What if Saruman Got The One Ring? | Tolkien Theory

What if Saruman Got The One Ring? | Tolkien Theory

Nerd of the Rings

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PDEA LS13 - 22.09.2023 06:00

What if Saruman remained faithful to his duty and went with the Fellowship? Pls make a video out of it. Thanks

Christian - 21.09.2023 00:06

How could Sauron control the Nazgul even though he did not have the one ring.

Liam Denise
Liam Denise - 20.09.2023 17:24

Well, Saruman would first use it to stop Sauron, since he is a Maiar like Sauron and thus his powers+ the rings powers would make him very powerful, likely by destroying Barad Dur and defeating the 9, but he wouldn't throw the ring in the fire, so therefore Sauron will just once again be a shadow, waiting to take shape again, while Mordor's armies of orcs and trolls are decimated, he would work with the men of Gondor and Rohan to do this, becoming loved and adored like he secretely wished, being admired and respected, perhaps more so then Gandalf. The elves do not all have to leave as the magic of their rings remains, but the peace will not last.He would then try to take control of middle earth, make it better in his eyes, fix what has been lost and improve where he sees issues. Such as the spread of machinery, investing in repairing the ruins, etc, to the dismay of others. Eventually he'd be as bad as Sauron, but where Sauron wants dominion, Saruman wants to improve the world and modernise it, to reverse the decline of men and elves, to restore what once was there and turn places like the Shire into better functioning places of industry.

Markus-Hermann Koch
Markus-Hermann Koch - 19.09.2023 21:58

Nice theory. I would differ in one point: A powerful ring bearer like Saruman would not need to come in proximity to the Nazgul. They would serve him the instance he claims the Ring. Regardless of where they are at the time.

Nathy Northy
Nathy Northy - 19.09.2023 18:23

This is a lot better than the 'What if Gandalf took the One Ring' video (in which Gandalf, supposedly the wisest of the Maiar, ultimately has a brainfart and actually decides to invade Valinor).

The main problem with this new theory is whether Gandalf would any longer be able to break the spell of a now Ring-wielding Saruman and cure Théoden. Added to that is the very dubious notion that Théoden would then simply agree to attack Isengard.

The other idea I'm having difficulty accepting as possible or credible is that Sauron could be persuaded to suddenly launch an attack on Minas Tirith. I don't understand this notion of Saruman pretending to simply possess the Ring for a bit rather than wielding it, while promising to hand it over to Sauron. Saruman would not try this on as Sauron was obviously never going to believe it. Sauron would instead focus entirely on getting the Ring back rather than playing any of Saruman's games. He would immediately send the Nazgûl for the Ring before Saruman could master it (just as he told Pippin in the palantír, when Sauron actually thought Saruman had the Ring). But that raises the question as to whether the Nazgûl would simply switch their allegiance to a RIng-wielding Saruman. Could Sauron have possibly hoped to get the Ring back in this or any other way, if Saruman had got his hands on it?

And one other thing: why in this video does it suppose, if Saruman had the Ring, that Sauron could never again take bodily form? He already had - as was stated in a previous video, 'What if Sauron had got the One Ring'.

Dominic Adrian
Dominic Adrian - 19.09.2023 07:12


V_Of_Vendetta_Edits - 17.09.2023 21:33

I dont think Sauron would be destroyed without even a fight, in the end anyone claiming the ring and wanting to destroy Sauron would end up giving the ring to Sauron wether willingly or not, because the ring always wants to return to its master and creator, besides tolkien stated that on a 1 on 1 confrontation with the ring against Sauron the only one who could beat him was Gandalf, meaning that not even Saruman could do it, besides if anyone ever fought Sauron with the ring, the ring would more likely fall from their hands and go to Sauron

Brad Spead
Brad Spead - 15.09.2023 18:43

"...and Debbie"

just kills me every time 😂😂

Sognar Isenheart
Sognar Isenheart - 15.09.2023 10:54

The End felt a bit rushed in this Theory. Esp. the part why Sauron was destroyed but his (human) armies did still fight on.

Brenbold - 15.09.2023 01:59

With the description we get from Tolkein you cited in this video, Christopher Lee was such a perfect choice for Saruman. RIP.

Aaron Small
Aaron Small - 12.09.2023 23:31

Idk sauron was always stronger so I feel like it would go a different way with sauron reclaiming his ring

Michael Swain
Michael Swain - 12.09.2023 14:36

I would have thought that in this narrative line the forces facing off against Saruman would be more extensive. Simply because Saruman has not disrupted the many villages and small holds and without having to fight the battle of helms deep more people would have faith in the Rohirim king. Additionally I would have thought several elven allies might be available, blocking Gondor is one thing but Sauron going all out to hit everywhere leaving Izenguard untouched when it has his priority objective seems weak.

Samjtman1.0 - 12.09.2023 04:42

Okay, so another offshoot idea. What if Saruman after the battle of Helms Deep saw the error of his ways and repented when given the chance by Gandalf the White?

Ondrej Vasak
Ondrej Vasak - 10.09.2023 23:17

Great video, but I have some questions. In your hypothetical story, when Saruman gets the ring and claims it for himself, Sauron is basically finished. He looses the Nazgul and his physical form and is basically defeated. If that is the case, why does he ever treat him as an ally and help him get the ring to Isengard? I know Sauron never really considered anyone trying to destroy the ring in mount Doom, because he could not understand why would anyone try to destroy it instead of use it for themselves. In that case, he should have well understood that Saruman would very likely try to claim the ring which basically spells doom for him, yet he allies himself with him and sends orcs to escort the ring to Isengard (correct me if I am wrong here). If your analysis of what happens after Saruman gains the ring is correct, then Sauron should treat Saruman as his worst enemy, he is one of the few people who could claim the ring and likely the only one greedy enough to do it.

That makes me think that Sauron must have had some safeguards in place that could keep that from happening, because if he hadn't, he would have seen Saruman as his biggest threat and not an ally to use and discard later. Certainly bigger threat than the Hobbits and Gandalf and possibly even the elves.

Parasmunt - 10.09.2023 00:24

If the Nazgul obey the master of the one ring, what would happen if the witch king took it? Presumably nothing or Sauron wouldn't have sent them out to look for it. So do the Nazgul actually answer to the owner of the ring alone? No they also answer to Sauron and he has the power to keep them from wielding it.

Tobias Olausson
Tobias Olausson - 10.09.2023 00:21

One who breaks a thing to discover what it is has left the path of wisdom.

One of my favorite passages from fellowship of the rings, I think the chapter is called the council of Saruman

Parasmunt - 10.09.2023 00:15

Saruman was one of the most interesting characters in the book, the Voice is especially a fascinating concept. Imagine going to Saruman and even from a distance you hear a musical voice and feel your heart lifted, you want to sit down and listen forever not turning into an automaton you still have your faculties but just completely charmed and beguiled. Imagine the power of that. The Sirens from Greek mythology would be an analogy.

Carlisle Skyrim
Carlisle Skyrim - 09.09.2023 07:46

Future video idea:
What happened to Saurons armor?

Carlisle Skyrim
Carlisle Skyrim - 09.09.2023 07:45

I feel like when it comes to timelines in Lord of The Rings. We need an acronym. Kinda like in Star Wars BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). How about BWTR (Before the War of The Ring)?

Soup Piyas
Soup Piyas - 07.09.2023 18:46

I don't think the Elves army of both Lorien and Rivendel would stand still if they knew the one Ring is claimed. They would send messenger to all cities and rally the force to attack Isengard or defend themselves, not easy pray for the dark forces. Or they would flee middle earth.

Chuck Huber
Chuck Huber - 07.09.2023 00:23

Would Gandalf have been able to free Theoden in this scenario? On the one hand, Saruman has the Ring and on the other, Gandalf cannot use the power of Narya to rouse hearts. I think it likely that Theoden, alas, would remain enslaved to Saruman's will.

zachary caudill
zachary caudill - 04.09.2023 09:14

I’m confuse. Why couldn’t the three elf Lords use their rings. They weren’t made by Saurman? So the one ring has no control over them, right?

amcc666 - 03.09.2023 10:27

Such a cool video bro

Lilly Liion
Lilly Liion - 03.09.2023 10:27

One funny thing I should think is this, Even if he can capture and hold Gandalf the White... I'm sure that Gandalf might be able to escape or else send word to the other three Istari... Radagast, Alastor, and Pallando. Doubtless they would get in contact with the Valar and perhaps more Maiar might come to finish it once and for all.

Inzamnia / Henreek
Inzamnia / Henreek - 02.09.2023 10:29

But why would Sauron send his Nazghul to Isengard if he knew that Saruman could consume the ring and take control of the Nazghul? Especially since Sauron already knew of Sarumans treachery.

mokeish - 02.09.2023 03:46

Due to studying Sauron for arguably 1000 years, he's the only one who could actually potentially find a way to stop Sauron from coming back or actually use the ring against him, it's kind of a misconception that anyone including Galadriel or Gandalf could actually use The One Ring against Sauron, yes their powers would increase but that's not same thing, it's more then likely he was prepared for such an attempt, and a myriad of possibilities open up, including the ring turning on or harming or disabling it's wearer or simply going dormant in his presence and even if you did destroy him, no one could actually prevent him from coming back, Saruman may have been able to craft something to wear with the ring to actually impact Sauron in some way since he directly studied Sauron's ring crafting techniques, no one else had the knowledge.

BFMert - 31.08.2023 13:37

This outcome of 3 sided middle earth is so fun to estimate what would be the outcome

Forfun62 - 30.08.2023 07:34

I mean I think the elves would come together and probably defeat smog.

william cullum
william cullum - 28.08.2023 20:56

easy Saruman, takes the ring and dies from trying to fight Saulron.

Florida prepper
Florida prepper - 28.08.2023 03:22

Great video sir, thank you.

Mark Micco
Mark Micco - 27.08.2023 07:17

Dude this was awesome and by far my favorite scenario of if the white wizard got the ring..... I would love to hear your thoughts on a scenario where the balrog got the ring..... It was so epic and people often don't realize just how close that fire demon was to the ring of power in Moria

Steve Slothstorm
Steve Slothstorm - 23.08.2023 02:22

Loving these theory videos. In the Balrog video you mention how it's possible the Balrog of Moria might act as an ally to Sauron and it would be awesome to see a theory video considering what effect a more active Balrog would have on middle earth.

Zirilo - 18.08.2023 09:49

I know is hard to put this together while not stepping so much on canon or logic but I still find these type of theories unsettling because it feels as though everyone else is trying to follow a script as much as possible rather than creating a new storyline but I guess that's how it works and yes I know this actually created a new timeline but no so unexpected, is not that I get inmature about the heroes dying and the villan winning (at least you didn't make it edgy) but I rather think that it would be more interesting to find alternative ways of winning then simply admiting what everyone else acknowledges that would happen should the ring fall in the wrong hands

Cyber Controller 16-914
Cyber Controller 16-914 - 16.08.2023 15:23

Saruman preceeds to become an oil barron

ciaran boyle
ciaran boyle - 16.08.2023 00:40

The one thing I note is that I suspect that the elves would flee middle earth when an enemy took the ring whether that enemy was Sauron or Sauruman.

While Lothlorien and Rinvendell may fall I suspect they would both be near empty before they fall. Perhaps a rearguard would remain but Elven kind would have fled to the havens.

Rodolfo Alejandro Rojas Díaz
Rodolfo Alejandro Rojas Díaz - 14.08.2023 23:57

Would Eru allow the Vala to do anything? After all it would still be ainur dominating their protected races and not just the evil side of lesser races winning over.

Jim - 12.08.2023 19:59

I was always under the impression that only Sauron can use the rings power properly, and that it is always seeking to reunite with him. I've always believed that any scenario that involves someone claiming the ring for themself is ultimately serving Sauron's end. It will inevitably return to him.

casey wood
casey wood - 08.08.2023 06:09

What if the Witch King got it?

Kevin Valentino
Kevin Valentino - 08.08.2023 05:00

Another good possible "What if" would be "If Thranduil got the ring" by capturing Bilbo during his attempt to break out the dwarves during The Hobbit.

Karadjanov - 05.08.2023 22:35

Nice video but I do not agree that Saruman would be able to take on Galadriel and Elrond together. It is not clear if he could overpower the Elvish rings. It is hinted that only Sauron wielding the one ring has power over the 3 Elvish rings but if it was a different master it is not entirely clear if that would be the case..

Smaco - 04.08.2023 10:47

The idea of Middle Earth going through an industrial revolution is awesome.

Reminds me of that old Troika game, Arcanum.

Xenobio - 02.08.2023 06:52

Eowyn leading an underground resistance against Saruman is very plausible since she suffered for years being sexually harrassed by his minion Grima Wormtongue. Saruman probably threatening to put her completely into Wormtongue's hands would be the last straw.

WayneAnonymous - 30.07.2023 10:29

I'm wondering though, shouldn't have Elrond and Galadriel taken actions as well? They certainly immediately knew as well that Saruman had taken it. I think at least Galadriel would have sent a force and maybe even went herself to Isengard. I mean, they even went to Helm's Deep to aid them.

Lewis Knight
Lewis Knight - 28.07.2023 03:00

I love canon and theory markers ❤

Eric - 25.07.2023 20:43

I think it would have been possible for Saruman to get the ring earlier than he did. If Gandalf had decided to go to the shire instead of listening to Radagast, then Gandalf wouldn't have known of his treachery, and they might have taken the ring to Saruman willingly. That has always been one of my big "what ifs". Gandalf even said that if he'd known about the ring wraiths being abroad, he never would have listened to Radagast, he would have gone straight to the Shire and left right away, missing out on a lot of the members of the Fellowship along the way.

Maiden Ceri
Maiden Ceri - 25.07.2023 10:18

And this is why you have countersong

Plazmica 032
Plazmica 032 - 21.07.2023 13:17

so what happened to Sauron at the end ?
