Hidden Camera In Girls' Locker Room Lands Mom In Hot Water

Hidden Camera In Girls' Locker Room Lands Mom In Hot Water

The Young Turks

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•MoonTM• - 28.08.2019 01:58

But i wanted to know how to hide from other girls ;-;

BIGK BOOM! - 27.04.2019 02:22

This is the worst news reporting channel/journalism I've ever seen in my entire life, these people are obviously not very intelligent! Garbage!

SsoulBlade - 15.01.2018 10:28

Double standard. Feminists, do you understand that this is one of the reasons why no one like you? If a woman does something illegal, you soften the scenario. If it is a *man*, grab the pitch forks.
Then you wonder why most people aren't feminists?

Do you understand how the same crime gets so different sentences between the sexes?

Michael Kelligan
Michael Kelligan - 24.10.2017 19:41

No prison...but definitely fined and several months comm.service! Dumb mom shouldve thought that through.

Mark Foreman
Mark Foreman - 31.07.2017 12:58

Women can be just as bad stop let women off so ez ass holes

Allen Griffith
Allen Griffith - 11.04.2017 06:36

Soooo many gals stripped for auditions. Cheerleaders, actresses, even girl bartenders. It has gone on for years.Gals haven't bitched about it much.

Stan McSerr
Stan McSerr - 24.07.2016 06:44

Yes the Gov't is spying on you. Does this surprise anybody? Get used to it. As the Gov't gets bigger it will do more of this. Mark my words. Larger gov't means less freedom.

Stan McSerr
Stan McSerr - 24.07.2016 06:40

yeah. our prisons are so empty. We need more Nonviolent people in them. How about this instead- community service. I mean a year long weekend trash picking and other in the open services. You know, so her friends and neighbors see her doing the service. What do you think sirs?

A. K.
A. K. - 21.05.2016 08:02

Privacy is not a 'cult'. Its a human right. There should be NO double standard when it comes to applying the law. A woman and man doing this deserve the same punishment. Also, if it was done with sexual intent, this non consensual porn is sexual abuse because it is non consensual exposure that could be used as a weapon in a since, to harm another human being. If that were the case, perpetrators ABSOLUTELY deserve to lose decades of their freedom. Retribution is a valid societal interest. All of these individuals who say that even If there was sexual intent 20 years is excessive: They would feel and think differently if the same was being done to them. That is absolutely scary for most people but especially children, especially trench. All people deserve to be protected from abuse. This IS a harm to society. This IS a danger to people and society. Because it IS abuse and exploitation. And all people deserve to be protected from this. Grown men can be victimized this way, sometimes especially by other men. Only then do they realize the true emotional and human cost of abuse and exploitation of human beings. Justice for all: Men, women, and children. Decades in prison for sexual recording is great. I say this as someone who respects both genders in her family

Ash Tank
Ash Tank - 12.03.2016 17:27

What school I live in Denton

jmtnvalley - 13.10.2015 04:26

You can't have an illegal "wire tap" for a civilian. Peeping Tom? Maybe.

NymphetaminexXxGrrrl - 20.09.2015 23:03

First of all i would be mad as hell, if me or my children, or anyone for that matter, was being secretly filmed, in a dressing room, washroom, etc... man or woman, i don't care, you can't film in those private spaces. However what's bugging me most, is if she was using the camera to catch the coach "yelling" at the girls...than why have the camera facing towards a bunch of underage girls, who are most likely getting nude, semi-nude...just because the tape didn't catch nudity, doesn't mean that wasn't the intent. To catch verbal abuse, the camera must have had audio, and if it had audio, there was no point, in visual. So if she had good intentions, why did she capture images at all? couldn't she have faced the camera towards a wall, or put tape over the camera? she could have done something to capture audio, without image. It seems obvious, that she would have expected to capture some child pornography, if she made no attempt to cover the camera. Though secretly capturing audio, is just as much an invasion of privacy, and i don't agree with either. i just find this suspicious.

Accidental Lyrics
Accidental Lyrics - 27.06.2015 10:54

I don't care to weigh in on the appropriate legal punishment for putting up the camera.  However, being a Principle and doing this, she should lose her job, or at least not be a principle anymore and be barred from doing it anywhere else.

Caladrius - 21.10.2014 15:33

QTBlondeXO - 11.10.2014 17:45

Even if it was a woman I still think it's wrong to invade people's privacy.

AnElevatorFart - 20.09.2014 19:28

When I was in middle school we found a webcam hooked up to a laptop under one of benches in our locker room. (aimed right at the showers with some conveniently polished 45 degree angled bases on the shower head poles.)   There was about 12 hours of 12-14 year old boy junk on that hardrive. It sat in the wrestling/football coaches office for about a week until some one had time to come down and "investigate"  The footage had magically disappeared by that time and the "investigation" was concluded.  The report read like something that would come out of the Vatican for fucks sake.    I'm sure it would have turned out very differently if it had been the locker room next door with the triangle shaped person on the door...... 

constitutional libertarian
constitutional libertarian - 08.08.2014 09:20

who is the guy in the middle seems like ive seen him on TV? some1 help lol

Kay - 21.05.2014 07:26

Wait the mom who filmed was also the principal...? If so she could've just stood outside the locker rooms while the coach talked. Or just stayed in the locker rooms while the coach talked every time, so he couldn't have the chance to be abusive.

luke theskymarshall
luke theskymarshall - 06.05.2014 05:02

1. U need necessary permission! 2. Have mildly possibly decent plan! 3. If sees yelling u use a microphone which can prove one of 2 points a.if she yells b.maybe figure out if it's physical

Jasmine Liz
Jasmine Liz - 09.03.2014 02:27

2 years of jail maximum. 

archie977 - 07.03.2014 15:17

gender bias is no excuse for ignorance

Maxine Mathers
Maxine Mathers - 03.03.2014 13:54

Can we just take a moment that the young Turks are annoying As hell

UniverseKeeper2 - 22.02.2014 08:24

hmm, ... a few months is fine to that standard :l

MrOphachew - 09.01.2014 20:05

SHOOT! they didn't get any footage of the girls naked etc. Man! this isn't even news worthy!

Trevor Colby
Trevor Colby - 23.12.2013 19:15

I don't think video taping should ever warrant being arrested or sent to jail, because it can't hurt anyone. If someone invaded your privacy maybe you can sue them but sending them to jail (which should be for people who pose a danger to society) is retarded.

Kay Elliott
Kay Elliott - 30.11.2013 11:13

2 years probation, $1000 fine.

MAXX POWERS - 28.11.2013 01:19

did he really say that if it had been a man ,,he would automatically assume he was guilty of attempting to make underage porn?? Are you for real douchebag?? Do you truly hate having a penis this much?? you sputtering mangina?? How can you say that?? The female principal had full access to the locker room yet snuck a cam in there any way,, she couldnt have hid in a toilet stall and caught the coach in mid fury? 

firecrackergirls - 13.11.2013 07:06

wow that sounds like what happened in my school

finn6861 - 28.10.2013 05:36

Also the pricipal may very well be held responsible if this was happening & she did nothing-very difficult situation maybe just bad judgement-Should have saught legal advice before doing it though.

finn6861 - 28.10.2013 05:33

Yes the law is getting very choosy lately isn't it?

hawk brother
hawk brother - 30.09.2013 19:22

20 years in prison? Ridiculous. Its a good point thought that if it had been a man...we would probably think of it differently. I think a formal warning, maybe a fine or some community service is reasonable. 20 years in jail is just a joke. If that's the case, whats the sentence for touching under age girls? 500years? It doesn't make sense.

xxxDemonDavexxx - 20.09.2013 05:06

what a rip off... i wanna see the tape!

Charles Milner
Charles Milner - 18.09.2013 05:47

Because the world is retarded.

Bh Ll
Bh Ll - 21.08.2013 02:03

The goverment wirede taping

Kevin Walker
Kevin Walker - 19.08.2013 03:01

send her to prison

vbx - 18.08.2013 21:04

20 years sounds fair. I mean, if a man did it.......

Jansen Lee
Jansen Lee - 15.08.2013 05:18

Can we arrest government officials for illegal wire tapping?

Sadie Nawalaniec
Sadie Nawalaniec - 06.08.2013 05:59

6 months. She might be lying but might not.

Erika Skadoodle
Erika Skadoodle - 02.08.2013 03:53

If she used a mic, it would be easy to claim that she had faked the audio

yoitsmejordanify - 27.07.2013 05:03

NSA Does it, they don't get 20 years...

Emily T
Emily T - 21.07.2013 16:36


Pyro5kinetic6beaver - 21.07.2013 15:07

So George w bush can wiretap us citizens in a massive scale its ok, but a mom who wants to make sure a basketball coach isn't abusing the players she gets 20 years.

cpc28655 - 18.07.2013 05:27

I'd say a 5 year suspended sentence would get the point across.

Henry Cooper
Henry Cooper - 02.07.2013 16:04

She should get a big fat slap on the wrist

Axel Kusanagi
Axel Kusanagi - 13.06.2013 17:13

Okay, Imma play devil's advocate and say, if she was really trying to catch the coach yelling, why didn't she just use a mic?

MrTom1817 - 13.06.2013 01:09

Depends where she placed the camera.

Mad Maggie
Mad Maggie - 30.05.2013 20:38

Definitely sounds perverted - as there are other ways of gathering the evidence - getting the girls to put their phones on record, for a start.

Raymond Leggs
Raymond Leggs - 08.05.2013 19:38

can we see the footage?

Djowhein - 04.05.2013 12:48

who on earth did those subtitles?
