When Yellowstone County’s Road and Bridge department opted to put tons of RAP to work into a cold central-plant recycling (CCPR) road treatment, county leadership reached out to Western Emulsions for their PASS-R emulsion technology and know-how. The project capitalized on the residual asphalt content of stockpiled millings received from the state DOT, producing and applying a 3.5 – 4” section of fresh pavement mix along 4.8 miles of county roads.
The project demonstrated some key advantages of working with Idaho Asphalt Supply, as it leveraged our AMRL-certified technical lab in Nampa ID for project mix design, as well expert California-based field staff who supplied in-field training on rolling patterns and mix monitoring at the pugmill site. The county is pleased with the results of finished project and planned to protect these roads with a chip seal this summer. To follow up their success, they plan on doing more CCPR in the future.