How Do Archaeologists Know This Is The Legendary City Of Troy? | Blowing Up History: Seven Wonders

How Do Archaeologists Know This Is The Legendary City Of Troy? | Blowing Up History: Seven Wonders

Discovery UK

3 года назад

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@levish4145 - 11.11.2023 16:17

pretty damn cool the way the sea shells present in that archeological site get an explanation.

the land transformed itself in 4000 years period.

@gerritpeacock8949 - 30.10.2023 01:39

The fact that Alexander, Caesar and Constantine, among many others were known to have visited the site makes me baffled that scholars all agreed that the Trojan war was considered fictional.

@HD-wf3bp - 12.10.2023 21:13

If the people if troy were alive today I'm sure they would be dissapointed by the movie.

@drilonneziri9114 - 12.10.2023 18:54

This is not truth. The truth its in albanian lezhe ✌️

@AydinAydin8434 - 09.10.2023 19:14

Truva City : now çanakkale city
( north egea)

@yvonne530 - 06.10.2023 14:55

Maurico Druon, secretary of the French Academy: "Albanians belonging to those people older than History itself. Albanian grandparents participated in the war of Troy, led by Achilles (on one side) and Hector (the other side) ".

Troy was a battle between North Albanians/ Illyrians Gheg und South Albanians/Pelasgians Tosk. Helen was never the reason! There were some religious conflicts between Illyrians and Pelasgians.

Troy was not a city, but a region with 12 communities in North Albania. You find all the myths of that time stamped on the North Albanian folkloric costumes.

@gregdenys7162 - 15.09.2023 21:13

The Iliad was composed four hundred years after the war took place. The site appears small compared to the mighty city Homer described.

@klubmusix3848 - 20.08.2023 18:29

10 years siege 1000s ship

@klubmusix3848 - 20.08.2023 18:29

ontop a mountain and a wall are different things

@klubmusix3848 - 20.08.2023 18:28

you sure that wall hold back 1000s ship? 360 degreed bare backed? how many defence face?

@saigonmonopoly1105 - 09.08.2023 08:41

it hittie sphere or turkstan assyrian genectic asia minor geoground n it too small have no back mount secrect underground pass forwomen and children to get away..only jurusalem have inner wall temple destroy mount on the fit location period wester wall period fit Troy trojan cedar horse or hittie chariot

@wickeywaanzla3015 - 30.06.2023 02:37

Love that it shows Homer writing the Iliad 😂😂

@eaglemehanafilms - 12.04.2023 01:52

This wrong, that place doesn’t match with homers description at all! The forest the rivers are not in that place! The exact match is in Albania! And I know the place! Dardania is Kosovo and we all know the war of Troy was between ilyrians Tribes not Greeks, Homer called Iliada not Helleniada or Greekiada, this is the reality that archeologists are missing!

@lambertoazzi7883 - 29.03.2023 13:49

A typical example of "confirmation bias"... for each one of the arguments brought as "proof" that that village is the actual Troy, there are ten at least proving it cannot be... read the various descriptions given by Homer and the hundreds of unknown bards that have retold the history until its actual form.
Overall, there are more details that place Troy somewhere else than there are telling it is in Turkey or anywhere near Greece... remember that in the bronze age, the distances were regarded like they are today... a nuisance that no serious trader, navigator, or military commander, would consider as an impediment to his purpose.
Homer's writing has been passed through many hands, and each has smoothed the details proper to his own understanding of life... so don't look into the "easy ones" and instead look into the oddities that nobody of the later relators understood, but that has been kept in the text because of their poetical significance.

@isaacgreenough-tp7lx - 16.03.2023 04:00

Greece was a bunch of haters. Lovehate

@golgumbazguide...4113 - 05.03.2023 11:29

Explore Golgumbaz, Bijapur, South India 🇮🇳

@golgumbazguide...4113 - 05.03.2023 11:28

Explore Golgumbaz, Bijapur, South India 🇮🇳

@abdullahylmaz4800 - 02.03.2023 23:28

I am a licensed tour guide from Turkey, and Troy is one of the most frequented places around which I show foreign visitors. The fact that alluvion has been accumulated by the River Skamander over the years really supports the coastline theory especially if you gaze at the landscape from the peaks of the mound.

@REB4444 - 26.02.2023 11:50

If this was Troy, it's not anywhere near the size and scale it was made up to be. Like any human, scientists have cognitive bias and see what they want to see and will bend facts and data to meet their preconceived ideas.

@icantthinkofacooname3025 - 23.02.2023 09:17

If Troy is real so could Atlantis.

@daleburnfart6845 - 01.02.2023 05:05

So this would be evidence that the ocean levels are dropping not growing... Lets ignore that I guess though right? lol

@daleburnfart6845 - 01.02.2023 03:12

Did they find Agamemnon carved in the stone?

@williambird-melton3530 - 21.01.2023 17:56

Very cool!

@johndurrer7869 - 12.01.2023 22:51

So the Romans actually built on top of Troy and didn’t even realize it?

@christopherbisbocci6354 - 31.12.2022 09:50

Not 5,000 years ago, the Bronze Age Collapse was like 3,200 years ago. Not a good stat to mess up so close to the beginning of the video.

@davidhollins870 - 16.12.2022 18:07

Five thousand? Erm, more like 2,800.

@OSU2010 - 16.12.2022 10:42

I think I seen Brad Pitts sword somewhere🤣 OH I mean Achilles lol

@noneofur300 - 23.11.2022 05:26

I just want to know what kind of civilizations. And how far advanced there technology was.

@avaulleegilles3317 - 14.11.2022 01:39

The Hisarlik Troy was probably not the Troy of the Illiad.

Too many facts do not match the text: the orientation and size of the bay, the rivers flowing through it, the surrounding towns attacked by Achilles, the climate (foggy, stormy and rainy), vegetation and fauna, the high and low tides (!!), down to the color of the sea (winy or dark)...
The geography starting from Troy (ie: the Odyssey) is absurd in the Mediterranean, to the point that the Greek and Roman historians of antiquity refuted the veracity of the text... and that no one has yet managed to correctly reconstruct the Odyssey, no one !
And so on... Funeral customs in particular (cremation, horses sacrifices and burial mounds). The Greeks themselves are not present since they are Achaeans in the text.
The dimensions of the city of Priam of the Homeric text, superior to all those stratified discovered by Heinrich Schliemann.
... etc
The editing of this documentary is misleading and carries very little accurate information.

On the other hand, the Troy war did take place, the Illilad is an often very precise narration, probably made by a member of the Achaean general staff.. But this war did not take place where it is shown to us in this documentary.

I invite anyone interested in the subject to consult Mr. Iman Wilkens' book: "Where Troy Once Stood".
Happy reading everyone.

@TheManFromWhereEastMeetsWest - 29.10.2022 20:58

3500 years ago not 5000....

@shannongammage9375 - 26.10.2022 07:10

watching only the first minute and a half, there is already false information. The battle of Troy was not 5000 years ago, roughly 3700 years ago

@bikeamour - 11.10.2022 22:45

In fact Gog Magog Hills was Troy and Cadiz was Ithaca

@nikolanikolov6950 - 24.07.2022 10:25

Ancient city of troy is not in today turkey is in Republic of Macedonia place stil caled ACROMENAE if you read Homer Iliad everiting is shows that ancient city of Troy is in Macedonia in region Pelagonia

@pennymink5706 - 20.07.2022 04:58

I already knew that

@sathyavanimaiya959 - 01.07.2022 10:16

There was Trojan war for Helen.

@sathyavanimaiya959 - 01.07.2022 10:11

I read this story.

@johndavis9926 - 22.06.2022 04:29

It must've been so beautiful and peaceful back then.
Not so many people everywhere so your relationship with other is so much stronger.
Working and fellowship all day everyday.. I think that would be nice being outside most the time.
There were some pretty girls back then too.
I think people today believe they're so much smarter than people back then.
I don't think that's true at all.
As far as that goes I don't think people today are all that smart, period.

@rjdodgerz2776 - 14.06.2022 03:53

Troy is in Los Ángeles Ca. USC

@el.football1978 - 09.06.2022 16:28

This is the only video and expert that got me convinced this could be city of Troy.. the location and the fact that like with most ancient cities, the water level used to be higher back then. Amazing video!

@GMnoMon - 01.06.2022 22:30

What do they mean 5000 years ago? What year is it? Is this a documentary from the future?

@R3TR0J4N - 29.05.2022 02:38

Man wish preservation and giving inportance to history was early given importance.

@R3TR0J4N - 29.05.2022 02:33

regards the odyseus palace was assumed discovered back then so its showing homers illiad real

@phillosophy5103 - 22.05.2022 21:40

Perhaps Odysseus held a variation of the secret to greek fire.

@bethbartlett5692 - 04.05.2022 17:02

The stones just above foundation are those odd shaped puzzle forms = earthquake proof. Clearly the "Original Builders" were of higher "Engineering and Technology Skills", and I just bet they are far older than 3000 BCE, more like 11,000 BCE, pre-Cataclysm.

All these "Worldwide Pattern Stones" and Megalithic Multi-ton Blocks are from pre-flood and the Civilizations that existed then.

Amazes me how an Educated Mind, Academic, (thought to be trained to use the Higher Mind over their Ego/Lower Mind) can look Facts straight in the face and "Cling to their 19th Century Theory and created Paradigm and Timeline", with a Dogmatic zeal that outlast any Southern Baptist!

Just Amazes me ...

Alex, I'll take FACTS for 5000 please.

@juandoe2994 - 07.03.2022 02:01

So the German guy used the book as historical text and was right. Interesting.

@ginsakata7742 - 05.03.2022 15:19

Isn't he the guy from Game of Thrones?

@the__________ - 08.02.2022 11:31

There's something weird on Google earth in that area, some lights that don't make sense and old crop shadows on the desert floor, aswell as what looked like horse tracks for racing horses in the middle of nowhere, some are small and some are huge.. it looks like shadows, it's kinda creepy because you can see shadows in the soil where buildings and roads used to be.
