I absolutly LOVE this Skateboard - MAXFIND FF AT - Review

I absolutly LOVE this Skateboard - MAXFIND FF AT - Review


2 года назад

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@SeasparrowDD979 - 19.08.2022 13:48

Out of my price range now that I bought a dji...
Anyone want to buy a whites metal detector??

@bobjimenez4464 - 19.08.2022 13:52

That’s a fun looking board, but Are you ready for a “Heavy Wait” longboard and possibly knee surgery? Knee pads aren’t overrated 😅

@Sir_Hubris - 19.08.2022 14:03

looks nice, I see you're a 'regular'? I'm a 'Goofy' ¶ ; - )

@bobbylefebvre6298 - 19.08.2022 14:11

Good morning captain great video nice review

@bobbylefebvre6298 - 19.08.2022 14:11

I like it

@bobbylefebvre6298 - 19.08.2022 14:12

Have a good weekend

@julianmclean3869 - 19.08.2022 14:12

Wow !! pretty cool Captain!; would you need to wear a Helmet with that? or does it look "faster" in the Video!!!!!

@ricugeyer1793 - 19.08.2022 14:48

Sorry if I missed it in the video. But, what happens if you fall off. Does it turn off automatically.

@Slithh - 19.08.2022 15:03

Looks fun. It's the cost of the drones I'd like to get first lol. If you are going to live in excess, this all terrain skateboard is the way to go! I'd love to ride one but not this week....

@nicksavage4763 - 19.08.2022 15:32

Compact Fair Weather air
Conditioned Ride. They have
Other Choices for less but
This Rig is CHAMP💥

@profitglen - 19.08.2022 15:41

Cool. But first time riding skateboard and you don’t wear a helmet at a minimum?

@tyosborne4870 - 19.08.2022 16:12

Very cool. Is it rideable without power? Can you push and glide like a real skateboard?

@jesusgjchuza6491 - 19.08.2022 16:14

Wooow, look at that super cool 🤝😎🤟🏼

@CONFUCIUS-f2x - 19.08.2022 16:39

Be careful kid. Asphalt hurts.

@smithe68 - 19.08.2022 16:54

Very cool stuff, love seeing another “old guy” riding one of these. I got my first off-road electric longboard last year at the age of 53 and it’s a freaking blast.

@henrytaaffe7058 - 19.08.2022 16:57

awsome sir.

@mikespeedyfpv321 - 19.08.2022 17:11

So Cool Great Review

@rzu7120 - 19.08.2022 17:37

If I were riding this for the first time, I would put on a fully padded suit, and crash helmet!

@abobbybaby4 - 19.08.2022 18:34


@eberger02 - 19.08.2022 18:38

no way I would ever pay that much. Had a skateboard as a kid. You would have to be a massive kid to get one of them. ?even retired

@ModernDayTemplar606 - 19.08.2022 18:44

This was a great idea. We could definitely use this on some of our Overland adventures. Another great review.
Thanks Captain

@cesarm8811 - 19.08.2022 19:34

Very cool skateboard… I rode a skateboard in my teen’s (lots of fun), but at 69 I am not sure I am ready to get back on one.

@WBJAdventures - 19.08.2022 19:35


@technoxtreme178 - 19.08.2022 19:58

No knee pads, no elbow pads... but yes, at least you will have fun before needing knee surgery :)... at 65 years old, I just might have to add this thing to my bucket list. It does look like a lot of fun.

@marcoreviews - 19.08.2022 20:23

You guys were having so much fun with this skateboard 🛹! So cool 😎

@markpearson5488 - 19.08.2022 20:56

Hi captain, great review, loved it , I really want one, drone was great 👍

@Friskee62 - 19.08.2022 21:26

At any age, I would suggest a helmet...

@coalcrackerchris - 19.08.2022 23:31

This should also be a review vid for the drone...FLAWLESS!! As for the skateboard, love it. Just how long can you ride on 1 charge?

@gunzoqc - 19.08.2022 23:40

I looking into one of these! Specially for filming and wow ... I though of buying a one wheel since it's easier on all terrain transition, but that might be a good option and more stable ! Thanks for the review

@xtremefight - 20.08.2022 00:07

I've been a skateboarder since I was 6 (over 50 years ago) as I grew up in southern California. If I didn't have a worn out hip, I'd buy one of these. It looks like a blast!

@manski209 - 20.08.2022 00:27

I guess i'm the one always reminding you to wear a helmet. I've built two all terrains with 6" air tires, top speed 33mph for me and my son, i'm old too but we never ride without protective equipment, especially helmets. Great video Steve.

@roningai4791 - 20.08.2022 03:06

Where is Part 4 of DJI Mini Pro 3 Review vs Autel Nano+?

@craigbaltzer3783 - 20.08.2022 03:29

Great video. At least if you fall in your driveway it will be your own asphalt.

@sergeantbilko7070 - 20.08.2022 03:57

Looks like they put some thought into the design and extras for that skateboard. The surface, the handle and those fat tires are all great features.
Although it probably wasn't intended I also was noticing how amazing that Skydio drone is including the video performance.
If I'm not careful my wife is going to ban me from watching your videos. My credit cards are within reach!! 😄

@irgtk - 20.08.2022 05:17

Very interesting Captain Drone!

@hopsta5628 - 20.08.2022 10:21

These boards along with Escooters and Ebikes are illegal to operate in public here in the Nanny state of Victoria Australia, my 11yr old grandson received an $1100 Ebike last Christmas and a few weeks later it was impounded by the local cops because according to them they are classified as motorcycles and a motorcycle licence is required to operate one, yet VicRoads who lay down the road laws for the state say on their website that Ebikes up to a certain capacity are totally to ride on public roads with no licence required, his bike was auctioned off and we received a phone call from the local police who said they weren't going to charge the boy with riding without a licence as well as operating an unregistered vehicle and riding without a roadworthy certificate on the vehicle but to consider the phone call an official warning.

@akosijayrtusontv - 20.08.2022 11:47

very impressive ..Another great review THANKS CAPTAIN

@judethedude4 - 20.08.2022 19:37

Hey Captain, what drone would you recommend for a intermediate flyer, that has good camera quality under $250?

@Hotwire_RCTrix - 21.08.2022 05:01

So we can expect a video on why one should wear a helmet, right after you discover a pothole.

@dougcooper4917 - 21.08.2022 06:15

Excellent Video, Excellent Flying, and Excellent AT Skateboard. Thank You.

@markzanetti6228 - 21.08.2022 06:56

$1,200. for skateboard

@studiomossige2997 - 21.08.2022 11:39

Old man on skateboard and no helmet…….tsk tsk…..

@dingoenruta - 21.08.2022 17:10

So many gadgets at once 🤣 great video like always

@hopsta5628 - 22.08.2022 14:01


@fcf777 - 22.08.2022 17:07

Can this be used safely by someone who has never used a skateboard before?

@Astropowergtv - 22.08.2022 18:00

Love it

@Matanumi - 06.10.2022 07:44

I wonder if i should get this, an scooter or e bike?

@worachart111 - 26.06.2023 22:10

Nice Board

@jeremydossey7956 - 19.12.2024 01:46

If you're considering buying, please read first!
They lied about the motors. Both the FF Plus and the FF AT are 1200W motors but with different battery configuration. Which drains the battery suuuper quick having to overclock/max out the battery to achieve a 1500W output.
Maybe they sent these guys one with a real 1500W motor 🤷‍♂️ but according to Maxfind's customer service the FF Plus and FF AT now have the same exact motor now despite still advertising the FF AT as having an upgraded motor. Good luck riding this thing long term without blowing out the motor. I already feel the motor vibrating occasionally on max speed setting. Does NOT roll freely when turned off (if your battery dies you will be walking home with a heavy board on wheels that are resisting you and making that whirring motor sound when they turn).

The braking in 4th gear is harsh and dangerous. The smooth braking only happens in 3rd gear and below. You can get used to it but you've been warned.

The battery cover/seal comes up constantly when riding on bumpy terrain because it's sealed with a quarter turn plastic lock...waterproof of IPX5 is irrelevant with this 😂 it's basically a nice little pool for water to settle into if it rains. Also the rubber "seal" going around the cover is too small diameter so it doesnt actually make contact with board/cover making it useless as a waterproofing even if the cover stayed on.

The wheels are just as hard as polyurethane wheels of probably 90 or so duro.

TL;DR get the cheaper FF Plus. They are basically the same but the FF AT has an upgraded battery that basically just enables the 4th gear.
Or spend a little more and get the Ranger from Backfire (I wish I did) or whatever other hub motor all terrain board you can find.

Lastly, they will not let me post a review on their page unless the review is 4 stars or higher and is overall positive. In case anyone is wondering how they have such high ratings lol
