25 Secret Features Baldur's Gate 3 Never Tells You About (Tips & Tricks)

25 Secret Features Baldur's Gate 3 Never Tells You About (Tips & Tricks)


1 год назад

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@limors - 17.04.2024 13:27

Candles you say? Interesting. Never used the dip feature

@RobCrowley85 - 24.04.2024 18:52

The throwable potion isn't a hidden feature, the game tells you about it on a loading screen

@know_not_wickedness - 04.05.2024 10:43

Where do I find the secret feature that punishes the people that created this disgusting pile of shlt game?

@Michael-ib9sp - 10.05.2024 03:52

Mind 🤯 when you say you can send locked chests to the camp to open later.

@Mattdoggist - 13.05.2024 20:34

Gatekeep normies from your video games. Gatekeep normies from DnD. Some of these are in the literal waiting screen cards. Some are just through investigation. Some say on screen as it happens.

@mewmew34 - 16.05.2024 05:39

I hope they haven't changed the crates blocking door thing since this video was posted. I need to remember to do that later.

@simmy13131313 - 17.05.2024 19:50

My guy, pushing people off cliffs is NOT a hidden feature. It’s one of the most obvious tactic to use, even the enemy AI utilizes it.

@aldontheelf4267 - 24.05.2024 16:20

Wow, this was actually incredibly helpful. 👏 Thank you.

@BODY-BAG-MP3 - 12.06.2024 11:48

Bro really said "no carry weight issues" you clearly haven't seen my grymforge runs, got me at 120 load on 3 characters after sending a bunch to camp and selling, I have hoarded every piece of special loot to do one huge fire sale at the end of the game 🔥🔥🔥

@iolair1973 - 12.06.2024 21:25

I stacked crates in front of a door and they climbed over 😢

@asra-5180 - 18.06.2024 14:52

Soooo... What about controller? Because Screw Keyboard and Mouse. Unless people love cramps.

@cmatrix4761 - 19.06.2024 19:56

Wait - why are Astarion and JuiceHead switched in the party view?

@nv7287 - 21.06.2024 21:37

Well, actually, it's nice to know that the camp doesn't get raided and your stuff stolen. That was the only reason that I didn't store stuff there. So yay. Good, good, good. What a great tip

@kinderdm - 26.06.2024 17:17

I really hate that you have to switch to your melee weapons at the end of every turn just in case you could get an opportunity attack. It would hurt nothing to allow an automatic switch for the opportunity attack when conditions are met, especially since you can freely switch as much as you want during your turn. Or jst do the melee attack as if the weapon was in your hand. It's still equipped after all. And other things don't change, like your AC, just because a shield isn't in your hand at the moment, so why should the melee weapon being in hand matter either. It's just a pointless annoyance that you have to constantly remember, and then reminisce on how stupid it is when you eventually forget one time.

@PunknPixelPrincess - 10.07.2024 16:21

in one of the early game ruins fights with the lever door, having two mage hands there to kite enemies, open/close the door and set up grease fire traps was extremely helpful

@SRWill64 - 15.07.2024 23:36

After playing BG3 almost all the way through 3 times I have figured most of this out. The only things I didn't know about was the armor in the screen that all are shown and the die skin color.

@James14527 - 23.07.2024 22:54

I don't say this to many guys but, wow those are some amazing tips. Very helpful.

@requiemlestatDrunkVR - 05.08.2024 20:56

My word, my brother in Christ. You taught me so much about this incredibly deep game. I haven't even reached passed Emerald Grove 57 hours played, as I start a new character each time as the game itself and its mechanics intimidate me. I am from the NES generation as the first game I ever played was Super Mario Bros. You've earned a subscriber for life. Much appreciated. X

@DirkdePalestijn - 19.08.2024 04:55

Does poison also work like thrown healing potions?

@HikingFeral - 19.08.2024 22:02

Something I found really useful - Need your entire party to have Lightning resistance but don't have 4 elixirs? group up and throw 1 and you all get it. I was using 1 per party member for a full year until I realised this. It works for any Elixir in the game that can be thrown at someone for effect. I have not tried it with very rare ones or anything weird.

@Spookiyomi - 21.08.2024 00:33

My first playthrough I got locked out of karlach before I ever went to act 2 idk what triggers it

@ymuirr - 25.09.2024 22:54

What is the mod for the hair in the thumbnail?!

@MrLightlike78 - 27.09.2024 00:18

Took me over 100hrs to learn i could just give a vendor 400-1000 gold to get massive discounts XD pretty handy with Dammon since he travels between all acts if you keep him alive. Special shoutout to regular barrels! If you stack these like 2 high you can block line of sight which comes very handy when breaking prisoner's out of jail. I think they also still block projectiles...but, its been a minute since ive tested that

@eMavern_Emporium - 30.09.2024 06:03

The biggest take away I had from this video was you used BG3 as a stop game between starfield....not even in the same league (also learned a few things so ty)

@attackhelicoptercat - 14.10.2024 08:07

i agree, push is very effective, as is throwing people.

@eddvdm - 13.11.2024 01:03

Anyone did a crates-only challenge run yet 💥

@bigdoze172 - 05.12.2024 00:31

Great video. I just started my first playthrough. Just started act 2. I have watched alot of tips videos amd this video had several that the other videos didn’t cover. 👍🏼👍🏼

@TwistinF123 - 05.12.2024 01:18

The throwable potion/elixers is great. I used it to save the guy surrounded by poisonous shrooms. First I took out the torch so we dont have explosions, then I threw the elixer of posion resist on him and took out all the shrroms.

@unholybeast1109 - 08.12.2024 11:08

love u man u are a life saver

@igornegovelov8854 - 12.12.2024 13:38

25 secret features... realy, exactly 25? exactly secret? exactly features?
i messed up

@annoyingtiger888x2 - 03.01.2025 19:06

I can finally live my Skyrim life in BG3 by shouting people off cliffs!

@minnesotanose - 07.01.2025 13:41

On trading. Everything is free with bags. Just remember to put all the stuff that refreshes into the bag. Its amazing. You can kill or knock out a trader and take all the stuff inside the pouch.

@Scarter63 - 07.01.2025 22:15

Merchants also reset their inventory after every long rest, and after every new member joins the party, but the new member has to join the actual party, not go to camp. So you can buy 3 Elixir of Hill Giant Strength from Auntie Ethel, then recruit Wyll, and buy 3 more.

@FizzleFX - 09.01.2025 02:51

Great tips 😊

@RYVNBeats - 14.01.2025 06:43

yo what are your graphics settings is this 4k? my game at 1440p doesnt look this clear and clean.

@reecerussell2323 - 14.01.2025 09:56

During combat if you involve jumping with your movement you can move a little bit further

@lewisbenzie845 - 23.01.2025 18:56

I've watched a couple of these lately & this is the best by far. Congrats.

@iprey4surf - 30.01.2025 09:05

Baldur's Gate T

@utapordoxq - 01.02.2025 04:40

didn't know throwing a potion ❤also moving items between characters during combat is amazing

@swede7581 - 13.02.2025 01:36

Health potion throw/attack
staple items ontop i knew about,but carry around crates to do so 4 a boost w die attack i havent even thought about

So how i missed i can throw health potions i cant belive(i knew some potions had txt about this)

Huge thanks..will try this out during my 2nd+3rd playthrough(i do 2 at once...Dark urge+normal)

@SorenPenrose - 14.02.2025 22:21

Thunderwave uses a spell slot. Repelling blast is free.

@SorenPenrose - 14.02.2025 22:23

Also: a torch is a flaming weapon. It is also able to be targeted by Shilelagh.

Circle of spores Druid with a torch deals insane first act damage.

Weapon dmg 1d8
Fire dmg 1d4
Necro dmg 1d6
Halo of spores 1d6

Every turn for one action and a reaction. Still have a bonus left.

@squ1r7y - 18.02.2025 20:01

I play with a controller. Some of the stuff you mention is just not available.
My favorite is when you press down on the dpad to examine but the game registers a long press which activates stealth and consumes an action.

Guess ill have to pull out the mouse

@mlonnqvist - 20.02.2025 13:21

I love Karlach and usually have her in my party. I missed her the first playthrough, and I killed her in my Durge run, but otherwise she is always there.

Wyll though: I really dislike his personality and his story, and I think he sucks in battle. I am probably playing him wrong, but I find him majorly weak.

@SassySimian - 24.02.2025 17:12

I don't get why they separated the characters' inventories if they were going to allow you full use of it, including moving stuff between characters with zero action or movement cost during combat. They should have gone with a common inventory, like they did in Pathfinder WotR. Makes things so much easier without all the meaningless logistics and UI friction. Also, re the hotkeys, you didn't mention that ppl can not only find all of them but also customize them under Options>Keybinds. As someone who plays a lot of CRPGs, I was baffled by the default key choices in BG3 and kept hitting the wrong keys out of habit (e.g. 'C' is usually for 'character sheet', but in BG3, it's 'hide'. You can imagine how many times I lost actions I lost before changing it, bc I hit C out of habit 😬)

@JMan-The_AntiCitizen- - 01.03.2025 17:39

You can assign weapons and armor in the hotbar, great for meelee builds, putting on jumping boots, spider web immunity boots, ect.
