Jordan Peterson: "Explains What Happens When You Date Lower Than Your Status"(Best Advice)

Jordan Peterson: "Explains What Happens When You Date Lower Than Your Status"(Best Advice)

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Al StClair
Al StClair - 19.11.2023 21:15

And that people make the distinction that there are other folks that are of a "lower status" is a very weird thing. I happen to think that all people are of equal value as a being. To say that one person's life is of more value than another's shows a lack of humanity. Jordan obviously thinks he is a more important person than most of us. Are we not all children of this God that he insists exists. Every person's life is important, and every person deserves respect and consideration regardless of what arbitrary value that society has placed on them.

Meyering Alexander  Johann
Meyering Alexander Johann - 19.11.2023 19:52

jordan petersons effeminate voice and crappy advice is worthless

Edjoupi - 19.11.2023 16:36

Waw this is so narrowminded, so full of spite and hatred towards people who try to go out of the social etiquettes . This video to me is so unintelligent, and plus hate spreading. Indeed, where did see people dating people of the exact social status as them?

createone100 - 19.11.2023 09:03

Jeez what a garbled tirade. This guy uses factoids to try to sound coherent.

S G - 19.11.2023 06:02

Women are taught to value themselves on the basis of their looks.
Of course they will project that onto others; and as long as they are taught to equate their self with their embodiment, as long as the culture does that to them, they should shovel it back.

g galaxy
g galaxy - 18.11.2023 18:58

Vampire billionaire

Dream’s Father
Dream’s Father - 18.11.2023 12:02

not sure what his main point is

seguino de zeeuw
seguino de zeeuw - 17.11.2023 13:27

I dont think I agree with this shit. Get yourself a wife where you can team up with in any circumstances. The best ones are the introverts as the are more real. Your wife is not a trophy for your status. Your wife will become part of your shared life. If you are seeing her as a status symbol to fit your social circle you will never have a good relationship. Better adjust your social circle to the wife you have.

Collin McRae
Collin McRae - 17.11.2023 08:40

I'm done with rhis guy.

Bruce Berry
Bruce Berry - 16.11.2023 03:06

Sorry Jordan, you have gone way too Freudian. Every motive in life is NOT based on sex. People who make choices based on status are still in High School. I think back on all the uptight, mean girls, have to be Cool people and how much fun they ruined and how much
negativity they generated. And this crap matters because it graduates into the culture to become racism, elitism. The very essence of
the World, Jesus warns about. As a official "Loser" who made himself into a self made millionaire, have a sense of humor that Saturday Night Live only dreams of. A sense of humor honed to a fine edge in High School ridiculing the supposed Cool people who were so afraid of being themselves, and boring as the day is long.
I had so much fun with friends, and people when I had the express intent of no physical activity. Most will never experience the joy I gave when I told friends at a party to "Hold my beer and watch this!" Go up to a beautiful snob girl, start talking, praising her about her
outfit, her make up, let her talk for a while, usually boasting who she knew, etc.... and then I would look down and mumble like I was
embarrassed. The girl would ask again, I would speak up slightly and whisper: Your breath.......its smells like a dog fart. Then say excuse me...and walk away. Oh, to watch the neurotic response, the drop in arrogance and self doubt. My friends knew I was being a total dick, but they knew the girl was mean and never hesitated to destroy other women or degrade men. I just don't give a crap about
status, I have spent too much time around rich people. There are those who don't give a crap about wealth other than it letting do what they want to do in life and those who's ego is built on money and status.

ACE The Busy Doctor
ACE The Busy Doctor - 15.11.2023 18:13

Society judges you when you date up and calls you hypergamous but when you date they advice you not too or call you stupid. Lol.

thieverytree - 14.11.2023 21:06

dude.... bring that person out in public, around my friends? what friends??
wattahell men, who does he think he's talking about?
we don't have friends anymore. we have acquaintances, at best.

IslaBonita - 13.11.2023 01:59

I can't make sense of his rant

Amanda - 13.11.2023 00:58

True. I once dated a guy I knew was below me in almost every way. He had no future Where as I have a career. His car was worse than mine. I was living on my own and he had two roommates. He had a worse outlook on life than I did. My friends are all really nice fun people and his were miserable jerks. and I really did see a difference in the quality of my life. Not that I make a habit of going to five star restaurants but I do enjoy a decent meal. And the only places he could ever take me was the 2-4-1 tacos at the Mexican restaurant down the street. And I’m not looking down at him for making less money than I do but it was very depressing knowing that we could never do anything nice. He had no desire to do anything with his life. He had no desire to make better friends. He had no desire to improve in any way, and he was really dragging me down. Never want to be in that situation again

Nate Leal
Nate Leal - 10.11.2023 23:56

Must be lonely at the top.

Cynthia Cassel
Cynthia Cassel - 10.11.2023 07:09

I got really tickled on this one. Wise and humorous.

Cynthia Cassel
Cynthia Cassel - 10.11.2023 02:08

The problem is that I’m not dating anyone and I’m really frightened that online you can be a woman disguised as a man. Or, a child disguised as a man. I feel as though I’m in hell because of these invisible relationships. Sorry Lisa, I’m sure you’re reading this too. I have no problem being honest and that means I’m a bad fit for this company. I’m not a liar and I don’t enjoy this nonsense. I just want to be free from the company but my finances have been destroyed by the weird “trap”. I’m too ethical for this work so in reality Henry just brought me to my death since I have no desire to get involved with him or any number of men from my past.

Light of All
Light of All - 10.11.2023 00:54

How do intellectual hermits find their tribe where do they go? People who dont drink or do drugs either

Light of All
Light of All - 10.11.2023 00:47

I have it all tbh and csnt find someone on a similar level

Gauge - 09.11.2023 16:03

he should divorce to show how special "woman " are. bet his wife will just try to steal

Emery Coppola Jr.
Emery Coppola Jr. - 05.11.2023 01:29

First, I'd love to know what Peterson ranks himself on a scale of 1 to 10. And I'm not saying there is not truth to what he says. But it's certainly a simplification of reality. There are many counter-examples to what he argues. Yes, generally, more "attractive women" will draw a larger pool of prospects, and vice versa. But fortunately, life and love are more complicated than that, as Shakespeare captures so beautifully in A Midsummer Night's Dream. And with respect to "shame", I guess the so-called "attractive people" that he speaks of must not feel so secure with themselves, despite their "attractiveness." If you REALLY want to be attractive, be comfortable in your own skin and be kind to others. .

Maria Koutsoulieri
Maria Koutsoulieri - 04.11.2023 19:27

OK I will tell you what I have learned through years... I am a female over 45 and the answer to what really happens with women is that no matter what the status difference of the two males competing for her she will choose the kindest one towards her... but it is important to consider the factor that the woman is actually sane and not with i dont know what syndromes she carries with her... but who would want such a woman anyway....

Lise Scheiman
Lise Scheiman - 04.11.2023 05:11

No dating.

Ghost Queen
Ghost Queen - 04.11.2023 01:50

def contaminated ugh!! 😅

Denise Stephens
Denise Stephens - 03.11.2023 13:22


James G Ziegler
James G Ziegler - 02.11.2023 07:12

My first wife was a daughter of the hierarchy, an extremely old and powerful family. We met in a high class inn/restaurant/bar that was one of my deceased fathers haunts. We, and I especially, were well below her class.

Sure, it was a little difficult, moreso for I, however, also for her. She was an accomplished Jazz pianist and teacher, who had previously been expelled from "Society" for her marriage to John Mehegan. Her professor at Julliard and the guy who wrote the books on Jazz Improvisation.

However, I also sang, and she got me to sing in public for the first time in 15-years. We had a power together, we could make an entire room feel what we felt. Sure we both had to put up with BS from her elitist family, and weren't allowed to marry under penalty of her expulsion, yet again.

However, it was the best relationship in both of our lives. We respected each other tremendously. We took the slings and arrows together, which only strengthened our relationship. She passed 27-years ago, yet my love for her remains as strong as the evening we met.

Gabriel Nogueira Tindó
Gabriel Nogueira Tindó - 01.11.2023 12:12

It's sad to realise someone is with you because of the status you add to her... I mean, if I lose my money or my health, the next thing I'll lose is the person I love.

Brenda - 01.11.2023 06:15

It makes me nauseous to hear the terms "high status" and "lower status". We are all human beings. No one is above anyone else

Galaxy Fluke
Galaxy Fluke - 01.11.2023 04:41

Yeah so here I am… 36, single, best shape of my life, make 6 figures… desire husband and children. It’s sucks.

James Oneil
James Oneil - 01.11.2023 03:24

Like I would take advise from a guy who begged his wife to marry him 3 times. Please, 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 01.11.2023 03:06

I met a great guy with a different socioeconomic background as me. But in the end I feel like he wanted me to a different type of girl that I am not.

bijouxaddict - 31.10.2023 22:50

This concept of status is terribly superficial - best advice? - we need a part 2 please - loving someone because they have a good job or a nice car? No I cannot...But yes to loving someone for their sense of humor, their kindness, their lovingness, your connection together...this is something that will more likely work in long run in my humble experience

K Dubs
K Dubs - 30.10.2023 05:03

They become your daughter

melanierb - 28.10.2023 06:44

This is so bad and comes on a basis of ranking people. All people are valuable and offer something different - there are far too many people who think of themselves highly when in doing so actually brings them low.
Each person is a good creation of God.

Some people see me as very valuable - Some other very ‘low’ by this definition people devalue me. I just laugh internally at them as I find this thinking very basic.

A change has happened across the board though for everyone being more devalued than 20years ago. Men are particularly different in regards to this. When their ‘good enough’ radar has been defined by non reality.

I notice the difference in the demographics. That exist today.

There is something very wrong in this way of looking at people as a animalistic heirachy.

And the people who operate this way are the ones most dissatisfied.

love chineseforever
love chineseforever - 26.10.2023 12:16


Klima Szern
Klima Szern - 26.10.2023 08:10

According to Peterson, President of the United States must be drowning on Seretonin since he is at the highest place of the hierarchy lol

It's kinda weird that people with "low rank", as in Peterson's language, tend to be attracted to Peterson's words... so sad. "Higher ranked people" usually thinks Peterson's just a bullshit. Be wise young people

Holly boop
Holly boop - 25.10.2023 09:26

What a useless video. Didn’t say anything I wouldn’t already know by myself.

Another Guy
Another Guy - 24.10.2023 18:25

I see so the experience for most men on dating apps, funny hearing all yhe delusional women laughing about it though!

Gabriel A
Gabriel A - 23.10.2023 23:46

Dr P thinks tinder is used by people to find procreation partners.

willia451 - 23.10.2023 14:37

Because everybody living their unexamined lives is working great. LOL!!! Don't just describe the carnage and explain why it's happening. Challenge people to be better. Unless you just think they can't do it. Or won't. If so. Proceed.

Hank Kimball
Hank Kimball - 21.10.2023 23:52

A HVM can date a Starbucks barista or Walmart clerk if she's young, feminine, & attractive. Noone will blink an eye. The reverse Doesnt work...

Brian I
Brian I - 21.10.2023 06:53

A good heart trumps status every time for me…

Emily Knowlton
Emily Knowlton - 21.10.2023 02:45

5 is sverage, by definition 5 isnt bad it's average. Most people are average.

Emily Knowlton
Emily Knowlton - 21.10.2023 02:43

He is so smart.

Durga - 20.10.2023 05:56

Is psychology same across all the races?? Just needed to know.❤❤ Anyone please

aLERNO - 20.10.2023 05:42

Tough cookie. As if only competition existed and no possible morals.

And no silver lining. I think Buddha knew life was suffering too, but he wasn't driven by such a huge ideological myopy. Buddha, Jesus Christ offer us a POSSIBILITY OF JUSTICE. As Sloterdijk says, civilisation, justice is artificial dignity for those who would not get it without ethical humans. Ethical values. But Peterson, as Hayek or Friedman, are militants of the idea of survival of the fittest only. No place for justice, no place for morals.

True: marxists, schizoanalysts and other posmodernists, or Saint Paul, are the other extreme, they leave us defenseless against real capitalist life, real dread, real, man-made injustice. They act as if we were already Christians, as if justice already existed, as if capitalism did not erode every form of ethical common sense.

True, but the other extreme, that of absence of human agency in society is simply factually FALSE.

Even Hobbes proposed a notion of lesser injustice.
