How a vegan diet affects your brain – BBC REEL

How a vegan diet affects your brain – BBC REEL

BBC Global

1 год назад

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@paulpera2770 - 07.12.2023 18:15

I'll pick you up the beet root bro from the supermarket.

@Nofretari - 07.12.2023 07:56

B12 comes from the soil. If people ate unwashed organic vegetables they would be fine. Also most omnivores are also suffering from low B12

@kinozen3979 - 04.12.2023 16:26

hello, supplement sale office. :) here is an 11 years vegan living with no supplements, no doctor, no medication, no vax. don't believe in their lies. go vegan today!

@marryinchains - 04.12.2023 14:58

Vegan for 10 years and a half - perfectly healthy (good blood results). Ten years ago was working in Ireland at a clinic and lots of people over 40 (who were not vegan) had B12 deficiency and vitamin D deficiency.

Just supplement. B12 is a water soluble vitamin and the excess is eliminated easily by the body.

@user-cw1zb5fe7i - 02.12.2023 19:50

Animals that we eat get b vitamins from the grasses and grains they feed on. It doesn’t just magically appear in their muscles? 😂

@smallfootprint2961 - 02.12.2023 03:13

Just to get it straight, cows/cattle don't intrinsically have b12. If they have it, they get it from eating grass (comes with dirt that carries the b12 bacteria, or they get it from shots.) Might as well skip the "middleman" and eat the vegis yourself... lol. Most vegis are so sanitized that it's easier to take a little supplement. Everyone should take a supplement.

@Sparkling_Pathogen - 02.12.2023 01:24

Actually becoming vegan puts at risk for becoming a narcissistic ahole

@analourdesgutierrezarango2814 - 28.11.2023 02:35


@hshhsikkbvuk12 - 26.11.2023 06:25


@manapotje - 23.11.2023 01:47

Thx BBC. I now take B12, test and trenbolone daily. I grew 5 kg of muscle mass in only 1 month!! As a vegan this would never have been possible without the B12 supplementation. Great video, liked an subscribed. Can you also do a video on how milk and onion diet affects your brain?

@Theblackblackdog - 20.11.2023 10:50

A warning, I am omnivore. Did a few tests, and I was very low in B12 ! It can happen to everyone

@arnibah - 19.11.2023 03:07

Don't fall for this propaganda sponsored by the meat and dairy industry.

@richardlynch1094 - 16.11.2023 22:19

BOOOOO!!!! Almost our entire family of primates are plant based. Why didn't primates die out from all the horrors you listed? Shame on you and your "authoritative" sounding British spokesperson.

@captfcknut - 15.11.2023 05:43

Been eating lots of veggies and fruit. Pooped me shorts tonight. More like a shart. Need something to bring it back to haad. Any ideas ?

@nudapac - 14.11.2023 09:30

Riport this video

@madhuvanbajrangi4012 - 14.11.2023 07:57

Ohhh badiya

@ewelinawegiel720 - 13.11.2023 11:24

this video is made with help of meat lobby bye bbc idiots

@vov-voiceofvictims - 11.11.2023 06:02

It would be great if the BBC can publish a list of the diseaes borne from animals...( There is a whole section on this called Zoonosis in medical school. I don't remember seeing any plantnosis in medical school) and also a list of all babies and adults admitted in hospitals world over due to diseases from close contact with animals......and of course from eating animal products. I have a feeling that it will be an endless list.

@vov-voiceofvictims - 11.11.2023 05:51

Opened this link only because it was BBC. Had an unpleasant surprise that the channel I thought was a reliable one has turned into a propaganda machine.
Before giving out any such data, it is imperative that the neutral or meat eating mothers' babies must be seen and taken into account.

Can the BBC please give more details?
Exactly what else was found in those vegan babies? What were the symptoms?
And what about other babies of non vegan mothers who are admitted daily? What about those babies problems? Are all non vegan babies at home hale and healthy?

B12 deficiency can be seen in all including meat eaters.

Please do a proper complete study and then publish.

Propaganda is not the done thing for such widely watched channel.

@randomvlogbr - 10.11.2023 15:41

I wonder which food industry companies are funding this video...

@ellkir1521 - 09.11.2023 20:05

My friend and I were enjoying some great burgers in a nice restaurant when the two girls across from us started complaining about the smell of meat. I asked her if she was enjoying her blackberry cobbler. She was responded with a "yes, very much". I asked her if she realized the blackberry tart she was eating is a carnivore. She said "it is not, it's a fruit!". I told her blackberry's have long spikes pointed inward toward the plant mounted on long vines so that when the animals get entangled they die of starvation and decay feeding the plant nutrients. She suddenly didn't like her cobbler so much. And, bonus; we ate our burgers in peace.

@kengaskins5083 - 08.11.2023 22:40

As pointed out in the comments already, other diets need to be scrutinized for low B12, particularly omnivores.
Didn't know iodine was such a key factor for brain health, so thanks for pointing it out. I'm in the States, so I can supplement via some iodized salt moderately used of course.
The nuances of any diet can be tricky. Currently, I do a ovo-pescatarian diet, eating fish 2-3 times per week & eat eggs when I go out for breakfast (maybe 3 times per month). While not as good as a vegan diet for animal cruelty purposes and the environment, I think it is pretty good & gives me a "hedge" on good health overall.
My hats off to vegans and vegetarians who could do the diet properly without sacrificing their health. Personally, I'm not a big fan of supplements though.

@kiwi007 - 08.11.2023 02:34

Strokes possibly from a lack of vitamin k2. They either need a supplement or to eat Natto.

@annw5663 - 07.11.2023 23:30

This is extremely inaccurate ! This video is misleading because animals only have B12 because they receive a B12 supplement. This must be sponsored by the meat industry.

@5dbeing35 - 07.11.2023 05:56

False information!!!!!

@aethylwulfeiii6502 - 06.11.2023 05:11

Nothing: it’s not a effing cure all for everything.

@williamsmith6111 - 04.11.2023 22:49

One of the greatest health benefits of Veganism is slowing down of aging (almost anti-aging). With regards to B12 even Animal-eaters would experience same B12 deficiencies if it's not added into the Meat. BTW fish gets the Omegas from the Algae's so why not take directly from the source (and not fill your body with heavy metals and micro-plastic that sea foods come with). STEMINA, we all know the sexual research that proved that Vegans have better sexual stamina in comparison to the Animal-eaters, even sports stamina also improves a great deal by a balanced/healthy Vegan diet, no wonder so many top athletes/sports people are going vegan.

@cloakingz - 03.11.2023 21:27

You eat plants to save animals,
I eat plants because i hate plants
We are not the same

@HillLeeHill - 03.11.2023 19:38

You know B12 is made by bacteria....right?!?!? And deficiency is prevalent in the whole population and not just vegans. Even your cattle are fed b12 enriched feed. And increased choline is linked to increased risk of cancer. Iodine is easily found in sea weed and supplement. Also, Omegas are easily supplemented with algae based EPA and DHA. This is a terrible Reel. Oh and, the worlds leading Brain Doctors and Alzheimer's specialists recommend a whole foods vegan diet. So if you really want to talk brain health maybe you should talk to them.

@MessudMusic7 - 02.11.2023 14:34

Great thing about veganism is that you fall in love with a nature. You treat every vegie with a respect and gratitude, and become more aware of your body as a separate entity who has own needs That realtion is worthy perusing.

@donatelladelpriore3375 - 31.10.2023 17:33

This video isn't correct

@helenstaniskov4570 - 30.10.2023 13:39

What a misleading video! Thumbs down 👎

@user-245er4ud - 30.10.2023 02:20

Been vegan now for about 7 years now with 0 health issues. B12 does not ACTUALLY originate from animal products [just like protein!], but some microorganisms found in animal feces. Otherwise there wouldn't be any "vegan" B12 supplements, [and fortified foods] which there are quite a few.

@sandrostumpo3779 - 28.10.2023 06:24

Ths was an unsincere video. First they try to compliment and then comes, by the way you might get sick and deficient on a vegan diet. Those farm animals you eat are eating plants. I much prefer to take a B12 suppliment than die from a heart attack or cancer. I eat like Jane Esselsyn (Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's sister) but for severe illness you can eat like Dr. Brooke Goldner.

@ianlanford6922 - 28.10.2023 03:51

vegan needs lots of knowledge of food befre hand. also suplements. you cant be like carnivor buy egg and meat and you done.
as fitness antusiast. i dont close my eyes to good source of plant based protein like tempeh and tofu. but you cant eat same kind of food everyday. because its not nutrient dense
the second problem is availability of certain plant/
not every country has lentils. not every town has brocoly. and ofc money. some veggies can cost higher than regular fish or even meat. let alone fruit. 1 big watermelon price is same as 1kg of chicken meat.
so your pocket will die first than yourself.

@rosianasantos - 25.10.2023 17:00

Wow from where did you get all this informations ?

@shelleyfineartist9690 - 24.10.2023 21:16

Wow...BBC peddling corpse munching. Respect lost for the BBC. I am a vegan of 5 years now and not one of these health problems have I ever had as a vegan. Had plenty before I was vegan though. Don't believe fake news people

@Aylinklmn - 22.10.2023 23:07

I am a raw vegan for 6 years and I am very happy and I have enourmous energy. I have a good focus and I have a lot of compassion, love into my heart.

This video is not telling the Truth!

@Ruby-qn6yh - 20.10.2023 11:21

B12 comes from the soil. In past times we would have got this from eating plants with tiny amounts present from the soil. Now our food is so sanitised and the soil such poor quality that we don't get it naturally anymore. It's the same for animals which is why most are given supplements of b12. When you get b12 from meat you are getting it because the animal was supplemented. Skip the middle man and just take a supplement yourself.

@mintymint4048 - 19.10.2023 10:24

I hope more ppl go vegan so more meat is available for ppl who want it.

@simba8778 - 19.10.2023 05:06

My family and me have been vegetarian my whole life never seen cases of vitamin b12 deficiancy.

@ansizfark - 18.10.2023 15:59

Lol, what a start. Most, if not all, B12 is only in meat because the animals are given B12 supplementation. You can do the same thing as a vegan.

@provenhuman - 17.10.2023 21:00

low cholestrol is NOT immediately linked to heart disease that is so old and disproven

@ps5606 - 16.10.2023 20:17

I had been lacto vegetarian for 23 years now, I never felt weak, rather I had becone mentally more alert. Blood profile had been perfect all these years. Weight remains under control. No B 12 deficiency. I don't know why media wants to convert vegans into non vegetarians.

@danieleal1925 - 16.10.2023 00:08

BBC should be ashamed of this reel

@YoungEagle444 - 15.10.2023 06:51

Lame 👎

@MrSteve_Luddite. - 14.10.2023 18:01

No. Not we're not thinking of trying out veganism. Its unhealthy and unnatural. Plants are trying to kill you.

@kushyavy1760 - 14.10.2023 07:40

Thank you for inspiring us!
As you may know, vitamin B12 (cobalamin), a nutrient that vegans often lack, is crucial for nerve tissue, brain function, and red blood cells.
If the ingredients in a vitamin B12 supplement come from animals, it cannot be considered a vegan diet.
The dried seaweeds "Aosa(Sea lettuce)'' and "Aonori(Green Seaweed)" that Japanese people often eat are rich in vitamin B12. Both are completely different from the black grilled seaweed used in Sushi that's J classic delicacy.
Approximately 90% of J people have intestinal bacteria with genes that can digest raw seaweed, whereas non-J's have very few bacteria. This intestinal function is thought to evolve by ingesting marine bacteria on J long history of liking seafood.
I'm no expert and don't know if a non-J's intestines can digest these dried seaweeds. In general, Intestinal flora transplantation is still not a mainstream treatment for changing or strengthening intestinal function.
However, tasting these seaweeds is worth a try.
These processed foods are easy to handle, contain vitamins B1, B2, C, Iron and other important nutrients, and I think they go well with a variety of dishes.
Excuse my poor language.
