How Science Could Prove the Existence of God | Michio Kaku | Google Zeitgeist

How Science Could Prove the Existence of God | Michio Kaku | Google Zeitgeist

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Brianrrs37 - 14.11.2023 05:30

Michio is doing what most people do, rather than ditch religion try to retrofit modern science to it.

nikolay Nadtochiy
nikolay Nadtochiy - 11.11.2023 08:33

imagine an incredibly complex movie with living characters inside a TV set and a film-maker. There is the film and there is the film inside the TV set. The film inside the TV set is our universe that encompasses everything (inside it) including us. The film-maker is God. He and his reality is OUTSIDE the constantly unfolding film and his nature is infinitely more superior to that of the film characters. In a way (actually, in many ways) he is far more (infinitely more) REAL than are the characters of his film.

BSKE C - 10.11.2023 05:37

Science cannot prove the existence of God. It also cannot prove the non-existence of a god. It can disprove the existence of some ideas about God, and what that God is. That's why Hawking said he disproved God, because the God described in the Bible is logically incoherent, and thus impossible.

Austine Gonzales
Austine Gonzales - 07.11.2023 21:14

That's y Steven Hawkins have disease😊

Benjamin Falzon
Benjamin Falzon - 05.11.2023 05:53

According to Gen 1:1, God created more than one universe but only one Earth. It says. "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth". Note, that "Heavens" is in the plural" and "Earth" is in the singular". Also, throughout the whole Bible when "Heavens" is mentioned it is always in the plural. The Biblical "heavens" means universes. The word "Heaven" as in singular, is only used when one Universe is singled out for whatever reason.
For example. Jesus said, "No one has ascended into heaven".John 3:13."KJV" In that case Jesus has singled out the third Universe.
Theories cannot be bunched together in one basket and magically they become facts". Words have meanings, so the word Theory means unproven.

Benjamin Falzon
Benjamin Falzon - 05.11.2023 05:39

Science cannot prove the existence of God, Only nature can. Romans 1:20 "NIV"

Rico Capili
Rico Capili - 03.11.2023 02:11

In my opinion there are only two universes. I call it Twin Counter Balance Universes. One where we right now which is expanding backwards to a Wormhole into Singularity or infinite density building up the other side to inflate. And another which is our Twin universe awaiting creation! We can manifest nature to exist in that form as matter got antimatter, electron a positron so forth. There is always a twin and a counter balance. Paul Dirac theorised that and was proven correct later. A never ending pendulum state…

Jim Mears
Jim Mears - 20.10.2023 10:40

Yes, Michio Cuckoo. Sure.

TomK. - 16.10.2023 19:15

it’s amazing that someone as smart as Michio Kaku could commit the fallacy of an infinite regress.

Francis Crick, a Nobel Prize winner, also committed this error when he postulated his theory of “Panspermia” to explain the existence of life on earth.

To quote the character from the horrible movie, “Prometheus,” “they made us? Who made them?”

The argument for God‘s existence from a first cause states that “everything that begins to exist must have a cause.” Since God himself is uncreated and eternally existent He can be that first cause.

G H - 16.10.2023 08:17

He doesn’t tell a good joke

kocsis adrian
kocsis adrian - 09.10.2023 23:01

I,L NOT LET GO , HY SAY,S and other say,s ok asteroid impact was not from meteorit, bot from a bykker full of tnt on the boxx was write t,n,t

kocsis adrian
kocsis adrian - 09.10.2023 22:59


Dumb Genious
Dumb Genious - 28.09.2023 09:21

One thing he said is universes form all the time but that’s just not true. One massive law of quantum mechanics is that information can’t travel between universes and so therefore we have no way of knowing if other universes exist

Sentinel Sanctuary
Sentinel Sanctuary - 25.09.2023 04:19

I hear the law of the conservation of angular momentum debunks the big bang theory because all rocks in space should be rotating the same way but they Don't.
That's like a bad Kung fu movie where you kick the guy one way and he turns and falls opposite

You Know Who It Is
You Know Who It Is - 22.09.2023 02:17

"The more I study science, the more I believe in God." -Albert Einstein.

dhalsim1 - 20.09.2023 12:13

It will never be understood because it's not meant to be. Open one door and there's five more doors in front of you.

Lemuel Respress
Lemuel Respress - 19.09.2023 16:32

This mesh of two theories is nice but it still just begs the question. Unless these multiverses are inherently eternal somehow, where does this chain of big bangs beginning point start? What was before it? How did this triune of time, matter, and space get to where it was. Scientists are still scratching their heads to this. It’s also theological question that Buddhism doesn’t have an answer to but Christianity does.

rabidL3M0NS - 18.09.2023 07:14

Knock and the door will open Kaku

Michael McLeary
Michael McLeary - 05.09.2023 18:55

Why is the big bang so called? You need a medium for sound to travel in and there was just a vacuum. Should it be called the big flash?

Ed - 04.09.2023 12:22

Oh sure, because it's not like everything in this universe is based on laws, or has specific purpose. Carefull Michio Kaku, your collegues are listening. I'd hate to see you labeled as a heretic over blasphemy.

vickytory - 31.08.2023 21:27

In Hinduism, from each pore of Vishnu (god) there is a universe created. The shape of the universe is like egg. Also, buddhism comes from hinduism. Even Vishnu's 9th Avatar is 'budh'.

Robert Christopher Francisco
Robert Christopher Francisco - 31.08.2023 07:46

These scientists make up outrageous fictitious lies stories to get attention. They really don't know anything. Now he defends believes in Buddhism other religions false he is saying .. Noone knows this man

Shaneeka Batty-cross
Shaneeka Batty-cross - 30.08.2023 13:49

If science can prove God, why cant they prove ghost? When god is a spirit, angeks are spiritual beings like demons

science 21
science 21 - 28.08.2023 18:07

The is no god.
Kaku is a mad man.

Rational Sceptic
Rational Sceptic - 24.08.2023 01:26

No Scientist has proven God..this Idiot doesn't even understand Evolution let alone Ancient History

M L - 24.08.2023 01:13

How people can be religious (and not mentally retarded) in 2023 is beyond mind blowing

Amit Nandlaskar
Amit Nandlaskar - 20.08.2023 22:23

I am Supreme GOD Allmighty.
I am Vishnu Bhramma Shive.
I have Eternal Body of three.
I am one GOD.
I Exist as Nothing Akash Zero.
I Exist in each point and it's point and it's point.
I am also Omni present.

John Weiss
John Weiss - 20.08.2023 21:42

Discovering other universes doesn't prove God.

Yudianto bin Soedjoko
Yudianto bin Soedjoko - 19.08.2023 10:42

A Conversation between Atheist and Rational People
The Concept about HIM

Atheist: I don't trust God is exist!
Rationalist: So, who give you money for living, to sufficient your need and want?
Atheist: I have sallary from my job in a company
Rationalist: If so, your company is HIM, your God, HE gave you what you need and want.
Atheist: What! how can be that?
Rationalist: God definitioned as someone or something WHO could give your need and want, then HE was the one WHO made you to do worship and obey to. I think better to call HIM as someone because used pronoun HE, HIM, HIS.
Atheist: I never doing worship!. Moreover to someone. It may which is called Deity.
Rationalist: You go to your working place everyday, do your job at the same times for years, go back home at the same times too, most oftenly doing a same job, obeying to your boss and trying to do your job as well you can . Wasn't it worship?
Atheist: You do it too, so your boss also your God?.
Rationalist: Now, you confessed the existence of God. That's its main logic, the basic concept about HIM, it's called Divinity. You should know it first before you call HIM as God.
Atheist: But I don't trust my boss or my company as God!.
Rationalist: Ok, it's good. Even thought they give you what you need and want, you don't trust THEM as God. Do you have rational reason for that?.
Atheist: Because they depend on something or someone too!.
Rationalist: Nice logic, that's called rational. And if so, HE is should be ONE, WHO is not depend on everything and everyone... and mmm.... by the way, what do you say about quantum?
Atheist: The word "quantum" has Latin roots and means "how much"..... what? What kind of relations quantum has to this conversation?
Rationalist: No, No-Think, Never Mind ....

RLMP Productions
RLMP Productions - 18.08.2023 17:26

Stephen Hawking: There is no God!

GOD: There is no Stephen Hawking. ⚰️🌱

Wacko x macbhadmus
Wacko x macbhadmus - 12.08.2023 01:19

There is a lot of flaws in Hawkins ideas.
Look consciousness can’t be coincidence.
Someone has to be conscious to create and give consciousness

Alex C
Alex C - 09.08.2023 05:47

For a smart man Hawkins falls in to stupid logic. "No time to create the universe" ok by definition god is outside of space time. Ultimately if space time has a beginning than the cause outside of that is not somthing of nature (things 8n space time). The cause must be outside of time (no end no begging) and it can't be of nature but of super nature. If this is readily apparent to a bronz age Jew that the entity that caused space-time reality must be outside of the confines of spacetime and super natural by default. Either the universe is without a beginning, the universe began from nothing, or there is a supernatural entity outside of the confines and properties of space time that caused it ie God.

Paramatma - 08.08.2023 19:32

Einstein is God.

Tessie Docasao
Tessie Docasao - 05.08.2023 02:52

God is timeless because he created time god was always there he has no beginning and no end

Yifu Xero
Yifu Xero - 05.08.2023 02:19

Kaku is one of my favorite persons, but sorry, there's no melding of Buddhism and Prysbyterian religion. .

John Revelation
John Revelation - 04.08.2023 22:09

Modern Quantum Physics has shown that reality is based on probability:

A statistical impossibility is defined as “a probability that is so low as to not be worthy of mentioning. Sometimes it is quoted as 1/10^50 although the cutoff is inherently arbitrary. Although not truly impossible the probability is low enough so as to not bear mention in a Rational, Reasonable argument." The probability of finding one particular atom out of all of the atoms in the universe has been estimated to be 1/10^80. The probability of just one (1) functional 150 amino acid protein chain forming by chance is 1/10^164. It has been calculated that the probability of DNA forming by chance is 1/10^119,000. The probability of random chance protein-protein linkages in a cell is 1/10^79,000,000,000. Based on just these three cellular components, it would be far more Rational and Reasonable to conclude that the cell was not formed by un-directed random natural processes. Note: Abiogenesis Hypothesis posits that un-directed random natural processes, i.e. random chance formation, of molecules led to living organisms. Natural selection has no effect on individual atoms and molecules on the micro scale in a prebiotic environment. (*For reference, peptides/proteins can vary in size from 3 amino acid chains to 34,000 amino acid chains. Some scientists consider 300-400 amino acid protein chains to be the average size. There are 42,000,000 protein molecules in just one (1) simple cell, each protein requiring precise assembly. There are approx. 30,000,000,000,000 cells in the human body.)

Of all the physical laws and constants, just the Cosmological Constant alone is tuned to a level of 1/10^120; not to mention the fine-tuning of the Mass-Energy distribution of early universe which is 1/10^10^123. Therefore, in the fine-tuning argument, it would be more Rational and Reasonable to conclude that the multi-verse is not the correct answer. On the other hand, it has been scientifically proven numerous times that Consciousness does indeed collapse the wave function to cause information waves of probability/potentiality to become particle/matter with 1/1 probability. A rational and reasonable person could therefore conclude that the answer is consciousness.

A "Miracle" is considered to be an event with a probability of occurrence of 1/10^6. Abiogenesis, RNA World Hypothesis, and Multiverse would all far, far, far exceed any "Miracle". Yet, these extremely irrational and unreasonable hypotheses are what some of the world’s top scientists ‘must’ believe in because of a prior commitment to a strictly arbitrary, subjective, biased, narrow, limiting, materialistic ideology / worldview.

Every idea, number, concept, thought, theory, mathematical equation, abstraction, qualia, etc. existing within and expressed by anyone is "Immaterial" or "Non-material". The very idea or concept of "Materialism" is an immaterial entity and by it's own definition does not exist. Modern science seems to be stuck in archaic, subjective, biased, incomplete ideologies that have inadequately attempted to define the "nature of reality" or the "reality of nature" for millennia. A Paradigm Shift in ‘Science’ is needed for humanity to advance. A major part of this Science Paradigm Shift would be the formal acknowledgment by the scientific community of the existence of "Immaterial" or "Non-material" entities as verified and confirmed by observation of the universe and discoveries in Quantum Physics.)

Koroglu Rustem
Koroglu Rustem - 03.08.2023 14:37

Good sounding bs 😂

Koroglu Rustem
Koroglu Rustem - 03.08.2023 14:37

Good sounding bs 😂

Koroglu Rustem
Koroglu Rustem - 03.08.2023 14:36

Good sounding bs 😂

Ali Raza
Ali Raza - 29.07.2023 18:44

God is something that is beyond the time, is kinda stupid way to describe God that there was no time before big bang so God doesn’t exists, God is beyond the time.

Khalifa MBA
Khalifa MBA - 28.07.2023 23:50

Hawking is wrong because God is living outside the realm of space time, because Allah created space time therefore Allah cannot be a part of space time.

John Revelation
John Revelation - 26.07.2023 16:52

For millennia, connotations of the word "God" have become so deteriorated. The terms Consciousness / Mind / Intelligence seem more relevant for these types of discussions. It seems that the concept of God is not experimentally testable. However, evidence for the effects of Consciousness / Mind / Intelligence are scientifically demonstrable.

The illogical, irrational, and unreasonable position of claiming that there is No Universal Mind / Consciousness / Intelligence (i.e. Atheism): The fallacy is the assumption that something is true (i.e. Universal Mind / Consciousness / Intelligence does not exist) unless proven otherwise. The Claimant making a negative claim (i.e. Universal Mind / Consciousness / Intelligence does not exist) cannot logically, rationally, and reasonably prove nonexistence. Because, for a Claimant to know that X does not exist would require the Claimant to possess 100% knowledge of all things with 100% certainty and 100% accuracy (i.e. omniscience).

Even mainstream secular scientists claim that approx. 95% of the Universe is still unknown (i.e. Dark Energy and Dark Matter). Of the remaining 5% of the Universe, only 0.0035% exists within the visible light spectrum which the human eye is capable of observing. Moreover, of all that is made of atoms and capable of being observed in this "Material" universe, 99.999999999% is actually empty space (i.e. "Non-material"). Therefore, there is much, much more that humanity does not know about the Universe and Reality than it does know. Based on just this information, the position of claiming to be Atheist is shown to be illogical, irrational and unreasonable.

“… Everyone who is seriously engaged in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that the laws of nature manifest the existence of a spirit vastly superior to that of men, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.” Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), founder of modern physics (Theory of Relativity inter alia) and 1921 Nobel prize winner

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind (i.e. Observer). This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Max Plank (the Father of Quantum Physics)

Modern scientific discoveries in Genetics (i.e. biology) have shown that functional / coded / digital Information (i.e. DNA code) is at the core of All Biological Systems. Without functional / coded / digital information, there is No biology. The only known source (i.e. cause) in the universe that has been Observed (i.e. Scientific Method) in nature to be capable of producing functional / coded / digital information, such as that found even in the most primitive biological systems, is mind / consciousness / intelligence.

The fact that DNA / genes (biological coded information) exists at all shows that a Consciousness-'Intelligence-Mind' is involved in the initial introduction and subsequent propagation of living systems. Un-directed random material natural processes have never been observed in nature or experimentally demonstrated to be capable of producing Functional / Coded / Digital information such as that required for biological systems, even at the most primitive levels of biological life.

"Language: All Digital communications require a formal language, which in this context consists of all the information that the sender and receiver of the digital communication must both possess, in advance, in order for the communication to be successful." (Wikipedia: Digital Data) Inherent in DNA is language. Language is scientifically proven to be the product of only Mind/ Consciousness / Intelligence.

Laws of the Universe exist Independent of anyone's personal beliefs in the existence of the Laws of the Universe. Just as man-made laws govern society globally, Universal Laws govern the entire Universe. Un-directed random material natural processes have never been observed in nature or experimentally demonstrated to be capable of producing any form of laws. As scientifically confirmed, non-material laws are the product of only Mind / Consciousness / Intelligence.

The “World’s Most Notorious Atheist” and World’s Icon and Champion Advocate for Atheism for over 50 years, Antony Flew, finally concluded, “I now believe that the universe was brought into existence by an infinite Intelligence. I believe that this universe’s intricate laws manifest what scientists have called the Mind of God. I believe that life and reproduction originate in a divine Source. Why do I believe this, given that I expounded and defended atheism for more than a half century? The short answer is this: this is the world picture, as I see it, that has emerged from MODERN SCIENCE.”

Collin F
Collin F - 26.07.2023 09:49

THIS is what REAL progress looks like, THIS is what the ET's want to see from man kind, we need more of this.

MORATO - 18.07.2023 13:21

What's he's saying there's nothing to do with science but his own opinion, just making stuff up.

AmirGTR - 18.07.2023 10:39

God: I'm gonna make something so dope yall jaws gonna be on the floor
Satan:.... naaahhh

Larry Carter
Larry Carter - 17.07.2023 12:07

BY producing one.

dude - 16.07.2023 11:52

God : i am your father I can see you , but you cannot becz u don't deserve the purpose I sent you on this earth is being misused by you

ST. SZN - 15.07.2023 10:25

To Understand how The Lord made the Universe, you have to Understand the fact simply because The Universe EXISTS, that God created it because God IS EXISTENCE, which is the fact thereof anything there ever IS.

So simply because I exist it is because EXISTENCE—or GOD, deemed it so and made it possible in whatever possible way.

And we all know that the Devil—NON existence, is against every part of anything Existing.

EXISTENCE = Life = The Universe = God.

Non Existence = Death = Hell = The Devil.

حسبن البصراوي حسين
حسبن البصراوي حسين - 10.07.2023 12:43

"Have they not traveled through the land and observed how was the end of those who were before them? They were greater than them in strength and in impression on the land, but Allah seized them for their sins. And they had not from Allah any protector

حسبن البصراوي حسين
حسبن البصراوي حسين - 10.07.2023 12:42

Not believing in the existence of the Creator
