E48: CONNECT & PUBLISH CUSTOM DOMAIN To GROOVE.CM, GroovePages, GrooveMember & GrooveBlog

E48: CONNECT & PUBLISH CUSTOM DOMAIN To GROOVE.CM, GroovePages, GrooveMember & GrooveBlog

Aimee Vo

3 года назад

12,909 Просмотров

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@MarkStross - 23.12.2023 22:31

Aimee, can I hire you or someone you recommend to help me set up my page's forms/mail/sequences?

@Sabine-Schmelzer - 22.03.2023 19:29

Thank you so much, Aimee. This helped me to connect my new Groove Page. Your tutorials are much better than the ones from Groove.

@marketingdigitales4317 - 10.01.2023 07:22


@petebiram1032 - 15.11.2022 19:19

Hi Aimee, I want to set my account up.
Now, where I've got to is here, getting my domain accepted and being classed as the 'Root'.
Then you said to go to 'Groove Pages', I've done that, now yours is a demo site, with 'Publish' above. Well, when I went to 'Groove Pages' it says, 'Create your new site' and above it says, 'New site', I clicked that, and you get templates. So, Aimee, how do I get the page that says publish.?
Blue Skies
P.S I have already given you a thumbs up, number 525

@PieceOfThePieWithTy - 09.09.2022 05:37

Nice!! Man you are Awesome. I'm back and forth 👍🏽

@rudymartinez9861 - 29.08.2022 06:40

Aimee thank you so much. You saved me a huge amount of time. If you set up a donation option on your profile I'd donate.

@billylongnguyen2988 - 12.05.2022 19:47

how does this work if i have my cloudflare connected to my godaddy?

@truthseeker318 - 18.04.2022 18:49

Hi Aimee. I had a quick question, as of today, do you still recommend to get an SSL certificate through cloudflare? Also what is the best way to reach you other than Facebook? I wanted to ask you a business question.

@ElisabethDonati - 02.04.2022 01:13

Hi. I did this exact thing after unlinking from my domain the old way as per support's instruction. Now my site isn't coming up and it appears to be set up correctly. I'm so confused.

@AutoGlobalZone - 16.03.2022 06:21

Once we create subdomain to the main domain, is there any way we can add A record to the subdomain? I can see that we can only add A record to the main domain, but no option to add A record to the subdomain?

@AbenaBaileyEdu - 12.03.2022 11:44

Amy for president!

@neemnyima2166 - 01.02.2022 04:16

You said you'd cover adding records in a later tutorial. Is that made? Do records need to be added? My other domain self populated the basic records, I think.

@ShellyLiedtke - 16.01.2022 08:23

Thank you so much for your lovely guidance, Aimee - Much Appreciation! 💗💗💗

@JustMe-yd3ge - 05.12.2021 22:10

Aimee, when I tried to add a brand new domain, I am confused between Full Domain/Subdomain Setup (Recommended) & Legacy Domain Setup. are the differences that Full Domain/Subdomain setup is for unused domain that has no content on it and the other one refers to a domain that has a page or website ?

@davidpatrickgreen5319 - 19.11.2021 22:53

Editing the webinar template page URL did not work as in your video. The page published but the page url was 'page-3-uu61yuyw5' rather than 'webby-rego'. I copied your method exactly but I noticed that the three pages appeared in a different order...not sure how to fix.

@n44r1yy - 05.11.2021 14:40

Hi Aimee, I have a problem in adding the subdomain. As you shown us when you click on subdomain your domain name appeared by it self.
But for me there is non and I need create a new subdomain. Is it where I done it wrong? Thank you very much.

@MarshallAdler - 27.10.2021 08:04

it doesn't work for me, I set up CloudFlare, with Groove's NameServers, it says it's Active and I'm protected, then on GroovePages it says Connected & Secured, but when I publish to my site and try to go to it, it brings up an Error 1016 message. Is this normal? How long do I need to wait for everything to propagate?

@davidpatrickgreen5319 - 22.09.2021 23:10

THANKS FOR THIS! Another thing I noticed is that when publishing the website, my menu options are not the same as yours. After selecting custom domain, rather than Domain then Subdomain, I'm seeing Domain then Location and within Location, I can choose 'root' or 'subdomain'. I'm going with 'root' which I expect is the same as what you did but interesting how they may have changed the labeling since you made the video or maybe it's caused by some other option that you did differently? Anyway, thanks!

@davidpatrickgreen5319 - 22.09.2021 22:26

Super helpful. I followed your instructions but when I go to publish, the custom domain did not appear in the drop down. It says to go to manage domains but the domain is already verified with the Groove DNS entries and I added the Pages app.

@tonyv.clarizio8592 - 08.09.2021 03:54

hi, i followed your video but when i go to groove pages there is no site listed?

@dreamcatchertrainer5836 - 06.09.2021 15:52

Hey Aimee, Thanks for the crisp and clear video

@donsturgill - 04.09.2021 00:11

Aimee, are there advantages to hosting a site via Groove ... or is it best to host elsewhere and connect?

@smilingworld22 - 28.08.2021 08:07

hi, am having issues connect my groove page to wordpress

@binuprasad5324 - 15.08.2021 06:47

Why My domain status still showing pending after 12hr?

@justinkamau3503 - 03.08.2021 07:26

Can you do a video on how to publish and use groovepages subdomain?

@justinkamau3503 - 01.08.2021 23:29

How about if I want to generate a link to demo a website I have created in groove pages to a client, how do I do it. The demo is so as to allow the client preview and review the website so as to suggest any changes. I have created this URL using the sub domain option in Manage Domain section but it appears for one to preview the website they would have to create an account in groove funnels which is not IDEAL

@EpicBernardO - 15.07.2021 17:43

No SSL ? Tracking menu in GrooveFunnels is now missing

@jenniferfider4223 - 12.07.2021 20:48

Amiee, You are a ROCKSTAR with this!!! Thank you for your easy to follow and implement videos!! Please keep them coming!

@concastunfold94 - 11.07.2021 10:29

hi why i can't click the publish icon on the publish setting?

@EyeOfStormProductions - 04.07.2021 23:12

MY GIRL THANK YOU FOR THIS ONE!!!!! It got me together and my page is published!

@marijekrijgsman2566 - 04.07.2021 20:03

Hi Aimee! Your video was very helpful, thank you! I was wondering, can I connect in some sort of way my Groove Blog to one of my Groove Pages?

@leahriley2028 - 01.07.2021 01:43

How do you incorporation the cloudflare name servers with the updates on GF?

@info4you947 - 30.06.2021 09:52

You are awesome. Clear explanation. Thanks a lot, Aimee

@ginamateiria8113 - 26.06.2021 20:03

Hey Aime, I have one question.

My domain is tagged as Secure & Connected, but when I try to publish and select custom domain, it won't appear.

Have you ever had that happen ?

@anthonyK5493 - 26.06.2021 17:54

What if you're using Cloudflare?

@buyannemekhchimeddorj - 25.06.2021 16:26

Groove is getting better and better! Thank you Aimee 🙏

@anthonyK5493 - 25.06.2021 10:04

I followed the steps but when I got to the step where I wanted to publish I don't see my domain in the drop-down menu on the right?

@parentsearch - 24.06.2021 15:16

Thank you Aimee. I have 2 questions: I have lots of CNAME subdomains that point to other servers. Do I add those in Groove records or keep them in Cloudflare. Which brings me to the next question. What records to I delete/keep in cloudflare so that the servers aren't competing. (Im not even sure cloudflare is even working once I make the switch) Im obviously confused AF. Are you able to shed some of your sunshine on my questions? Thanks for what you do. You are my Groove Savior!

@avi2660 - 24.06.2021 01:40

Hi Aimee ..your video is so helpful...but location is showing on publish page..and shows"root" not domain .. plz look it and tell me

@varunroy9810 - 22.06.2021 12:39

after applying it doesn't show any DNS record, what to do ?

@santoshhuded9688 - 21.06.2021 16:29

How to add records ? Even after following procedure it's asking me same thing manage account n not showing my custom domain in the search bar

@abyvohra - 21.06.2021 07:17

Aimee. I am platinum groove lifetime member. I have connect my custom domain and it says "secure and connected" but the page still don't publish on my website. Do I need to Add Records?

@truthseeker318 - 19.06.2021 20:33

Aimee, do know anything about adding professional email to Groove. I know it is a MX record, but not sure what goes into the "Name" and "Content" fields. Thx your awesome!!!

@cteeim6174 - 18.06.2021 04:16

Many thanks Aimee for this latest update. Always like your crisp videos. I have this odd situation where my domain settings in Groove have disappeared. Meaning my domain list is now empty. I suspect is due to the latest Groove update. I tried adding back the domains but the error I received right from the start for the first domain was "domain unavailable" and unable to proceed. I suspect is due to the domains being not empty as content had already been published there. Have already reached out to Groove support. 2 days but no response. Like to hear your advice. TQ.

@deborahv.2790 - 17.06.2021 17:56

Aimee - I just want to thank you SO much for keeping me up to date. I'd be lost without your tutorials and I'm super grateful for you doing these. I am definitely buying Groove Funnels through your link and I encourage everyone to support you and do the same! :)

@AlltimeLowFollower - 17.06.2021 09:56

Is it possible to achieve this with groovefunnel free account?

@HungryHouseCafe - 17.06.2021 05:04

Aimee, you are a mind reader! Was literally searching for updated info on this process just this morning! As always, thanks! Please keep ‘em coming!

@guygreen4608 - 16.06.2021 19:23

Thank you SO much, Aimee. You are ALWAYS on top of things. I really appreciate you and your quick tutorials. ❤

@MarkWilder68 - 16.06.2021 18:16

I do know that Mike F. did mention changing that to allow 3 charactors for the blogs so hopefully, it will be updated soon. Thanks for the update I had already figured it out, and it was work, but this should make it easier for others needing help.

