Hikaru: I’m Not Happy, Not Enjoying Chess | D2 #AmericanCup

Hikaru: I’m Not Happy, Not Enjoying Chess | D2 #AmericanCup

Saint Louis Chess Club

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@biffboffo - 17.03.2025 03:57

If Eric and Yassir ever had a conversation, it would be amazing ASMR, but maybe even a bit too soothing.

@kobe51 - 17.03.2025 04:24

And he literally doesn't care

@DanielHernandez-hg5ey - 17.03.2025 04:34

hikaru quitting chess really would be armageddon for his fans

@Juanmanuely2022 - 17.03.2025 04:57

Once you start loosing your sharpness, you will certainly not enjoy it anymore

@Assassin-m1-g7 - 17.03.2025 05:17

As an indian iam so happy Hikaru was retirement who care 😂😂😂and Now INDIA super power chess.🙌🙌👊👊🏆 Champion INDIA Team chess 🫵👊✊️🏆🙌😡😡

@dusanzdravkovic8345 - 17.03.2025 07:07

Hans Niemann should be there !

@mightbefire - 17.03.2025 09:02

Hikaru on the longest retirement tour ever, and he's just getting started

@seya_2 - 17.03.2025 11:00

It's really sad, It's quite clear and vthat he lost his edge due to his age. He isn't as sharp as before and misses a lot of things.

@MrSupernova111 - 17.03.2025 11:05

Nakamura needs to stop crying. St Louis needs to replace Nakamura with Hans.

@ELI-73 - 17.03.2025 11:27

Gatekeeping Hans while having such a negative example of a person as top seed is just weird. Hope the SLCC changes decision-makers soon for the benefit of US chess

@Justamag1c - 17.03.2025 11:51

You know who would enjoy chess, Hans

@adrieljordan6600 - 17.03.2025 12:04

why everyone is bringing up Hans? isn't he banned for violent behaviour?

@NJDJ2 - 17.03.2025 12:06

Hikaru is going to retire before John Cena is!

@tt128556 - 17.03.2025 12:29

I don't think he looked Eric in the eye once, such arrogance.

@it5617 - 17.03.2025 12:46

Hikaru is always sad and salty. Not even happy after not allowing hans into the tournament.

@bradmodd7856 - 17.03.2025 13:04

2nd best player in the world, all he does is talk about retiring for years....imagine what he could do if he got some therapy and started enjoying himself?

@nixazizu - 17.03.2025 13:04

As a psychology student its really easy to figure out that Hikaru deep down want to be chess champion thats why he is lying himself that he is not enjoying chess. He is protecting himself from failure that he think he is. It's really common protection from failure when you say you dont like it you dont enjoy it but your doing it every day.

@c0d3rb4b4 - 17.03.2025 13:15

Maybe Hikaru on his retirement tour will also after shaking Fabi's hand will kick him in the nuts and turn heal.

@Miguel29100 - 17.03.2025 13:16

Not believe in rettirement but he will not compete in many tournaments

@OvercookedOctopusFeet - 17.03.2025 13:42

Eric Rosen is a legend. The other guy is ok too.

@oliverupload - 17.03.2025 14:32

Hikaru acting like 37 makes him a senior citizen meanwhile Lebron at 40 is still jumping over people’s heads and chasing championships

@jadezee6316 - 17.03.2025 14:37

mental case naka

@TheLfamily24 - 17.03.2025 15:03

I SAW THIS COMING!! Became a fan during the 2021 CCT.I learned a ton since. One major point is because of twitch streaming this guy was playing literally thousands of games a month for like 3 years straight. There is obsessed but there’s no way playing that much chess can be healthy for you

@kevinwellwrought2024 - 17.03.2025 15:06

Fischer even said he hated chess

@srinathramaswamy6840 - 17.03.2025 15:09

He needs to take himself seriously and stop playing bullet speed runs against 1600s. That degrades the quality of this game.

@theNfl_Esq - 17.03.2025 15:26

Where’s Hans? Ridiculous they are still black balling him. Despite his past troubles nobody can deny that he’s one of the top young talents in the world much less the USA.

@chabla9708 - 17.03.2025 16:23

I'm not sure the reason for all the hate, this is the most reasonable I've seen Hikaru

@mikesuppa7706 - 17.03.2025 16:50

Where is Hans?

@ejsampana426 - 17.03.2025 16:51

He's been playing too much blitz and bullets, and against a lot weaker opponents. Those would definitely affect his playing strength.

@dr.floridamanphd - 17.03.2025 18:06

Hikaru spends too much time playing online blitz and bullet games. If he wants to get his mojo back with classical he’s gotta knuckle down and prep more.

@ceaste777 - 17.03.2025 18:22

I think Hikaru should take a vacation from chess for a little bit.

@arturofmartinez - 17.03.2025 18:34

Nooo…. He and levy got me into chess during the covid yrs.

@fangiscool1 - 17.03.2025 19:13

Hikaru just making ezcuses after loaing, as usual. When he climbed to 2800 again, he loved chess.

@plantnation5932 - 17.03.2025 19:56

Doesn't getting second in the candidates qualify you for the next one?

@bmike410 - 17.03.2025 22:24

We're all ready for the Hans era. Hikaru can ride into the sunset.

@MrFootofDavros - 17.03.2025 22:51

Hikaru probably just isn't enjoying this as he knows he isn't playing against the strongest field possible. It's basically just Elo slushing here, not the premier tournament American chess could be serving up.

@حمودة-ذ4خ - 18.03.2025 00:04

Hikaru we need you in chess tournaments pls don't leave us bro we love you ❤️

@yodovibes - 18.03.2025 00:44

Not enjoying chess because he's getting bodied by Hans Niemann obviously.

@Kasparovwannabe - 18.03.2025 00:49

Sharp could win the next 3 ASL's and Artosis would bump him down to D tier.

@williamgills4581 - 18.03.2025 01:36

Blitz is to chess as a quickie is to the real thing.

@michaeloconnor6264 - 18.03.2025 01:44

It's not fun when your old and young guns beat you

@Bools1232g - 18.03.2025 01:50

Hikaru: I don't make the titles
So basically his editor is telling him to retire?

@centralcoastcommunitywatch - 18.03.2025 03:01

hikaru's da shizznit!!

@George_Bland - 18.03.2025 03:31

We want Hikaru to play forever even if he doesn't :(

@daygrindmike8913 - 18.03.2025 03:55

Ew, the St Louis chess club. Disgusting

@Elijah-fc3ex - 18.03.2025 06:32

Unrelated but that's a really nice chessboard and pieces, where can I buy it chess masters?

@purv_rana - 18.03.2025 07:58

Its all about chess vision, we tend to lose it at times for some reason, due to stress, being nervous etc, The more you're stressed the less focused you feel and you end up blundering easily.

@shushboom3303 - 18.03.2025 08:57

Interesting nose
