Xeno RAGES As He Clears P8S Phase 1 - Hephaistos (& Phase 2 Transition) | Xeno's First Clear FFXIV

Xeno RAGES As He Clears P8S Phase 1 - Hephaistos (& Phase 2 Transition) | Xeno's First Clear FFXIV

Xenosys Vex

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@NoName-zh1jz - 22.07.2023 01:11

I hope this dude eventually realizes that he is the reason jobs are becoming more braindead and homogenized.

@AleXannon92 - 23.06.2023 16:56

Coming back to this, this is what red mages feel like now when they switch to black mage

@theurbanlegend324 - 19.09.2022 04:24

Jesus yeah I feel this now. We had a perfect phase 1 on Week 3, 615 min iLvl, we hit 50% and I hate to say it but it was cause our tanks were PLD/WAR. We barely missed it. This fight is terrible with rng changing my rotations and the fact that despite the nerf we still got screwed over

@phexsten - 17.09.2022 23:44

As someone whos been maining PLD since 2.0 unapologetically all I can say is

"First time?"

@chun1324 - 16.09.2022 10:33

Everyone loves angry clown🤗

@yep8058 - 07.09.2022 12:55

This is SE's balance philosophy:

@renanfarias9230 - 06.09.2022 06:22

i cleared phase 1 as warrior, feels good man

@etherium8017 - 06.09.2022 06:14

whats the anger about? im lost

@pixielst - 05.09.2022 13:41

Now, now. You are just feeling what us paladin mains been feeling for the entire duration of Endwalker (and Heavensward).

@F3nryl - 05.09.2022 01:18

I've cleared p8s today. We had to kick our MCH OTP friend and our WAR needed to swap to GNB cuz the dmg check is just obnoxious. This fight gave me ptsd.

@shadowdragon8168 - 04.09.2022 23:39

I haven't played this tier at all, but from what I'm hearing, sounds like the balance is fucked which makes me kind of glad I'm not playing it. Good job on the Clear Xeno, I hope they address the balance asap.

@dragoncrashhero12 - 04.09.2022 04:15

Imagine how it feels playing a game where you're doing the abolute best and know what you're doing and meet the skill quota to do anything, and then the game telling you can't clear because you picked the "wrong" class.

Fuck that.

@sethharrison2284 - 04.09.2022 01:23

As a PLD main, I concur.

@whatevah666 - 03.09.2022 19:39

So it's comfirmed, warrior sucks ;)

@Jayzgame - 03.09.2022 18:36

This is embarrassing to watch.

@magicalhermitcrab5912 - 03.09.2022 18:29

he seems really upset.

@ronnieblastoff4083 - 03.09.2022 03:25

I dont get it, is gunbreaker not soppose to do more damage? 🤔

@ruka9700 - 03.09.2022 00:08

As a wow player I'm sitting here like "first time bud?"

@amross2112 - 02.09.2022 20:33

Stay mad. Whatever balance issues exist atm impact maybe 1% of the player base. Who fucking cares. SE did really, really well with the crit/dh changes to get WAR anywhere close to where it needed to be. It'll be fine.

@wideBuhh - 02.09.2022 20:32


@SilverSkyway - 02.09.2022 19:07

lol. Could play War (or any job.) Don't follow the %.. noob.

@loreofmetal5604 - 02.09.2022 16:31

did his group get no damage downs in previous attempts with war?

@pyro7401 - 02.09.2022 13:54

What a baby Jesus

@alanwake8298 - 02.09.2022 13:48

Don’t blame the devs they have like only 8 people to play test so yeah, they fucked up a lot. Thing is they should have hired more people to do the play test, just sign NDA and if anything leaks out they are banned forever, I believe thousands of great players would love to do play test for free

@Barcia14 - 02.09.2022 11:34

Honestly balancing has been scuffed for years, I'm not even kidding. I don't know why everyone seems to be that surprised. It's pretty clear at this point that the devs at SE either don't playtest the jobs before adjustments or don't do it properly

@dragopy2410 - 02.09.2022 09:20

I know that this kind of problem is only critical for first weeks raiders, but man..

having to change your job to get pass dmg check, even though you already squeeze the best out of it, is pain.

@haleynaga5671 - 02.09.2022 09:05

didn't xeem says this patch is for WAR on the crit meld lol

@Crankork - 02.09.2022 08:15


@daeronxi2804 - 02.09.2022 06:43

Is Reaper viable for EX4, P5S and P6S or is the DPS too low? When I was raiding back in Jan RPR was the best DPS class and going by the comments, everyone is saying it’s diabolically bad rn. Should I try level up Dragoon instead as my endgame gear can be used on Dragoon

@alexmaganda5827 - 02.09.2022 05:28

so i guess i have to play dark knight now -.-

@AdonayFloresLaMota - 02.09.2022 04:17

Can someone explain why he raged like that? Is something wrong with balance?

@As4ult67 - 02.09.2022 03:27

Just imagine this tight DPS check without this awfull job balance, could been awesome.

@Nagantios - 02.09.2022 03:06

Gordias all over again. But also the class balancing... Whew.

@crownmemory6945 - 02.09.2022 01:46

Imagine you can't play your fav jobs when progging in order to clear

Yoshida should need to play other classes. This is what happened when your game dev was a BLM main

@ANGELSNIPER117 - 02.09.2022 01:37

Anyone know how low he brought the boss down to as WAR before swapping?

@Tezasaurus - 02.09.2022 01:10

Xeno says he did only about 500 more dps on Gunbreaker, two of the dps players got dmg downs on this run... is it really a 'Square can't balance jobs' issue? 500dps doesn't seem like enough to counter less dmg from Warrior and two dps eating dmg down..

@SauceyNoodle - 02.09.2022 00:50

What is that green screen though

@finntayde3457 - 02.09.2022 00:38

Rise up my brothers and sisters that play blm on prog. Smns and Rdms are living, but we? We are THRIVING.

@ljartisticintentions3276 - 02.09.2022 00:15

I had confidence in you. Even when you have a rage-filled state.

@algallontheobserver3780 - 01.09.2022 23:13

Imagine being his neighbor and hearing the screams while having no idea wtf is going on lol.

@asakashigure - 01.09.2022 22:57

No one will take me as a mch:( I'm required to bard or dnc to actually do these fights :( these balancing botch jobs se has been doing it really forming meta and that's far from what they want

@dacienvegas2712 - 01.09.2022 22:53

Also: vouch for me! VOUCH!!

@KyvannShrike - 01.09.2022 22:33

I want tight checks but if we're gonna have tight checks, jobs have to actually be within 1% of each other (maybe even tighter) in theoretical output or a job hierarchy will happen.

SE has proven time and time again they don't have the tools to balance jobs or see what their damage potentials are based on what gear exists, so at this point, where do we even go from here short of SE "getting good"?

@Riku2005 - 01.09.2022 22:24

same overreact... same madge

@mrdarkstar3756 - 01.09.2022 21:55

I feel you Xeems, honestly it's not fun if you can't play your favorite job.

@KyvannShrike - 01.09.2022 21:52

I'll be honest.

Xeno, you were right. Fuck the extra button on Burst Strike.

I like CPM but there is a line being crossed.

Sorry for making fun of you for it every time.

@syllawblood - 01.09.2022 21:45

Vod viewers skip to 7 minutes and 50 seconds in

@orpheustelos23 - 01.09.2022 21:31

so much for all jobs being viable

@XFry333X - 01.09.2022 21:01

I think this is the most mald I've ever seen Xeno. Not including irony lol.
