He Thinks Fearing God & Hell Is Dumb...Until Hearing THIS

He Thinks Fearing God & Hell Is Dumb...Until Hearing THIS

Living Waters

3 года назад

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@fadya3901 - 08.09.2024 14:33

There is no hell it is an invention of the New Testament 😂

@fadya3901 - 08.09.2024 14:32

Doing what’s right is not easy but you don’t do it for the fear of god, you do it to feel good and the hope to get the favor back one day. The Bible is fake and you know it. There is no Jesus no god of the Bible, stupid.

@yedadaddy45 - 04.09.2024 19:16

dumbest argument for god. according to this man if death is a punishment for ones sins , and all of us are going to die one day or the other, means god created only sinners? and if god is so powerful then why it cant stop sin before it happens? just keep on thinking in these lines then you will realize all propaganda for the non existent god is to make money out of poor dumb believers. it is true in every religion.

@dannpd1955 - 03.09.2024 18:20

Amazing Grace demonstrated here. A beautiful thing to se the Holy Spirit at work. Thanks Ray for posting this. It’s a real faith builder for the rest of us.

@zooknutt - 20.08.2024 00:41

The biblical definition of a fool is someone who denies God and refuses to acknowledge the holy spirit
These folks according to the Bible will not be in the book of life.

@DIYDaveT - 18.08.2024 08:38

The best part of this was "how do I do that"? VERY RARE. Usually people say "yes" too quickly, not really contemplating what it means. But this guy didn't just quickly agree like he was being herded into the unknown. He wanted to know what it meant before agreeing. This is sincerity, not just going along to get along. Bravo.

@danapratola - 05.08.2024 02:38

God really does change the heart! It's amazing! Praying for you, Isaac.

@olyabutorina6869 - 04.08.2024 14:15

Doing a right thing, being kind also gives you happiness actually 😅 and it's stronger then happiness from having something ❤️
(I'm not an atheist)

@giorgostzifis8091 - 01.08.2024 11:48

Once Adam and Eve sinned they were thrown out of Eden, so that they would not eat from the tree of life and live forever. Revelation tells us that in the New Jerusalem there will be 2 similar trees of life so that we live for ever. Now can someone answer...??? Since in ''Hell'' there will be no such tree of life, how will the sinners live forever so that they will be tortured? Answer is that there is no eternal torment and no Hell. God is love !!! Sinners will just not live anymore. They will stay in their graves for ever.

@0048Missy - 24.07.2024 03:13

Praying for U🙏😇

@trev1978 - 22.07.2024 05:01

Don’t listen to this judgemental crap Isaac!! The bible was written by humans- not a god! How dare you judge this fellow person on street. Everyone in history of human life makes mistakes. The interviewer is making judgement mistakes in this video! Guess he is going to hell then…

@powster123 - 13.07.2024 00:04

god aint real

@MadelaineOlivo - 09.07.2024 15:34

Luke 13

New International Version

Repent or Perish

13 Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. 2 Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? 3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. 4 Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

6 Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. 7 So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’

8 “‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. 9 If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’”

@MadelaineOlivo - 09.07.2024 15:19

Luke 13:1-5
New Living Translation

A Call to Repentance

13 About this time Jesus was informed that Pilate had murdered some people from Galilee as they were offering sacrifices at the Temple. 2 “Do you think those Galileans were worse sinners than all the other people from Galilee?” Jesus asked. “Is that why they suffered? 3 Not at all! And you will perish, too, unless you repent of your sins and turn to God. 4 And what about the eighteen people who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them? Were they the worst sinners in Jerusalem? 5 No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too.”

@MeganOlsen-uj1uw - 07.07.2024 16:12

When he says “ wages?” …… light went off

@mercedes523 - 07.07.2024 14:01

Did anyone notice how at the end of the prayer he finally bowed his head? We just witnessed a soul being born again. PTL! Oh hallelujah!

@Kimismadenew - 22.06.2024 04:10

Showing up 3 yrs later, 6/21/2024. I would love to know how this young man is doing today. Jesus is faithful to complete what He started!! ✝️💯

@user-iq5mo4mz9v - 08.06.2024 13:51

Some ppl will stop with the Hellfire doctrine however you want salvation that's the way to go .

@rememberabc - 07.06.2024 02:18

@linda7999 - 05.06.2024 21:56

I fear God but my fear is being cut off from His love.

@ronbusby3335 - 03.06.2024 05:49

Dear Lord Jesus, please save this young man, and not only him but EVERYONE who repents of their sins and calls upon Your Wonderful Holy Name in faith, trusting in You and You alone to forgive them of their sins and grant them the gift of ETERNAL life! -Amen! 🙏

@rosemorris8481 - 03.06.2024 03:51

Fear God means look up to Him, and honor Him.

@lanceisrael6141 - 02.06.2024 01:49

Wow, this is one! Wow

@marlenemclane3200 - 01.06.2024 01:04

Can you make them large print to give away to people who can't read small print? I live in an independent living facility and have been giving away my own Bibles. I can't keep doing this, but since everyone here is closer than ever to having to think about where they are going when they die, I can't stop talking to them about their eternity just because I don't have any more Bibles to give them.

@davetrogdon8574 - 30.05.2024 05:11

Ray is awesome know what I mean🙂

@julieniven3671 - 30.05.2024 04:27

Father, bless this young man. May Your goodness and mercy follow him all the days of his life. Keep revealing Yourself to him and give him a soft heart towards You and open his spiritual eyes and ears so he can truly understand and grab hold of Your grace. In Jesus name amen

@jordanranney1802 - 27.05.2024 22:04

That’s awesome! I didn’t know you guys had the four gospels! I have the Evidence Bible and that’s been an amazing tool to help me grow in my faith along with Evangelism! The four gospels looks like great thing to hand out to people who don’t have a Bible!

@cyndig1670 - 24.05.2024 14:10

These are so helpful. I keep evangelizing but hope to get better.

@lukesutton4135 - 15.05.2024 14:28

I think it's so hilarious when Catholic/Yellow Deli/Mormon/other Cultists(who have intentionally broken Deuteronomy 4:2) are asked are you/they Christian and the answer is never simply yes or at least from what I've seen.

@michaeldstern - 15.05.2024 06:06


@JesseDehart-jk6yf - 14.05.2024 02:19

Thank you so much for all you do! As an extension of my appreciation, I would like to share with you an important question: Are you ready for Judgment Day? The Bible says that all will stand before God to give an account of every thought, word, & deed. Will you be innocent or guilty on that day? Let’s look at the Ten Commandments to see if you meet God’s standard. Have you ever lied or stolen? (regardless of value) Ever looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in your heart? (see Matthew 5:28) You may not see these as a "big deal" but God sure does. He is Holy and said, "be Holy, for I am Holy." God sent His Son, Jesus, to live the perfect life we never could. He took God's wrath on the cross, taking the punishment due for His people’s sins against a holy God. Then Jesus rose from the dead. Cry out to God for mercy, repent and put your trust in Jesus (rather than "good works") for salvation.

@penguinrea0088 - 11.04.2024 19:19

Jesus Loves everybody

@Demonoicgamer666 - 10.04.2024 23:35

It’s all well and good not killing because you fear the consequences but if you don’t truly believe murder is wrong then you may as well be a murderer because you don’t value life if the only reason you’re not killing is because some giant narcissist tells you not to. God doesn’t really care about life he only cares about it so long as it’s made in his image.

@krystal6612 - 09.12.2023 11:29

God save this young man❤❤❤

@victoriacat3017 - 17.11.2023 03:56

What an amazing change. This sweet young man really seem interested. I hope his heart truly changed.

@ylekiote99999 - 21.09.2023 06:46

This Ray Comfort guy has to stop judging people. Matthew 7:1 says "do not judge or you will also be judged." That is all Ray Comfort does in these videos. Makes naive people feel awful about themselves, and then he has the gall to tell them they are going to hell if they "don't repent." The bible is nonsense anyway. So full of tyranny, and violence and absolute insanity in so many cases. The real god has nothing but unconditional love for all of us. Not just the people who live in christian nations. I encourage people to study NDE's. People who have been declared clinically dead and then return again. Athiests, doctors, lawyers, Buddhists, christians all have exactly the same experience. The tunnel, the white light, the life review, seeing loved ones who passed on, and above all the feeling of absolute peace and unconditional love. We all go home to the same wonderful place after physical death. Hell is a ridiculous myth that was added to the bible in the 5th century. In fact the catholic church did a hatchet job on the bible for the last few hundred years after it was written. Something god himself forbade. Don't feel guilty about anything people. We are all on a soul journey here on earth and we return many times to enhance our souls. See you ALL on the other side:).\

@J_LOVES_ME - 10.09.2023 10:41

That moment when it.... sinks in. 🙌

@theologist5166 - 01.09.2023 19:16


@ThomasNb1 - 29.08.2023 02:51

Yh but im hindu,how im gonna belive in your religion..😂Belive its in your heart,so if i was born in a hindu family how the f im gonna belive in you religion.

@HiThereHeyThere - 29.07.2023 04:33

He was focused on his own views of morality, and initially flippant because he didnt understand the seriousness of his sins in God's eyes. Christians explaining the Gospel clearly is so helpful to people. I am glad God brought this one to this young man today.

@user-vm5yk2js6w - 12.07.2023 13:47

Your bible is only 3000 years old, humans like us (homo sapiens) exist since 300,000 years. In no artefact, cave painting, scripture or any testimony in the 297,000 years before the bible, your homophobic “one and only” god was ever mentioned. Your version of a homophobic “one and only” god is an invention only 3000 years old.

@lasmapakpahan1910 - 12.07.2023 07:18

Thanks for your love, bless.❤❤❤

@katrinawilson1901 - 18.06.2023 02:14

Well he got on my nerves saying dude so much

@msmd3295 - 14.06.2023 19:05

" The fear of god" is not the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom is knowing and understanding the world in which a person lives so a person can live a civil life. Once again Comfort utilizes fear as a mechanism to play "mind-games" with other people's social conscience. That's where conscience comes from.. what a person is taught about values and expectations of the culture one was raised in. Convincing people christianity is the one "true" belief in the long run gives those doing the indoctrination personal power over others. It's an ego boost and it's gratifying to the indoctrinator because of the sense of power they get from it.

@John3.16.17 - 10.06.2023 23:01


@userL - 05.05.2023 05:07

I think Ray confuses the modern concept of "fear" with the meaning of "fear" in the Bible. In the Bible, "fearing God" means "to be in awe of," not to be "afraid of." Good things should be done because it is the right thing to do; not because you are afraid of Hell. Ray likes to use fear-mongering tactics. He claims to not judge, but he actually does. He is a sad excuse of a Christian. He is a fake. Trying to earn his way into Heaven.

@DaduWheat - 21.04.2023 06:55

And bring in the manipulation through guilt and fear. Its not dumb, its mass manipulation through guilt, fear and shame. Its a very old but still effective reward 🔂punishment 🟰🛐✝️system. There's a psychological list of guilt related disorders that can drive some people crazy, their entire life, and Christianity utilizes almost all on some way. And its relentlessly preached and poorly disguised as your only way to salvation.
The very fabric of Christianity is built upon the notion that we are broken and that we are sinners. We are so “evil”, in fact, that an innocent man had to die for us. My children are so evil that an innocent man had to be tortured and murdered to redeem them. My children are so filthy that they deserve to be tortured for eternity. From an outsider’s perspective it is hard to see how this is not a religion based on shame.

@telepathic759 - 05.04.2023 22:03

He's mind f**king that young man. He found the right one that day. I would have punched him in the nose and asked him to forgive me. 😂

@deniserm1167 - 18.03.2023 16:42

God bless this young man! Humble! Praise God!
