Undecidability in 2 Hours (A_TM, Rice's Theorem, LBAs, EQ_CFG)

Undecidability in 2 Hours (A_TM, Rice's Theorem, LBAs, EQ_CFG)

Easy Theory

55 лет назад

11,280 Просмотров

(I know there's a video/audio sync issue, I can't find a way to fix it, sorry! This is the recorded version of the livestream, so shouldn't have any dropped frames.)

Here we cover everything to do with undecidability, such as the A_TM and E_TM problems. Also we do Rice's theorem, and show that certain problems for linear bounded automata (LBAs) and context-free grammars are undecidable.

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Gold Supporters: Micah Wood
Silver Supporters: Timmy Gy

[email protected]

I am a professor of Computer Science, and am passionate about CS theory. I have taught many courses at several different universities, including several sections of undergraduate and graduate theory-level classes.


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