THE SHINING: Danny's ordeal and the bear costumed man - film analysis Rob Ager

THE SHINING: Danny's ordeal and the bear costumed man - film analysis Rob Ager

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@hounddog3476 - 01.02.2024 04:16

That explains Jacks motive.

@DickieHolmes - 31.01.2024 22:10

Jackflak19 has got a Shining code theory that’ll blow your mind.

@tbonestillz - 30.01.2024 17:31

There are ghosts. Wendy sees them. So there’s no reason 237 didn’t happen. All of this is just stretching. The evidence isn’t interpretation or themes, it’s coincidences in blocking and making conclusive statements without backup and using those later to try to make deep connections, but it’s just to things you’ve concluded on yourself. Jack makes that gesture and the music is scary because he’s being controlled by the hotel in that moment, just as the ghost in 237 is controlled by the hotel.

@hrfdude4234 - 30.01.2024 05:48

Kubrick predicted Furries!

@mysterywhtgrl - 24.01.2024 09:08

Oh my god ???

@sebiganea2502 - 24.01.2024 07:07

who rips Danny's sweater then though? Cus in the scene with jack and Danny in the apartment he wears a mickey mouse sweater. Where as when he walks into from with the bruised neck he wears the Apollo sweater no?

@FourWorlds1 - 15.01.2024 00:32

There's a lot of clutching of straws in this, and most every analysis I've seen about this movie.

@radevthard7565 - 14.01.2024 01:04

You nailed it great video I never noticed the mirrors in the hallway scene

@jimbeam-ru1my - 12.01.2024 23:43

Kubrik's version of the Shining is about the CIA's project monarch under their MK Ultra mind control program. Project monarch concerned itself with splitting the human psyche and creating multiple personalities. Project monarch heavily employs satanism and kabbalah because it is trauma based mind control. The programmer inflicts fear and trauma on a child until the child can no longer take it and they dissociate. Once the dissociation happens, they train the child in the dissociative state to become a completely different personality.

Jack is a mind control programmer (and the programmers are themselves the victim of mind control), the overlook hotel is just jack's fractured psyche, and all the people Jack meets in the hotel are actually jack's alters. When Grady says "you have always been here and I know because I have always been here" he's letting jack know they are the same person.

One of the things they do in monarch programming is give a child a teddy bear while inflicting horrors on the child. The teddy bear is their only means of comfort. Once the child is completely dependent upon the teddy bear, the programmer will tear it to pieces to further traumatize the child. When Shelley is running through the hotel, this is the first time she understand the truth about jack and the man with the bear is when she realized that even the bear, which was supposed to comfort danny was used to traumatize him. There's another scene in the beginning when Jack is reading a magazine in the hotel lobby waiting to be interviewed. The magazine was playgirl and on the cover it shows there is an article about incest. Ritual pedophilia and sexual sadism are two main tools of monarch programming. Jack definitely raped danny.
kubrik himself was an mk ultra programmer and most of his movies are meant to traumatize the viewers and his directing style is meant to traumatize the actors. he was a piece of shit.

@dagmarschrader730 - 10.01.2024 13:48

Hallöchen !! Ich schaue gerade Shining, mit dem hervorragenden Jack Nicholson und die anderen Schauspieler sind fantastisch. Übrigens, es ist der 10. Januar 2024.

@tomdarragh8692 - 07.01.2024 19:29

Wow. And to wonder why king hated Kubricks adaptation

@brianc1481 - 07.01.2024 09:07

I can hear Kubrick now
"No!... Jesus Christ No! . Dude really?? What movie did you watch? None of this is correct.. sicko"

Haha. I think you're definitely right though. It actually makes this an extremely sinister movie. I knew there was something deeper. It always made me feel very uncomfortable.

@filmreviewer117 - 04.01.2024 01:29

The thing about Kubrick is if it anything made it into a scene in his film it has meaning.

@coopersheridan73 - 04.01.2024 00:53

I don’t know how I feel about the validity of this theory. I do feel like it’s disgusting. As well as how a lot of the evidence seems hollow

@stcroixatlast - 02.01.2024 22:08

Well done. However, it is difficult to listen to the butchering of symbolism. If you do a Google search you’re dead already. Not that he should know the true and various meanings for the symbols he notices (and doesn’t), but, still, not easy to sit through. For instance, those “missing” chairs are a dead give away as to what they are and what they represent. They’re basically a carbon copy.

@natecw4164 - 30.12.2023 06:55

Saw another video where it was pointed out Shelly is reading The Catcher in the Rye in an early scene. She's about far enough into the book for the lines:

"The Brown [bear] was in his cave and wouldn't come out. All you could see was his rear end."

Freaking wild, Kubrick was such a genius. Been studying this film since film school 20 years ago; still learning!

Also, unrelated but you mentioned the "choking" sign -- in the freezer the two boxes behind Shelly say Diced Pomtentos and Sliced Peaches.

@lanyxita - 29.12.2023 15:30

Just found out about Rob Ager and I have to say Rob you're a fcking genius!
I'll be working damn hard to be able to buy the original content from your website. Keep it up!

@russellschaeffler - 26.12.2023 18:24

Wondering why would Kubrick have had this in The Shining when it was not in the book.
Your video on Author C. Clake on his reported behavior with young boys raises the question of, "Was Kubrick knowledgeable of Clarke's deeds?". Could Kubrick had been introduced to others in high positions involved in the same crimes and due to their high positions have made it dangerous for Kubrick to reveal this information out right, so he hid the information in The Shining and later towards his death in Eyes Wide Shut?

@valentinetarangojr.616 - 25.12.2023 03:38

I always thought the guy was wearing a dog costume.

@lordchameleon2650 - 24.12.2023 04:02

Also notice how in the tony scene in the beginning a dog which has same colors with the colors of Wendy's clothes is placed on a board and in the right a very visible figure of cartoon Goofy character which is famous with his naivety and generally careless rather stupid behavior. It suggests how Wendy looks at the physical abuse of Jack to Dany situation with naiviety and rather shallow. She talks like the Tony is just imaginary but the case isn't just that.
Also in the book after this scene where doctor speaks with Wendy a book named Wish Child appears. It is a book about an imaginary friend which watches over the main child characters Siggi and Erich and he is the real narrator of the book. The friend feels and sees what man characters feel and just like in the book Tony is the real consciousness of Dany like Rob says a suppressed memory which knows the real truth but doesn't come and shows himself to others, other than just Dany' subconscious via dreams. Kubrick was in my opinion very into dreams at his 2 last films.

@AndySalinger33 - 23.12.2023 06:52

Regarding the Playgirl magazine cover, I personally find the title of the top article, “Interview: The Selling of (Starsky & Hutch’s) David Soul” to be equally as compelling as the “Incest” article title. It’s also less "on the nose"; so by Kubrick’s benchmarks, potentially as purposeful. Then again, as the lion's share of us seem to believe, nothing in a Kubrick film is serendipitously placed. Thanks for this enthralling analysis!

@VincentPresley - 20.12.2023 18:42

this is retarded

@johnrogers9262 - 20.12.2023 17:12

Great video! The confrontational tone at the six minute mark felt so out of place though. Do you really get so much negative feedback on this theory that you felt this was a necessary inclusion?

Either way great video, you made the case very thoroughly.

@jamestobin9700 - 17.12.2023 01:48

The two shots of the door mirror themselves perfectly. So if the theory is true, Tony is Danny's creation resulting from trying to cope with the trauma of Jack's abuse. Danny is specifically brushing his teeth and gets triggered so its likely his tooth brush is what caused it. Also, note that the bear or "teddy bear" is a symbol for childhood. The dog costume and the butler or "caretaker" mirror Jack and Danny. There is too much for it all to be just a coincidence

@penelopegreene - 16.12.2023 21:14

The poster and the man-bear face.

@mathiasstaggers3835 - 16.12.2023 12:24

Dude looks like Barf’s cousin from Spaceballs

@tenderpawsm473 - 14.12.2023 08:47

This theory sounds like an exaggeration. Jack was definitely abusive, but the abuse was physical, verbal, and emotional. Because the scene happened so fast, I had thought the bear costume was a cat costume when I first saw it. I didn't pick up at all on the sexual connotations with the bear/ dog/ cat at first. But I was 12 years old when I saw the film for the first time.

@amyvanord6774 - 08.12.2023 18:48

I never thought about the director telling a story that is different in such a fundamental way from the original written work. The sexual abuse angle adds an entire other level of dread. Thanks for the insight.

@Astrolovescrypto - 08.12.2023 08:55

Great. Thanks Now I wanna beat the shit outta Jack even more.

@Noone9227 - 07.12.2023 00:03

It’s simulating a blowjob but yet it doesn’t appear the guy’s pants are down.

@matsalvatore9074 - 05.12.2023 19:19

I thought the man bear pig situation was because kubrick wanted to go the opposite direction of something that was intended to be scary because he thought that would make it cheesy kind of like in 2001 a space Odyssey. The alien was just like a big old black Domino gases n energy. He didn't make an alien in the way that many would. Because in it's attempt, it would be too corny, and I think that's what he did here. This is a monster scene and it's made to make you go. What the fuck instead of jump and scream

@Cookie120171 - 05.12.2023 16:42

If jack was gay then why was he kissing the naked dead woman in the bathroom

@geoffchurchill5492 - 05.12.2023 09:29

you're assuming Kubrick actually read the novel, he outsourced the writing of the script to a different novelist he found more literary

@eeskeeverit8754 - 04.12.2023 06:35

if jack could sing he would probably sing like david bowie to danny, 'i, i wish you could be fury, like big hairy homosexuals like cubscouts that are fury".

@johnloa2009 - 03.12.2023 18:49

i dont believe it. i think the torrance men had a normal father son relationship. jack may have been a little physically abusive, but not sexually abusive

@arthurbellyh - 01.12.2023 20:35

this is soooo stupid and pointless...these are coincidence...barly even related

@autdelux - 29.11.2023 16:30

there is no question that this is the main theme of this movie the bear scene is so on the nose you cant miss it even if you miss all the other hints. ofc i doidnt catch every lil breadcrum thats bobs job but come on the theme is not hard to find at all, it always baffles me that most ppl think jack just went crazy for no reason and consume this movie like a simple horror flick.

@captdaddy - 29.11.2023 15:55

Brilliant analysis

@cherylthompson2731 - 28.11.2023 10:34

A lot of symbolism.

@steveee2511 - 26.11.2023 19:18

these is like the most wtf moment in a movie ever lol

@Jack_Torrance. - 26.11.2023 14:14

The fellatio bear gave me a chubby.

@ZapRowsdower47 - 26.11.2023 03:19

I heard it was a boy that is mentally ill worker in a costume giving the boss a sloppy, bit idk😅😅😅 but lots of rapey stuff in kings stories if u noticed.. like IT, the bully SA's his own crew and many other kings stories

@epigoneofchaos4975 - 25.11.2023 18:32

"You've always been the caretaker." = Jack was always a monster, long before the Overlook.

@TravisRhettWilson - 25.11.2023 08:19

Even though I choose to REJECT this theory, I still found this video fascinating. Thank you for posting. I love this film and am ALWAYS open to listening to and discussing numerous theories and interpretations.
