Coronavirus: Is this the second wave? | COVID-19 Special

Coronavirus: Is this the second wave? | COVID-19 Special

DW News

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Christian mardoñez
Christian mardoñez - 23.10.2020 01:45

"Se aprovechan de el porque ahora no hay trabajo"... Salgan de mi taller!!... Salgan!!... Váyanse!!

Senia Koff
Senia Koff - 08.10.2020 10:26

Russian anti covid-19 song "Death walks around my streets"

samurai sorrow
samurai sorrow - 08.08.2020 17:57

2 wave will be mixed in the normal flu season

Bianca Ngwanya
Bianca Ngwanya - 04.08.2020 00:08

My name is Bianca Ngwanya from South Africa. I will love to tell everybody on this blog how my status changed from hiv positive to negative, and i am now a living witness of it. HIV has been on going in my family. I lost both parents to hiv, and i have not been able to get over the pain. As we all know, medically there is no solution to hiv. Few months ago, someone introduced me to a native medical practitioner online called DR.WISE. I showed him all my tests and results. I was already diagnosed with hiv and it was already taking its toll on me. I had spent thousands of rands on other medicines before, but yet i decided to try him out. i was on his dosage for 21 days. Although i didn't believe in it, i was just trying it out of frustration. After the 21 days, i went for new tests. And you won't believe that 5 different laboratory results have confirmed it that i am negative. It was like a dream, i never believe HIV has a cure.  I just want to help others in anyway i can, i have included DR.WISE's Whatsapp number and email at the end of this message. I have joined many forums and i have posted this testimonies and a lot of people have contacted DR.WISE through me and they were also negative after using his medicine. BBC news even published it live that DR.WISE can cure even Hepatitis, Coronary artery, Cancer,  Herpes, HPV, Asthma, Diabetes and many others. Everybody saw it and it is now out in some papers and magazines. 

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Alpha Helix
Alpha Helix - 29.07.2020 20:57

a wave is there not .
Are people media waves ?
crazy view !King Kong has CorV ?

aimcast - 27.07.2020 22:33

Wave 19 thats when it will stop

Caleb Torrez
Caleb Torrez - 27.07.2020 08:31

Balck live smatter!

jacob martinelli
jacob martinelli - 27.07.2020 00:01

plagues then famines. the world is either completely controlled or nature's out to get us again.

AngOng - 26.07.2020 12:49

Share until eternity.

I beg 5minutes of your time to read and find out THE TRUTH about COVID-19:

The poisoning murderer finally found. Is the new crown virus artificially made?

The truth is horrifying. The new crest virus is artificially produced and originated from the North Carolina P3 virus laboratory!

The famous American intelligence expert Greg Roubini, in an interview with the TV Channel of the First News Network of the United States, officially revealed the secrets of this day.
According to Greg: The new coronavirus was genetically engineered as a biological weapon, originated from the BSL-3 laboratory in North Carolina, and was developed by Professor Ralph Barrick.
He also said that the virus was spread from North Carolina to China, Italy and the United States by the "deep government ."
As early as March 15th, Greg tweeted and asked Trump: Why not tell the American people that the virus is made in the United States? Why not state that the new coronavirus itself is a biological weapon?

Coincidentally, Professor Luc Montanier, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of HIV , recently revealed to a French reporter: The new coronavirus is not naturally produced, but was carefully developed by biomolecular scientists.
Montanille also said: Obviously, professionals have added an HIV sequence to this bat-derived virus.

This is undoubtedly the biggest and worst poisoning case ever!

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the rumors about "the new crown virus is a synthetic biological weapon" have been rumbling, and scientists from various countries have also been working hard to trace the virus.
As early as February, Indian scientists discovered the HIV virus insert in the new coronavirus, which proved that the virus was artificially designed and synthesized.
3 In mid-March, the new crown virus scientists extracted from a patient in the state of Washington found that the evolutionary cycle has up to six months or more.
With the deepening of research, many countries in the world have turned their doubtful eyes to the United States. Japan, Italy, Australia and other countries have early confirmed cases originating from the United States.

Subsequently, Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , admitted that many of the dead in the "big flu" outbreak in the United States in September 2019 were caused by infection with the new coronavirus.

In response, spokesman Zhao Lijian of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also questioned the United States on Twitter.

After an arduous effort by a team of journalists in Virginia, the United States finally traced back to patient zero.

The patient No. 0 is indeed an American soldier who participated in the Wuhan Military Games last October. Her name is Maatje Benassi.
The background of this American female officer is very special. She has a great connection with the P4 biochemical laboratory of Fort Detrick in the US military. Her family has been diagnosed by many people. One of them is the first confirmed case in the Netherlands. The Lombardy region of Italy has led to a large outbreak in the region.

At this point, the chain of evidence that the United States is the birthplace of the new coronavirus is complete and interlinked. The five special soldiers received by the special plane after the Wuhan Military Games finally had substantial contact with the closed biochemical laboratory in the United States.
According to the logic of Trump and others, we can rightly call the new coronavirus the North Carolina virus, or the American virus.

When all the evidence points to the United States, the top US officials have publicly admitted that the coronavirus is not a plague but a weapon class. The degree of shamelessness shocked the world, and this further increased the suspicion of drug poisoning in the United States.
The truth of the case is now clear, but Trump and others are still desperately dumping the pot. The new coronavirus has caused tremendous damage and losses to countries all over the world. This pan is too big to be thrown away.
There is another doubt that needs to be explained: What is the origin of Ralph Barrick , responsible for North Carolina virus development, mentioned by Greg in the breaking news ?

Barrick is from the University of North Carolina. He was the chief virologist who transformed the new sars coronavirus by gene editing in 2015, and he is also the leader in the research and development of the virus.

What is even more surprising is that he is also the person in charge of the clinical development of the magic drug "Radexivir". Is this the kind of legend, people who poison will prepare antidote in advance?
In the later clinical practice, Ridesivir was questioned by some experts on its effectiveness and safety, causing it to fall into the altar soon.
With the spread of the virus, the United States has become the epicenter of the epidemic.

In the early days of the epidemic, US President Trump did not take it seriously, but regarded it as a heavier influenza. Until his good friend, New York real estate tycoon Stanley Chela died of a new crown infection, it caused him great attention.

However, it is too late!

......The sky is not born in China, and it is like a long night. Now that the murderers of drug-making and poisoning have been exposed, what are they waiting for? We will wait and see!
(Disclaimer: Some pictures in the text are selected from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author)
Please forward this article for everyone to see!

NO matter how busy you are, please take 1 second to put it in your circle! Contribute forward support! Thank you!

Aria Vu
Aria Vu - 26.07.2020 05:48

I Having lived in China for 12 years, I think I have a voice in this matter, and I speak with absolute impartiality. From January to February/March 2020, The epidemic situation in Wuhan was so severe that China closed down the city. All the nucleic acid tests were conducted in Wuhan, and the Thor Mountain Volcano Hospital was built in such a short time. They didn't give up on anyone, not even 97 or over 100 years old. All survived. Then there was a national epidemic, but people everywhere were trying to control it, everyone was wearing masks, people were not going out, and it made me feel safe. Virus then went to Beijing, the capital, Beijing full nucleic acid detection, this let me shocked, because people are very fit, testing is in place, everyone at home isolation, now China is absolutely FINE AND SAFE.virus we human beings should have taken place in the collective against it, rather than pass the buck to and fro.and today Dalian also tested everyone,we are so so so safe,life is become normal and happy,don't worry.

GASPARE E GRIMALDI - 26.07.2020 00:21


youriinc - 25.07.2020 15:59

Every wave is inside your head.

RosesRBlack95 - 25.07.2020 01:43

This isn’t the second wave
This is only the beginning

Thiên Phúc Nguyễn Đình
Thiên Phúc Nguyễn Đình - 24.07.2020 04:13

There is no second wave. The first wave never ended

Himanshu Sharma
Himanshu Sharma - 22.07.2020 21:57

How can she use the pen lying there, touched by countless people.

KikiNekoXD - 22.07.2020 04:34

Literally EVERY OTHER COUNTRY: wears masks and takes temperatures


Kelvin Janse van Vuuren
Kelvin Janse van Vuuren - 22.07.2020 03:52

We can go to the moon and we can't even find a vaccine for rona 😂

Morpheus - 21.07.2020 10:01

No one is safe, just exposed gaps and failures

Wendy's Twitter
Wendy's Twitter - 21.07.2020 03:46

it’s not a second wave, people just got distracted

guy minthorne
guy minthorne - 20.07.2020 03:59

Not even the first wave has passed....

Tom - 20.07.2020 00:27

In the UK we are being lied too. It’s awful here in Birmingham still lots losing their lives yet no media are reporting on this

steven strube
steven strube - 19.07.2020 20:31

*why can't all humans do something great for all humanity *

YouTube SuxWuhanburis
YouTube SuxWuhanburis - 19.07.2020 16:29

What’s the ban on booze in South Africa has to do with Covid 😂

MC G - 19.07.2020 08:24

No it is not second wave yet for USA. It is the ripple effect. It will move from place to place as long as there are carriers moving around infecting other people.

Francis Mausley
Francis Mausley - 19.07.2020 08:00

My Uncle's advice was often 'Pray & Obey.' "Oh Lord, my God..." "Armed with the power of Thy name nothing can ever hurt me, and with Thy love in my heart all the world's afflictions can in no wise alarm me." ~ Baha'i Prayer

realpqleur - 19.07.2020 03:55

2nd wave? This virus is attracted to and those that waste. It will be here for quite a while.

André Delhaise
André Delhaise - 18.07.2020 20:42

It's not the second wave. Cases only dropped about 30% from the initial peak. Compare to Europe where cases dropped by 90+%.

ZoltanoMoltano - 18.07.2020 20:38

no, it is not wearing masks or checking out Vietnams and South Koreas example

Hanny Verryna
Hanny Verryna - 18.07.2020 16:51

That couple with the space suit is great tho. Cause many people in that area don't wear mask. Hope the couple could inspire others to wear mask at least.

Wauney - 18.07.2020 16:28

We are still in the first wave in America because our government...

Стоян Гочев
Стоян Гочев - 18.07.2020 12:43

Hello, sheeple

Xcyclon Maps
Xcyclon Maps - 18.07.2020 12:01

i miss the day that i can go in McDonald's or Jollibee

Sammie Andersen
Sammie Andersen - 18.07.2020 11:43

Boycott Israel! Until they treat the palistinans right.

Gretchen Rodriguez
Gretchen Rodriguez - 18.07.2020 07:36

Lauric acid in mother's milk.

j b
j b - 18.07.2020 04:28

We don't care about the second wave we HATE Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hasarutoe tensakey
hasarutoe tensakey - 18.07.2020 04:09

There is no second wave this is da first and only wave

Antony Berry
Antony Berry - 18.07.2020 03:13

No enjoying yourself

Antony Berry
Antony Berry - 18.07.2020 03:11

Plug his crappy book

Antony Berry
Antony Berry - 18.07.2020 03:08


Antony Berry
Antony Berry - 18.07.2020 03:07

Oh sod off

Hermina Nieves
Hermina Nieves - 18.07.2020 00:05

New York State is doing the right thing to bring down the virus. Why aren't you following their rules.
1) wear a mask
2) wash your hands
3) Social Distance (stand 6 feet away from each other.)

Daniel Gomez
Daniel Gomez - 17.07.2020 21:58

At first it was ok for small lock down now it’s out proportion Covid is never going away can’t hide forever we all need learn how to work around it that’s all

Manfred Lochner
Manfred Lochner - 17.07.2020 21:45

Once Upon a Time in the West

Don Lee
Don Lee - 17.07.2020 19:18

Americans: Can't get a 2nd wave if you've never ended the first! woohoo...

Abdelhak Bahaddi
Abdelhak Bahaddi - 17.07.2020 18:31

Avant ce qui secoue les marchés et les bourses c'est le pétrole . Maintenant ce qui secoue les marchés se sont les vagues du coronavirus : vous voyez que coronavirus est un événement comme un autre . Et il peut utilisé comme les autres . Et c'est pour ça que la pandemic corona ne disparaîtra jamais car il y'a des intérêts international derrière . Et c'est pourquoi on dit aux gens sensés de ne plus parler de se sujet et d'ignorer toute discussion ou intervention à son propos . Car moins on en parles mieux ce que c'est . Et si quelqu'un continue d'en parler il fait ses comporter envers lui comme on se comporte vis à vis d'un fou .
Ce n' est que de cette façon qu'on peut s'en sortir .
Écoutez souvenez vous des autres influenzas de ce siècle comme la grippe porcine et la grippe des oiseaux parce que il n'y avait pas d'intérêts international derrière on en'a pas parler beaucoup et ces grippes se sont disparues parce que on les a pas retenues au contraire de celle qu'on retienne parce que on ne cesse pas d'en parler elle sera toujours présente .

The Ggzzbb
The Ggzzbb - 17.07.2020 17:20

Perfect, we still have no idea what's going on.

T B - 17.07.2020 16:33

If the virus can spread via placenta, then it can pass through breast milk!!!
