Locked Up with Dignity? Canada's Federal Prison for Women (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

Locked Up with Dignity? Canada's Federal Prison for Women (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

Real Stories

2 года назад

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Kelly Pajevic
Kelly Pajevic - 12.11.2023 00:25

Kick the smoker lady OUT

Kelly Pajevic
Kelly Pajevic - 12.11.2023 00:23

I am pretty agitated this immigrant broke prison rules and drinking.

Mahala Wisner
Mahala Wisner - 17.10.2023 08:06

We call that First Lady a dry snitch and a$$ kisser I bet she has a lot friends to

Me Me
Me Me - 13.10.2023 03:42

Is this a prison or a college dorm?

Mikel Clark
Mikel Clark - 12.10.2023 07:59

Kim didn't do anything but she keeps getting in trouble lol 😂

Kathy Slocombe
Kathy Slocombe - 12.09.2023 04:18

I watched this intently with objectivity and empathy. We have to understand that these women are incarcerated because they committed a crime. They have no appreciation that this facility is far more humane than being in a US prison. Kim, while being a 'sympathetic' inmate, was a tried drug dealer. TA, is never going to accept responsibility and needs serious 'anger management' treatment. She's a 'poor pity me', always being the victim, never the perpetrator. Many of us have faced that fork in the road; pull of your boot straps and make the decision 'what is YOUR right path' and take ownership for your decision.

RUTHLESS REPTILES - 24.07.2023 07:56

What year was this filmed

Nadsss - 09.07.2023 05:57

Smoking has been yet banned in Canadian prisons since this movie it’s good for the non smokers like TA and crappy for the smokers like my bf who smokes for stress levels.. there should be areas for inmates and staff to smoke…

Kanivea - 20.06.2023 23:35

The title for this doc should be, "Karen's in prison"

Frank Reid
Frank Reid - 25.05.2023 04:02

Wonder if some of these women are still alive. Sone are older ladies

Frank Reid
Frank Reid - 25.05.2023 03:49

What was Pearl's charges? She must be out now

Frank Reid
Frank Reid - 25.05.2023 03:33

Only in Canadian prisons at any level they where normal clothes

Oli - 28.04.2023 06:02

wowwww looks like an apartment not a jail cell. way different in america everything is steal and concrete

Shelli Stuart
Shelli Stuart - 04.04.2023 22:33

Everybody's all irritated at the lady complaining about the smoking, but I just think she's hilarious & I keep cracking up.

Daze - 23.03.2023 12:06

I live in a caravan with a toilet bucket and they live there.. lol

Daze - 23.03.2023 10:54

I've never seen a prison like this before, i thought it was a motel or halfway house lol clearly some of these women are mentally ill.

About The Theory
About The Theory - 16.03.2023 02:12

Ashamed of myself? For what? Not doing stuff to get into your prison?

Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics - 14.03.2023 16:00

These ladies have a better life than my disabled mom here in the states.
The US is a failure, a failed state.

Eliseu Aparecido
Eliseu Aparecido - 08.03.2023 00:43


Peter Bird
Peter Bird - 28.02.2023 00:33

WTF If you can't do the time don't do the crime.

Gung - 17.02.2023 20:47

The red headed one needs to spend a day in U.S. prison.

Sara Goff
Sara Goff - 16.02.2023 07:41

Gotta love a prison Karen. 🤣🤣🤣

Ehkay Rizzo
Ehkay Rizzo - 15.02.2023 23:52

That blonde lady makes this really hard to watch..too many complaints

Rick Whaley
Rick Whaley - 06.02.2023 10:56

This woman is very self centered and entitled for a criminal. Her crying about everything is disgusting. She can run her mouth about how bad she has it but cannot offer any type of solution except for everyone else to comply with HER desires.

shellyslioneyes - 06.02.2023 05:36

Wow. is this jail for real. What a joke. I have seen tougher rehabs. This blonde with her breasts flopping out complaining needs to come to USA to jail/prison for 1 week. We have worse low-income housing here. Hahahaha. I Would love to LIVE in THAT jail. My apartment sucks compared that nice place. I'd love to just sit and read my Bible and relax. I've been in in all the above and have never went back. I became disabled though. Please, come to USA and get caught with a drug. You will do time, AS A WOMAN, in a real prison, not a small boring apartment. Wow. Canada is a nice place. Our vets are homeless and you women live so nice. Sickening. Wow. Quit complaining. Sure, you are humans and made a mistake, but watch some women behind bars in other countries, and you will be GRATEFUL. I'd love to be bored. I'm too busy being sick and dying. Wow.

russell knippel
russell knippel - 05.02.2023 00:11

This is supposed to be a prison?

The KnitWit
The KnitWit - 02.02.2023 01:26

Did I understand correctly that Kim opted for parole rather than serving out the last few months of her sentence? If so, that’s was a BAD decision!

The KnitWit
The KnitWit - 02.02.2023 00:51

I don’t want to be rude, but it appears these women have SERIOUS mental illnesses that are un/undertreated!

Simple Blessings
Simple Blessings - 26.01.2023 22:24

Look at that ignorant red head who complained about second hand smoke then went on about how bad they got it there.. what an ignorant wh-te trash broad!
Sweetheart, you're in PRISON!
Deal with it!
What you got now is KARMA so suck it buttercup and stop blaming everyone for your surroundings!
These women got it made compared to many others in prison.
As for the red head complainer, I think she'll be miserable forever and I would not be shocked if she gets arrested again.
She's a miserable cow.

Mary Recoy
Mary Recoy - 24.01.2023 23:53

Pearl you are right you do have a purpose here and God has assigned us from Matthew 28;19&20 to go out n preach and make disciples of others teach them to observe the holy scriptures...if you are interested in being helped further in understanding the Bible please let me know I will gladly help you at no cost to you because Jesus has commanded I go and teach as well...Love you sister..take care and remember if you put God's interests first the rest of what you need will all fall in place as it fits in harmony with God's will.

Stephanie Martisko
Stephanie Martisko - 23.01.2023 12:52

I wonder what they think when they see documentaries of how the US jails are! They have it pretty good. We don’t have prisons like that here!

hackberry flat
hackberry flat - 21.01.2023 01:57

Jeez; how boring. Whine, whine, whine. This is a new successful program? I see the UK mentality here; the NANNY STATE!

Cheyenne Cormier
Cheyenne Cormier - 12.01.2023 14:07

you do a crime and this isnt jail wtf

Tracie Towner
Tracie Towner - 12.01.2023 00:54

WTH kind of punishment is this? And to have the audacity to complain about the smell of smoke? Crazy world we live in.

Capricorn Fairy
Capricorn Fairy - 10.01.2023 08:26

The lady complaining about smoke is a Karen if I ever saw one! Geez she’s got a lot of gull when she is so unbelievably privileged to be in such a facility. She’s not in charge or running the show!

Shari Hacault
Shari Hacault - 07.01.2023 09:56

You are in prison, not on vacation get real .....You do the crime you do the time. Lady you have a small apartment you live in, it could be a cell.. you get to visit your family...?My GOODNESS BE THANKFUL...GROW UP YOUR THEREFORE A REASON..

rgf60 - 05.01.2023 23:27

T.A. is serving life for killing her friend and she has the gall to complain about the razor wire surrounding the prison. She should be in a maximum-security prison doing her time instead of in this minimum-security where she blames everyone but herself for her predicament. Her sense of entitlement is absolutely shocking.

Amanda Denise
Amanda Denise - 27.12.2022 08:20

I can't even get to 20 mins watching this how entitled and annoying T.A is. She's got it made!!! That's no prison. That's an assistant living community with some restrictions.

Mich Wall
Mich Wall - 25.12.2022 11:38

Wow they live pretty easy for a prison the complaining out of that "Karen" is insane

Tracy Mcdonald
Tracy Mcdonald - 22.12.2022 16:35

Wait a minute...you say you are entitled to have a safe place? Since when do criminals who plan out and do crimes and know they could go to prison get entitled to anything?

Tracy Mcdonald
Tracy Mcdonald - 22.12.2022 16:23

Karen wouldn't last 5 minutes in a US prison complaining about anything surrounded by the black Shawandas in there.

Tracy Mcdonald
Tracy Mcdonald - 22.12.2022 16:19

Inmate you should not have a say if there's barware. You are an inmate, a convict.

Kelly Elwood Francis Bayliss
Kelly Elwood Francis Bayliss - 19.12.2022 06:36

Cigarettes should be band in public, if You want to smoke, stay at home !

Julie M
Julie M - 16.12.2022 17:37

Unfortunately, this program is too disjointed to really understand. Some of the comments are a little too entitled…..such as complaining about the barbed wire, you don’t want barbed wire don’t do the crime. You don’t want a smoked filled room don’t do the crime. This seems a little too luxurious for a prison. I bet many homeless people would love to have such a set up, minus the barbed wire. This is ridiculous.

Julie Ann White
Julie Ann White - 13.12.2022 03:17

I was touched by TM. Very difficult life circumstances. She was articulate, thoughtful perceptive and emotional. Her grievances were being channeled. She has a long sentence. she was remorseful. I hope she got her programs. Excellent documentary.

Jackie Marini
Jackie Marini - 30.11.2022 03:21

Karen Karen Karen you are a killer .And will always be one .God don't like ugly .👌

Jackie Marini
Jackie Marini - 30.11.2022 02:55

You have no rights when your in prison !!!!!!!!

Trevor Stolz
Trevor Stolz - 27.11.2022 13:49

I live in the university dorm when I was in university. I live there for four years. In my room I had a sink, a desk, a wardrobe/closet and a bed. It was cinderblock walls with cheap linoleum tiles. We had a communal bathroom on each floor. These "prisoners" live in much better accommodations than I ever had as a starving student. Just saying. They can sit in their home and read or study all day without having to work? I can hardly think they are hard done by.

The Brave Conservative
The Brave Conservative - 26.11.2022 16:07

The lady that swears and complaining about smoking I so goddamn annoying!!! If she doesn't like smoke stay away from people smoking! Not hard! 🚬 She's from Newfoundland that explains it! Newfies are all f**ked
