Toxic Workplace Recovery | How to Recover From a Toxic Work Environment

Toxic Workplace Recovery | How to Recover From a Toxic Work Environment

Jennifer Brick

3 года назад

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Jennifer Brick
Jennifer Brick - 06.11.2020 19:07

Have you recovered from a toxic workplace? What strategies helped you?

ChrisAndThat - 13.09.2023 23:12

I've hit rock bottom,and had enough of the world in general.i can't trust and useless.i hope I can find another job.

Travia Thomas
Travia Thomas - 13.09.2023 17:52

Thank you Jenifer. I’ve been in a TOXIC WORKSPACE for 6 years! I’ve finally accepted a new position that came HIGHLY RECOMMENDED & I start next week! I am starting my recovery ❤️‍🩹 now!!! Thank you!

Tractorgirl81 - 15.08.2023 21:35

My toxic work place (Essex UK) lead me to have a mini stroke and end up in a mental hospital for five weeks now left with ptsd, stress and anxiety I no longer trust people and have been left with no confidence to move somewhere else after having been there for over thirty years l feel I wouldn’t last anywhere else with the mental health problems I now have 😔

X W - 04.08.2023 15:36

Thank you so much for this video 🙏🏼♥️

JENNIFER, BOO! - 14.07.2023 04:14

I found out that there were rumors being spread about me being the person with a personality about gaslighting, eh? Just because I had a nervous breakdown and went to the hospital for help, therefore, all the "experts" at my former workplace deduced that I was the person with "mental health issues"....the gall of people. Hence why there is still such a stigma stuck with mental health because of TOXIC Ignorant People. Really sad and disgusting. Grow up and read a book! Or listen to an audiobook! Honestly.

Leslie Thompson
Leslie Thompson - 25.05.2023 19:17

Great advice

Lininha - 23.05.2023 20:05

I got laid off today. Two years working in the most toxic place I ever could imagine that existed. I never thought that so much boot lickers, narcissistic and fake people could fit in that office. I feel so relieved, but guilt at the same time. It's like a Stockholm syndrome and it's weird... Now I need to recover before start looking for another job

Miracle - 24.04.2023 17:19


Angelica Ramos
Angelica Ramos - 23.04.2023 01:01

Thank you for all this info. I’m currently working on getting myself out of a toxic work environment. Scary at my age.

Don Conway-Brown
Don Conway-Brown - 13.03.2023 05:38

Dont beat yourself up , live and learn . Next time have a exit plan , a bit of money for a few months . A small side job will help take the pressure off staying any longer than you decide you want to .

Desiree McCurdy
Desiree McCurdy - 06.03.2023 01:51

Thank you so much Jennifer. This is incredibly helpful. Time to heal & recover. My eyes are really being opened & these videos help me.

Caric813 - 21.02.2023 03:48

There is one job that really broke me and my confidence. I don't think bosses realize what an impact they have on employees when they treat the employee so poorly. It has been 2 years since I have gotten out of that horrific job. I was lucky that I was able to take a few months off and lived off of savings. I focused on art, music and things I really enjoyed and was good at. My confidence slowly started to come back these days I am working for the family business and thriving. There is life and hope after a traumatic and toxic work environment.

Anthony Barragan
Anthony Barragan - 17.02.2023 10:23

My job was so hostile and toxic. I dealt with it for 6 years, when I should have quit within the first 6 months. I'm a month out of this job and my physical and mental health are in shambles right now. It feels really, really good to realize I'll never be going back to that shit hole, but I got a lot of rebuilding to do.

Helena Richard
Helena Richard - 01.02.2023 04:07

Thank you for mentioning the personality disorder issue! Two weeks in and a coworker casually mentioned that he suspected the boss to be schizophrenic. Since that day the pieces started fall in the right place and I saw more and more toxic and even dangerous behaviours like demeaning and gaslighting, swearing, fraud,... I left without notice one evening and couldn't even find the courage to bring back my badge. They didn't pay my Christmas Day which was the day after and so legally required to be payed.

Helena Richard
Helena Richard - 01.02.2023 04:03

Whenever I doubt myself, I check the "team" on the website and see that most of the people I knew are gone already after a year. Works great against self-gaslighting yourself into thinking you were the problem.

Helena Richard
Helena Richard - 01.02.2023 03:58

I will never recover. The combination of toxic jobs and covid was too much. I will never be able to work again, at least not full time. And part time work will be with zero emotion and effort. I am dead inside and deeply misantropist now.

Mercede$ - 18.01.2023 20:58

I just quit again from my former job because my boss was bad mouthing me and a coworker accused me of rubbing my breasts of her bf who the boss hired when we have cameras and that's why I lifted the first time and I left again because that coworker got Promoted to assistant manager and my boss and her where trying to put all the blame and gossip on me even tho I only worked 2 days a week

KILL3R CLOWN - 17.01.2023 05:03

my retail job damaged me mentally and the job even drained my confidence and self esteem. I been bullied publicly humilated. co workers gossip about me and the manager had me do so much more work than others.. Idk when il even recover. The worst i ever felt about myself

starry lightz
starry lightz - 12.01.2023 06:25

That was amazing. Thank you!!!

Ida Dolce
Ida Dolce - 23.12.2022 04:26

I messed up at my current job and managers could not have been more understanding, supportive, and helpful. I ran to the bathroom and cried because I literally didn’t know what to do with managers and bosses who give a damn.

I’m learning that THAT is a trauma response.

helene webster
helene webster - 18.11.2022 18:26

You hit every bullet points that has had me struck and emotional bound❗ 🙋🏾➰🙇🏾

helene webster
helene webster - 18.11.2022 18:24

I definitely can learn from your advice and wisdom.

helene webster
helene webster - 18.11.2022 18:19

Process the hurt- How to do that❓

helene webster
helene webster - 18.11.2022 18:19

Yes I have suffered Gaslighted Abused.

helene webster
helene webster - 18.11.2022 18:08

I have and still is suffering from Racial discrimination, Retaliated Hostile Work environment and Wrongful Terminated etc.

Katrina Cleveley
Katrina Cleveley - 13.11.2022 01:45

I put up with a toxic work place for 18 years and didn't realize until about 10 years ago but I stuck with it until a week ago. My boss had sold the place and we were under new owners and it got that bad I couldn't take anymore and I quit. My partner and I are buying a house so I need a job but after experiencing this toxic work place I'm scared to go back to work but I need to. After listening to what you said I just need time to get over what I went through and get my confidence back. Thank you for pointing this out. :)

maverick historian
maverick historian - 12.11.2022 20:10

I used to be a very quiet and passive person at work. I haven't been able to work for 6 years due to working in a toxic working environment for 18 years. It has made me an extremely volatile person, who lacks patience and empathy. If I went back to work and my boss upset me, I wouldn't hesitate to knock them out cold and walk out.

Lizz Ndungu
Lizz Ndungu - 28.10.2022 22:44

My experience is horrible, my boss refused to pay my 2 months salary. Am actually trying to come into terms with it. It's was a serious toxic environment, I developed ulcers because of stress. It's barely a month, am trying to heal as I figure out the way forward.

Ivybichon - 08.10.2022 10:02

I abruptly quit after seven years of abuse, particularly from one individual who is not even my supervisor. Brought it to the attention to all those who would need to. Brought proof, but the individual was allowed to remain. Through the years I’ve had multiple health issues and I’ve struggled with my mental health. Just when I would think I would recover, I’d be victimized over and over again.

Linda Githaiga
Linda Githaiga - 07.10.2022 16:29

Oh shit! I am still dealing with the trauma as I find it really difficult to trust new people at the workplace

The 1-Up_Triforce
The 1-Up_Triforce - 26.09.2022 06:41

I get this tugging feeling in my heart and it reminds me of all the things that my boss would do the very stressful unnecessary downright mean things all because I put 110% into my job and she felt threatened I'm pretty much Sapped of my energy and as much as I know I need and want a job I think about it it scares me and makes me think I won't be able to work the same again

K. L.
K. L. - 18.09.2022 23:11

I have ptsd, extreme anxiety, & trauma from the job I have had for 25 years.
There is a union that either can't or won't do anything about management who find the situation as green light to put targeted people they not able to "encourage" to retire or leave previously. I have worked hard to keep my job because of great pay, benefits, vacation. I have been told by Dr that I have PTSD, trauma, anxiety that is unbearable.
Definitely discrimination. If you say that word they will fire u on a trumped up fake reason.
I feel for everyone going through horrid working conditions that apparently are overall getting worse.
If you wonder why people are "quiet quitting", don't rush to judgment.

Aigis No1
Aigis No1 - 11.09.2022 19:43

My boss attacked me physically as I was leaving to get my things was a hard day

Perry Skye Phoenix
Perry Skye Phoenix - 04.09.2022 21:41

I'll admit, my toxic work environment has affected my self confidence.

Yather Cantillano
Yather Cantillano - 01.09.2022 22:13

Been watching your videos for years, Jennifer. They've always been a major help from someone with severe ADD and who had a late start in life. I'm grateful your videos have helped to foster a learning perspective on even the worst situations I have encountered in the workforce. God bless and here's hoping for more of your insight 🙏

You Tube Chanel
You Tube Chanel - 23.08.2022 07:15

I hope this helps one person at least Journaling and soma breathing got me through!!!

K.K. Lee
K.K. Lee - 20.08.2022 02:26

Can we sue these companies for causing trauma?

Jess - 07.08.2022 14:54

Wish I had seen this after getting dumped from my toxic job that I was actively trying to leave. It’s been two years and I’m still carrying scars from the horrible toxic job I ended up getting fired from. The PTSD is real. I wish I had been able to bounce back so quickly but its been devastating to my self confidence. I would love to see some tips about how to explain this in interviews because I am often flustered about it still to this day!

blockmasterscott - 16.07.2022 18:46

I’ve been retired for a year now, and I’m still having stress from working in a school district in California for 20 years.

Being a guy is hard in the district. My last boss was a female school principal that hated men and would just talk to me really mean when no one was around. I filed a complaint with upper management and HR, and no one would listen to me, they kept shuffling me around. I was told that I needed to be very careful because she was a girl, and I would be on the losing end if it ever came down to my word against hers.

It’s been 15 months since I’ve retired, and I’m still struggling to get over the stress.

ihsuFM 89
ihsuFM 89 - 02.07.2022 22:03

I guess my end goal is just to get a position where I will be able to come and go from a toxic work environment on my own terms. That either means climbing the ladder and trying to get a supervisor position where I have little to no dealings with others telling me what to do, or get a job where I am working from home or start my own side hustle that eventually turns into a full blown business. In this day in age I’ve just come to learn that it’s going to be near impossible to find a toxic-free work environment. I just need to work on bettering myself so I can have more options open for getting away from the BS.

Fordrias Production and Performing Arts Team
Fordrias Production and Performing Arts Team - 25.06.2022 03:14

Currently healing. It's been 2 months. Sleeping alot. Isolation and depressed. Sadly don't wanna get back out into the world. I rather work from home.

brellyn muldoon
brellyn muldoon - 17.06.2022 07:06

Here from future Jennifer's link on my quitting day, processing my just over 3mos in a toxic company. Last night I figured I was financially positioned where i could quit this morning and wait for my new job to do all the redtape stuff. What I didn't expect was getting a little emotional telling my direct manager that I was leaving, mostly because of the other manager. For about two hours after leaving, I felt emotionally depleted, not sure I've never felt like that. I had planned the rest of my freedom day to go explore and had moments of giddiness, because I escaped. I know I need to take time to process it all, even with just the short time I was there,

Laneshia Davis
Laneshia Davis - 14.06.2022 22:19

They use gaslighting so you will doubt yourself and not go to court to get them.

Sarah A
Sarah A - 10.06.2022 16:16

I left a toxic workplace nearly a year ago and Im still not recovered. Physical im doing better. I sleep better, the nightmares getting fewer and I gained all the weight I lost do to the stress. My selfesteme are slowly getting back. But I have a long way to go until I can be my self again. If I ever be. The bullying , discrimination the lack of communication and not knowing what going on even if it affected my work and all the stress this created among many other things that was wrong in this workplace.. All this I can I get past eventuelly My battles right now is to handle the betrayal from the one person I realy trusted and who always treated me nice. He turned against me when I resigned and from that day till my last day he was realy mean to me...every singel day But the worst battle im dealing with right now is my ptsd. I knew my boss was aggressiv and you realy had to tiptoe around him. I comment a thing he did (wrong) to another employee. Tiptoed my words . He exploded before I finished my sentence,,got so angry at me that I realy thought he would hit me. I kept calm and he backed of but never talked to me again For the first time in my life I was thankful for my experience of violent men. The years of experience how to stay calm in aggressiv or life -threating situations.Thankful for my years of trauma-therapy. But i am with my ptsd triggered again. Terrified of getting another job. Starting over from a place i never thought I be in again .Batteling my common sense whish sayes one thing and a boddy who scream the opposite.

LonjeMariesVision_07 - 31.05.2022 03:15

I love all of your videos you are doing an excellent job and you’re so beautiful keep on doing what you’re doing you add tremendous value to peoples lives

Nancy M
Nancy M - 28.05.2022 19:46

What is ultimately sad about any and all toxic work places is the mentality of "this is just how it is" or worse, " this is how its always been" Both are ridiculous and do not come from a place of power. Toxic people are a result of weak people and they prey upon anyone who they are threatened by. Minding your own business will not save you. That's why good people and good employees are forced to find other work. It's a sad reality.

Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre - 05.05.2022 12:09

I was dealing with toxic co workers and management. I finally reached my breaking point yesterday and I finally quit. Now I’m having terrible anxiety at the thought of now having to start a new search.

Shalina Meenowa-Buckley
Shalina Meenowa-Buckley - 02.05.2022 13:28

I have just left my last toxic environment and it was like that at the start. Well actually, it was a toxic job and institution. The staff were just toxic, bathed in the drama, so negative; those that were experienced staff were scared to do certain jobs. The management just didn't care about their staff, their wellbeing and themselves. Plus if you have anxiety or depression, management wanted you to go on antidepressants which is not the remedy. When I was having my last meeting with them, my manager said that I had to look at what is wrong with me. That is a poor leadership right there when they say that to you because you don't have anything wrong with you. They are not taking accountability for their lack of leadership. It is pathetic and in the industry that I was in, it makes you doubt yourself so much and your confidence is diminished.

Aunty Amelia
Aunty Amelia - 14.04.2022 17:07

What if it was 7 toxic workplaces in a row?
