Baldur's Gate 3 Best Class for Tactician Difficulty | Tier List Ranking of every Class in BG3

Baldur's Gate 3 Best Class for Tactician Difficulty | Tier List Ranking of every Class in BG3


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Robert Ge
Robert Ge - 16.09.2023 06:41

Awesome video. Someone actually talking about early game, unlike all the videos showing OP builds at max level. One thing though. Rogue thief sniper build is better at turn based combat rather than straight assassinations. Because your team draws aggro while you hide, stealth attack, and hide again.

Banan - 15.09.2023 13:43

I'm sorry but I lost it when you said Bard is pretty much a better Fighter. I mean get why you might think that, but tell that to any DND Veteran and they'll say that doesn't make any sense. Bards and Fighters are so different that they aren't comporable in any meaningful way. A Bard is a spellcaster and Fighter is a martial class, so Bards should be compared to other casters while Fighters should be compared to other martials.

Banan - 15.09.2023 13:43

I'm sorry but I lost it when you said Bard is pretty much a better Fighter. I mean get why you might think that, but tell that to any DND Veteran and they'll say that doesn't make any sense. Bards and Fighters are so different that they aren't comporable in any meaningful way. A Bard is a spellcaster and Fighter is a martial class, so Bards should be compared to other casters while Fighters should be compared to other martials.

Banan - 15.09.2023 13:19

I think you're heavily underrating the Wizard (and casters in general) because you misunderstand the actual role of casters. You mention Sorcerers are better than Wizards because Sorcerers can cast 2 Fireballs instead of 1, however in reality casting Fireball specially at higher levels is bad anyway to due to blast spells not scaling fast enough relative to enemy hp, if you treat casters as damage dealers but with spells then they will be bad because blasters are the worse kind of casters.

The strength of casters comes from versatility, and most often their best spells are the concentration spells which are really powerful. A good concentration spell can win a fight with just 1 spell slot, which is why an optimized caster wouldn't run out of spell slots immediately, and can easily outlast a martial character in terms of resource management.

In fact your tier list is almost an exact opposite of power rankings of classes from the optimizing community in DND 5e. Casters are considered a lot better than martials (in fact most people want to buff martials). In terms of casters, Wizard is considered one of the strongest, Sorcerer around the middle, and Warlocks the worst.

While technically they're not exactly the same game, there's still a lot of similarities and based on what I see from 5e optimization community on Baldur's Gate 3, there isn't a lot of difference, the good builds in 5e are still good in BG3, optimized martial builds are the same, and (in most people's opinions) casters are still considered superior to martials.

LowKey Gaming
LowKey Gaming - 14.09.2023 03:07

Are you from scandnavia?

MuscularClassRepresentative - 12.09.2023 23:40

I think the scaling is so much better on melee characters that fighter is still a top tier class and paladin may be the best. My main ended up with sorcerer and fighter multi class so I mostly twin spells but I can wear good armor and weapons and bonk whenever necessary, can get that bonus action and melee after twinning spells, good stuff

Gyran300 Channel
Gyran300 Channel - 12.09.2023 14:31

Playing melee heavy teams atm, fighter rules.. u can solo so many smaller and ranged enemies and need little downtime. Early games caster run out of spells and become useless fast or u need a lot of breaks.
Rogues and many classes only work well if they are not focused otherwise 2 ranged gnome archers will take u oit of combat fast, and your healer is occupied keeping them alive.
Found running tanky fighters with 2 handers way smoother sailing.

Will do a few more runs with spell heavy teams but for now 2 champion fighers, a healer and class of choice rule

ABS - 11.09.2023 10:24

I automatically picked Druid as my first ever play through as I am an animal person , absolutely love animals. And it just so happens it’s a very good class - accidentally optimal

Samukr - 10.09.2023 04:17

Wizard worst class in the game ? Are you crazy ?!

Lohuune - 08.09.2023 10:14

Wizard is legit one of the most broken things in this game youre probably just playing it wrong tbh

Kocia Morda
Kocia Morda - 06.09.2023 02:08

S should be the colors purple and red should be the worst color...Drudi S tier buhahahaha lol. Best S tier class Bard, Barbarian.

Pawzom - 05.09.2023 04:15

Wizard class is the best class to multiclass into for pure spellcasters. Spells you can learn from scrolls increase with total caster lvl, not wizard lvl, making just 1 lvl into it stupid op as it would allow a lvl 9-10 sorcerer with 1-2 lvl/s in cleric(for heavy armor) and with 1 lvl in wizard to learn all spells that can be learned from scrolls in the entire game(some scrolls cant be learned). Can also take int down to 8 then use headband for 4 spell slots allowing for really high charisma, consitution and int.

Ranger's spider pet is busted as it can just spam web all over the place for free which is something casters need to use a t2 spellslot on.

You cannot compare bard and paladin in conversation checks. Not only do bard get way more skills, it also benefits far more from multiclassing and is not shackled by an oath. lvl 6 lore bard and 3 in thief and the ''bard'' can deal with most conversations far better than a paladin.
Bard is insane support. lvl 6 lore bard, 3 thief(for bonus action) 2 sorcerer and 1 in wizard is just broken.
I would not say pala healing is more spammable(since it is so difficult to multiclass out of). A lvl 6 lore bard can get warden of vitality, which allows them to heal with a bonus action. lvl 3 in thief gives an additional bonus action(and a ton of additional proficiencies for conversations) while 2 lvls in sorcerer makes it possible to double duration of warden of vitality, which means the bard can heal 40 times for 1 tier 3 spell slot and 1 sorcery point. If wearing gloves and ring then those heals also gives the entire party 21-22 rounds of bless and blade ward. It is my current build and the healing feels so over the top I am thinking of dropping sorcerer and get 1 in cleric for heavy armor and I am not sure about the last lvl. Maybe rogue for a second feat?
Twin casting haste is nice though so would suck to give that up.

I havent tried this myself yet but while I agree fighter is bad I can see it being the best tank for tactician if done right. Not because it would be the most tanky but because of what it would bring. Theres a weapon named The Baneful that applies Bane to all it hits and Gloves of Baneful Striking for spells that is applied with weapon attack. This combined with the right tank gear and 3 lvls into bearheart barbarian and it would be a very tanky debuffer.

CrunchyTire - 04.09.2023 22:09

I started with rogue and its a fun class but the game feels like you get punished later on if you dont have enough AOE attacks and powerful ranged attacks. Since I also had a figher and barbarian on my team, I changed my class.

Arcamorge - 04.09.2023 06:56

I really agree. I've found lvl 4 is the most dangerous lvl in the game because the lvl 5 spike is so large, so you need to look for things good early.

Spike growth is the best 2nd lvl spell in the game I think, you can kill dozens of goblins with very efficient action economy therefore druid is the best class

I think wizard is okay because even if they only deploy 1 gamechanging spell per hard fight and then literally hide or run away they are still good. Slow is absurd, counterspell is absurd because of the action economy efficiency. But warlocks can also get these spells and have a great filler move and a better main stat

BelialRus - 03.09.2023 13:05

Man this tier list is soo wrong 3 xD Someone might actually take that vid to heart and run higher-ranked-than-paladin-Druid xD

Mr Homosexual
Mr Homosexual - 02.09.2023 12:58


Ryan H
Ryan H - 02.09.2023 12:33

First time watching this channel. And I can immediately tell I can trust what this man says. Can't quite put my finger on why...

Revan619 - 01.09.2023 14:23


J Silva
J Silva - 01.09.2023 04:37

wizard is S tier for me, by the end of the game they bring so much utility, single target nukes, AoE nukes, they can replentish spells AND you get so many spell slots, much more spells slots than warlock even if you count all short rests

PepsiSucks - 01.09.2023 02:53

Storm Sorcerer imo is so underestimated.

Quickened Spell, twinned spell, and hastened spell are stupid good modifications.

You wanna just DUMP damage? Quickened spell into haste into double lightning bolt.

You wanna spam stupid damage for more than one turn? Call lightning is ridiculous. It's a D30, before upcast and if you create water on the target it gets advantage. (Which oh by the way, you can do using a bonus action and Quickened Spell) sure you can only do it a few times, but wet lasts for 3 turns. And there's nothing stopping your cleric from helping out there too.

If you want to be extra retarded. You can go Quickened spell into haste into double Eldritch blast.
If you get the feat warcaster you have advantage on saving throws for haste, and roughly 82 max DPS per turn without expending any more spell slots.

Twinned spell with warlock hold person let's you basically cast hold person twice. Which is bonkers stupid, also no it does not work with eldritch blast, but it's fantastic for mobs.

Oh and the kudigra, the modifier that makes enemies roll with disadvantage (I think it's called hastened spell?) on spells that require saving throws. Yeah, that works with like... well, let your imagination run wild.

Basically, you get stupid amounts of croud control. Plenty of damage (really, a few levels in warlock and you're good) unbelievably high burst AOE potential if you decide you DO want to burn spell slots on a fight. And, as if that wasn't enough... you can fly.

Yuri Britz
Yuri Britz - 30.08.2023 04:51

i usually play necromancer wiz, cleric and druid. I only play summons and they kill everything in tactitian dif, So i like the wiz the best, i can do a lot of summons at the same time and do myrmidon with mummy and ghouls. I walk with an army

Oleksii Buheria
Oleksii Buheria - 28.08.2023 17:17

this tier list doesn't make sense since you can respec companions

MrZelektronz - 28.08.2023 01:48

You have over 7300 videos O.o thats dedication!

Isaac Merquise
Isaac Merquise - 27.08.2023 19:09

Rogue will always be the best class in the game so long as thief gives the second bonus action. That's just so actually insane

Anton Elkin
Anton Elkin - 27.08.2023 09:21

I respect your decision, but I think that you should not be judging classes in such way (IN A ROLEPLAYING GAME). Tactician mode not so hard to trying to get the "best race/class". I've beaten almost 2/3 of the game with 2 clerics, barbarian and wizard and almost hadn't any problems.

LongLost Coder
LongLost Coder - 26.08.2023 14:32

I thought the orc crit didn't scale with unarmed attacks. So this isn't a good class for pure unarmed

Gabs Salem
Gabs Salem - 26.08.2023 14:18

I think I'm too foreigner to understand what he's saying :(

TrinityDark - 26.08.2023 03:01

First team I had was paladin / wizard / cleric / barbarian rocked through every fight as each member had more than 18ac by the start of act 3

Threeheadedgnome - 25.08.2023 13:37

I played wizard and I have to say after playing it in this and dnd it can be a bit frustrating. It’s immensely helpful with things like enhanced leap and feather fall and can dish out some scary damage later on with things like chain lightning but man is it annoying having to predict the best moment to use your limited number of spells. It’s even more annoying when you proceed to use a 6th level spell at level 12 for it to just either miss or for the enemy to succeed on a saving throw. On tactician it’s much harder to succeed on rolls so I find the risk of failure makes many wizard spells obsolete. I think it also suffers from class identity problems in my personal opinion as do many of the casters.

Having wyll and shadowheart in my party made me realise that clerics just get access to a crazy amount of spells without the need to eat scrolls for money all the time, many of said spells including those of wizard spells like haste and bestow curse.

Warlock meanwhile is literally just a wizard with narcolepsy. Eldritch bolt with the knock back effect was the only reason he was even to be considered bringing along other than narrative reasons, as he’d constantly run out of spell slots before the rest of my party. While resting is plainly just an option it was irritating having to manage that differently with a warlock in the group, especially considering that my wizard had all the spells he had and then some.

Giacomo Mallia
Giacomo Mallia - 25.08.2023 02:46

Warrior can attack 5 times in 1 turn... B tier.

Dharkness - 24.08.2023 22:13

My playthrough has been on Tactician, and Cleric has consistantly felt like the most powerful class overall. Tons of spell slots, great spell choices, extremely versatile and adaptable. They are the swiss army knife of the team and does every role really very well unlike any of the other classes.

LN Link
LN Link - 24.08.2023 21:31

My druid Halsin is so bad. I play with 6 characters because I miss it from BG1, 2 and the party combos are even more endless. The fights end before he gets to do much at all. The gloomranger/assassin, tavern brawler throw barb, thief/fighter, and battlemaster absolutely wreck.

WillyNillyGaming - 24.08.2023 21:27

Dude clerics are broken. You're dumb af if you think they are one of the worst classes. Honestly this whole list is trash, but doesn't surprise this lost coming from a weeb.

Neonmirrorblack - 24.08.2023 16:41

I can't agree at all with the Warlock being better than the Sorcerer at all.

Having spell slots that recover on a short rest is great and all, but it's not like you would always want to spam the short rests just for those, especially if you use those rests for healing too, and no one is injured at the time.

Without a Bard, you get a maximum of nine casts between long rests, and Sorcerers get just as many per long rest.

Sorcerers also get something that will always make them better by default too: Twinned Haste.

Shiftry - 24.08.2023 05:06

I dont agree with hes main issue with the Rogue being a more solo/stealth playstyle. Ofc u can play it like that but u dont have to always stay in stealth to get that advantages buff. If u wanna play a melee Rogue then yeah its gonna be harder depending on how many enemys are around and if u can get around them or not to get in there blindspots. But if u play a ranged Rogue its very easy to stay out of enemys line of sight and get the advantages buff and its for the most part easy to pin down enemys with your frontline tank so they dont move around and if the terrain allows for it u can position your Rogue before engaging to be able to reach the enemys backline easier.
This is the first DnD style game i have played in the last 20 years and if i managed to find a way to do it i´m sure any1 else can aswell.

MoscaTube - 23.08.2023 16:05

A German talking about the best race 😭👀

LT cOrN - 23.08.2023 00:56

Lol at lvl 11 fighting get 3 attacks lol lol lol

Tytar - 22.08.2023 10:32


savageApostle - 21.08.2023 19:34

After watching this wil whole video, it just convinced me this guy has no idea what he’s talking about. “You can’t have 2 clerics”, but Tempest Cleric and Life Cleric are the 2 best classes in the game.

Dmitrii Kapustin
Dmitrii Kapustin - 21.08.2023 18:15

Given that current global build discussions seems to be converging on the opinion that Abjuration Wizard is literally unkillable post-early game, I feel that this tier list gonna change a lot once playerbase's understanding of the game matures.

kzx kzx
kzx kzx - 21.08.2023 17:42

I think you value the resting aspect a little bit too high in that list. Supplies or gold for supplies aren’t a problem in this game. The only problem would be some time sensitive quest which would "fail" if you’d long rest too often. So I would put wizard and cleric arguably much higher because they have a lot of burst potential with which you could simply cheese some harder fights by spamming all their strongest spells immediately.

Pablud3S - 21.08.2023 10:14

Druid can just shit out spells later on very easily, and the 10th level transforms are pretty crazy IMO.

Callum Price
Callum Price - 21.08.2023 02:07

Bard is op. Im losing count of the enemies ive convinced to just kill themself, besides my ability to just cast fireball as a bard.

Lorenzo Masseria
Lorenzo Masseria - 20.08.2023 23:02

bro do not take offence in this but you colud do somw improvement to your speech you are on the same level as biden

Cymo - 20.08.2023 18:13

I have seen a lot of tierlists but this one is so shit it actually made me laugh
