Is Fedora The Best Linux Distro Ever?

Is Fedora The Best Linux Distro Ever?

Michael Horn

2 года назад

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@MHill98 - 21.11.2023 23:47

Debian can't even install steam via the Terminal. Fedora is the way to go.

@garminizator - 06.11.2023 11:27

Year and a half later, Fedora became even better and is quickly becoming my main distro. Not gonna go into much details as to why (Flatpaks out of the box, always on the cutting-edge, super stable just to name a few), but one thing I noticed is just how much lighter and faster it feels compared to stock Debian and Debian-based distros like for example Ubuntu and it's flavors regardless of which desktop environment I tried. And I'm not really sure why that's the case, it probably has something to do with how the distribution is even put together, but no matter what, Fedora has been absolutely amazing for me and it just keeps me looking forward to new releases. It's only downside to me is that the installer is a bit dumb, but I got used to it quickly, which might not be the case for new users.

@ramik945 - 15.07.2023 19:51

after what happened with redhat is it still recommended?

@bruhsoulz3347 - 30.05.2023 14:17

haha love the videos bro :)

@Ekte_Sjakie-tr2qb - 03.05.2023 02:08

I'm so surprised you mention the instalation. I love pretty much everything about fedora except for that super weird installer (and the logo looking like the Facebook logo annoys me 😂).

@2xtreem4u - 03.04.2023 01:56

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed is one of my favorites

@davidturcotte831 - 24.03.2023 22:00

I think you have that backwards. RHEL is based on Fedora.

@roracle - 22.03.2023 00:00

Personal I've been waiting for Fedora for a very long time. Since before Mandrake even. After Redhat 9 (not EL) it was clear things were changing, and the Fedora project had a long way to go, but it's finally the best again. I started with Redhat 5, quickly got up to date with 7.2 (again, not EL) so it's nice to be back in the Redhat ecosystem. I've been on Fedora for a few years now. Loving it more than ever!

@discomallard69 - 21.03.2023 16:52

I don't understand everyone's issue with pacman parameters, it works like any regular cli tool. apt does the exact same thing, the only difference is that the parameters have more descriptive names and they bundle a series of operations together instead of reserving a separate parameter for each operation taking place. I believe that its more helpful for new users because firstly you usually only need three commands: -S to install, -Syu to upgrade the system and -Rs to remove a package, and you cant tell me that it takes more than a day to remember those, and second, it helps you understand what the package manager actually does, and what it can do which can be really helpful as it is a really powerful tool. But asking "why" a tool works like any other tool in your system and requires you to tell you what to do instead of using a bunch of aliases by default is not a really valid question in my opinion. Why apt doesn't is the better question I think. And before you start accusing me that I've been using arch for decades and I don't understand the issues new users have, I have been using arch for a month and a half and linux as my daily driver for a month and a half.

@larsvontrierpung9337 - 13.03.2023 16:06

fedora is the shit

@neven9051 - 16.02.2023 22:52

Fedora is far from good beginner distro, ubuntu has out of the box propiertaty drivers and software support, average user want every software available, and less using terminal.

@synthoelectro - 04.02.2023 08:21

I remember the first time I installed linux Red Hat, it was 1998, talk about cryptic. no help, no chatroom just had to wing it. Liked it actually. I'm glad to see Fedora is making a huge come back. Back then, there was Fedora Core

@cheebadigga4092 - 10.12.2022 22:50

No, cause Void is.

@eugrus - 08.12.2022 06:31

For me, the choice of a desktop distro doesn't even matter: the differences only come up at the initial configuration phase: I will come through it anyway and forget about it for the next 5 years till I buy another computer. However the little differences start to matter when you want to configure some VPSes/containers from time to time: things like different names of packages and services and different default states of configs (for instance, all three are different for SSHD between Debian and Fedora) can drive you crazy – there it's much faster to stick to what you know.

@Mauser1965 - 24.11.2022 01:47

Fedora is upstream from Red Hat. Keep in mind that you do not get a DE with Fedora Server as one does with Fedora Workstation. I do keep Win 10 Pro for my toys/games dependencies, but I also switched back to a dual boot with Debian (testing) as they finally incorporated a newer kernel/firmware that better supported my GPU. I previously used Fedora Server as I was forced to wait due to the package dependencies of WordPress at that time. There's no "best" distro as each persons will want different things, from one merely wanting "everything to work out of the box" to another wanting a granular approach of wanting to compiling from source. "Freedom Of Choice" Cheers

@vin483 - 16.11.2022 10:53

Fedora ultimately the one that bring me to full switch. Great distro 👌

@roracle - 16.11.2022 07:18

Fedora isn't rolling release though...

@enderpirate9887 - 16.11.2022 03:26

The reason I don't use it is because dnf is very slow on my 60 MPS network even with the tweaks made to /etc/dnf/dnf.conf it is not as fast as apt or pacman and the day they make it as fast as the other 2 then I will try it again.

@emiliokennkierza260 - 23.10.2022 13:21

Sadly, Fedora 36 KDE somehow is waaay heavier than Debian 11 KDE 🙄 the idle ram, and overall performances are still way behind Kubuntu 22.04. I wish the Fedora KDE spin's team improves this sooner :(
Even Manjaro / plain Arch is doing way better and feels way smoother on my daily usage

@BernhardErnst - 27.09.2022 21:10

The current uptime on my Fedora 36 laptop is 79 days. Earlier versions of Red Hat and Fedora were not so wonderful. I still own a CD with Red Hat 5.3 on it from 1998.

@funnyduck6326 - 15.09.2022 12:35

Fedora for me is really unstable distro ever, trying install just Ruby on Rails and that hell, sometimes updates is crash, try Solus with Budgie, and everything is great, but I prefer use Ubuntu. I think videos like that is just paid from Red hat.

@davidwayne9982 - 13.09.2022 20:34

NO-- ITS NOT... to answer the question on front of the thumbnail.

@Gabriolus - 01.09.2022 04:41

How do I join the fedora community and can i get help booting it to my own laptop cuz i needy the help ,

@stevejohnson1321 - 26.08.2022 02:30

I've tried the .RPM side a few times, and the choices worked fine. I just had trouble justifying the learning curve, so I stayed on the Debian-Ubuntu side. Now that Ubuntu is getting a bit sketchy, maybe I could try again.

@AdrianuX1985 - 09.08.2022 14:35

I am not up to date with the Fedora distribution that is why I am asking.
Does Fedora have a convenient equivalent of "debootstrap"?

@logangraham2956 - 08.08.2022 20:55

fedora looks promising indeed but i'm not switching away from gentoo XD
i do wish you all luck though over there running fedora but i've already fell in love now with gentoo and i don't have any plans to change distros any time soon.

@shresthkumarlal285 - 07.08.2022 21:02

Good content, subbed👍

Fedora & opensuse ❤️❤️

@thewillsfamilyaccount6486 - 07.08.2022 12:47

Great video.. I'm thinking of moving over to a Linux distro sometime soon to.. I'm in the planning faze of which one will suit me best for my setup. Glad I subscribed!

@HappyCupsInc - 06.08.2022 23:05

Watch out for the default wayland on the kde version of fedora, it’s still buggy. Easy to switch to x11, but wayland shouldn’t be default regardless.

@willz81 - 05.08.2022 22:54

Fedora has a lot of issues, like for example HiDPI support which actually works nicely on Ubuntu. Also multi-monitor support on Fedora sucks which also works much better on Ubuntu. I'm sure that people will argue "well it works for me" yes but you do not represent all the use cases out there.

@peterjantzer4767 - 28.07.2022 02:59


@davidwayne9982 - 23.07.2022 16:07

That is one reason I will NOT fool with Fedora-- don't want something named after a stupid ugly hat.... but i just don't see any NEED for it.. My MX does everything I need- and i dno't waste time gaming.. - so.. no need for it.

@KaDrD - 20.07.2022 23:43


@peppefailla1630 - 16.07.2022 17:42

Bro the fedora installation process is anti-intuitive. I prefer calamares

@dudeguy7988 - 16.07.2022 05:47

Fedora is not based on Redhat, this is a common misconception. Fedora is used as a testing branch for Redhat enterprise so really Redhat is based on Fedora.

Fedora is also not a rolling release distribution. Fedora has static releases but they’re kind of strange and use a rolling release-esque schedule for the repositories within those static releases.

@Cyrille8 - 12.07.2022 14:50

I use Manjaro daily, but I want to try Fedora soon !

@kkazakov - 12.07.2022 07:19

Definitely not the best distro. Started having issues with Bluetooth few days ago. Audio stuttering whenever it decides. It loses audio devices until I reboot.

@SATURNIA. - 10.07.2022 00:29

I will continue with Manjaro.

@blueyZee - 09.07.2022 00:22

Som people say dnf is slow but all you actually need is to make it set keepcache to True in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

@spaceguybob - 07.06.2022 20:59

I use debian sid

@MarkusBrunnhofer - 07.06.2022 20:51

the most software is - Debian - Ubuntu - i like Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce - stable fast and works for years_!! - ( i testet over 100 Distros ! ) last years...

@onioncontrol - 06.06.2022 00:36

I really liked using Fedora back in the day but the AUR and Debian repository have me too docile to return. Great OS tho.

@microdynecomputerservicesl4487 - 26.05.2022 05:33

Just came across you today. Nice coverage, well done. :)

@kellyjohna - 20.05.2022 01:38

It's a great distro till you hit the Nvidia Optimus problem. I thought they solved the Nvidia problem ?

@shadimurwi7170 - 16.05.2022 17:35

Michael horn fedora logo

@Bunuffin - 16.05.2022 16:23

if you have Nvidia you can't even make the KDE spin to boot into live environment... DKMS doesn't work at all nor Nvidia drivers even if you get RPM fusion

@dojayssauri28 - 15.05.2022 22:25

I installed fedora on my old tablet pc to get some more performance out of it after hearing some great things about, and i gotta say i think its my favorite distro as of now. It feels so polished and gnome is very tablet friendly

@user-stanrbm - 13.05.2022 01:02

But... Manjaro is better for me.
