PUBG Battlegrounds Cant Connect To Server Or Keeps Disconnecting On Xbox Series S

PUBG Battlegrounds Cant Connect To Server Or Keeps Disconnecting On Xbox Series S

TDG Gaming

1 год назад

7,751 Просмотров

On this video, we will show you how to fix PUBG Battlegrounds can’t connect to server or keeps disconnecting on Xbox Series S.

00:31 Check your internet connection
01:23 Restart PUBG Battlegrounds
01:59 Check Xbox live status
02:46 Delete the game's cache
03:41 Reinstall PUBG Battlegrounds


#pubg #pubg_battlegrounds #can't_connect_to_server #keeps_disconnecting #xbox #xbox_series_s #pubg_battlegrounds_can't_connect_to_server_or_keeps_disconnecting_on_xbox_series_s #pubg_issue #how_to_fix_pubg_battlegrounds_can't_connect_to_server_or_keeps_disconnecting_on_xbox_series_s
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@Le_X-Axis - 10.09.2023 17:53

Mine says to reconnect my Xbox one wireless controller even tho I'm using a Xbox series s

@BrazenFate - 20.07.2023 04:27

I'm glad you showed how to delete saved data

@JUHSTlN - 25.05.2023 07:38

Doesn’t deleting the games cache remove everything you have in the game?

@TheTimeWeCall420 - 25.05.2023 06:01

I just got this error today you think they would look into this by now

@OXNARD-805 - 22.04.2023 23:38

I get as far as the main menu of the game still says could not connect to server the recent update I downloaded did this 🤬

@phoenixalldayy5775 - 15.12.2022 09:01

I just wanted to see how pubg was about nd their having issues , shame they gone this down rip pubg , did everything I could and still couldn’t enjoy a game

@laatinable - 19.11.2022 10:47

Great hope highlighting and shutting it off restores everyone's problem. Cuz it solved mine
