Divi VS Elementor | Best WordPress Page Builder for Beginners [2023]

Divi VS Elementor | Best WordPress Page Builder for Beginners [2023]

Stewart Gauld

2 года назад

3,740 Просмотров

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@marie1538 - 26.10.2023 10:40

Thank you again for a great video. I have a question: would you recommend Elementor or Divi to build a shop on your website, such as with Woo commerce. I saw that Elementor has a woo commerce builder.

@KylaB30 - 02.01.2023 14:47

Thank you!

@vanessak386 - 11.12.2022 14:32

Thanks Stewart for the honest review! I think Divi is the best builder by far, especially if you are building multiple websites! It's just not feasible with elementor due to costs. Plus you may also lose support and updates if you don't renew your license.

@linelight_designs - 11.08.2022 18:40


@DaJyzor - 29.07.2021 15:47

They are both good but the code they generate is bulky. I hope they will fix that, meanwhile, I will use Zion Builder or Oxygen.

@likeskaplaybass - 28.07.2021 05:59

I have this same jacket and computer...

@StuartMacadam - 06.07.2021 08:25

Have just tried navigating Divi on a clients website. Have to say, not a fan at all. Elementor for the win :)

@kumarrokade3028 - 03.07.2021 08:32

Thanks Stewart, for explaining in detail about the difference between Divi & Elementor.

@CoreyHinde - 02.07.2021 22:21

funnily enough I was just thinking about this yesterday as I battled with a divi page - they both have their pros and cons eh. Cheers for the video mate!
