Millionaire Habits to Financial Freedom [Retire Early]

Millionaire Habits to Financial Freedom [Retire Early]

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@WealthyTiffany - 12.09.2020 03:06

Thanks for watching! 😘 Comment below with your favorite millionaire habit!

@DionTalkFinancialFreedom - 03.11.2021 17:45

Love it.

Mindset has a huge impact on our financial journey.

@curtisdavis8594 - 05.05.2021 02:03

Yes!! Positive thinkin.. Abundance mentality... Written & spoken affirmations.. Thx

@rino7789 - 13.04.2021 20:58

Sounds like the law of positive attraction. There is too much cynicism, negativity, and pessimism surrounding us. I had to get away from people like that.

@rino7789 - 13.04.2021 19:52

So you believe in positive re-enforcement? Telling oneself that they can become a millionaire and envisioning it.

@ejcorinealdi - 06.02.2021 18:53

Whats up Tiff, how many houses did you buy?

@leeway10231 - 31.01.2021 22:43

Yes!!! Keep a positive mindset & I believe that Positive Thinkers are Winners! while Negative Thinkers are Losers!!! Wealthy Tiffany!💐😊

@sithakhounborinh5181 - 03.01.2021 21:42

Are you saying millionaire by investment cash? Or millionaire in assets from property?

@faustoalves8077 - 18.12.2020 07:37

love your channel very good information thanks

@cybercab - 15.12.2020 18:49

Great video. I think tracking your progress is critical. If you can't measure it--you can't improve it!

My current financial spreadsheet is 19 years old. So when I go through a bad downturn, I can always remind myself of 2002 and 2008. Even when things are bad--another 2013 is coming!

I think tracking also involves some "Gamification" of investing. For people like us, a minor financial win will have basically zero impact on our lifestyle. But the line on the spreadsheet can act as a reward in itself. I want to "win" so I keep trying. It's all about a mindset and personal psychology.

@dannie5985 - 13.12.2020 10:14

Thank you

@alinowak2619 - 01.12.2020 03:02

yeah the bank does nothing for you. Inflation is a killer

@alinowak2619 - 01.12.2020 02:56

I wrote stuff on my wall when had big exams coming. I also did this because I failed one test huge years ago. And writing it and seeing it everyday and night helped.

@alinowak2619 - 01.12.2020 02:55

Thats a bad crash. You could of been really hurt. Yeah always focus on positive.

@briankow239 - 30.11.2020 17:47

So 4 green houses then 1 red hotel next.

@nancyhuizar1 - 14.10.2020 01:59

You are "Goals" Thank you for inspiring me ! I'm 36 and I am paying off my home, by 2022 and then continue on my journey

@ASMRCalligraphyJapan - 06.10.2020 10:55

Hey Tiffany, really great content you have there! Thanks for your insights and advice, sending love from Singapore :)

@lori5946 - 22.09.2020 16:29

I love the positive thinking. I want to learn more about real estate investing. It is scary as I lost my house in 2013 because of the crash I owed more then it was worth. After that I vowed never to have a mortgage again. My husband and I bought a 1950s small gutted home for 9k and remodeled the whole house. New everything. I borrowed from my 401k. I have no mortgage. I started working as a travel nurse which pays a lot so I could work less and enjoy seeing the country. We saved some money and paid off any debt. I invested in stock Robinhood. My fear keeps me from real estate. My credit score is over 800. I need more money for down payment on buying property. Not totally sure what real estate to buy. Fix and flip would be nice if fix and hold rent or airbnb or furnished find for travel nurses. My husband has done construction for 20 years. He isn't a GC. I looked into wholesaling but seems difficult. So I am going go back to travel nursing for now. I want to get to where I could quit nursing. I need a cashflow. I am late in the game at 54 years old. I struggle with self esteem issues. I was brought up by narcissist parents. I never feel really good enough. I never give myself credit for anything I do. We started a small handyman business so my husband can make more money and have more flexibility. Also I needed to make more money in my tax home to be able to get tax free per diem or stipends in California. Airbnb sound cool but with covid and looming down turn in economy worries me.

@HolisticMoney - 19.09.2020 04:09

These are great habits! Congrats of hitting your goal!

@LoriLivers - 17.09.2020 03:10

Rental property cash flow is what made all the difference for me as well! Passive income can truly be life changing. Great video 🙂

@JessieOpportunityCostInvesting - 16.09.2020 16:32

Passion for what you do! That's my guess, let's see if I'm right :D

@IncomeStreamsThatWork - 16.09.2020 15:05

You have a new subscriber! Looking forward to watching more of your videos!

@IncomeStreamsThatWork - 16.09.2020 14:56

We have rental properties and it has been nothing but a don't have problems with renters???? In the long run it is profitable...but a LOT of work...

@PilatesWorkoutsOnline - 16.09.2020 03:26

Love this! Great advice, love hearing your habits!! This is something we all need to hear.

@samspraguefinanceformula3519 - 16.09.2020 01:29

Favorite habit is investing habitually and having dollar cost averaging with compound interest work for you

@clark7894 - 15.09.2020 23:11

You're doing great! I love to hear success stories like yours. My favorite millionaire habit is to invest and keep investing.

@ortallevitan1 - 15.09.2020 22:38

This was so informative! thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge about these different habits to achieve financial freedom

@sandraacosta5455 - 15.09.2020 22:03

Love it! All of what you said is so true! My favorite habit is consistence. I am confident I will make it happen 💪🏻

@JayFairbrother - 15.09.2020 21:20

I think setting the goals with a specific timeframe are the most powerful. "I want to become a millionaire" is very open ended but adding "by 40" to that gives you a specific target to work towards.

@cherij5132 - 15.09.2020 21:18

Yay Tiffany!!! I love this and love all your advice!
