Pacman is BLOATING Up My System! (Cleaning the cache in Arch Linux)

Pacman is BLOATING Up My System! (Cleaning the cache in Arch Linux)

Eric Murphy

1 год назад

6,846 Просмотров

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Daren Scot Wilson
Daren Scot Wilson - 27.04.2023 03:51

I had no idea about all this until last summer. I just landed a remote job. Did a routine system upgrade but... what? My partition with / is full? I had to do my first week or so of the new job on a dusty old Jetson TX2. I found the pacman -Sc command somewhere, freed up 2/3 of that partition, and life went back to normal. Except for the car not working, but that's another story.

I'm keeping a link to this video in my sys admin notes in case I ever forget again.

fosstera_synth - 05.01.2023 19:43

Thanks for this, i forgot to clean all that out and its been building up for a while. recovered 28.9 gigs of storage space

allsunday1485 - 12.12.2022 10:11

how did you list the folder content while writing the command?

the - 15.11.2022 12:01

This channel is really useful

Tiny Timbit
Tiny Timbit - 31.10.2022 06:46

Very helpful. I just cleared like 30 gigs from my arch vm. Thanks!

Tony Ravindran
Tony Ravindran - 25.10.2022 12:37

A very useful video especially for a beginner like me. I use Arch Linux and just two weeks ago, my root directory of 20 GB was nearly full and it was suggested to clean my cache sub-directory.
I just ran sudo pacman -Scc. I did not know any better. I did this and later used garted to increase my root partition to 70 GB. This video is quite useful to me. Thanks Eric

Zer0sVoid - 25.10.2022 06:00

A good reminder for those who already may have this set.
For me, it's time to reclaim some storage. Thanks for another wonderful guide.

c3c - 25.10.2022 00:45

install gentoo

BruhBoi - 24.10.2022 20:21

whats the best arch based ditro(ur opinion)??

Vincent Ryu
Vincent Ryu - 24.10.2022 19:48

Hi Eric, just curious what things can’t Pop OS! do while Arch can?

Aditeya - 24.10.2022 19:37

Another useful tool is downgrade on the AUR. If you've cleared you cache and realise you need to downgrade a package, you can downgrade the package using the downgrade tool.
