Codex imperial agents announced for Warhammer 40,000

Codex imperial agents announced for Warhammer 40,000

Tabletop Impulse

2 дня назад

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@hugheja89 - 24.07.2024 13:37

At least with this codex release any future imperial killteams will have a faction that can be added to quite easily

@BB-pn2qv - 24.07.2024 07:23

I thought the same but.. man, just don’t. KT is so much better designed and made. 40K is just a total cluster F usually. They really need to improve so much.

@vxicepickxv - 24.07.2024 04:56

So I need to buy this specific chimera for the heavy bolter? The normal one doesn't come with it. It's just the multilaser or heavy flamer.

@AzkuulaKtaktu - 24.07.2024 01:30

My space marine army lost its core, and my Vets lost all their transports

- 23.07.2024 23:49

To honor Kill Team Cassius I played a game of Deathwatch Overkill with my son today. 🫡

@Panta8472 - 23.07.2024 23:13

i like the coteaz model, tbh its exactly what i had expected it to look like based on what i'd read about inquisitors that happen to use power armor. (thinking of sinderman in war of the beast) someone said that the armor looked esotric and old and i agree. i had never seen the old model before today tho, its a cool model too no doubt about that!

@earnestwanderer2471 - 23.07.2024 21:57

Lucky for my finances, nothing here for me.

@user-fg5cn2re5s - 23.07.2024 19:41

Most important question, when we will hear something about KT :D?

@user-fg5cn2re5s - 23.07.2024 19:41

New coteaz is so bad IMO...

@massivecrit650 - 23.07.2024 08:31

I’m very excited for agents, I have wanted to start DW for a long time and have held off until now. So many hobby opportunities with this codex!

I think the DW will be back with their own codex next edition. GW will concentrate on Primarusing all the main chapters (possibly even GK) this edition and deathwatch will get the same next edition. Doesn’t make sense for DW to have their own codex when the miniatures look so small and out of date, but they do make sense as ally’s until they get updated. Just my opinion.

Great video btw! Why release it as members only? As glandy says news is views

@massivecrit650 - 23.07.2024 08:25

What happened to knightfall! Yes, I’m finally number one!

@slackeratlarge575 - 23.07.2024 03:21

New boarding actions book will get my money, even though it’s mostly updated arks of omen missions. Im a sucker for boarding actions, so fun

@MDRLOz - 23.07.2024 03:01

I think the Deathwatch veteran kit is being re-named as a Deathwatch Kill team. As it states in the article: "Deathwatch Kill Teams joining the RETINUE units" and it links to the veterans on the store.

The Death Watch change is basically telling you not buy this book if you want to play Death Watch. This is not your book, you are now just a generic set of Space marines. That is your codex now. There is some slim chance there might be some special rule in play if you do but I doubt it. So you are the same as playing, say salamanders or ultramarines, and you can ally in some Death Watch units exactly the same as every other Imperial army. Why did they do this? They could have just left DW as an index and played with points. Instead they are sacrificing an Army that has had multiple codex's over several editions to just have some extra anaemic padding for their Inquisitor book... I realise that for this edition all most armies are getting is one new character model and that is it, but it is not really fair to say DW don't sell when they still haven't even had a primaris kit. The death watch upgrade sprue is also still the old from ages ago and even has alternative first born chest bits that are worthless these days. At least do a new upgrade sprue at Primaris scale... Artemis is also not a welcome return. He is a slightly bigger first born model that won't fit in the new army. Really he just a relic from the old big inquisitor game that they re-discovered the 40k molds for. All this is just a kick in the teeth and a spit in the face. Then lastly the video announcing this shows off Grey knights more than Death Watch. They also add the special promise that "don't you worry Grey Knight players. We won't near-squat you. We promise to give you a real codex when we can get around to it".

Oh and this is all just coming out a couple of months before Space marine 2 comes out where you will play (probably just for the intro mission) alongside and as Death Watch, with Titus in Death Watch armour. People will think that is cool and want to play it. They go to the GW store for the clerk there to tell them that DW is not an army anymore. Go buy some Space Marines.

@CrimsonTemplar2 - 23.07.2024 01:13

I can only see these working as an allied force or a bolt on for a larger force. On their own they will not work against all comers.

@CrimsonTemplar2 - 23.07.2024 01:06

I’m really disappointed by the new Coteaz mini. I hope someone like Pete the Wargamer fixes it up.

Of the 3 FOMO boxes, the Hereticus one is the only one I like at all. The Malleus one with its double henchmen seems super fragile and the Xenos one looks very suboptimal unless that Corvus Blackstar gets a big points cut. It feels like they’re clearing out backstock from the warehouse.

I guess it’s a good thing I’ve got extra Reivers, Incursors, & Infiltrators minis on the sprue from when I did up my Phobos kill team. Should let me get at least 5 of them per unit. I’d picked up, but never built the old terminators prior to the launch of 10th to build into my Deathwatch army. I guess I can still use those. I’ll need to get some more intercessors & assault intercessors to bulk up the ones I built & painted for my Intercession kill team so they can be legal squads. In short, it’s not the end of the world, but it’s frustrating.

@ouroborostriumphant - 23.07.2024 00:28

How do you kill a tank?

Have you seen the guns a Corvus Blackstar can pack?

@majortom7186 - 22.07.2024 22:54

Given the amazing stuff we’ve just seen from AMG in their Ministravigansa reveals I don’t think you can say that AMG’s current work is significantly better than what GW are doing right now.
