How I passed the Cambridge Advanced Exam without studying (cae C1 level) | tips to learn languages

How I passed the Cambridge Advanced Exam without studying (cae C1 level) | tips to learn languages

Luisa Congedo

3 года назад

25,604 Просмотров

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Joanie - 08.09.2023 21:18

I have my cae tomorrow

SopaDeMorata - 26.07.2023 04:12

I have my CAE in 3 days and I'm not sure if i'll pass, I am starting to worry now. My weaknesses are listening, reading or use of english depending on the topic (what I mean is that depending on the topic I can do it pretty good or suck at it). I will update when i do it and when I get my mark! Wish me luck!!!

Rockstar Jackson
Rockstar Jackson - 04.06.2023 01:56

it is an online course, and how can i apply to the course?

Сергей Доможилов
Сергей Доможилов - 01.04.2023 01:48

Hi everyone, I'm from Russia, I'm learning English, Italian and Portuguese . Thanks for useful tips and insights, Luisa)

Fabian Kaczmarczyk
Fabian Kaczmarczyk - 11.11.2022 18:20

bruh, I was preparing whole year just to pass it

Tony - 04.11.2022 21:52

I have the exam tommorow , I'm very nervous

Julia Petrenko
Julia Petrenko - 28.09.2022 17:57

The term "Sustainable " (and it's derivatives) sounds mystical to my ear

Kuroi Shiroi
Kuroi Shiroi - 23.07.2022 23:32

How to pass without studying 101:

-Be a native speaker
-Use the internet daily and have some talent for the english language, as long as we're talking about passing and not acing, there are surely a bunch of people able to pull it of just like the creator of this video

cami - 08.07.2022 17:03

ciao! ti giuro che all’inizio pensavo spagnola e ho capito che mi sbagliavo solo quando hai parlato dell’inglese nelle scuole italiane ahah
domani ho il mio esame c1 e ho fatto molto cose di cui hai parlato ma sono veramente in ansia e non so come fare. tu come hai fatto per la parte di “use of english”? io ho paura di non sapere le parole
ciao ciao

Ege Tomur
Ege Tomur - 15.06.2022 21:07

2 days later im gonna attend cae and guess what i have searched for "pass cae without studying"
also i am glad you decided to embrace ur italiano accento it's so freakin cool

Someone Silence
Someone Silence - 04.03.2022 22:05

I can relate way too much to this.

Benedettæ __
Benedettæ __ - 08.12.2021 14:52

ciaoo video molto utile, sapresti dirmi dove hai trovato gli audiobbok di harrypotter gratis?

Ana Park
Ana Park - 02.12.2021 04:23

How long time did you take to be better ? I need to tAke the Cambridge test in 5 mouths and... i am in the level B1. I need to reach level B2

Nicolás Cedrés Alonso
Nicolás Cedrés Alonso - 26.10.2021 19:01

Hi! Do you have any tips for the Use of English? I'm struggling with that part when doing exercises or mock/sample exams
New sub! Soy de Argentina no sé si sigues estudiando español jaja

Lex P.
Lex P. - 18.09.2021 23:10

Your accent is very nice. Don't worry about it.

Vincenzo and Alice
Vincenzo and Alice - 23.06.2021 12:00

Ehi ciao, faresti un video su come hai migliorato il tuo inglese, il tuo vocabolario e la tua padronanza? Grazie mille !

Alessandra Miano
Alessandra Miano - 21.06.2021 14:07

grazie, adesso sono molto più tranquilla :)
