Why NO ONE Plays: Hero | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Why NO ONE Plays: Hero | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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@michaelst.lawrence6586 - 30.11.2023 07:58

Hero is OP and needs to be banned. No one has more than 24 moves in smash its absurd. "RNG" isnt even an excuse when all of your moves are OP. Cheap character and no skill.

@christopherbartley6885 - 15.11.2023 07:50

I’m glad to be that 1 percent of weebs😂

@Hunter_hi09 - 02.11.2023 23:06

I main hero…

@hypersonic2828 - 31.10.2023 12:20

Me personally, I main Hero so...

@PACSAX - 19.10.2023 16:41

It’s always a joy to get kicked from arenas simply because I have hero as my selected character lol

@nextos - 03.10.2023 07:34

I think hero is one of the best counter campers in this meta. Literally dominates anyone who refuses to approach. Definitely could be the savior against sonic, Steve & G&W

@Flare8295 - 01.10.2023 21:03

Contrary to this Hero is actually more present in Japan than in the US

@sansystudios9904 - 30.09.2023 03:42

Casual Hero main here, I agree that Hero is “fair and balanced,” his slow moves and jank hit boxes for his normals balance out his other moves, especially his menu, as the majority of them are near instantaneous and pretty strong on their own.

@Flare8295 - 19.09.2023 01:57

Does Hero Down-B count as a comeback mechanic?

@nathanfavela5854 - 10.09.2023 22:56

this whole video is a skill issue

@Manny_Fett407 - 13.08.2023 04:45

As a Hero main I didn't main him because I though he was good, I mained him because he is one of the most fun characters I have ever played in a fighting game

@namelessbag - 31.07.2023 23:48

I still have no idea why the gave Hero random crits. As someone that has finished nearly every single DQ game aside from 2 and 6, critical hits are the last thing that comes to my mind when I think of DQ. They are FAR more impactful and game defining in both Pokemon and Fire Emblem than DQ or most other JRPGs

@Null82085 - 31.07.2023 06:17

Short answer: RNG

Long answer: RNG and a resource bar

@oil1252 - 27.07.2023 12:00

As a hero main at 13 million gsp im suprised not many people play him, ive been playing him since release!

@JUICE-BOXALT0 - 26.07.2023 01:30

Ima be honest this is probably the worst character in the game.

It's not lil mac or ganondorf since they can do everything hero can do in strength terms but without rng. Hero is way too slow and most of his moves straight up kill him or get him killed. His recovery can also be worse than lil macs so lil mac doesn't have the worst recovery in the game which is why everyone cried about him. Hero can only be good if you're lucky and even then it doesn't mean you can win.

@isaac.azk2 - 16.07.2023 11:33

i like playing him but his bair and dash attack are painfully slow

@DeertickDaniel - 13.07.2023 08:57

the fact banning hero was a thought shows how soft smash players are

@xFierceDeityz - 05.06.2023 20:20

I still love him

@JoeJoe0o - 05.06.2023 17:47

i'm glad he's unpopular but once I pick him up in about 3 months you're going to see a lot more Hero - I promise that

@terryliliana - 23.05.2023 07:05

i just want to say a good amount of people got fed up with the honestly stupid "hoes mad" meme.
it went from mocking haters to straight up being used as an insult whenever anyone had an issue with hero, regardless of how valid it was, instead of giving an actual counter argument.
that insult really ended up hurting Hero more than people think.

@RoninCatholic - 01.05.2023 12:23

Main in 64: Link.
Main in Melee: Roy.
Main in Brawl: Toon Link, I think, but it might've been Lucario or Fox?
Main in Smash 4: Mega Man, but with Roy as secondary.
Main in Ultimate: Hero.

@HateSonneillon - 25.04.2023 20:10

I love to play Hero casually, its really fun to try to play around whatever you get in menu. But I would never play him competitively. If he could store his spells that would be really cool. Press shield to store a spell then unleash it at your convenience. He would definitely become a more prominent pick with that alone. I don't think players mind the limitations with mp since you regain mp with each normal hit and over time, nor the bad aerials or randomness, so much as that lack of control over menu. I would give up critical hits on smash attacks to have that control. They could even make it so stored spells cost 10% more mp and I think I would still be happy,

@elroymartinezjr - 24.04.2023 12:45

I play Hero💪

@ceejaydaniel2287 - 21.04.2023 07:52

The whole "inconsistent" reason is why i think he is even better in doubles. I don't plays Hiro but my teammate does and I got to say the thing that I love the most is how random or inconsistent if you will that he is because even though I had to train a lot more with that character I also got a whole lot more reward out of it because now no matter what's happening I always have more than one option to pull to get out of anything because I have already accepted that no matter what there's a chance that he could get the wrong spell but I have learned how to use the so-called disadvantage spells as more of a reward.... So much more of a reward then it is when you're playing by yourself because now any of that is a distraction

Edit* please excuse how bad my comment is written I didn't write any of it, I used it all on speak.

@TheQueensAce719 - 12.04.2023 23:19

The title should be "Why No One Plays Hero (Competitively)". We all know Hero is a good time in ffa.

@OliverKoolO - 28.03.2023 18:34

I hate sword fighters in smash except Link. I play with Mario, Falcon,Capt Falcon and Pikachu. I LIVE TO WOOP A SWORD FIGHTER AZZ. I hate the swords reach. I loved everyone until Marth and Roy came. Now I enjoy bare knuckle beating a blade welder face in. HAPPINESS 😊

@Magic0YT - 27.03.2023 17:29

hero makes inconsistency with rng his biggest weakness. I only play hero in elite smash to fk up zoners that try to cheese or camp everyone out. The only ones that beat me are skilled people pretty much. Other than that I think hero is an amazing character in ult

@Galiaverse - 25.03.2023 06:29

... What if you could store spells, but for only 5 seconds and you can even lose the spell by getting hit by an attack that makes Hero flinch? It would also require a 5 MP tax.

@JohnyTheWizKid - 24.03.2023 04:14

I think they gave Hero too much. I hate his down B, I hate the randomness selection and I hate the cheap overpower moves. I wouldn't want to play as him either and I wouldn't participate in tournaments if all everyone picks is him. I have flashbacks during the Melee era when all everyone pick are fox, falco, shiek, C. Falcon, Peach, Yoshi, Pikachu and Jigglypuff and my best and favorite fighter is Bowser. I hated it. I only got a few lucky wins and surprised some audiences. It is very difficult to balance Smash Bros. fighters. That's why I recommend Project M.

@AJ-nh9qm - 19.03.2023 17:14

Hero is just hilarious. Killing someone with a thwack at 20% will never fail to make me laugh

@King_of_the_Shrooms - 18.03.2023 11:07

Actually; letting hero just get a spell into an inventory slot instead of instantly using it would have been a positive for both players in a way. The Hero-Player can plan out their approach and Gameplan and their opponent can adjust to the Spell Hero hast access to

@Prince_Leif - 17.03.2023 20:29

I like hero he's goofy

@Ohushi - 11.03.2023 21:10

I feel its something Hero players would have to learn. Just like any other character specific tech.

@armedmonkey5846 - 08.03.2023 21:05

Hero is uh.. Funny. I just like throwing a bad recovery off stage then kaboom at 60.

@josiahsergent1295 - 08.03.2023 12:21

Hero is one of my go to

@frankjoz2803 - 05.03.2023 04:56

I like playing hero casually. I Co mained him together with Samus at locals. But I found that Hero is more likely to lose because of random more than my other character. So I dropped him for locals but still play him online.

@potato1341 - 04.03.2023 17:18

If Hero could hold onto spells, that'd be the monkey paw in action. Of course he'd be super high tier cause he could select an array of busted spells/moves and engage or finish with them. Picture it, he has you off stage, you want to recover but he knows he has magic burst in his pocket. You ain't getting back on stage. Or he's rushing you down with accelerate, you know his dash attack takes a little while to do but oh, he frame 2's you with kakrackle slash. How about this, you just respawn and while you was in your extended death animation, he cycled through his menu a few times and picked snooze, so he starts this next fight with you asleep, free combo into a possible hatchet man or random crit or Kazapple.

@ODEN932 - 04.03.2023 13:49

If you don't focus on down special he is a great character.

@decodedshadow - 04.03.2023 04:01

I think swapping it for a deflect would be preferable lol

@MateuLeGrillepain - 04.03.2023 01:02

I feel like if Language Simp played this game he'd main Hero

@asriel5260 - 02.03.2023 05:34

As a Hero main I have 3 words to say.....Kamikazee is funny

@jekblom123 - 28.02.2023 08:20

Title: "Why NO ONE plays Hero"

(Comments section is full of Hero mains)

@jekblom123 - 28.02.2023 08:17

Hero is literally my main.

@potato1341 - 27.02.2023 09:01

Funnily enough that hero can be a decent way to throw off someone's level headedness. He's the only character who can at every stage of the game, no % needed, drastically change from one life to the next. Everyone else has consistent mechanics and attacks, some with RNG, but hero can straight up throw even the most experienced players for a bit of a ride purely cause of the potency and randomness of his down special. If someone mixes it up enough, learns how to best use every spell, how to engage well, they'll become difficult to read and with decent luck can BS their way through some stocks

@MrKris17 - 25.02.2023 04:59

I'm not a competitive player, but I'm a Hero main so there were a few things I wanted to add
Up smash you're honestly right, it's just not great and can only really be used if you land a down air on stage at a certain percentages. Something I managed to find myself, however, is with his up air. You can actually juggle your opponent a little bit with up air, managing to hit 3-5 of them at a time, depending on if you do a short hop or regular jump, and can deal at least 30% of damage to your opponent
Frizz is something you generally never want to use, but in my opinion when charging it up, have Frizzle at the ready all the time, cause it can be a really useful tool to keep your opponent away from you, rather than wasting 36 mp on something that'll likely miss. Kafrizz is a really good tool as well, but I personally think it's always better to have Frizzle at the ready more often

@pyrojuju98 - 23.02.2023 20:26

I’m a hero main and I have only one objective: make people scream of despair when they see a hero… I’ll tell u when I get there tho

@bradhedgehog12 - 23.02.2023 08:34

Seriously? Why no one plays Hero? I sure do and He’s My 3rd Main Fighter. My 4th Byleth.

@therandomfish2298 - 16.02.2023 17:43

I haven't played online smash, nor have I really played it with anyone else recently. But, I am a Hero main. Specifically for the reason that its always different. I like variety in battles, repetitive stuff stops the game being fun. Zoning isn't something that I do all that much, and for the most part it does work. Hero is the most fun character in my opinion and although sometimes inconsistent, the matches are always fun.
I do have a theory as to why crits and RNG were implemented specifically into Hero and not other JRPG characters: Dragon Quest was the root game of JRPGs, it led to the creation of Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, and all other JRPGs. So, I think that Sakurai decided that Hero should get a bit more special treatment and gave him JRPG mechanics along with RNG because JRPGs are full of random occurrences.
