Volgograd (Stalingrad) - The journey back to the Soviet Union

Volgograd (Stalingrad) - The journey back to the Soviet Union


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@ivantrainsLIVE - 13.01.2024 18:41

About the date Stalingrad battle started:

Differences in specifying the start date of the Battle of Stalingrad may stem from using two different perspectives on the events of that time. In this context, both dates have their justifications:

July 17, 1942: This date is associated with the beginning of the German summer offensive operation known as "Fall Blau." As part of this operation, German forces, including those heading towards Stalingrad, initiated their attacks. This stage of the operation can be considered a preliminary phase of the Battle of Stalingrad, even though the actual battle unfolded later.

August 23, 1942: This date marks the onset of the direct assault on Stalingrad. On this day, German forces reached the suburbs of Stalingrad and commenced their advance on the city itself. This moment is typically regarded as the start of the Battle of Stalingrad as the city became the main point of contention.

Therefore, discrepancies in the specified dates may depend on which stage of the events the source is focusing on. Some might consider the beginning of the battle from the outset of the offensive operation, while others fixate on the start of the conflict as the forces approached the city.

@pietrek8313 - 31.01.2024 01:02

Thanks for the video

@affanafrizalgani9494 - 30.01.2024 17:42

If I had only one ticket to go to Russia, I would pick Volgograd as my destination

@ericbrasseur1581 - 30.01.2024 15:00

good job.... nb; u could even add more B/W originals images from that battle time ! the volga is impressiv and heavy~lovely... The space between the volga and the don is the nicest glance i ve had into that immense russia... (i met one authentic cosaque woman (proud) roaming the steppe with 2 barzoois >daring the wind) that steppe was "bloosoming" of billions flowers . That Russia has got everything a man is expecting.

@speedmetal7476 - 30.01.2024 14:54

Так некрасиво показать Волгоград надо было постараться! Хоть бы кого нибудь из местных попросил показать достопримечательности и красивые места!

@surviainen6979 - 29.01.2024 16:22

Syytän venäläisiä siitä, että he ovat turruttaneet minut raa'alle väkivallalle. Ennen armeijan erikoisoperaatioita en voinut katsella droonien tappavan oikeita ihmisiä. Nyt voit usein nähdä, kuinka ukrainalaiset käyttävät drooneja pääasiassa venäläisten sotilaiden laajamittaiseen tuhoamiseen, ja tämä ei järkytä minua ollenkaan. Päinvastoin, näyttää välttämättömältä estää Venäjää toteuttamasta hirvittäviä suunnitelmiaan.

@Siberian-inuk_2107 - 29.01.2024 13:33

I always wanted to see the city in person, personally to me it doesn't matter if It's not popular for alot of people, Must be awesome to see most of the area in the city, nice video👍🏼

@wantedfish8586 - 29.01.2024 09:59

Grey winter + grey city=depresssive view. Emptimmness also adds ghosty vibes. Summer shows more lifeful picture of the city

@ANONYMOUS-dz9zc - 29.01.2024 07:53

City of the dead.

@johanv4668 - 28.01.2024 13:30

napoleon has his waterloo.
the people that invented VolksWagen have StalingGrad.
it is intresting people still buying kdf VW, it has a great nazi history. and you can still buy or drive a corrupt volkswagen diesel.

@mikeerdmann2604 - 28.01.2024 00:16

Your Videos are pretty cool,but speak slower and the subtitles(trainslataion)as well..Dankeschön 🙋🏼‍♂️👍🏻

@genghiskhan3390 - 27.01.2024 21:49

At Stalingrad Romanians fight too. Elena Rossetti Solescu was Feldmarschal Von Paulus wife, from Romanian aristocracy.❤

@cptoscar - 27.01.2024 20:28

You managed to make Volgograd boring. 👍👏👏

@MarkSoir - 27.01.2024 18:51

Ты предал родину за доллар от ютуба 🤣🤣

@MarkSoir - 27.01.2024 18:48

Отключили монетизацию в россии и русские (нужно учить английски и делать контет на английском 🤣)🤣 просто непотопляемый утёнок

@bigbelly5098 - 27.01.2024 17:52

Is it me or does it look more poignant in the snow?

@Agco2022 - 27.01.2024 16:40

Very good video, I’ve always wanted to visit there and explore the museums and history.

@Jeremy-jp9nn - 27.01.2024 13:10

keep up the good work!

@carstenlevin - 26.01.2024 21:04

The great patriotic war?
WW2 would not have happened if Stalin & Ribbentrop had not agreed to start the war by attacking and sharing Poland and giving the three Baltic countries to Rusland. And the military disaster of 1941-42 costing millions of russian life’s would not have happened without the catastrophic russian/soviet/stalino policies. As a Dane I am happy that Hitler was crushed at Stalingrad, as a human and a historian I am chocked by propagandistic presentations like this. The odeur of colony-imperialism lies beneath every sentence.

@user-fs8wo6jh3i - 26.01.2024 09:21

Can I give the link on Facebook and Twitter?

@Raghav_Modi - 25.01.2024 15:33

Beautiful. The snow makes the sculptures even more impressive.

@patrickseekins1299 - 25.01.2024 07:40

I wish you had shown more of the famous sculpture at the train station of the children in a ring around the alligator/crocodile. I could just barely see it but is very famous in depictions of Stalingrad during the war,.

@user-df9ky7px4z - 25.01.2024 01:34

Смотрю про Волгоград из Твери....

@ivogalabov1973 - 25.01.2024 00:02

Awful city and awful country!

@user-ti4vd4yu2y - 24.01.2024 18:02

The Famous City for Historians..
Han Comrade Our Victory Start from this City

@AccountIncognito - 24.01.2024 16:52

Оба-на... Красноармейский ... Наш район, не, ну надо ж фиг знает откуда прилететь, чтобы поснимать наш район!!! 🤣🤣😂👍👍👍😎😎😎

@user-db6pt7vr3l - 24.01.2024 03:38

You guys still milking that win from 80 years ago. It was close, very close.

@DarthTrader707 - 24.01.2024 03:20

Very nice. One thing that you didn't touch on though, was just how precarious the Soviet situation was...for longer than a month. The Soviets controlled just a sliver of the bank, which gave them just enough of an disembarkment area for troops crossing the Volga. One of the the memorials/monuments, is actually a very large black wall running about two hundred yards along the bank....only about 150 feet (not yards) from the river. This was put there to mark the end of of the bank area controlled by the Red Army. Beyond that wall, you were inside Stalingrad, right in the heat of the battle. It was really remarkable to see that, to get an appreciation for must how little area the Red Army actually held. You did show the relation of the preserved building to the river with that drone shot. That building was actually just beyond the bank held by the Red Army. What you didn't show, was that Pavlov's house was equally as close. It is directly across the road from that preserved building. So, you had fierce fighting in an apartment building literally less than 50 yards from the only sliver of land actually held by the Soviets. Nothing matched Stalingrad. Not Iwo Jima (Sorry, Americans) and certainly not Normandy. Not even the battle of Berlin...because although a larger battle, and just as fierce, there was no uncertainty involved. The outcome of that battle was inevitable. Not so with Stalingrad.

@allisonrich5061 - 24.01.2024 00:30

I really enjoy watching your travels. The Battle and Siege of Stalingrad was truly an epic thing. So many people died on both sides.

@liepalind616 - 23.01.2024 22:05

Ніхто не вірить, що Росія відмовиться від своєї традиції використання військової сили як частини зовнішньої політики країни. Світогляд Росії абсолютно відрізняється від світогляду західних країн. Крім того, Росії подобається думати, що вона сама має дбати про свою безпеку на лінії фронту.

Президент Росії Володимир Путін заявив, наприклад, що розпад Радянського Союзу був найбільшою геополітичною катастрофою минулого століття. Протягом століть Росія намагалася придушити зміцнення України як окремої нації. Інтеграція України в західне співтовариство – це загроза з точки зору Росії, Україна – найбільша геополітична проблема Росії.

Путін має відверту одержимість контролем над Україною.
За словами Путіна, втратити Україну на користь табору Заходу також було б важко, оскільки Україна як член Євросоюзу та НАТО представляла б себе альтернативою авторитарній суспільній системі Росії.

@Yeroen - 23.01.2024 21:50

Great video from start to finish Ivan!

@Jonwick6713 - 23.01.2024 21:02

Never blame the young men who faught the war blame the politicians who started it

@user-lm9je3kh4n - 23.01.2024 20:19

Город знают как Сталинград , а волгоград - пфе, город уныния и деградации.

@Alpha-tp9hy - 23.01.2024 20:03

L'u.r.s.s a perdue 27 millions de personnes durant ce conflit....merci d'en parler ici car peu le savent en occident . La Russie garde des valeurs que nous sommes en train de perdre en occident...Dieu protege nos enfants !

@wlademir6326 - 23.01.2024 16:54

Happy to see Krasnoarmeyski, the city (rayon) where I was born, I live in Germany now and meet a lot of Wolga Germans who repatriated here after USSR collapsed

@esterherschkovich6499 - 23.01.2024 11:24

War😢😢😢All those names...

@esterherschkovich6499 - 23.01.2024 11:13

Спасибо 😊

@josephbingham1255 - 23.01.2024 04:57

A well done video of a special city. A great and deservedly proud people. I found the Don-Volga canal to be most enlightening.
As for the monuments and cemeteries one can tell much about a people by how they treat their fallen.

@caesarisared1320 - 23.01.2024 01:02

Brilliant video

@nathbaker - 23.01.2024 00:30

There’s a metro stop in Paris called Stalingrad

@100xsport7 - 22.01.2024 21:56

Привет из Волгограда! Мы рады видеть всех иностранцев, так как именно Сталинград (Волгоград) во многом связывает народы Европы и Азии, которые были объедены в борьбе с общим злом!

@cassperhc - 22.01.2024 17:44

Nu Pogodi was popular in Europe as well : )

@user-lw5ib7yn7q - 22.01.2024 14:11

Gruß aus Brandenburg 🇩🇪
Greetings from Brandenburg 🇩🇪
Pozdrawiam Brandenburgii
Amities Brandenbourg ❤️

@joepeach997 - 22.01.2024 03:22

My heart goes out for all the countless men who never came home to their families. So many, so very many died. Your videos have never failed to educate and entertain me. I see your world better thru you than any other way I have tried. Thank You. And to all the arguing commenters, Arguing is fine, but to do in in a video where millions have died is reprehensive.

@nitrowilz3014 - 21.01.2024 21:00

Great work Vagabond, your videos are so fascinating. seeing all those names on the walls and cubes really hits home

@sankalp344 - 21.01.2024 20:11

What is the opinion of current Russian generation on the Soviet Era and its leaders?
Plz tell

@lesbarfield305 - 21.01.2024 15:31

Below the wall just below steps up to Mother Russia statue are series of stone bas reliefs. Most victorois Red Army, bit to right is a set of hapless German prisoners including a diabolical looking officer. These become blurred towards boundary near local rough. Next stop Siberia?

@zeroonetime - 21.01.2024 09:49

Every New Now IS now happening at 10nce in T.E.N. dimensions
