Language revival and the Ngaiyuriija Ngunawal Language Group

Language revival and the Ngaiyuriija Ngunawal Language Group

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A number of Ngunawal family groups are working with the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) to rebuild their language. Ngunawal country is located in the Australian Capital Territory and extends east into New South Wales towards Goulburn. The Ngaiyuriija Ngunawal Language Group’s aim is to revive a fully functional language that can also be part of the local school curriculum.

After signing a cooperative research agreement in July 2014, AIATSIS linguists and group members have been painstakingly compiling a wordlist to assist in the revitalisation of their language. Kayleen Busk, a Ngunawal elder, said the process has been a long one but made easier by collecting words from family members that have been passed down through the generations.


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