The Las Vegas Shooting

The Las Vegas Shooting

The Casual Criminalist

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The Brazilian Guy
The Brazilian Guy - 03.11.2023 02:53

🤔 You such a cry baby! Buaaa! Buaaa! Buaaa! 👶😃😂

Shuga Daddy
Shuga Daddy - 02.11.2023 20:56

For Christopher Roybal to fight for America's freedom and safety just to die by a fellow American that he helped protect made me cry

BigG LilWayne
BigG LilWayne - 01.11.2023 22:05

Jason Aldean has the same tattoo from the Illuminati card game Las Vegas card, just a tiny coincidence

Jamie Wilson
Jamie Wilson - 01.11.2023 20:39

Bull poop. Research this one yourself....

Yoder023 - 01.11.2023 18:21

Of course his beliefs are linked to Fox News conspiracy/propaganda

I didn't want to believe it..... but OF COURSE it is!!!

Fearmongering: Why else would you buy that many guns unless you're afraid of "the government"..... that you're buying those guns from 🤔

TwoTreesStudio - 30.10.2023 11:18

sounds like all the cops got together and agreed to throw a single piggie on the bbq to save their own skins

jerry bartlett
jerry bartlett - 30.10.2023 10:27

Man i hate country music

Christopher Raff
Christopher Raff - 30.10.2023 07:35

I was almost part of this. I was doing ride share driving and had just picked up a group of people at the TNC pickup outside of the Tropicana and took them to Circus Circus(which is on the far north end of the strip). My plan was to head back down south to get off on Trop(the street) to get another ride, but when I got down to the freeway exit they had already closed it and I was getting tired anyway so I just kept going to get home. A few minutes after passing the exit both my roommate and my ex-wife started blowing up my phone asking if I was ok.

The Nobody
The Nobody - 30.10.2023 00:52

Nice monster advert 🤭

Bree W
Bree W - 29.10.2023 15:54

leaving this comment AS A FAN. love the content. your cadence friend is driving me up a wall!!! its not even! you speed up and slow down randomly!

Coty Bare
Coty Bare - 27.10.2023 14:40

ALWAYS blame the "Far Right." The "far right" does not exist. It is people who have left the conservative party because they were not accepted due to their values not aligning with the party. Also, the shooting at the Gay Club that is billed as a hate crime was perpetrated by a transgender person. Maybe self-hate, but not coming from the general population.

Soledad Haren
Soledad Haren - 27.10.2023 10:22

There have been over 400 mass shootings in America THIS YEAR. In fact, there was one in Maine yesterday. The real tragedy for which I feel nothing but anger and outrage is that after so many mass shootings which have become common place in America since 1965, corrupt, bought politicians continue to do NOTHING to stop them, not serving the interests of their constituents, but, rather, those of the gun manufacturers and the NRA.

ToonArmy - 26.10.2023 17:40

You’re a terrible narrator lol that was so hard to follow maybe if you threw some more fancy words we’d all acknowledge your superiority 🤣

OhCrowFace - 26.10.2023 09:44

why are you putting crosses next to people who died? I fully understand that you're trying to be respectful, but I would be absolutely furious if I was given a christian marker after I got killed in an event like this. much like the wallet cards which said 'do not let margaret thatcher visit me in hospital' back in the day, I would be deeply upset to be assigned christian upon death just because some guy making a video thought everyone was christian. I see that this was done benignly and without intent but do fucking better, it's 2023, vet your scripts and edits.

Craig Brooks
Craig Brooks - 25.10.2023 06:49

Sadly, Simon, in the US, people can own more guns than some small countries. Many of us here think the same as you, why is the allowed? Sadly, ask the NRA and gun fetishists that are all over the country.

Lizard Man
Lizard Man - 22.10.2023 15:23

Absolutely a PsyOp by the US government. Sad to see they are totally ok with doing this just to try getting through laws that support an agenda

charles robbins
charles robbins - 21.10.2023 21:33

Campos did not have a sheriff's card. You cannot work in a casino in any capacity without your sheriff's card. People say that people who have found different facts about this event are disrespected and labeled "conspiracy theorists". Many people, both in the concert venue and outside the venue, some close and some far away, reported seeing many helicopters circling around and firing into the concert crowd. These helicopters are seen in many videos taken that day. They were not the tourist helicopters, they had been grounded. These helicopters had their transponders shut off. The helicopters are seen on the radar screens saved from that day. The breach video shows a room without shells from spent bullets which would have covered the room if over 1000 rounds had been fired in that room.

The fire alarms in that room would have been set off by the smoke from the rounds shot from the room. There were three women, whose last names were silenced during the time their names were said in the video, who have still not been identified. The accused killer had been dead "for a minute" as was said by the officer in the video. That is slang meaning for quite a while. During the breach there was an "accidental" discharge of a weapon whereupon a voice was heard to say "nice shot" or something meaning the same thing. There was a bullet hole in the chest of the accused killer. In the many videos showing the room that the shots were said to have come from, there is not one light seen which would indicate that bullets had been fired from that room. After midnight there is a window blown out from the room which the alleged killer had fired from. Also, in the breach video one of the officers says, quite clearly, there is no broken window in that room. Later, in another video, you can see the rounds which had not been there initially in the breach video.

There were women's clothing in the room when it was breached. This gives anecdotal evidence to support there being three women registered in that room along with the alleged shooter. When one listens to the shots fired which were recorded in the videos, it is clearly not one weapon firing and not one type of weapon firing. I could go on and on but fear that the amount of evidence would lead to people having a knee jerk denial of the evidence available in this case.

The windows in those rooms are a special glass which prevents people from jumping to their deaths. It is hurricane glass, a special type of glass required by the insurance companies to be in those rooms. That little mini sledge hammer could not have broken out the glass which was supposed to be in those rooms. Looking at the broken glass left in the windows shows that it was not safety glass at all, it was generic tempered glass, which is easy to see by the shards left hanging in the windows. There are videos on the web showing firemen, in the prime of their life, trying to break out that type of window with ten pound sledge hammers with no success. The windows merely fractured into very small pieces which were held together by the material which was placed in between the windows.

I hope you might at least check out what I have said here. You owe it to yourselves to investigate this with an open mind.

221 b
221 b - 21.10.2023 03:37

I never considered the survivors much but that is a good point. He likely gave 20000 people PTSD. And the bad kind not like my baby PTSD from having a mean mommy and bullying, the war kind. And the mild vsroety is bad enough already, I don't know how people with severe PTSD can make it through a day. It sucks. Fk this guy.

Yukon Jack
Yukon Jack - 19.10.2023 12:39

stephen paddock

Troy Reazin
Troy Reazin - 18.10.2023 00:37

The problem is not the guns it's the criminals who commit crimes and the politicians thinking they understand how things work, I would love it if you would look into shootings that were stopped by normal people who concealed carry and saved lives
