Easy infinite gold in Baldur’s Gate 3

Easy infinite gold in Baldur’s Gate 3


10 месяцев назад

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SlackAlot - 07.08.2023 01:43

Hey all, you can also split up his gold stacks while bartering to make each stack easier to steal! Stacks of 100 gold require rolls of 7/8ish depending on stats.

What_do_I_Think - 15.10.2023 20:13

Wonderful for your evil run 😆

Howie Dundat
Howie Dundat - 14.10.2023 04:59

Way too much work. Neat video. Cheers.

Alan Cleveland
Alan Cleveland - 05.10.2023 01:46

Or just use cheat engine and give yourself as much gold as you want to lol. Still this is fine if you want to do it.

The Ultra Sceptile
The Ultra Sceptile - 04.10.2023 01:41

Just had the thought, you could dip 4 levels thief rogue and 8 shadow monk for the extra movement, not to mention the turn based mode for extra pickings when you succeed sleight of hand

Of course, it’s not possible early game, but that’s my suggestion on making Brianna optimized for thievery

Sas (Shuuli)
Sas (Shuuli) - 02.10.2023 11:15

Act 2 is the easiest to get infinity gold. Just change from kill to knock out (with the passive) go to the lady who wants gith egg, knock her out, rob her, and then go to camp, take a rest without using materials, go back, she acts like nothing happened, sell her your things and then rinse and repeat :)

Christopher Anders
Christopher Anders - 01.10.2023 09:01

All merchants it works knock out take everything then rest and repeat .

Christopher Anders
Christopher Anders - 01.10.2023 09:00

Knock him out take everything then go to camp rest and repeat

er4manu - 30.09.2023 04:26


Joseph Sillivent
Joseph Sillivent - 29.09.2023 09:28

also you can just respec get your levels and each time you do a level up it reset the traders

Joseph Sillivent
Joseph Sillivent - 29.09.2023 09:27

use turn mode to steal more then one item

Sights and Sounds
Sights and Sounds - 28.09.2023 21:41

The vendor's dont reset their inventory for me, not sure why.

Chris T
Chris T - 27.09.2023 22:48

For al the gold you don’t need?

Mike Stansbury
Mike Stansbury - 27.09.2023 21:25

this is hilarious... too much time, but so funny.

colodro44 - 26.09.2023 01:40

Issues your main character and talk to him. Put all the stuff you want in the trade slot and back out. Knock him out and take everything. Use a dark arrow if you want extra security.

PsychoLoony - 26.09.2023 01:07

it doesn´t matter if you´re alone. He just asked my other character if he´s the thief. She said no, and that´s it.

gorilla G
gorilla G - 24.09.2023 07:02

I can't, I started a war with them it was bloody and the whole town has been massacred.

Lufasu Mafalu
Lufasu Mafalu - 21.09.2023 03:57

this is just stupid , enter controller mode and speak to vendor by pressing A then Y to enter trade screen. at the trade screen press right click mouse button and you now can use mouse right click to send every item to camp.. vendor reset every full day reset

Regis Blade Studios
Regis Blade Studios - 20.09.2023 13:52

or just save the game and reload until you get it perfect :D oh and use turn based mode

Mikhail Keplara
Mikhail Keplara - 18.09.2023 20:27

Every Shop-keep can be stolen from, I will list easiest to hardest and also list duplicate names for (SPOILER) story lines, also time-stop is OP:
Aaron: Easy, Back turned 24/7
Derryth: Easy/Medium, Moves around a lot but depending where the guards are, easy loot
Dammon: Medium, Little room but there are places where he stands still and easy to loot
Skul (Goblin): Difficult, there are minimal places to steal without having to stealth kill any goblins or time-stop him.

Dammon: Easy, finish the Tiefling story arc, having them move away the only one staying is him. THERE ARE NO GUARDS, Even if he catches you, just walk away and wait. Literally the easiest loot.

Graft - 16.09.2023 03:23

You can make a character talk to the npc you want to steal from and then go with the rogue and just steal everything, then just leave quickly and thats it

TK McClone
TK McClone - 14.09.2023 12:39

Withers is super easy to steal from, so you can get your gold back.

old pc games
old pc games - 14.09.2023 05:19

Arron's face model is used for most male halfling shown how pathetic and lazy of Larian studio is. Not to mention the old hag woman model face is everywhere makes me think every old woman is hag lmao

kody KAYOS
kody KAYOS - 12.09.2023 00:57

turnbased mode, shawdow heart uses hold person, steal without worry all day

Zac Parker
Zac Parker - 11.09.2023 18:10

This is MUCH easier to do if you simply go into turn-based mode and save before you steal. Then, steal as much as you like until he catches you. When the combat starts, use ALL your action and bonus actions to move as far away from him as possible, and then click the "Flee combat" button (same as the Long Rest button). If you hover over it, it will tell you how far away you have to move in order to flee. I don't even bother disengaging, just take the hit. He probably has a couple potions of healing on him, but even if he doesn't, you're going to do a long rest anyway to reset his inventory. Go back to camp and the aggro will drop. Then you can simply pop back out and do it again. Don't bother trying to hide and shake off the aggro, that will take too long.

David Bunting
David Bunting - 10.09.2023 16:09

Yeah it works, butttttt...

In my multi-player game I spected out my Bard made sure I had the Smugglers Ring: +2 Slight of Hand, +2 Stealth, -1 Charisma ring. That worked pretty good until...

I wa able to cast 2nd lvl spells. I then cast Enhance Ability: Cats Grace and I can pretty much pick him up and shake him out upside down! 😂

- 10.09.2023 12:26

Instead of pick pocketing him knock him tf out although make sure you “barter” with him select everything in the I wanna buy slot, back out of it, knock him out, then loot him, go back to camp and put everything in your chest, sleep, and repeat. That’s at least what I’ve been doing (best part is he won’t be mad or hostile with you) ps. I forgot to mention why you select them in the I wanna buy menu. it’s because when you do that it puts the items in the shop into the shop keep’s inventory so you can knock em out or kill ‘em and get all the loot instead of just some

fuba82 - 10.09.2023 12:09

Quick-Save and Quick-Load most times is WAY faster (depending on Hardware maybe) then fight and run away!
But anyway a good tip for Stealing 👍

seePyou - 09.09.2023 18:35

This is neither infinite (as the vendor has a specific amount of gold every day and you have a finite food to us on long rest) nor easy (setup, fight, evade, one at time etc).
There are plenty of faster and better choices around, so the title is very misleading.

David Berger
David Berger - 08.09.2023 14:30

Have another tip for you guys. Go into turn based when you go to steal an item to slow down time. Then once you steal exit turn based and enter right back in so you get your action back to steal again and then save. Rinse and repeat.

Dante Mercer
Dante Mercer - 08.09.2023 08:36

Bruh😂 lamest way to do this, 1 character holds them in convo, cast hold person w a hold person spell, steal everything

John Wick
John Wick - 08.09.2023 01:54

Is this still working on ps5 with today’s update?

Joshua Eldridge
Joshua Eldridge - 07.09.2023 17:41

so if you get caught you disengage, hide, move away and rinse and repeat until your clear and go back and try to steal again..... OR..... hit F8

Apoc Nizmith
Apoc Nizmith - 07.09.2023 05:18

Dude.. Just take someone and talk to him, swap party members from whoever is in the dialog, hide, put in turnbased and EMPTY his inven quick saving between each one, if you get caught, quick load, run away, finish dialog and wait for him to stop being agro on whoever he was talking to and rinse and repeat. You are doing it the hard way.

Angel Seddon
Angel Seddon - 06.09.2023 19:54

I just use Astarion, steal as much as I can quick, sneak away, then send it all to camp & wait for the merchant to reset before I steal more

ReverbiusTV - 06.09.2023 16:38

Plug in a controller, talk to the npc, open the shop, click your mouse to change back to pc mode, right click the shop inventory, send to camp. you're welcome.

Psychotic Illusions
Psychotic Illusions - 06.09.2023 02:37

Does no one who makes these videos play on Tactician? A full rest for Tactician is 80 camp supplies. That being said you can use fewer camp supplies for a partial rest since you aren't using any spells (or if you're clever you are using guidance. Since we're dealing with a Thief you'll need to get the silver pendent off of the Harper skeleton for this cantrip (or choose it as a High Elf or Half High Elf racial benefit of a free cantrip).

Also, pet peeve: an odd number in your stats doesn't make a difference. The tactic you describe here uses a +4 Dexterity bonus which you get with a Dexterity of 18. Sorry, that drives me nuts. The ONLY stat that gives a benefit with an odd number is Strength because each point in Strength increases your carry capacity.

Deen O
Deen O - 05.09.2023 04:56

There are dozens of ways to do this better.....

Jason Scherer
Jason Scherer - 03.09.2023 18:15

This is needlessly complicated and inefficient. Really it can be boiled down to “be a thief. Do thief things. Steal from merchants”

Lernfix - 03.09.2023 04:04

I like the video of sintee on the stealing build & gear and do a riot through grove, risen road and underdark myconid colony, all easily reachable early on (underdark eg through village spider place and risen road as you go there to pick up the ring for +2 sleight of hand anyways. I combine this with hirelings lvling up and buyng 3 elixir of strenght each time from hag/auntie in grove (don't steal from her or she leaves to her house)

Chris Thier
Chris Thier - 02.09.2023 22:41

Gold is almost useless if you can just steal from the merchants. What is there to spend all that gold on?

My Chain
My Chain - 02.09.2023 21:11

Done gathering bones, skulls and such to make 1g at a time lol Thank you!

de1337me - 02.09.2023 02:28

I've found a few ways to optimize this further. I've been doing it with Astarion just casually as I've leveled through act one and have 15k. I just go for the gold stack most times to save time, if there is any loot I want at the time I get that too but that's not too often anymore. So, there are a few items around the grove you can find to help. There is a silver pendant that lets the wearer cast guidance, it's looted from a skeleton just outside the Grove on a hill overlooking the bridge. The strange Ox can be murdered to get a ring of the shapeshifter giving those who are disguised while wearing it an additional d4 on every roll, combine this with the mask from the digital deluxe or spec Astarion as a Arcane Trickster to learn Disguise self naturally. I save before and just reload, saves time for me vs. the fight hide cheese. Using the Halfling would optimize it more, I'd go for the Lucky feat though, not the dex improvement, on top of that so even if Halfling luck fails you you could fall back on that. With all the help from his items the only time I ever fail anymore is when Astarion rolls a 1. Oh also if you are purely focused on money the vendors restock every time a character levels. This includes when you respec. So send your thief in the grove alone, have your party hang out next to Withers. Spend 100g to respec, steal a stack of 400-700 gold, rinse repeat.

vert2552 - 01.09.2023 15:31

a lot of work to cheat gold in 'legal' way when you can use cheats as well at this point :V

Mykaelog - 01.09.2023 04:52

Just pick "THE GRACEFUL CLOTH (CAT)" armor for roll with advantage

Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson - 31.08.2023 23:14

Not sure if it's due to one of the patches, but now he spots you right away no matter what. I had the character build you recommended, had Enhance Ability, succeeded at my Stealth roll and he spotted me with my getting a Lucky reroll. I've tried it a dozen times with several different variations.

Adam - 31.08.2023 16:58

My Christ it would be faster to just play the game and earn gold that way.

Solitary Angel
Solitary Angel - 31.08.2023 06:51

Seems like an awful lot of effort and grind but...if you are masochistic enough to do this, I won't stop you.

Video should not be called "Easy infinite gold" Though more like "Cockroach Pickpocket" The little bugger always comes back!
