Why do you keep referring Gods people to Jewish people God never refers to his people as Jewish it dosent exist in the Hebrew Scriptures .
His people are referred to as Israelites the people who are scattered throughout the four corners of the earth in captivity dealing with the curse of Dueteronomy 28 due to their iniquities .
Jewish people are converts and I’m sure you know who the true Israelites are in the earth theirs nothing hidden that will not be revealed.
King David is the Anointed messiah OF GOD and he will raise him up again (resurrect )
In the latter days .
Jeremiah 30:9 READ !
Amazing teaching!!
ОтветитьThank you rabbi
Ответитьfergus these are not just stories they are deep and full of wisdom ! Studied in the Torah in Hebrew one will understand how powerful , deep and amazing lessons one learns . What you learn in psychology is all in the Torah is said by the famous Rabbi Doctor Twerzki who was a famous pychiatrist in the USA on drug addiction
ОтветитьTodah Rabah Rabbi . ChagChanukah Sameach 🕎✡️
ОтветитьHappy Hanukkah Rabbi
... but since you have rejected Christ Jesus as the True Messiah and Son of God, there is no reason to listen to you at all since your rejectionist agenda and motives are plain to see. All your rejections have been answered long ago by better historians and theologians.
... Christus Vincit ! Christus Imperat ! Christus Regnat !
ОтветитьAccording to the Book of Melchizedek, the Messiah is the visible representation of the invisible God. Jesus is that Messiah...
ОтветитьThe spirit of the Father through his son Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead...
ОтветитьIt's Reverance and respect for the Messiah...who is Jesus.
ОтветитьIf Lord Jesus is not the Jews Messiah born in Betlehem, suffered and crucified by jews' olders for the sins of mankinds, probably rabbi Tovia is the coming Messiah the radical and extrimist jews are waiting for.
ОтветитьOne thing I need is for help in finding the Talmud. Rabbi is that your book?
ОтветитьIsaiah 11 refers to the second coming of the Messiah (something the Jews do not believe in). Unless you study the Christian New Testament, almost exclusively written by Jews, (which I think the ordinary Jew is strongly discouraged to do), then you will never be able to understand how the New Testament is the revealing of what was "hidden" in the Tanakh about the coming of the Messiah, and his crucifixion. By "hidden" I mean the revelation of how the Ark of the Covenant was a depiction of the Messiah (Jesus) to come. How Noah's ark represented Jesus...and so on. This "revelation" is described in Luke 24: 13-35. Ignoring a deep study of the New Testament and how it relates to the Tanakh, will never allow you to understand the true identity of Jesus.
ОтветитьIs that not a reference to Hanoch ben Yered, Malach Metat!
ОтветитьSo what's the deal with not liking female rabbis?
ОтветитьPray for my son. People attacked his mother with hypnotic noise torture, & now he may be alone. 😢
It isn't just the texts, though.
Other people are purposely distracting.
I really like Rabbi Jacobson, I think, but the thumps are too much for me.
My husband became a Mormon, because no one else cared.
How do you explain the first word of the pictograph Hebrew text in genesis?
ОтветитьAre you an ENTP?
ОтветитьJesus Christ is the son of man but also the resurrected only begotten son and that is the difference. If Luke and the other apostles were making up these stories, why did they give their lives for this teaching?
ОтветитьSince you are talking of relics, could you explain why a saint-to-be like Carlo Acutis has an incorruptible body after his death? I’m not even referring to the thousands of Eucharistic miracles of our day… but most importantly the teaching of Christ was to simplify and accomplish the ten commandments to two essential commandments: Love God, love your neighbour. Stop the killing and proclaim that God loves us and saves us, if we cooperate.
ОтветитьGood question if jesus isn't God how he raised Lazarus you can also ask if Moses isn't God how did he parted the water .Moses prayed to God and God did the work someway before performing a miracle jesus prayed to God
I don't worship human
I only worship who is in HEAVEN
I don't believe on any man made tradition
The rebbe is a genius, thank you rav, you are great, your knowledge is outstanding❤
ОтветитьMy elder will be. HASHEM teaches us. Original is what teaches.
ОтветитьHASHEM teaches us how to love. 👀
ОтветитьIdk, sometimes miracles just happen to those around me. Sometimes I try a little bit and other times I just kind of am like ehhh, helpy them in a passing thought.
Being able to tell others you will raise a man and then do it is a lot and would require no interference from your understands of everything related and your intentions. - also you have to have the power but I mean we know that.
מה שכל כך כל כך מוצא חן בעיני זה העובדא שהרב טוביה לא 'מתעמת'. הוא מסביר. הרצף ההסטורי לא ענין של 'דת' אלא הכרה במציאות.
ОтветитьYahshua taught Torah, and knew how Elijah and Elisha did it, he showed how God does this, so it could be done for him as well.
ОтветитьI haven't watched the video, but in reply to the question, I think it was Rudolf Steiner who asserted that Lazarus didn't literally "die", but went through an initiation. Could he be right? (The writings of "Paul" suggest that "Paul" also experienced such.)
ОтветитьWhy they are not belived in a miracles...from God through the bible Jesus are failing again and again...three days and three nights
ОтветитьThe difference is that in none of the other books do they make the miracle worker a god. And none of the groups that have gurus worship them. In fact they all say that you have this ability within you as well. They all point to something higher, whatever they call it. The Christian church in this sense is utterly blasphemous
Because Jesus never says he is god or ask people to worship him. This came centuries after the time of his life. He was a devout Jew, period. And Jesus also said, “where I am you may be also.” And then he told his disciples that “they would greater works then he did.” Certainly doesn’t sound like God to me who said, “I alone do all these things.” HE may work through prophets and righteous people, but nevertheless, is is His power and His glory!
There is a willful blindness of Jesus as Messiah and a providential blindness until the fullness of the Gentiles is fulfilled. Then Messiah Jesus will return.
ОтветитьCreation stories
Genesis 1 and 2 tell different stories about the order of creation, including when the first man and woman were created, and when the fruit trees were made.
The flood
Genesis 6:19-22 says that Noah should bring two of every living thing into the ark, but Genesis 7:2-3 says that Noah should bring clean beasts and birds by sevens, and unclean beasts by twos.
Didn't Elijah or Elisha raise dead people too?
ОтветитьRabbi-I have such a hard time understanding the concept of the immaculate conception. Maybe you discussed it in earlier videos, but how can Christians believe that? Thanks
ОтветитьBTW, I do NOT believe Yashua is God. He is the son of YAH, not YAH. I also do NOT believe in the Trinity the way 99% of christians do. YAH is the only "God". He is LIKE God because he mimicked everything his father did.
ОтветитьOdd that you say not to believe in miracles, yet you believe Moses and the plagues in Egypt. of course he wasn't God but he did what God told him to do...
ОтветитьFirst you have to provide evidence that your god is real before I believe anything you claim he has done. If you can do that than you next have to prove that the dead can be reanimated which after several days has never been done. Good luck.
ОтветитьHow G-D annointed Jesus of Nazareth with holy Ghost and power and how he went around performing miracles and doing great deeds becouse G- d was with him.
Peter apostle.
Jesus was assigned reading the scrolled
And he read
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
The release the captives
To open their prisions
To give sight to those who are in darkness
Prophet Isaiah
And reading it
Today this scripture is fulfilled before of you .
It is clear that the MESSIACH come from the nation of Israel ( a son of that nation was chosen to be the MESSIACH )
Is called in revelation the Lion of the tribe of Judah
Christ is descendants of the linaje of David ( that why is called as David in reference to a future everlasting king and trone)
Was Jacob born from a Virgen ??????????????
Taking your argument then
Then who son was the one Isaiah prophecied ISAIAH 9: 6
For unto us a child is born unto us a son is given , the government will be upon his shoulders , and his name shall be call WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GD, PRINCE OF PEACE
Was the life of Jesus in words and deeds the historical testimony of his first 12 apostles that were encarcelated ,tortured and killed to DENY the resurrection of JESUS and they boldly affirmed before emperors and governors and army officials
That JESUS Christ is the redeemer and saviour of the 🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Deny Jesus death and resurrection
Defy history
Further more DEFY the risen Jesus and his still active power in the world today 😮😮😮😮
It is hard FOR YOU to kick against the goads
ОтветитьIt is hard FOR YOU to kick AGAINST the goads .
Jesus rebuking words to Saul .