How to scale Facebook ads the BidPixel way

How to scale Facebook ads the BidPixel way


4 года назад

37 Просмотров

Dave and Jay get down and dirty on how to scale Facebook ads effectively in the day and age of Campaign Budget Optimisation. 

This topic is going to bring out the comments for sure as there are soo many ways of scaling adspend to increase revenue and everyone seems to have an opinion.

At the end of the day, the team at BidPixel have to remain good stewards of their client's money and take scaling results as a very serious task that can make or break not only a client's results but also our relationship with that client if heaven forbid it all goes wrong.
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@braeasyofficial - 08.01.2020 02:36

What can you recommend that a new to advertising business should start with? Is there a calculation that you can share to calculate this?

@braeasyofficial - 08.01.2020 02:51

Can you create a video on how to get started with Facebook advertising for start ups. What do I need to have ready so you guys can start my business off running.

@littlehumanlinens - 29.02.2020 02:16

Audience Testing: My question when in the testing phase of our top of funnel ads what kinds of targeted audience size vs ad spend is appropriate? We don't currently have enough customers to run a lookalike audience on that data set yet, so I'm using a lookalike audience on all webpage views and excluding anyone that has come into contact with our brand already (ie Instagram followers, email list etc) I'm running a brand awareness video which gets excellent thruplays (97%). What kind of audience size should I stick to when creating new audiences to AB test the ad, particularly when I am testing the audience with a $5 ad spend per day? or is it less about audience size and more about how targeted the audience is? Can I even AB test an ad on different audience sizes and get an accurate comparison of how effective it is?
