Free RPG Day 2024 Haul Plus Bonus Starter Set Unboxing

Free RPG Day 2024 Haul Plus Bonus Starter Set Unboxing

RPG Imaginings

4 недели назад

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@dangarthemighty0980 - 23.06.2024 05:27

Free RPG Day was amazing and I picked up a bunch of awesome stuff. I also spent over $100 for my daughter and myself. Thank you for sharing the stuff that you picked up. 😊

@matthewconstantine5015 - 23.06.2024 05:55

I'm definitely curious about the Avatar RPG. I was a big fan of the animated series, and there's certainly a lot of storytelling potential.
If I can get off my butt & transfer them from my phone to the laptop, I'm going to try to upload my Free RPG Day videos this upcoming week. I think I came in just under $100. between the two shops I hit up.

@ARM-1384 - 23.06.2024 08:52

This was my first Free RPG day I attended. Came home with Dragonbane, Garbage & Glory and one of those fancy red d20's from dispel dice. Wish I grabbed a few more books

@Phyrenia - 23.06.2024 22:07

I walked into my game store yesterday not knowing that today was free RPG day. I came back home with a bunch of 5e DnD stuff, a pathfinder module, a Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure (which I was lucky to snag the last copy of, based on what I've heard afterward), and quick-start rules for several different RPGs.

@IrdinSilverbow - 23.06.2024 23:23

My FLGS doesn’t participate sadly.
