023 09:33

Thank you for all the information I lost 3 stones so far doctor

Nathael Adalyah
Nathael Adalyah - 23.06.2023 16:22

I went on a strict diet of steak, eggs, butter, milk, and leafy greens for two weeks. Last night, I broke the diet and bought strawberries, which I used to eat all the time. After about three strawberries, I thought I was going to get sick from the nausea caused by the sugar.

James Tsimbilakis
James Tsimbilakis - 21.06.2023 10:37

Dr. Ekberg, you really have changed my life. Thank you so much for your impartial information and striving to provide correct information in a world full of rubbish

- 21.06.2023 04:01

This was an excellent video thanks so much!
