Nuclear Energy Explained: How does it work? 1/3

Nuclear Energy Explained: How does it work? 1/3

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

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Curt Piazza
Curt Piazza - 13.08.2023 09:54

Great! 😊

N⭐️KSHU - 07.08.2023 16:32

This was eight years ago, to anyone watching now. Nuclear energy isnt as bad as the video makes it seem, theres even a study from harvard that says that nuclear reactors cannot have melt downs bc of modern tech and programming, Asap science’s video on nuclear energy clears up a lot so go watch bc im too lazy to explain. Yes many disasters related to nuclear energy have taken place BUT there were 0 deaths in the Fukushima catastrophe and studies show that working in an office space can be more dangerous than working at a nuclear power plant. 1000x more deaths are caused by planes than nuclear energy in the US alone.

(Im rlly sorry if i got anything wrong btw im in the ninth grade and very dumb. Thank you.)

Dynamitagious - 03.08.2023 12:48

The fact that both of the other videos were released on April Fools just makes me think that they are mocking nuclear energy.

Oddy Dee
Oddy Dee - 08.07.2023 02:08


Christian Hill
Christian Hill - 03.07.2023 20:08

Now I'm thinking the problem may be that we aren't smart enough to build and maintain the nuclear reactors

Ben Zandpour
Ben Zandpour - 18.06.2023 21:28

RENEWABLE ENERGY hasn’t even gotten close to its full potential. Let’s focus on that before this crazy shit.

FTFSupremacy - 13.06.2023 00:53

Some Russian idiots: blows up reactor

Everyone: "Nuclear bad!1!1! bad reactor! bad boy!"

Bianka Lippai
Bianka Lippai - 09.06.2023 01:54

angol emelt szóbeli 2023?

U_0020 - 01.06.2023 15:40

the old intro was so cringe but so good.

Dirty Money On The Trail #DirtyMoneyOTTsneakers
Dirty Money On The Trail #DirtyMoneyOTTsneakers - 01.06.2023 14:31

History of Nuclear

The beginnings of nuclear energy can be traced back to the discovery of radioactivity in the late 19th century. In the 1930s, scientists began to explore the possibility of using nuclear reactions to produce energy. The first nuclear reactor was built in 1942 as part of the Manhattan Project, which developed the atomic bomb during World War II. In the following decades, nuclear energy was developed for peaceful purposes, including electricity generation.

How Nuclear Energy Works:
Nuclear energy is produced through the process of nuclear fission, which involves splitting the nucleus of an atom into two smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. This energy is used to heat water, producing steam that drives turbines to generate electricity. Nuclear reactors are designed to control the rate of fission and prevent uncontrolled reactions, which could lead to a nuclear meltdown.

Where Nuclear Energy is Now:
Nuclear energy is currently used to generate about 10% of the world's electricity, with the majority of nuclear power plants located in the United States, France, China, and Russia. However, public opinion and government policies around nuclear energy have been mixed due to concerns about safety, waste disposal, and the potential for nuclear weapons proliferation.

Evolution of Nuclear Energy:
Over the years, there have been various advancements in nuclear energy technology, including the development of smaller, modular reactors and the use of nuclear fusion, which involves combining atomic nuclei to release energy. There have also been efforts to improve the safety and efficiency of nuclear reactors, as well as to address concerns around nuclear waste and proliferation. Additionally, there has been a growing interest in renewable energy sources, which has prompted some countries to phase out or reduce their reliance on nuclear energy.

In conclusion, nuclear energy has a complex history, and its use and development have been shaped by a variety of factors. While nuclear energy has the potential to provide a significant source of low-carbon electricity, it also raises a number of environmental, safety, and security concerns. The future of nuclear energy will likely depend on continued advancements in technology and policy, as well as the evolving energy needs of society.
Key terms i've learned:

- Core: The central part of a nuclear reactor where nuclear reactions take place.
- Critical mass: The amount of fissile material needed to sustain a nuclear chain reaction.
- Fast breeder reactor: A type of nuclear reactor that produces more fissile material than it consumes, using fast neutrons.
- Fusion: A type of nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei combine to form heavier nuclei, releasing energy in the process.
- Meltdown: A catastrophic failure of a nuclear reactor that can lead to the release of radioactive material.
- Nuclear: Relating to the nucleus of an atom.
- Nuclear fission: The splitting of an atomic nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.
- Nuclear power: The use of nuclear reactions to generate electricity.
- Nuclear reactor: A device that initiates and controls a nuclear chain reaction, typically used for the generation of electricity.
- Nuclear waste: Radioactive material left over from nuclear reactions, which is typically stored in specialized facilities.
- Plutonium: A radioactive element used as a fuel in nuclear reactors and in the production of nuclear weapons.
- Calandria: A component of some nuclear reactors that houses the fuel rods.
- Actinide: A group of radioactive elements that includes uranium and plutonium.
- Activation product: A radioactive material produced when a non-radioactive material is exposed to radiation.
- PWR: Pressurized water reactor, a common type of nuclear reactor used for electricity generation.
- Radiation: Energy that is emitted in the form of waves or particles from a source, such as a radioactive material.
- Radioactive waste: Material that contains radioactive elements and poses a potential hazard to human health and the environment.
- Reactor: Short for nuclear reactor.
- Thermonuclear: Relating to nuclear reactions that occur at extremely high temperatures.
- ALARA: As Low As Reasonably Achievable, a principle used in the management of radiation exposure to minimize risks to human health.
- Alpha particle: A type of particle emitted by certain radioactive materials.
- Atom: The basic unit of matter, consisting of a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons.
- Background radiation: The natural radiation that is present in the environment.
- Base load: The minimum level of electricity demand that must be met continuously.
- Becquerel: A unit of measurement for the activity of radioactive materials.
- Beta particle: A type of particle emitted by certain radioactive materials.
- Boiling water reactor: A type of nuclear reactor that uses steam generated from boiling water to drive turbines.
- Breed: The production of additional fissile material, typically through the use of a breeder reactor.

Nuclear energy is a powerful and efficient source of electricity, but it also comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons of nuclear energy:

1. High power output: Nuclear power plants generate a large amount of electricity from a small amount of fuel, making it a highly efficient source of energy.
2. Low carbon emissions: Unlike fossil fuel-burning power plants, nuclear power plants do not emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.
3. Reliability: Nuclear power plants can operate continuously for long periods of time without interruption, making it a reliable source of electricity.
4. Energy security: Nuclear power does not rely on imported fuels, reducing a country's dependence on foreign resources.
5. Medical and scientific applications: Nuclear technology has important applications in medicine, such as in cancer treatment, and in scientific research.

1. Safety concerns: Nuclear power plants have the potential for accidents, which can result in serious environmental and health consequences.
2. Nuclear waste: Nuclear power produces radioactive waste that remains dangerous for thousands of years, and there is currently no proven method for safe long-term storage.
3. High cost: Nuclear power plants are expensive to build and maintain, and the costs of decommissioning plants and disposing of nuclear waste must also be factored in.
4. Proliferation risk: The same technology used to produce nuclear power can also be used to produce nuclear weapons, which raises concerns about the spread of nuclear weapons.
5. Public perception: Nuclear power is often associated with negative public perceptions due to past accidents and concerns about safety and waste disposal.

A A - 01.06.2023 13:22

Clearly, Future of Germany is coal today.

Phil - 19.05.2023 01:59

Best energy choice available to the world

MiCab - 03.05.2023 14:21

ser gut einz zwei drei

Anthony Frias
Anthony Frias - 28.04.2023 05:55

I think nuclear power is on a verge of a Renaissance

Ajay Roe
Ajay Roe - 21.04.2023 16:24

this video is terrible it got me a F

FROST__GAMING__YTT - 11.04.2023 19:37

The name is translated to =In short

Chris Kupiszewski
Chris Kupiszewski - 11.04.2023 16:23

New project finsished in 2025: ITRIS

Benjamin 1234
Benjamin 1234 - 22.03.2023 22:46

3.50 "nuclear meats around 10% of the worlds energy demand" is it not 10% of the worlds electrecity demand? and only 4% of the worlds total energy production? correct me if im wrong

Naga Raju
Naga Raju - 09.03.2023 16:51


Sam’s Content
Sam’s Content - 05.03.2023 18:54

Thanks kurgesagt, I was trying to build my own nuclear reactor and it exploded 3 times, now I can build one in my backgarden with confidence!

Alberto Carmona
Alberto Carmona - 19.02.2023 20:34

Nuclear energy does not exist, it is a US hoax, let's have a march in protest, I discovered it by watching a documentary on US history, where they have barrels filled with radioactive waste, it is completely illogical that those barrels have a radioactive substance, that Do not see our ignorant faces, greetings from Mexico, La Ceiba Puebla, Alberto Carmona.

Alberto Carmona
Alberto Carmona - 19.02.2023 20:34

Nuclear energy does not exist, it is a US hoax, let's have a march in protest, I discovered it by watching a documentary on US history, where they have barrels filled with radioactive waste, it is completely illogical that those barrels have a radioactive substance, that Do not see our ignorant faces, greetings from Mexico, La Ceiba Puebla, Alberto Carmona.

Alberto Carmona
Alberto Carmona - 19.02.2023 20:33

Nuclear energy does not exist, it is a US hoax, let's have a march in protest, I discovered it by watching a documentary on US history, where they have barrels filled with radioactive waste, it is completely illogical that those barrels have a radioactive substance, that Do not see our ignorant faces, greetings from Mexico, La Ceiba Puebla, Alberto Carmona.

Alberto Carmona
Alberto Carmona - 19.02.2023 20:33

Nuclear energy does not exist, it is a US hoax, let's have a march in protest, I discovered it by watching a documentary on US history, where they have barrels filled with radioactive waste, it is completely illogical that those barrels have a radioactive substance, that Do not see our ignorant faces, greetings from Mexico, La Ceiba Puebla, Alberto Carmona.

Alberto Carmona
Alberto Carmona - 19.02.2023 20:32

Nuclear energy does not exist, it is a US hoax, let's have a march in protest, I discovered it by watching a documentary on US history, where they have barrels filled with radioactive waste, it is completely illogical that those barrels have a radioactive substance, that Do not see our ignorant faces, greetings from Mexico, La Ceiba Puebla, Alberto Carmona.

Alberto Carmona
Alberto Carmona - 19.02.2023 20:32

Nuclear energy does not exist, it is a US hoax, let's have a march in protest, I discovered it by watching a documentary on US history, where they have barrels filled with radioactive waste, it is completely illogical that those barrels have a radioactive substance, that Do not see our ignorant faces, greetings from Mexico, La Ceiba Puebla, Alberto Carmona.

SirLuke on YT
SirLuke on YT - 18.02.2023 21:12

Apparently, Sam o nella academy made a video on why thorium is infinitely better than uranium. It’s very good and I highly recommend it.

Jiddey Jiddey
Jiddey Jiddey - 14.02.2023 09:09

call me a racist, but countries "under development" shouldnt even have access to run a nuclear plant imo. same goes for most of eastern europe. the japanese could if it werent for all the freaking natural disasters. the best place for reactors is either western europe or the US. i'd place 100% of my bet on germany. (no im not german) but still. its GERMANY! they freaking know how to run a reactor properly!

Ames_ - 07.02.2023 00:41

Johnny zest

Lemon Acid Rounds
Lemon Acid Rounds - 05.02.2023 11:25

Just wanted to mention what kind of monsters we are by torturing the water like that... Poor water went through the worst nightmare to satisfy our needs. Just kidding.
Nuclear power plants must become the leading percentage of power plants on Earth for enviorement protection as they are clean, cheap and perfectly safe if used properly! Fossil fuel is sucking the planet's life, our wallets and its limited supply!

The adventures of Michael Siko🕺
The adventures of Michael Siko🕺 - 27.01.2023 22:27

Artificial intelligence

Lacey Hiatt
Lacey Hiatt - 22.01.2023 23:23

Forbidden tea

kwv4865 - 08.01.2023 09:00

Do supporters still want nuclear power even those it would take years and cost a lot of $$$ for new plants to be built and it is not so clean and green as they think?

kwv4865 - 08.01.2023 08:44

What is the point for supporters suggesting nuclear power is clean and green when they know they are avoiding the truth, especially that nuclear waste has to be buried deep underground for years?

kwv4865 - 07.01.2023 18:07

Ah good to see someone tested the theory that Thorium is safe enough to hold in your hand.

kwv4865 - 07.01.2023 18:01

From the comments those who support nuclear power, has ignored the waste from it, ignored that it would take years to build nuclear power plants, ignored accidents from nuclear power plants etc etc etc etc

kwv4865 - 07.01.2023 17:04

If Nuclear power is clean and green as supporters claims, why does nuclear waste has to be buried deep underground for many years?

Oleander Kazzy
Oleander Kazzy - 18.12.2022 20:03

"That's it? That's the renewable energy?
It's just boiling water!"

Mr. John Zussino
Mr. John Zussino - 14.12.2022 23:28

Great video - thanks:)

Stephen Brickwood
Stephen Brickwood - 12.12.2022 03:00

CO2 nonproliferation yes ?
Electric vehicles proliferation yes ?
Nuclear proliferation yes ? or no ?
USA military defence budget explodes yes ?

Renewables are extremely local, existing national grid is perfect with EV big batteries.

Central concentrated nuclear electricity needs to be 5 times bigger.
National Electricity Grid needs to be 5 times bigger in capacity to disperse the nuclear electricity.
The grid is 10times bigger cost than the power plants.

Nuclear will become stranded economic debts as they will become ancient technology. Nuclear costs will include the massive national grid expansion costs.
Nuclear power will mean world exports of uranium ore to every country's nuclear industries.
Including all Dictatorships or do we stop their nuclear electricity and their CO2 industries?????

Too many questions ???

The national grid expansion is the killer economically stupid cost.

There is a reason over sized transmission lines were never built, money, money, money, money 💰

People are moving from nuclear ignorance to nuclear understanding but most keep going because that is exactly where big business wants you to be, excited about the wet dream.

Mr Burns
Mr Burns - 10.12.2022 05:42


christopher - 09.12.2022 14:29

John 3.16-21 Jesus Christ is the only hope repent and follow him today Mark 1.15 he is the only hope in this world and for Salvation cork to the loving saviour today

Stephanie Smith
Stephanie Smith - 26.10.2022 23:16

We are just not going to talk about the Tardis or Dalek Easter eggs in this video?? lol

Blake Burke
Blake Burke - 25.10.2022 08:05

Shame the media screwed it over

Ramulu Nayak
Ramulu Nayak - 14.10.2022 05:53

I am a student but your video help me a lot! Keep going🎉😂😊

pyrefly - 03.10.2022 14:57

Spoiler : yes , yes we should . It's very simple
Nuclear energy : will give us tons of electricity at the cost of some accidents once in a while
Current methods : will give us tons of electricity but kill us all in 30 years if not less .
The correct choice seems obvious to me
