Castlevania Nocturne is awful

Castlevania Nocturne is awful


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Logan Victorian
Logan Victorian - 26.10.2023 07:20

I love hearing unfuckable, ugly ass weak, small dicked 3 pump chump men pretentiously and pathetically announcing to everyone how much of a basement dwelling living with his mom loser they really are. This is funny as fuck, $50 says this incel is still a virgin. Any takers? ❤

Mr. S
Mr. S - 26.10.2023 07:11

hm...having an activists whining about the rich and claiming everything is horrible despite living in an area that seems to be doing just fine.......sounds like the typical SJw, and that one line...Go complain about something that matters, could say the same thing about what the SJs whine about.

So, these guys could have still had a slave angle but they seem to have no idea that there were white slaves, well that would have ruined their message of pretending only bad things happened to a specific group of people, and nobody else had it rough.

Cole Peltier
Cole Peltier - 26.10.2023 07:04

Classic Netflix to start a great show then ruin it with political agenda driven self inserts the moment it gets popular.

Moth on Wall
Moth on Wall - 26.10.2023 07:02

The reason the Abott is what he is is because he's a forge master creating night creatures for the vampires. His end goal is the same as Greshit's Bishop, he wants to be the new face of the Church, regardless his motivation.

Alexis The Dragon
Alexis The Dragon - 26.10.2023 06:52

ah here we go "diverse, lesbians"

I was wondering what people were even talking about, season 3 and 4 were amazing.

Two lesbians, one black, and a funny haircut, ruined all that genius writing for you? You're mad.

You are seeing ur politics everywhere, do what you need to do and expel this madness from your soul, but you'll eventually need to leave it behind if you don't want to be a stagnant failure your whole life.

Cole Peltier
Cole Peltier - 26.10.2023 06:23

I am increasingly LOVING your blunt unapologetic critiques on things.

Heru- deshet
Heru- deshet - 26.10.2023 04:58

You have a new subscriber, brother!

Heru- deshet
Heru- deshet - 26.10.2023 04:53

Woke racist and full of queers. UGH!

TheGuitarChief - 26.10.2023 03:40

Only thing you missed was how the simp is not really a simp because he's actually gay and has a boyfriend (who you only see for 2 seconds in a single scene) is back home waiting for him

Brendan Whitaker
Brendan Whitaker - 26.10.2023 03:27

As soon as you said who Richter was I went "who the hell is this twink? This isnt Richter."

patrick i
patrick i - 26.10.2023 03:08

I stopped at episode4. It was kinda good but the chick is so annoying. You know who. And why do they put modern problems into old worlds it so gay.

Lux - 26.10.2023 02:34

this pussy crying about christianity being bashed on lmao.... go wash your foreskin mate, little black girl triggered the piss out of you.

justin tuffo
justin tuffo - 26.10.2023 01:09

im gonna be honest when i was watcing this i didnt need to see two dudes in bed

Luis Palao
Luis Palao - 26.10.2023 00:39

I hate that the common defense that the people that enjoyed this show will use is, “It’s setting up for season2” or “It’ll get better next season”: That doesn’t justify this season being bad nor does it prove that it’s any good. You don’t make a season to set up a next season, also it should just be good now, not later. That’s like trying to justify Starfield because it’ll be fun 12hrs into the game.

Johnny Goddamn
Johnny Goddamn - 25.10.2023 22:56

It’s an anime lol 😂 y’all want a documentary?

Wednesday G Valentine
Wednesday G Valentine - 25.10.2023 21:43

Just wanna point out, season 4 didnt kill the show. Writers killed the show. Netflix doesnt want to pay them so they changed the title. Your surface level analysis for the creation of Nocturne is frankly fucked from second 1

tsukariii - 25.10.2023 21:01

Nocturne would've been great IF they didn't go to the historical route in the writing.

SpardaTheDevil - 25.10.2023 17:52

Ah yes, black vampire in russia in 1700? sure, nice joke. xD

Miki Flokster
Miki Flokster - 25.10.2023 17:51

With ЈЕVVs You Lose.
Plus give its due to the ESG c**k SCORE.
Though You right. This particular 'TRIBE' hates the Hwhite Man and the POWER of the CROSS.
Ignore THEM, for now.

Brad Bee
Brad Bee - 25.10.2023 15:20

The first Castlevania show I originally didn't like Isaac. But his character arc was by far the best. Ended up reinventing himself, what an absolute boss

Support - PikminXOXO
Support - PikminXOXO - 25.10.2023 14:42

My take on this video and series.

i hate rehashing old ip like making something live action. I just hate altering old source material, while offering nothing new or having the new give little value or reasoning for existing.

Love watching the "Black" and the "While" speaking in as if every is black and white Pun intended.

People telling people to get over slavery and colonizing, or people telling people they dont deserve to have happiness because they where never slaves.

Hot take time:
I never really saw anything as evil. It is the way of life. WHITE people colonizing and enslaving black and others i guess. or for the white people that cares sake, people of any race enslaving another race.
Like there is limited resources in the world and these decisions get brought up. You think this way of thinking is gone? that your race or gender or religion you identify as can clearly see what is right and wrong? that will solve everyone and everything in the world. Great job ending silly debacle and pointless back and forth like this show. ill see you in the next 100th shows that also breed people like these.


there is a limited amount of shows that can air at a time. What is easy.... and cheap to gain a lot of resources. Colonizing. If you want something and take it in life your existence deny others theirs. Masquerading this eventual dilemma as who is right and wrong black or white. will solve 0 shit.

Both side can complain all they want. But colonizing is alive and well just of a different form. And to deny it and calling it Bad, or good apparently to some people, is pointless. It just exist because we exist.

This take kinda answers the Black and white debate ive been seeing. You dont know what oppression mean, you are not a slave. And also the modern day "oh its so easy to target Christianity". SO WHAT? GET over yet. Or better yet Put some explosive energy into defending your belief, and i would tell the same to your opposition. no in between, no gray. a cycle of black and white. both pun intended.

Sebastien Cazeau
Sebastien Cazeau - 25.10.2023 13:42

😂😂I’m not going to lie the singing did blow my shit, and now that you say it why was she so important that she had to leave her personal war with vampires to France I feel like if they were going to do the whole Haitian revolution it would’ve been cool to have a character from Haiti and the whole French revolution could’ve been done way better. It was cool to me but that w written terribly.

Walling Naga
Walling Naga - 25.10.2023 10:45

True it was horrible

cesar - 25.10.2023 09:54

I’m barely on episode 3 and honestly it is some bullshit a pair of teens are going toe to toe with vampires. Trevor and Sypha were adults and having a hard time even with night creatures

Simon Eastwood
Simon Eastwood - 25.10.2023 05:21

Something I noticed knowing nothing about Castlevania: Brands for slaves werent put on the hand. 5 seconds googling says the back, shoulder, abdomen or the face as a form of punishment. But we cant have the writers favourite being disfigured can we? EDIT Also WTF? The Aztecs were so brutal a temple floor in Mexico is permanently stained with blood. The Spaniards were brutal but that doesnt make the Aztecs saints.

idk - 25.10.2023 04:20

This whole christianity is evil thing is so fucking tired. Theres nothing wrong with christianity and it isnt hypocritical. Some priests diddled some kids and now for some reason an entire 2000 year old institution is completely demonised

The_All_Abiding_Dude - 25.10.2023 01:09

Being a long time Castlevania fan, I was willing to overlook some of the writer's missteps in the first rendition of the show. But this one was a real slog to get through. They seriously nerfed Richter Belmont in this show, which according to lore, is supposed to be the most powerful of the Belmonts at that time. I won't even get into the heavy SJW overtones in this show, as it was as in your face as it gets. And the story pacing was horrible. This was nothing more than a bastardized version of a game series many have come to enjoy. 🤦‍♂️

MrJibsIV - 25.10.2023 01:03

Half of the shit in this show, has nothing to do with the games.

StewNWT - 24.10.2023 23:30

Um, Season 3 and 4 of Castlevania were still fucking excellent dude.

DominatoSpace - 24.10.2023 23:11

Because of such stupid ideology that fills the minds of americans, they may very well lose the new world confrontation. Rethink while it's not too late.

Shulkash87 - 24.10.2023 21:30

“Richter’s mom was killed by a gay Aztec Vampire.”

Me: I didn’t know the Kars and the pillar men were in this show, can’t wait for the Belmonts and the Joestars to work together to save the world.

Sebastian Santolalla
Sebastian Santolalla - 24.10.2023 21:17

wait this guy is how the normal fans described the haters lmao

get jinx
get jinx - 24.10.2023 19:42

don't forget arcane.

João Neto
João Neto - 24.10.2023 19:12

There you go!! You’ve nailed it!

The Nathanimal
The Nathanimal - 24.10.2023 18:51

It was quite a shock going from the quality of season 2 and 3 to the High School fan fiction that is season 4

Marvel Sandwich
Marvel Sandwich - 24.10.2023 14:02

u talk like ass also dumb accent

Sarataan - 24.10.2023 07:27

lol youre just another idiot xian

Matteo Poldrugo
Matteo Poldrugo - 24.10.2023 06:17

Dude it’s not because of race swapping that nocturne was bad. It’s because of bad writing. Isaac was one of my favorite parts of the last series and he was race swapped. Can you culture war crusaders grow some god damn media literacy for once in your god damn lives rather than complaining based on gut reaction? My fucking lord

Jarod 1999
Jarod 1999 - 24.10.2023 05:35

I wish we had scenes where it shows true followers of the Lord and his angels managed to repel the vampires by holding shelter church and the night creatures in the vampires can’t enter because and I’m gonna quote Fright Night here “ you need to have faith for it to work“ Because in fright night the holy water and the crucifix doesn’t work unless the characters head face because that’s what gives at the power. Ergo we should’ve seen Christians find against the corrupt Christian Ciara who weren’t true followers of the faith who believed in what Jesus really preached about taxing the rich kindness and forgiveness very big deals we came to Jesus, so a true follower of the faith I believe could effectively hurt my vampire by going to a church and having a crucifix would have been good Repellent.

Jarod 1999
Jarod 1999 - 24.10.2023 05:30

20,30 well they were but the show ain’t showing it right.

Jarod 1999
Jarod 1999 - 24.10.2023 05:30

I wonder if napoleon will make a appearance.

TB26 - 24.10.2023 04:37

If you want a show involving the French, diversity, inclusive homosexuality, the oppression of a minority group, a broken system ruled by blood sucking higher ups, redeeming characters, a rebellion, etc. then I suggest *Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix*.

It's stupid, but a good kind of stupid.

88Gifts - 24.10.2023 01:24

I love Eduordo and Annette’s relationship sm

Vincent Alexander
Vincent Alexander - 24.10.2023 00:36

The first castevania christian take wasnt too bad sense it was set in the witch hunt era. Didnt care for the speaker takes on it but it was a w/e. I will say though, I agree. it kinda insulting how hard they jump on it in Nocturne and how soon. It made me roll my eyes.

DeepState - 23.10.2023 22:53

The French Revolution was one of the worst things to ever happen to Europe. Rousseau and Robespierre were proto Leftists and the ideology that arose from that time destroyed the aristocracy and intergenerational incentives necessary for a nation's flourishing. The worst part is we see the beginnings of that again today...

Alabama Leupolu
Alabama Leupolu - 23.10.2023 21:52

Idk what episode I was at but I stopped watching after they ran from a fight for the third time and then have to come up with some stupid plan….. again

Sli Y
Sli Y - 23.10.2023 20:53

Dude definitely sounds like he doesn’t like black people. Stay mad. Hope they keep race swapping all white stories. No one wants to see a whole white story except white people. Literally takes nothing away from the fantasy story to give representation to other races. The people developing these stories are likely of all races but you want to be mad about a race swap, which white people have done to movies for decades….decades.

Outlaw Goos3
Outlaw Goos3 - 23.10.2023 15:43

Characters are empty and dumb.
Story is all over the place.
Backstories feel forced.

This whole season is “whiteman vampire bad”
Such a let down tbh. I loved the first series and was pumped for the sequel.
You can tell they are trying to hold the old fans by showing àlucard for 15 seconds at the end.

Arie Van der Bruggen
Arie Van der Bruggen - 23.10.2023 14:20

You've got a serious talent in film criticism.

A Face
A Face - 23.10.2023 09:56

You named everything that I hated about this show, also I’ve noticed that a lot of the animation is actually 3D,

Also the show is written by a socialist activist, what a shocker.
