Female cop recruits take virginity test

Female cop recruits take virginity test


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@Shivelybanetek - 14.10.2023 05:58

I agree with the testing because if they are not virgin than they should be married and if they are married they need to be in the home taking care of the home and any kids. So this makes sense.

@DEATH14269 - 31.05.2023 05:00

How could you trust a virgin to be experienced....
They will be scared when it comes to dealing with officer problems

@tothemoon5108 - 04.07.2022 11:51

WTF is this?

@AllenSymonds - 16.08.2021 20:39

I totally agree with the Indonesian Police. They have right to require this. If they were virgins then they are probably lesbians. Maybe this is a test for lesbianism

@yanifestivesalomon6567 - 25.03.2021 14:57

Totally disagree 1.02-1.05

@suhailsuhailzuhair4306 - 21.07.2020 17:23


@chandlermurphy8225 - 20.05.2020 06:33

Why isn’t MEPS on here?? 😂😂

@cal8362 - 20.06.2019 03:27

Another reminder that American women are the most spoiled and privileged group in the world, and still complain

@NeSa-mf3gf - 12.07.2018 13:16

First their is no biologically accepted method to test for the virginity which means that no woman can be tested for virginity.
Secondly what does virginity have to do with their duty?
Such a stupid country. Hasn't any politician got at least a tiny bit of brains? 😝🙃

@NeSa-mf3gf - 12.07.2018 12:13

It's non of other's business to know about a person's past sexual activities. It's her own body and her own life. She can do what ever she wants with her body. I really don't see any point of knowing whether a person is a virgin or not.

@JC-fb9nz - 11.06.2018 07:45

What are they fighting crime with their p _ _ _ _ ??? Just asking !

@jigmeedolkar9417 - 01.04.2018 11:54

What kinda mentality it's that ...a person with tattoo can be better than a person who goes to the church

@anonymousanonymous-iq3fz - 26.01.2018 19:34

Like wtf this is forbidden in Islam

@i8urcookie334 - 23.11.2017 00:48

So even though they were virgins there hymen had to be broken for an exam? Bull! My doctor gave me my exam as a virgin and checked my health without inserting fingers in me! They make these machines called X-rays and sonograms! And here if you choose not to have a rectal exam you simply say no and that is that!

@shahbhaloo - 16.10.2017 09:24

just another propaganda by west

@ruqqaya - 02.09.2017 21:21

What the fuck has Sex got to do with serving your country?

@dikshashukla6980 - 07.06.2017 19:41

useless procedure 😠

@akumhero - 07.06.2017 14:21

laugh out loud & louder!!!!!!!
what virginity has to do with police duty?
how came up with this idea?
I can't stop myself laughing..

@autisticguitar - 23.05.2017 20:19

i live in indonesia but i swear i don't know any of this

@s3oood2008 - 21.05.2017 12:18

When I applied to military, they checked my penis and balls sac. We need gender equality!

@rpanerio - 05.05.2017 00:21

Brought to you by Islam, the religion of "Love".

@Gendo3s2k - 19.01.2017 10:51

It's "discriminatory" and "degrading" TO YOU. leave them and their culture alone, and mind your own business.

@GodblessUSofAmerica - 17.03.2016 08:46

"A police official told CNN that all recruit not only woman were subject to medical test" yeah right! what do you do to man? insert your 2 fingers into their asshole? what a crook!

@mohammedsami7080 - 29.11.2015 22:06

so if she is virgin she is accept or vice versa?

@nickash5 - 24.08.2015 18:51

yeah to those who agree to the checks.  I hope 'complete examination' of genitalia extends to your daughters, wives, family members to ascertain their fitness for service or eligibility to enter into a contract? Respect people's culture? Since when was that their culture? Ignorance of what Indonesian culture is.  Respect people's dignity before you agree to this degrading practice.

@RadwaAdam - 11.08.2015 01:16

This happens also in Egypt !
Applicants for Military Nursery School have to be checked, totally naked in groups of ten girls in one room together!

@iamjoker6488 - 21.11.2014 10:30

i'm from Bali, Indonesia.
it was HOAX created by a SECULAR COUNTRY, who are accustomed to the free sex or drinks.
IN FACT these women are victims of sexual abuse by stupid medical personnel.

@MrChunkylover53 - 21.11.2014 06:26

If you're going to post this as a virginity test story then please get documentation or testimony from someone who has direct knowledge that the test was for the sake of virginity and can tell us how,what,and why,or at least an applicant who failed the test because she wasn't a virgin.Not even the interviewees said the test was to determine virginity.This may be the first time some of these women have seen a gynecologist,or just a way to keep women from joining the police, but this story REEKS of bullshit lazy journalism.

And i was all prepared to talk shit about religious fundamentalists....Fuck You CNN.

@TaylorMade511 - 20.11.2014 18:45

That is sexual abuse.

@marine0816 - 20.11.2014 16:50

So if a Muslim country do stupid stuff and cnn calls them out its bigotry? Stop doing stupid things

@PC_Tech76 - 20.11.2014 04:21

While I agree that such practices should be denounced and abolished... This as a political, deliberate and systematic attempt by CNN to attack Muslim countries and Islam in general.  Shame on you CNN for spreading such bigotry!

@healiosphere2871 - 20.11.2014 02:19

yes it does.. staying a virgin is like staying pure so it is a great state to be in order to properly combat the corrupt!

Having multiple partners is biologically damaging in multiple ways, which also results in a lot of defaults!

@MsKTMvalley - 20.11.2014 01:09

DO THEY DO THAT TO MEN TOO? Anyway, it shouldn't be done to anyone. 

@Rowxstr - 19.11.2014 22:25

vagina looks nasty...

@oxoboy9988 - 19.11.2014 22:07

I wana be in charge of this right now!!!

@tochjo772 - 19.11.2014 21:21

when would western media mind there own business??? if for some reason  people think its necessary for police officers to be  a vargin than its there business not everyone has to follow western/ foreign idealogy <3  i mean look at miley cyrus look  where is western society today ????

@MykTheOccultist - 19.11.2014 21:03

And Reza Aslan calls Indonesia a peaceful and secular state. What a joke.

@abdullahafridi7947 - 19.11.2014 20:31

I don't see why it's necessary and I also don't see why it's such a big deal.
