Don't FEED THESE Champs! Clutch Void Rares for the Early Game! | Raid Shadow Legends

Don't FEED THESE Champs! Clutch Void Rares for the Early Game! | Raid Shadow Legends


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@Thugzilla90 - 25.11.2023 03:27

Even though she's newer and was added after this video, I can see value in Selinia Nightcloak from Dark Elves. Another void rare with some good value that comes to mind is Panthera from Skinwalkers. And Veteran from Orcs. And final recommendation from me is Marquis from Demonspawn.

@paulthomas1480 - 06.08.2023 07:54

I use Hollow on my Fire Knight team (along with Alure and Coldheart and UDK). He has a four-hitter with small turn meter reduction, albeit a small one. Still, extremely useful!

@OhNoThankz - 31.07.2023 15:04

I pulled a paragon, cold heart, rearguard and pain killer and feed them because I was new to raid and didn’t know better

@michaelosterberg9038 - 28.02.2023 01:10

I was fully expcting Coldheart on the list lol

@jaredtravioli7770 - 27.02.2023 01:09

Use doomscreach in my arena team with a def based nuker.

@damonpugh4402 - 24.02.2023 19:14

Great stuff and very informative. I maxed out Painkeeper even before I knew what an unkillable CB team was. Never regretted it, especially since I pulled Maneater and was able to make my own UK team. What a great champ, and with beautiful aesthetics as well.

@AugustVonpetersborg - 23.02.2023 09:39

Speaking of great rare void dwarves, Kurzad Deepheart deserves to be on this list. Only 8 champs bring full team increase accuracy, and 5 are legendary; he brings it on a 3 turn cooldown unbooked, and packages it with a decent aoe hit+small decdef. That along with a 100% decrease speed, again unbooked, on the A1 if you crit and another 3 turn decently strong AoE that boosts his turn meter 7.5% for every crit means this little man has the kit of an above average epic, and can do some real heavy lifting in Iron Twins specifically if you can keep him alive. And again he does it all unbooked, all his books only boost damage or bring the decdef up to a 100% chance from 75%.

He's honestly worth so much up until you hit endgame, and even then he's unique in what he can do; I'm ten months in, moving fully into late game content, and I was hyped to pull him during the Oella champ chase.

@Ilighitaq - 23.02.2023 08:37

I put my Bellower in Retaliation and Counter Attack accessories and he wiped some Doom Tower rooms for me before he went twice lmao 😂 he did one attack then the rest were counter attacks that killed everything for me 🤣😵‍💫

@TheHexpane - 23.02.2023 08:16

Using Hauruspex at 40 in my FW, Scrub mid-game team, Pythion only 50, Rhazin the only 60. Pushed to level 18, Pythion revives Haurspex, so has a spare revive for Metalshaper, at 40 spamming shields. Jareg holding it together at 50 in leftover gear

@stevethepirate2875 - 23.02.2023 04:58

I've had Haruspex in Regen and Resilience almost since the first of my account. I had him, Kail, High Khatun, and War Maiden as my arena team for almost a year and a half. There were so many times he won the match by himself.
On Clan Boss, he is always the last champion to fall.

One damn tough lizard.

@Roargus - 23.02.2023 00:11

Not a fan of Dagger. What about Geargrinder and Kurzad?

@crmock1 - 22.02.2023 19:06

Hauru from lizard at 50 helped me so much in fw. Had him and no other revive Champ.

@seanforbes1034 - 22.02.2023 18:41

Seducer has been the hardest carry for me on my rare only challenge account. I pair him up with Mycolus and Valerie for massive team synergy. Then Kurzad and Coldheart bring the nukes.

@GoodGuyGlen - 22.02.2023 18:12

I have a lot of problems with this video.

I'd argue Warmaiden is better than Dagger, especially if you consider accessibility (Can be won from campaign battles).
Reliquary Tender is certainly a good pick but maybe consider your argument that she only needs three books is optimistic at best as if you get a choice when the book points go? Very misleading.
Draconis is maybe a good pick, but I'd be hard pressed to find a reason to build him early game unless you have had particularly horrible luck pulling from shards and you've already 6 starred your starting champ, because his only real job is to make it take longer for your to wipe.
Bellower: Nothing to disagree with, but that's been the case since the game was released.
Mycolus' heals are based on the target's max HP, making it pretty weak unless you happen to be running him in a team of high HP champs, which is unlikely in early game. Otherwise his skills are based around him having high HP but his base HP is pretty ordinary. Had he been an actual HP champ, I might take a second glance at him.
Haruspex, like you said, is just a weak Apothecary. Except even though he is a void, all of his abilities are weaker versions of what other champs do better. A jack of all, good at none.
Felhound is okay, but very niche to me. Sure, he can 6 second farm brutal campaign, but if you're F2P, 6 second clears aren't that important, so resources are better spent elsewhere. And if you're not F2P, you've likely got a stronger/more versatile wave clearer. His A3 is basically pointless, and A2 is not much better unless you somehow have a team based around surviving a LONG time and just reflecting damage.
Doomscreech is okay, if you haven't managed to pull another easier to get (*cough* Apoth *cough*) TM booster. Yes the TM Boost is bigger but the 'Increase Speed' Apothecary provides more than makes up for that. Apart from that, Doomscreech is a good supplement for FW.
Seducer I'll actually pay as a good underappreciated Void Rare. Like you said, he would be amazing if it weren't for his A4 restriction, though his A3 is an excellent skill and being a DEF champ helps.
Renegade I think you're putting too much weight on purely because you have declared this as a video for early game. Despite having a 'cosmetic' shield, she is extremely squishy (which is compounded by her A3) and her abilities require her to either be heavily carried by enourmous burst damage champs, or a big team of heals and/or revives. Not early game compatible traits.
Bulwark can be good if you're struggling with pulls, but these days (5 hours ago from your upload) it is really easy to keep up your 10 max debuffs on more versatile champs. When he was first released, he was a good option to fall back on when you had little other choice, not so much these days.
Pain Keeper, sure, she has been incorporated in numerous unkillable teams and the like which she'll likely be a staple of for a long time. However, this is likely only going to be applicable to at least mid game players, requireing other champs like Maneater which you're relying on more luck to get hold of early.
Coldheart has a lot of practical uses like Bellower from early game right up to late game, but that also hasn't changed since the game was released a few years ago (I'll ignore that you didn't read her A2 correctly).
And finally Paragon, calling him a 'clutch early game champ' is extremely misleading. He's, at best, a cheese through some specific content if you're willing to manual your way through it (AI will opt to A1 instead of A2 on auto if the AI decides it could kill something), and can be an annoying target for Arena defense if your attacker has no idea what Paragon's A2 does, which usually only takes one mistake to learn.

This might be a harsh reading of these Void Rares, but at tthe end of the day, you are suggesting these champs as good early game options. They likely will not be, as given they are Void Rares, they are often not much easier to get than standard Epics, which are significantly more likely to provide good long term (early through to late) viability, which should be your biggest priority as an early game player. Building purely for early is just going to make your mid to late game journey just as much of a slog. Had this video inferred that some of these champs could be considered if you had NOTHING ELSE to build, I would be much less critical. Yes, feeding SOME of these rares would be a big mistake, but a lot wouldn't be missed by anyone except for those in extremely poor luck where they only pull a handful of ordinary Void Rares as opposed anything else. I'd call Bellower, Seducer, and Coldheart clutch Void Rare pulls for early game. Followed by Painkeeper, Renegade and Bulwark worth holding onto, the rest are circumstantial at best.

@srh9893 - 22.02.2023 17:43

so if i have a tatura does that completely negate the need for a seducer to ever be built on my account? Just trying to wrap my head around which champs i can safely feed away or which i need to keep... i think i am starting to realize i cannot keep 1 of every one.

@srh9893 - 22.02.2023 17:34

i'm free to play and play on my phone, i recently built out bellower after a year plus of playing.. do not regret it, it makes farming campaign so much faster so it is less of a pain doing campaign runs on the phone.. also does a great job in faction crypts and doom tower so far for me.

@noxic6761 - 22.02.2023 16:28

Stitched beast screas fire knight. Check him out

@thomasleity437 - 22.02.2023 16:01

How many world wide watchers will get the Milwaukee reference XD
Paragon definitely is a GB Packers season ticket holder

@lfc-1892 - 22.02.2023 15:31

I love your picks am almost end game coldheart bellower and painkeepers are big and must for me... the middle easter mix uually used for tea is caled karak tea i know you use it for coffe and it has no blackpepper lol. you can get it online or arabic shops i can send you if you like. Ps you should sell the mugs i would buy one thats how i can suport as f2p and do you have patron. Oh at 4.32 you talking about reliqi and say on her period hm lool

@user-su6lb3de8m - 22.02.2023 15:25

Geargrinder from ogryn tribes is an amazing healer-reviver for a rare .sure there are better epics and legos but even at lvl50 Geargrinder helped me a lot

@RAWatson1989 - 22.02.2023 14:58

I know Ash memes a lot with AshWalker but the champ really is an awesome nuke, brings stun, weaken (weak version but it's on the AOE nuke anyways so double dipping in secret rooms) and turn meter push back after a single target nuke, really fun. I have mine in swift parry and it's always funny seeing all the champs on their team trying to kill him but it procs haha anywho, much love to y'all and to everyone, a good rest of the week

@mikekeeley3432 - 22.02.2023 13:21

Probably not worth of making the list but would give an honourable mention to Ragemonger for very early accounts. Has poison and HP burn so can be used in early clan boss. Not worth a 60 but useful if you dont have anyone else with the skills

@mikekeeley3432 - 22.02.2023 13:10

Any chance you can turn the music volume down a little? You are quietly spoken and the music is overpowering you in places.

@robertgoodson6169 - 22.02.2023 12:52

as with the choices of the CC's in the challenge there are differing thoughts, with focus on different skillsets and areas of the game ( campaign, arena, DT, CB etc). A lot of overlap on the champs I am sure would occur. Early on I did not understand how the skills interacted so fed lots of the champs you mentioned, duh!! Only with the knowledge you have attained over time makes you recognize what a good champ is. A good vid for new players.

@amp7980 - 22.02.2023 12:48

I would add Dilgol. Him in stun set is amazing. Aside from how many hits he puts out, his kit is useful. He helped a lot in early and mid game wave content.. and late game he is still in my faction wars team.

I have a lot of these in my main account. I have a naked level 40 renegade on my spider team. And with her I have a consistent 40 second run on spider 25.

@JGigs - 22.02.2023 12:42

i'll feed whoever i wanna feed... you saw what happened to drex

@rcheezy7501 - 22.02.2023 12:39

Dude I totally agree with bellower and CH nailed it. Paragon is pure cheese depending if that’s what your into.. if not bellower and CH and my top 2 also

@JacquesdenHeijer - 22.02.2023 12:34

Who do pair Paragon with for Nightmare?

@SteveCarlisle77 - 22.02.2023 11:35

Eviscerator should be on list as a arena specialist. She's a beast

@TheSenpai14 - 22.02.2023 11:34

Personally i love kurzad deepheart as well :)

@ondeathsedge7278 - 22.02.2023 11:26


@andrewcadeno2696 - 22.02.2023 11:01

