Tkinter pack layout manager with option fill side expand anchor to place widgets in different places

Tkinter pack layout manager with option fill side expand anchor to place widgets in different places


2 года назад

1,238 Просмотров

01:20 option side
05:40 option fill
09:16 option anchor
11:59 pack-forget
14:00 padx , pady, ipad,ipady

We can use option side to arrange the widget in four different directions, LEFT, RIGHT , TOP , BOTTOM
The option fill can take three values, for filling all the horizontal spaces we can use X , similarly to use all vertical space we can use Y, To use both horizontal and vertical spaces we can use BOTH.
The option expand takes Boolean values. Default value is False.
expand option ( if set to True ) tells to take any not assigned space .
The option fill asks the widget to take as much space as possible in given direction.
We can also include anchor option to align the widget in different directions.
pack_forget() can be used to destroy any widget and to restore the same we can use pack().
pack_info() returns a dictionary giving us key as options and values. We can use pack_propagate() to set the flag to resize the manager to hold all the widgets.

Pack layout manage

Grid Layout manager
Place layout manager

#placeLayout #TkinterPlace #LayoutTkinter #pack_forget #anchor #fill #side #plus2net #python


#Tkinter_pack_layout #Options_of_pack #pack_fill #pack_side #anchor_option_of_pack #padx_pady_ipadx_ipady #pack_forget() #pack_info() #pack_propagate() #delete_widget_in_pack_layout #restore_widgets_in_pack_layout #align_widgets_using_anchor #direction_of_ancho_values #align_at_top_left #align_at_top_right #bottom_left #bottom_right_alignment #option_side_with_TOP_Bottom_right_left #option_fill_with_TOP #Bottom #right #side #alignment_of_widget_using_pack_layout
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