Why the Dell XPS is a POS

Why the Dell XPS is a POS

Salem Techsperts

2 года назад

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@stupidus_maximus - 24.09.2024 12:14

POES! die woord is POES!

@TreacherousFennec - 24.09.2024 16:42

Who the fuck had even designed this thing

@Blizzard069 - 24.09.2024 20:14

I had an XPS 8500 and it was indeed a piece of shit, I lost two motherboards and a core (idk about the other core) . I didn't know it was restarting again and again because of overheating. I didn't know much about such things back then

@justinbrown691 - 25.09.2024 03:57

Lol, the Precision's I bought last year hit 100c with I5-13500 because the fans don't ramp. I haven't found a way to change them. In Cinebench it scores about the same as my 5700x3d. Such a waste. Whatever, it can run excel without hitting 100c, but using 7zip will throttle.

@AkiMuiSenju - 28.09.2024 17:57

Oof i actually own this :' D it lasted 7 years, it recently decide it had enough. Never had any problems unless i tried gaming on it which is not ideal thinking back now. I would have a small desk fan blowing air from the side into it so the hot air can get push out from the top eue;

@INFINITEVOID7099 - 30.09.2024 23:57


@americathefree3708 - 15.10.2024 07:16

love you bro!

@rainyeevee4047 - 17.10.2024 22:23

That looks so bad, that my poorly designed, self-made pc looks like a work of art now. Dell is giving me a new courage to work on my pc because is pros are like this even the dumbest person on the world can do decent.
Also beside the jokes, i do have old laptop from dell (precision 7510 with nivida m1000 graphic and 16gb ram) that is over 3 years old right now (bought from second hand in 2021) and it still is great and can run some modern games with minimal settings (like Palworld), it almost never overheats and except baterry that is already bricked and don't work its one of best laptops I ever used. It was pricy at that time and I gave 600$ for it, but there was no cheaper alternative at my place.

@tanatnguyen3611 - 27.10.2024 00:43


@litchi4507 - 31.10.2024 00:21

Swap the components into a new micro atx case with a new power supply.

@sa4555 - 31.10.2024 18:26

This bad design problem is not only limited to XPS, optiplex series suffers from same problems. I got a 9th gen running i5 and oh boy did it liked to cook stuff up. I replaced stock bs cooler and fan with a low profile 140mm fan, had to tinker a bit as that fan won't fit easily. After that I installed one small 80mm case fan powered via Sata connector and I still couldn't keep the side panel on as the temps were still high for my liking. So now instead of side panel, I installed a large mesh having sides lined by magnet to stick it there. Under load temps hover between 70 to 80 celcius, and idle the tenp is below 35. So lesson is only buy these if you're getting them dirt cheap and ready to tinker with them.

@jason8077 - 08.11.2024 12:09

Giant vacuum cleaner 😂

@Joshua_RT - 08.11.2024 21:30

I own a dell XPS 8930 and it's not THAT bad while the CPU is at full load, the stock cooler has to cool an i5 8400. While the fan noises do skyrocket to cool it down, it never ends up overheating and shutting down like said in this video. I do agree with you on some parts here though, the way they built it is wonky and kind of janky.

@Pundit2k - 28.11.2024 07:55

That's my freaking computer you're insulting!

@hendragnw26 - 29.11.2024 11:12

Something that i call bad intention engineering.
Like what BMW & Mercs do with their cars, designed not to be repaired by independent repairmen. Now John Deere does it, and Dell is catching up too.

@skeletanger - 02.12.2024 21:09

Yeah, i got got one of these with an i7 6th gen. The cpu fan is different, but that's not the issue with mine. The computers usb ports act very strange. Sometimes, the ports dont work, and some do. idk it's weird.

@raym1842 - 04.12.2024 09:58

I have two of those that I picked up dirt cheap. I replaced the CPU cooler with a better performing one that stays quiet replaced the top fan with a brown one. Fortunately, mine came with an 8th gen core i7, so the heat was manageable. If I knew then, what I know now, I never would have bought them. I quickly replaced them with home built 12th gen machines for my daughter and I. For a short period of time while Michael Dell was off doing something else, the XPS line was decent. I bought and upgraded several XPS 8700s for family and friends. Pretty much off the shelf components. Those days are over.

@Lola__Cola - 04.12.2024 22:17

Designed to break to make you buy more in the future

@henryca03 - 13.12.2024 05:29

Maybe if the PSU was on the bottom like as the PC Gods intended, maybe this Dell XPS wouldn't cook itself to an early death.

Also, proprietary motherboards and PSUs are stupid, especially those where the front panel I/O is integrated on the motherboard instead of being on a daughterboard connected via internal cables. As annoying as front panel connectors can be, it's better than having to RMA an entire motherboard because the power button or a front panel USB port failed.

@Yahleel-cq9ci - 16.12.2024 07:59

Not going to lie I thought I would actually buy one of these

@Lisi_Mxo - 24.12.2024 14:00

I'm getting this for free and have already paid for shipment. To be honest it will be at least 4 times better than what I have now. Any advice on how to bypass overheating issue? Can't I simply drill a bunch of holes all over the case?

@360Devrly - 01.01.2025 00:15

I had a Dell XPS 8300 and I swapped it into a new case with multiple fans and put a new GPU in it and haven't had any problems its not the PC its self but the case

@PDAPDA2 - 04.01.2025 15:27

dell itself, specially with alienware is also shit

i bought one m16, aw mouse and aw headset and in less than 7months, all three got issues and mouse and headset need be changed, m16 itself dell refused to change

@h0r3z - 06.01.2025 14:08

cheapest way to own a jet engine, by having a computer that can mimic one.

@elitecass1453 - 07.01.2025 03:26

Better yet remove the small laptop fan from cpu turn the topfan around have it in full blast and it will likely become even cooler 🤣🤣

@ScorchinScooter - 08.01.2025 01:09

Maybe hate that specific model of XPS!! I have an older Dell XPS 8700 and it is still going strong after 11 years! I just bought a new XPS 8960 and it seems to be a way better design than the model you are working on in the video. Dell obviously learned from that mistake!! I like how compact the XPS are but the model you are showing does look very oddly designed and it's too bad.

@gdjaybee742 - 08.01.2025 11:00

Dell keeps messing around with their Dell case form factor, when they already had a gold mine in the good old days of the XPS 7xx series. That case was ahead of its time, and the engineers of that era knew how to keep the overall temps in check. They just needed to keep refining the core design, and easily transitioned into the tempered glass/RGB/Airflow arena that the gaming community is in today. Now Dell is basically the butt of the joke in the PC gaming industry. I still have my XPS 700, 720, 730x in storage, and when I had them they were the top of the line gaming prebuilt in its time, and the only ones that came close were the hp blackbird 002+ which was a very cool case as it hung from its base so it has intakes from the front and bottom of the case. I don't understand how Dell engineers is failing miserably with designing this line of PCs when they've been in the business for 10s of years. Their workstation class Precision line is still top notch, and if they were going to continue with the XPS line, they should go back the the Precision ethos, which was what the XPS 7xx line were, essentially the guts of the XPS 7xx line was very similar to their Precision line.

@FireMelon15 - 10.01.2025 03:15

i remember when you didnt have to worry about trusting gaming computers

@tones1983 - 11.01.2025 15:25

Give me a dell any day over an HP any day

@311superfly - 13.01.2025 05:15

Design vs performance. Cmon. Its a DELL not an ACER.

@311superfly - 13.01.2025 05:17

Show some CFD images.

@311superfly - 13.01.2025 05:17

Show some CFD images.

@311superfly - 13.01.2025 05:19

Sorry. My new one has PSU dead. Got it for $40. Learning the tricks. Full of dust. Six cores!!! Will install gtx970 OC soon.

@MrRashaunn - 13.01.2025 12:42

So buy it cheap and reshell ?

@Machistmo - 22.01.2025 03:35

chestnuts roasting on the open fire....

@annoyedlemon - 28.01.2025 04:12

HP takes the award for the biggest POS i had one this morning 10th gen i7 and its not even running a dam SSD from stock i was ready to yeet that POS out the window the install took a dam hour drive health was fine it was the POS 5400rpm drive slowing it all down 🖕🖕🖕 HP

@tenestetubo - 29.01.2025 04:38

We all know the shortcomings of the case regarding overheating, we have bitch to the core. But your subscriber would have benefited more if u at least provided a solution or a hack.

@jamesmoninger1982 - 31.01.2025 15:40

I'm not at all sure what all the profanity added to your video. The swearing is completely gratuitous and takes away the credibility that would otherwise be due to you. I can't even watch this to the end, though I am interested in this topic.

@overtheairbroadcast - 01.02.2025 16:50

I have bought exactly ONE Dell ever. I have been given maybe six dead or nearly dead Dell computers. They are good source of parts like a mouse, keyboard, some component that doesn't have proprietary plugs (Alienware cough, cough), a slow HDD, an old CD-ROM, maybe a CPU, an odd shaped nearly always underpowered PSU you make into a bench power source, scrap metal, and brightly coloured rigid plastic.

@MatthewCrellin - 04.02.2025 11:43

I kinda do wanna know how many people have actually had/used one of these. I’ve had one for about 6 years and have never had any serious thermal problems with mine. The way it’s supposed to work is air is pulled in from around the front bezel and exhausted out the top of the case through that big fan above the CPU, and at least on mine it moves a rather substantial amount of air out of the top fan, and I’ve never experienced thermal throttling on demanding tasks. Mine has a different heat sink and fan on the processor than this one does so that might make a difference, it’s significantly bigger which is strange considering mine has an older 8th gen core i7. I don’t currently have any intentions on replacing it with a new computer, I’ll probably just keep upgrading it until I can’t anymore tbh.

@Garrettdx1988 - 05.02.2025 20:14

Im not sure what I was expecting, but I’m kinda shocked how bad this design actually is

@adamstokes - 13.02.2025 06:20

Genuine question from Australia: So what you're saying is all I have to do is open the cover, swing the power supply out and we're good?

@phototec - 04.03.2025 01:32

IGreat video: I have a Dell XPS 8930, and a few weeks ago, it started slowing down, everything I do on Windows 10 Pro is operating very slowly, even when typing anything, there is a lag. Could that be caused by the CPU over heating?

Do you have any other tips to fix the very slow operating? Thanks

@xRevoEmaGx - 04.03.2025 03:33

if you could get proper measurements, im damn sure you could 3D print your own duct to maintain fresh air.

@RocketEightEight - 10.03.2025 17:38

I would put an SFF PSU (for the clearence) and a stock Intel cooler. Proud prebuid ex-owner 😁

@ravipeiris4388 - 10.03.2025 17:56

XPS is Dell's top of the line laptops and desktops. After viewing this video and seeing a technician's many experiences with this brand, I'm questioning whether l'll ever purchase any Dell products.

@liam4184 - 10.03.2025 23:26

Is the new dell xps any better?

@Official_richard_nixon - 12.03.2025 06:41

My mom had this computer, and I had the bad luck to have it passed down to me, because “let’s see what you need we can’t afford a gaming pc right now.😊” I was wondering why it took 20 minutes to turn on.
