Narcissism Is a Defense Against BPD | OTTO KERNBERG

Narcissism Is a Defense Against BPD | OTTO KERNBERG


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Be The Truth
Be The Truth - 27.11.2023 07:09

nope the borderline is the narcissists creation
t-otally different reasoning s and intent
Sacha Slone Delineates these things Perfectly
and from My Lived Experiences THIS IS SO...

Sev HELAR - 08.11.2023 20:56

Thank you for the video. I concur strongly. Individuals with BPD would naturally tend to idealise those with NPD in line with where our society oscillates nowadays. NPD is developed as a coping or survival strategy.

lesley brown
lesley brown - 19.09.2023 01:27

They NEED deliverance from demons !And they NEED their maker Jesus!

duckbee_custard - 05.09.2023 23:24

my mom has BPD and NPD. it’s so confusing. she has lost every single relationship she ever had through her abuse (that is the result of these mental conditions). i’m her youngest child. i’m the only one who has any hope left.

BasementBrassCompany - 03.09.2023 00:45

I read his books in grad school. He understands these two Axis 2 disorders ver well.

Ramón Rodriguez
Ramón Rodriguez - 26.08.2023 01:04

Overcompensating is the f*cking word

brightphoebus - 17.07.2023 10:45

This serves as a warning.

Terror Management Solutions, LLC
Terror Management Solutions, LLC - 03.07.2023 20:08

Let me say, suicide is not the worst decision. No one wants you to stop being a background extra in their life. So, no one will ever advocate taking your own life. But you have a Right to end your life you do Not have a Right to end others. Upon every calculation, you are allowed to come to the conclusion your life is now over. Doesn't mean you didn't have one, felt joy, love, made a few things. But, if the remainder is only illness, disability, poverty, loneliness, alienation, disaster and are done. I will never take someone's life or ability to stop living away.

Terror Management Solutions, LLC
Terror Management Solutions, LLC - 03.07.2023 19:17

If you Believe in Anything too much, you will become a Narc. Politics, Religion, Your Own Awesomeness...when your worldview is challenged, particularly by a rational person, you will go on attack, or ghost.

Jolene Reader
Jolene Reader - 26.06.2023 20:09

This is my dad. You never wanted to embarrass him or disagree because he would become a terrifying monster!

Seymour Tompkins
Seymour Tompkins - 01.05.2023 12:32

I have been trying to absorb Dr Kernberg's wisdom for the past 27 years. As I get older, he just keeps gettin' smarter :)

Third Man
Third Man - 28.04.2023 16:34

Trump defined in three minutes and thirty two seconds.

Threetwo One
Threetwo One - 21.04.2023 23:23

I don't understand what the primary defense mechanism would be? Can a broken self-image be qualified of a defense mechanism or if so in what way?

Threetwo One
Threetwo One - 21.04.2023 23:16

Prof KERNBERG, Your description is really a mix of the vulnerable type and the grandiose type which are excessively different, not that one is better than another.
I am a vulnerable who dated a grandiose.
I don't think we can be handled as the same personality disorder.
There are too many differences and I don't see an underlying BPD in grandiose NPDs
We are very different. In terms of temperament, self-worth, identification with or distrust of the false-self (with differences in self-image), need to be the center of attention and for admiration in everyday life (grandiose) vs. validation vulnerable), self-preservation vs self-destruction, optimism vs pessimism...
I agree with feeling the need to be above.

J A - 21.04.2023 04:54

This is the most astute, and at the same time, most humane and respectful (it doesn't popularize or treat the audience as kids) encapsulations of narcissistic personality that I have ever listened to.

Pete - 20.04.2023 06:11

Right on. A shell around the borderline

Stephen STEPHEN - 24.03.2023 20:47

One can only imagine the early experience of a person with such a fragmented self
The symptomology is very much in evidence with figures such as Trump and others in their pursuit of power, massive wealth etc

Oliver Bird
Oliver Bird - 23.03.2023 02:52

Oh fuck you old try going through shit loads of trauma and see how you'd cope....I don't even agree with what he says...I feel beneath everyone...beneath!!!
It's hell.

DJ TOPCAT - 21.03.2023 14:31

Satan is the original narcissist. Narcissists are not the people they were destined to be, they were hijacked.

Joanna Lopez
Joanna Lopez - 14.03.2023 04:48

I always say they like to PLAY PRETEND!!!

Minneolaos - 06.03.2023 19:44

There is no underlying borderline structure. This guy is in the wrong. Narcissism IS not a defense. Narcissism IS what every pup has when they try to survive and has Been separated from The litter. Narcissism IS purely biological, IT keeps one alive. Every pup IS in their own bubble. Narcissists are milk sucking leeches stuck @ 2 years old. This explains The lack of empathy.

Frank McManus
Frank McManus - 03.03.2023 06:43

I wonder how this would apply to my mother -- she was diagnosed as borderline, but I suspect narcissism was also a factor. Her attempts to construct a self-aggrandizing self were never completely successful. When she was employed, you could see it: she treated everyone around her with a ridiculous high-handed contempt. This was the only way she knew how to function in public. At home she alternated between idealizing her close relationships, manipulating them to conform to her desires, and condemning them as traitors -- swinging wildly back and forth as she strove to deal with her inner sense of abandonment, pain, and longing. Meanwhile she would betray her friends with no regret. I moved out at 18, and she broke down in a screaming fit of rage and despair. For the rest of her life she never stopped begging me to come back and live with her, while simultaneously doing everything possible to undermine my sense of self. On one occasion she worked behind my back to befriend several of my co-workers and convince them what a terrible person I was. She demanded that her family and friends treat her as the leader of a cult that worshiped her alone, because her suffering alone was so great it merited this treatment as a kind of universal reparation. But she failed miserably. So I conclude she was perpetually halfway between borderline and narcissist. Unless there's a better way to understand it that I haven't figured out yet.

J - 01.03.2023 04:12

Looking forward to when we can move from "everyone that was fucked up in my life is NPD." This disorder is between 1-3% of the population, but everyone casts all their enemies into the fire. Now everyone is NPD. The labeling has become a fad that the disorder is washed out like sociopath was through the mid-2000s. Not everyone who dicked over your life is NPD! Sometimes people are jerkoffs and sometimes, its other disorders -- there's a whole science dedicated to mental illness: find another rock to kick around.

Stanley Sweet
Stanley Sweet - 22.02.2023 18:02

I think it’s important to clarify here that Dr Kernberg is talking about NPD as a kind of defence against borderline personality ORGANISATION, not against borderline personality disorder in the descriptive sense. The title of ‘a defence against borderline’ could be potentially confusing.

fromsicknesstohealth - 10.02.2023 20:18

So it makes sense the vulnerable narcissist is much the same as a BPD, it’s an in between state. Or it’s a BPD with alternating state of grandiosity and low self esteem.

fromsicknesstohealth - 10.02.2023 20:05

I heard BPD described as a failed NPD, but it seems the breaking down of grandiosity in BPD may be a stage in recovery.

Petek Demircioğlu
Petek Demircioğlu - 08.02.2023 13:49

Do you mean they have 2 Faces and act as if theyre people theyre not?

proactivex - 19.01.2023 20:47

Fascinating. If you see a narcissist get broken out of their frame you witness a bpd type meltdown. Then they regroup and pretend it never happened.

MrMawnster - 02.01.2023 09:24

This man does not talk like he is in his 90's!! So sharp and articulate!!

Guy Reid
Guy Reid - 23.12.2022 17:54

Kernberg is a leader in this field. Vaknin appears to concur with him on the close inter relatedness of BPD and NPD - basically the one is the other - very difficult to distinguish the two

Swiss - 21.12.2022 19:15


bapho met
bapho met - 26.11.2022 08:27

This video is so important. If you have a schizoid core, a "black hole", you are keen on assuming any structure depending on the situation, any momentary combination that works. It may vary depending on age, or the people you have around, the hierarchy, the power you have in that moment. Therapist should keep in mind that what they see is not a pool but a river.

Anna Maria
Anna Maria - 04.10.2022 13:42

THANK you, so well put.

AlDoViRoo - 20.09.2022 09:37

Im diagnosed with both disorders

Agie Jones
Agie Jones - 19.09.2022 07:53

Brilliant!!! 🙏🙏🙏🌟

Kenneth Garcia
Kenneth Garcia - 05.09.2022 13:07

Otto's projection is interesting. His desperate need to be seen as the "expert" and acknowledged as such would lead to this tremendous body of work and this stance of his that defined this dichotomy of those with illness apart rather than seeing the healthy individual as a balance of all the personality disorder strategies capable of utilizing each as tools for adaptation. Otto had to be in charge and be the smartest individual in the room, which ultimately made him less adaptive and fixed on his way of seeing and doing things. High intellectual development can mask these underlying character vulnerabilities.

Ed Green
Ed Green - 02.08.2022 23:50

As a retired therapist I am pleased to hear him again. Splitting predominates and they lack object constancy. Grandiosity as a defense against their dependency.

T H - 28.07.2022 02:47

Kernberg's thinking - that some of the traditionally separate personality disorders were actually linked or different manifestations of the same underlying problem - is now reflected in the latest version of the ICD. They have abolished the old personality disorders and now record traits instead.

esähM - 23.07.2022 00:55

A bit too psychoanalytical and speculative for my taste, even though of course I respect Mr Kernberg for his contributions to the field.

All "mental disorders" (divergences from the norm in behaviour and cognition) are best understood by researching the underlying neurobiological mechanisms. Everything else is philosophy and speculation (basically "kaffee klatsch"), but not science.

Alicia Curtsinger
Alicia Curtsinger - 28.06.2022 04:17

I could never really decide if he was BPD or npd because I'm quite sure PTSD plays a huge part. I love mine, so much, and believe that they can be healed, but I just don't have it in me anymore to wait around for the day it Dawn's on him what and why he is the way he is

Aaron Shore
Aaron Shore - 20.06.2022 08:06

Remember, for those that claim they are like you and actually are not, Borderlines and those who have CPTSD often mirror as a way to fit in desperately. Narcissists and Sociopaths pretend to be interested in you so they can extort you for everything you are worth. Borderlines also are far more emotional and outwardly defensive and more apt to threaten suicide to multiple people. Often compulsive spending can manifest itself into financial manipulation and borderlines are much more upfront about their behaviors than Narcissists are. They are also more hopeful on another to make them feel complete. Narcs never have the desire to be completed by anyone only to take.

Animal Advocate
Animal Advocate - 12.06.2022 22:51

My recent encounter with one I witnessed multiple personalities.

Star 123
Star 123 - 21.04.2022 19:40

Is he saying that NPD is an extreme form of BPD? I need the kiddy version of this video 🥴🥴

Craig Weaver
Craig Weaver - 12.03.2022 05:34

What about supply pertaining to narcissism?! Most narcissistic people require a certain level of hostility, premeditated and intentional. Covert or overt they both require some level of hostility rather than disregard. They have a hard time taking things as they are, or letting go even without trespass. They will manufacturer trespass to suck someone in afflicting their conscience.

Sam O
Sam O - 11.03.2022 08:24

Niceeee. So i go through npd and end up in bpd. siiiiick

Bill McKinney
Bill McKinney - 28.02.2022 06:07

Anyone who can find a way to throw Climate Change into this is not a Narcissist, you are damned idiot…

Nick B
Nick B - 27.02.2022 13:10

why are human minds so fucking fragile haha

Sandy Depoy
Sandy Depoy - 27.02.2022 01:05

I wish I could understand his accent what I could hear is great

لمى الشريف
لمى الشريف - 20.02.2022 23:21

I always thought borderline is the result of narcissism. Strange you emplify the opposite here.

Jennifer Maxine
Jennifer Maxine - 03.02.2022 18:02

Narcissist in self denial...ischemic stroke...not so superior after all...a dead duck smoking crack
