Rapidus v2 - 3D printed self-sailing sailboat

Rapidus v2 - 3D printed self-sailing sailboat

Team Rapidus

5 лет назад

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@jeffmeyer9587 - 10.04.2020 00:32

Why not an Arduino, Raspberry pi, or even a Pixhawk. I am just starting out on a project like this and hope i do as well.

@javisbtl - 21.12.2020 18:39

From our own experience, you will need more volume on the front of the sides hulls ;)

@sethalump - 04.01.2021 01:15

That is a lot of sail for that hull. Beautiful design though

@felixleveille8441 - 21.01.2021 06:26

Do you have STL files ?? I’d love to print one myself and do my own improvements 👍

@michaelkeaton5394 - 07.04.2021 06:08

It kinda reminds of Alchemist, of kersauson

@ilyin_sergey - 07.05.2021 08:25

Is it ML in heart of your project? Can you share GitHub link on this one?

@changeyourname8320 - 24.05.2021 00:18

Interested in the software and different type hulls. I have a 3d printer, wanted to try making a wasp sail version.

@someotherdude - 01.07.2022 15:40

looking at various wing efforts, hats off to you guys. I must axe a question though... most of the efforts I see, including this one, have a definitely 2 piece articulating wing with a gap. I don't care whether the gap is 0.125" or 1", but doesn't any gap allow the pressure differentials to cancel each other? Look at gliders, look at airplanes, look at wind turbines, no one allows a gap there. Seems like major power loss to me.

@WindThrusters - 31.07.2022 06:21

Why have a complicated control system when a simple tailvane will do the same job?

@WindThrusters - 31.07.2022 11:01

Hello - like to find out more but the website given does not work.

@SopwithTheCamel - 07.10.2022 04:45

The music does not match what we see. And not exactly rapid is it.

@yuobut - 29.01.2023 05:33

Where are the printed drawings

@giorgiolelmi8175 - 12.07.2023 11:13

It isn't automatic, it's manual. Can you make a program to make it sail itself?

@joshuafoster8976 - 17.07.2023 00:24

Did you carry on with this project??
