WHY I MOVED TO JAPAN | My Biggest Life Decision

WHY I MOVED TO JAPAN | My Biggest Life Decision

Abroad in Japan

6 лет назад

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@holderian0 - 17.01.2024 19:08

Little did he know that he would become Martin Scorsese with the Natsuki movie

@jasonsmith6106 - 05.01.2024 14:34

Inspirational recount of the years leading up to arriving. Thanks for sharing.

@abesapien9930 - 27.12.2023 04:33

Listening to "Son of Man" by Phil Collins on a bus ride will make any man conquer the world.

@_heartunderblade2451 - 16.12.2023 10:31

In my boxing gym we have a quote from Ali that says “if your dreams arent scaring you, they arent big enough” i think this video exemplifies that perfectly

@dawset - 03.12.2023 17:40

Wish I would have seen this video back in 2010

@goldiefox7128 - 29.11.2023 09:36

I always wanted to move to Japan to, particularly Hokkaido region since I like cold weathers, but the only problem for me is that I don't have the money to move tho

@mjmikaelson - 07.10.2023 21:07

Great video Chris!

@kaylacollado2931 - 28.09.2023 21:15

The bus ride part was favorite 😂
And good song, btw 😁

@ScottMcMaster-er4xj - 15.08.2023 10:37

English Linguistics, eh? Well, then you might enjoy reading Harvard Psychology professor, cognitive scientist, and psycho-linguist, Steven Pinker's books: "The Language of Thought" and "Words and Rules". Great reads. You learn a lot about language in general and also about human psychology along the way.

@centinela24542 - 24.07.2023 07:49

Pensé que era alguien especial, pero es el mismo gallo de siempre, nada nuevo bajo el Sol.

@cloudlv - 14.07.2023 22:35

This message has literally encouraged me to do any and everything (within the confines of the law)

@animetiddies5619 - 05.07.2023 18:40

Hey! I know this is out of the blue but do you remember what music you used for the end? Shazam can't pick it up for some reason

@SharrkyX - 25.06.2023 22:50

Talking about what happened after the bus ride, how you imagined it; and having something to aim for feels tough to listen to right now. One of the reasons i did a second degree at uni was the opportunity to do an exchange semester in japan (and I had nothing else to do in corona, so it wasnt the worst choice). Quite a bumpy ride, and after 3 different semesters of having an application in, my last chance went away and i now have a finished degree. After watching these videos, and imagining it for a long time; having a similar experience, i let it go simply because it seemed like such a massive change and i was too unsure until the deadline was upon me. But of course; after the opportunity for me is gone; i have massive regret.

if anyone has the chance they should definitely do it. Its definitely something to aim for and that could potentially change the course of your life. I too feel 2 weeks would not be enough; but i suppose thats what ill have to make of it. Excited for a future trip; but for anyone else with the chance, just do it.

@ts6603 - 14.05.2023 11:12

i really like the vibes you create in your intros and montages

@kavaianimu4631 - 31.03.2023 20:29

Thats it. Im moving to Syria and living my childhood dream of becoming a terrorist

@KofiCatlovesU - 23.03.2023 13:54

I was on the JET program lived in Saga ken for five years. Loved every moment of living in Japan. ❤

@racxie6191 - 12.02.2023 04:48

I'm in the first half of this video and I don't like it.

@lehurndonk3782 - 18.12.2022 09:03

wtf is the song

@johncameron4194 - 10.12.2022 07:41


@skytwist - 31.10.2022 09:26

Most revealing and accurate take on first-time expats' reasons, difficulties, and desires, when moving abroad 🌏 I especially like how even in this video it seems that although the answers you've provided for yourself (and us) are genuine, you look and sound as if there are still other, unknown answers for why you moved to Japan.

@littlecrimsonwyvern8083 - 27.10.2022 05:26

I whish I say this video when I was 17, that was the age I graduated high school. At least than I would of had a better understanding of what I wanted to do and what I need to do to get there.

I turn 25 in five days and just this year I've decided to go for a batchers degree, meaning I have to spend another 4+ years in school right after spending 5 years taking only art and animation classes, not really sure what I really wanted to do with my life after all those classes.

I've been obsessed with Japan ever since I rented Godzilla 2000 from a Blockbuster at the age of 6 and just two years ago made it a goal to live in Japan for at least two years. Even now I really don't know what to do with the rest of my life after that, but if leaving home and living in Japan for only two years ends up becoming the only note worthy thing I ever do in my life, than I can proudly say to myself "...at least I did that!"

@andrewwylie8968 - 12.09.2022 04:01

Aloha from Maui! Thanks for the inspiration!

@TheCube31 - 09.09.2022 17:26


I'm an illustrator so I want to go live there for different reasons, who knows if I'll ever actually make that jump? I hope I do, living there sounds like fun...

@zaga2703 - 29.08.2022 20:41

i loved the video

@kodiak7407 - 24.08.2022 15:31

I'd say in america when you're young yes there's more grandiose planning of dreams. But once you hit an age where you're able to get a job if a stable job isn't your dream it's almost frowned upon and heavily ridiculed. Intelligence and knowledge seeking is viewed the same way, no one wants anyone to better themselves here lol

@okbrostartcoping5835 - 19.08.2022 10:13

background music at start?

@nicholasm3265 - 18.08.2022 18:17

Oy what happened to somalia

@bernadinepena5243 - 18.08.2022 00:44

Your pretty amazing! 👏

@nzstorageman - 13.08.2022 06:53

Good work mate, reminds me of my experience

@MAKI-yx7en - 12.08.2022 14:37

I just watched this now!😃
I'm Japanese, and thank you for the inspirational video👏✨

@Nettsinthewoods - 16.07.2022 20:15

Certainly one of your top videos Chris, I hope you can get over the angst you suffer In your pursuit of perfection In your videos of Japan Abroad and be proud of your achievements

@myon9431 - 15.07.2022 23:58

Similar to me but I want to move to America instead

@SevenDeMagnus - 09.07.2022 10:32

Thanks, interesting.

Thank you for reminding us to be bold, do great things with our talents (build talent first) and live everyday as if it's you're last, giving it all you've got.

God bless, stay safe.

@evgeniyan2426 - 31.05.2022 07:58

Japan and other countries should make great interest for me to move there.

@CB-et6jo - 19.05.2022 19:24


@periodicblack5169 - 18.04.2022 07:46

this is an old ass video, but i'm commenting on it anyways.

you make a podunk in the rural SE of the united states go "shit I aint' never lost anything in japan, but this chap seems nice, and he introduced me to natsuki. . . . so he can't be all bad"

You ever find yourself in this neck of the woods, my home will be open to you, I mean double if you bring natsuki. . .

I mean I guess bring most your other friends too, but just gives me a heads up so I can finagle accommodation

@abenezerdawit5684 - 15.04.2022 18:46

This is genuinely so motivating.

@christencavanaugh2555 - 01.04.2022 06:08

I love the openness & honesty of this video. While I love Chris’ usual sarcasm & humor, it’s really touching to see this bit of vulnerability. Well done for finding & following your dream Chris, & pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to discover that you have accomplished more than you probably ever imagined!!! 😄👍🏼🇯🇵 I love your channel & have learned SO much, thank you for all the amazing content & please keep it coming! 😄🙏🏼

@daddiwankenobi4456 - 16.03.2022 17:26

Truly an inspiration, I think this has taught me a lot and helped me see much more clearly on the topic of moving, working, and living in Japan. Sir, I thank you.

@AjaySharma-kt4gm - 03.03.2022 22:25

What is the background music playing in the beginning of the video?

@HeleniqueToday - 27.02.2022 16:35

hahaaa!!!! i had a gap year thrust upon me! it was weird for me as well. the autobiographies that i read: lee iacocca (former president of the chrysler car company); roman polanski; gloria van der belt. there have been some others. you were, perhaps, tossed like a wave upon the ocean. i am glad you have landed on welcoming shores. you have made a wonderful place for yourself by being brave and creative. you have inspired me many times over. cheers!! ❤️

@chancevang3246 - 16.02.2022 12:04

How did you earn your Japanese citizenship

@janeriordan6228 - 15.02.2022 09:09

Hi Can you tell me What Ted Talk you did would love to watch it!!💖

@ujjawaltyagi8540 - 07.02.2022 14:24

thank u for sharing your story with us !🙏🏻

@rouge9536 - 07.02.2022 12:24

I’m 18 and just graduated high school last summer and I’ve never known what I wanted to do with my life, I was first introduced to the Japanese Culture by Anime/manga but from then I started looking into other aspects of Japan and fell in love I’m really hoping I can goto Japan and experience the life style and culture there. Almost everyone I’ve talked to about it shot it down saying how they hate foreigners and how it’s just a big city with crowds of people, and how stupid it was, but I’m determined to go there at least a year I really want to learn about the differences in culture and learn another language, it seems like the most interesting thing in the world going there and learning how people half way across the world live and I hope I can experience it someday too. I’m going to study and work these next few years and if I’m still as interested as I am now I will definitely go, I just have to work up the courage to finally leave home and be in a place where I know nobody and have no family around but I’m determined to do it.
