The Last Kingdom | Season 5 Trailer

The Last Kingdom | Season 5 Trailer

The Last Kingdom

2 года назад

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Wyatt M. P.
Wyatt M. P. - 18.08.2023 05:38

Woke forced diversity horse shit. I really hope for the death of the scum bags who put forced diversity into shit like this. Would be absolutely deserved. It’s time for this dumb bs to stop.

Abdulaziez - 16.08.2023 01:49

Hi i want to ask about season 5is it just 2 hour???

Mohammed ismail siddiqui
Mohammed ismail siddiqui - 12.08.2023 16:17

Brida deserved more😢

mujahid khan
mujahid khan - 11.08.2023 11:53

i just arrived before few weeks to watch this season and this was a not just best amazing greatest season i ever watch ❤❤❤❤ but i am sad because it was last 💔

- 08.08.2023 15:06

Anyone know the name of the song used in this trailer?

dragomxsoldier - 30.07.2023 07:25

This whole series is about simping and getting men killed by undeserving bit ches

dragomxsoldier - 30.07.2023 07:23

Aelfwyn Is the dumbest and stupidest female in the series seriously women like that in history had gotten good men killed by their stupidity

dragomxsoldier - 27.07.2023 07:24

Seriously Netflix you need to stop this BS no viking has fallowed a female lol

The Bongo Beast
The Bongo Beast - 26.06.2023 17:25

Destiny is all

Staal Burgher
Staal Burgher - 29.05.2023 20:49

Look I know people are desperare for authetic historical TV but Season 5 was poor. It veered FAAAR from the novels and suffered as a result. Cliched and repetitive, it tried to mimic Season 4. Screenwriters must stop trying to reinterpret great novels. It is like they already have a script then shop around to find novels they can paint onto them. Same happened to GoT and it will keep happening.

Ashha Zainab
Ashha Zainab - 26.05.2023 00:33

An underrated masterpiece! Netflix should do a better job promoting this series.
The cast is spot on!!

Mphoto Customer
Mphoto Customer - 22.05.2023 08:01

the best series ever, this was so amazing didn't want it to end. the final was the best ever BRAVO CAST

MadMac - 17.05.2023 18:12

I'm so freaking mad at Brida that after the first episode, I couldn't help myself ang Googled "does Brida dies in season 5" boy I didn't care if I spoiled myself with that particular info but it gave me an immense joy and relief upon reading the answer.

Euphemia Edeh
Euphemia Edeh - 24.04.2023 01:06

Tbh athelred and eardwulf were the most physically attracted men in this show exempting uthred

Susifae Lemarr
Susifae Lemarr - 22.04.2023 09:46

Worth A Cinematic WildRideExperience
Thanks to Beautiful Eivor for sharing this Gem💚🙌✨💎✨💚

Anime Szene
Anime Szene - 10.04.2023 08:02

Also ist das das letzte Staffel 😢😢

John - 24.03.2023 03:59

Pity those times have gone,
At least life was worth living then, extra special.

Nkemdilim Millicent Offor
Nkemdilim Millicent Offor - 10.03.2023 18:41

What’s happening? Can’t watch the season 5 on Netflix… what’s happening?

LeboTheKid - 01.03.2023 13:02

Uhtred has become soft and weak.

MGirly1 - 25.02.2023 22:11

☆☆ Please use the music from Ekaterina Shelehova for the movies! She is perfect! 🥰🥰🥰

Spencer_ - 24.02.2023 13:27

Uhtred's dane accent just bores me🤦🏻‍♂️

Gloria F. Acquaah
Gloria F. Acquaah - 21.02.2023 16:56

So sad this is the last season, I really enjoyed this show,hope it can go on for few more seasons.

Kenichi Uiriamu De Aviare
Kenichi Uiriamu De Aviare - 16.02.2023 16:14

Lol is this a real history of Great Britain? It really sucks to have a idiot kings. A good leader has a good strategy and brain but on this series it shows that the leader kings are sucks and stupid 😂😂

Orphan Of Orbit
Orphan Of Orbit - 16.02.2023 03:51

That woman who plays Brida is seriously ruining this show. I wish they'd cast someone who could actually act.

Gamerboy2007hp - 16.02.2023 02:26

Ik ben Brida zoo zat pff

Charbel A.
Charbel A. - 08.02.2023 18:11

Where can i watch season 5?

Eric Spearo
Eric Spearo - 08.02.2023 06:16

One of the most epic shows ever. However you had it right for the first 3 seasons and started drifting to woke none sense. Season 5 you went woke and strayed away from historical relevance. Truly disappointed

Daniel Sadjadian
Daniel Sadjadian - 22.01.2023 02:08

One if the best shows ever, so happy that there will at least be a movie if not a sixth season.

Silver_leaf Bannie
Silver_leaf Bannie - 21.01.2023 00:50

This Netflix show is one of the best I have ever watched. I love it. Congratulations to all the characters. 100% well done.

Yazan - 20.01.2023 03:05

Brida is one of the biggest mistake this show had. Overrated superwomen .
I would say this show is ruined due to poor story and actress like Bridas

JustLivin24 - 18.01.2023 02:39

The show deserves sooooo much more recognition, one of the best shows put to TV and nobody seems to watch it

Mary Alice Casados
Mary Alice Casados - 17.01.2023 20:40

I just finished this series and OMG, it was amazing! I love every cast member and they were all amazing . Why isn't Uhtred the next Tom Cruz/Brad Pitt???? Hollywood...what is wrong with you?!!

birigik - 17.01.2023 14:06

We want to season 6 and a season 7. Just listen the the fans pleeeeeeese.

Ricardo Díaz Belmonte
Ricardo Díaz Belmonte - 13.01.2023 00:19

The Last Kingdom es una serie tan sobrevalorada, es que si no fuera porque en esta serie aparecen muchos rubios con ojos azules nadie vería estas basuras, porque es el único valor que tienen (y como la mayoría de las personas son supremacistas pues les encantan estos truños pinchados en un palo). Ahora si, no le tengo ningún miedo a cualquier payaso soplapo***s que quiera desafiarme en una batalla de argumentos jajajaaaa lo tienen crudo esos "gallitos" de corral porque cada día me tomo tranquilizantes y no van a conseguir sacarme de mis casillas: El Ministerio del Tiempo es la PRIMERA ficción ESPAÑOLA en haberse adaptado en China (el Gigante Asiático) y en Inglaterra (bajo el nombre de The Department Of Time) además de estar adaptándose en otros países, algo que SI QUE ES REALMENTE SORPRENDENTE o EXTRAORDINARIAMENTE LOABLE teniendo en cuenta que las series españolas no tienen ni la mitad del soporte mediático o de la propaganda o de la publicidad (como co*o queráis llamarlo) que acaparan todas estas series extranjeras, entonces ¡claro! Parecía imposible que los chinos y los británicos llegarán a entusiasmarse por un producto de la Piel de Toro pero esta serie ha cerrado muchas bocazas, sobretodo porque muchos países extranjeros consideraban que España no podía realizar series o películas que tuvieran unos ápices de mayor trascendencia y madurez en la trama, y mayor calidad rollo Blockbuster en la acción y la fotografía (siempre se han pensado que solo servimos para las comedias más casposas como LQSA o ANHQV), algo que The Last Kingdom no ha conseguido ni va a conseguir en su miserable vida, le duela a quien le duela (¡yo a todo aquello que suponga una amenaza a mis gustos me lo vapuleo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos! y ya habéis comprobado que yo carezco de pelos en la lengua) y también es una serie española que se ha llevado muchos de los premios televisivos más importantes de la televisión española por parte del consenso común de la Academia (no lo digo yo, lo considera la Academia de Series Españolas porque ahora no recuerdo como se llama), y además tengo pruebas que lo respaldan porque también hay vídeos e imágenes que lo muestran, y ya sabemos que 1 imágen vale más que 1.000 palabras insulsas y sinsentido (a todo aquel que me pregunté en los comentarios donde encontré todas esas fotos y vídeos, le puedo pasar el link o el enlace sin ningún problema) ¡Ademas, El Ministerio del Tiempo también es mejor serie porque pertenece a uno de los subgéneros mas adrenaliticos y apasionantes de la ciencia ficción: el SteamPUNK! (Mi subgénero preferido de entretenimiento). Así que nada, todo aquel que sea muy "gallito" pues yo si quiero también me puedo poner a su nivel, así que aquí le estaré esperando para partirnos el ego a base de palabras, al igual que los hombres solemos partirnos la cara a base de os**as, pues aquí nos reventaremos el ego a base de quien escupe la mejor tiradera, como en los Freestyles de los raperos. Y por cierto, a todos esos sensibleras que les hayan molestado mis formas de expresarme políticamente incorrectas pues sorry pero no he venido para contentar a toda la people, porque bastantes bravuconadas e insolencias he tenido que escuchar yo cuando más de un listillo ha dicho que la serie de la que soy muy devoto es un bodrio indigerible en comparación con otras, acusaciones de las cuales me siento especialmente ofendido pero claro, ya me lo advirtió un conocido llamado Santiago: "el sesgo está en todas partes, casi nadie se interesa por la verdad objetiva".

WF - 10.01.2023 06:00

uhtred accent
Ive been watching vikings/saxons and all related types of series’s and I’ve to say this is by far the MOST AMAZING show I’ve ever watched

Alessandro Pellizzon
Alessandro Pellizzon - 01.01.2023 23:35

Stupendo!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨🛡️🏹🗡️💯💯💯💯💯💯

Adem Boudjemaa
Adem Boudjemaa - 01.01.2023 23:07

I can't find this season on netflix whyy?!!!

José Díaz
José Díaz - 23.12.2022 04:51

They let brida who was crazy free everytime and thats the only reason she killed so many 🤷🏻‍♂️

Musafir pawan
Musafir pawan - 17.12.2022 16:21

Love u uthred 😍😍😍🙈🙈

Sikolia Sikuku
Sikolia Sikuku - 16.12.2022 23:58

The Best series ever made... Simple plot amazing characters.

victoria bondoc
victoria bondoc - 15.12.2022 00:28

why there is no season 5 in Netflix. has removed?

the argonian 3000
the argonian 3000 - 01.12.2022 01:50

Has season 5 been removed from Netflix ??? I can only watch until the 4th...

facts  TRUMP feelings!
facts TRUMP feelings! - 25.11.2022 23:59

This season was one BIG letdown, terrible..

linda conduct
linda conduct - 19.11.2022 01:54

What an epic series, just watched the last season, I kept putting off watching it as I didn’t want it to end. Great ending with everything coming full circle. Can’t wait for the film. Definitely one epic story that can be watched time and time again.

John Moe
John Moe - 17.11.2022 09:06

Bro i did not sleep 2days of watching this on netflix till season5/10 this movie i will not forget amazing so many exciting moments and good ending Thanks for this good movie Netflix 🎉🎉🎉

Nkosana Khumalo
Nkosana Khumalo - 16.11.2022 22:02

I am very sad that l watched The Last Kingdom. I enjoyed it so much such that my wish is to start it over again with the same excitement l had when l finished the first episode of season 1 . But that would never happen l.

Aramomar - 16.11.2022 18:15

when will it come to norway?

7oe - 11.11.2022 14:12

Why I can’t Watch s5 in Netflix?

Traveling Outdoorsman
Traveling Outdoorsman - 08.11.2022 00:16

Just finished the show after much delay, because i didn't want it to end. a really emotional but fulfilling final season! Truly amazing netflix series

Namazovic c
Namazovic c - 05.11.2022 19:56

I wish there was season 6 too
