The top 8 git aliases I use everyday

The top 8 git aliases I use everyday

Kelvin Omereshone

1 год назад

257 Просмотров

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@lennoxcharles6092 - 13.06.2023 01:01

Funny thing, I was thinking of how to make my git commands easier, then I stumbled on this video 🎉❤

@TheKelvinPerez - 23.02.2023 16:48

Awesome i took some notes

Thank you for teaching us about alias in git

git p = git Push
git st = git Status
git pl = git pull
git s = git switch (branch)
git c = git clone
git sd = git switch develop
git sm = git switch main
git cempty = git commit --amend --no-edit

@stephikebudu - 23.02.2023 14:20

My top 3 are `ga` for `git add .`, `gc` for `git commit` and `gp` for `git push`

@Trecia_KS - 23.02.2023 14:13

I really like this video. Git aliases seem great for increased production speed and production 🔥
